MTL - Secret Service Princess: The Cold Prince’s Black Belly Wife-Chapter 1207 Reincarnation (6)

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"You demon girl, don't smear my master!" The shouting child was born immediately, jumped out and stretched out his fingers to Leng Yetong, said angrily, "You came to my altar several times to threaten my master and call him Don't pierce your true face, otherwise my master will die. Even before you die today, I will also reveal your hypocritical true face. "

When the child said, Leng Yetong didn't say anything to stop, raised her eyebrows slightly and looked at him with a smile, the meaning of that look was, you continue to edit, I'm waiting.

The child was embarrassed by Leng Yetong, but when he thought of his good future, his courage got bigger, his waist was very straight, and he said aloud, "My master has not been very well recently. It hurts! "Then he gave Leng Yetong a hard glance, and he couldn't wait to take it apart.

After a pause, he continued, "This woman seems to be aware that my master is going to tear through her hypocritical face, so these days I have been running towards the altar. Every time I come, I must put pressure on my master, torture my master, and even give me The master poisoned her, and as long as my master was not as good as her, she even had to do something with my master! "

"Every time she goes, my master's body is even worse. If my master was afraid that there would be no way to make the true face of this demon girl known, how would this precedent be set and the questioning ceremony would be advanced to this time!"

"My master, in order to make the real face of this demon girl public, therefore pretended to cooperate with her and agreed to her request in exchange for the advance request of Tian Dadian. My master did not dare to make too much action, so I was afraid of causing this demon girl All these scrutiny caused a loss! My master is dead, but it doesn't matter, but I'm afraid that the demon girl will stay, the country of cholera!

Talking, the child even started crying, saying that the man had tears but not flicking, but his tears, like the water of the Yangtze River, choked his voice, said rightly, "I am asking for my master here Do n’t let go of this demon girl! He not only scourges my master, but it also scourges Tianfeng Jiangshan! Only by giving this girl a torture can he escape this robber. "

After hearing the child's tearful speech, Leng Yetong couldn't help clapping and applauding him. He almost believed that it was true, not to mention all the people who didn't know the truth.

I don't know if the child was born with a big voice or the Chinese teacher played a role in fueling the situation. In short, his voice just reached the ears of everyone present, including those of the people at the foot of the mountain.

"Kill the demon girl! Kill the demon girl!" Some people couldn't bear it anymore, and they rushed towards the altar in the middle of the mountain. Fortunately, it was blocked by the Royal Forest Army, otherwise the scene of the altar might be worse. some.

"Kill the demon girl! Revenge for the master!" The people only knew that the master was the only light in their hearts. That was a sacred existence. Moreover, because of the master, the people of Tianfeng had escaped many disasters in recent years, so I firmly believe in the National Teacher. Now when I hear that the light in my heart is treated in this way, where is the difference between right and wrong?

"Kill this demon girl! Kill! You can't make this demon girl cholera sky and mountains!" The angry roar of the people echoed in the mountains, because of their anger, their eyes were red and their foreheads were blue.

Read The Duke's Passion