MTL - Secret Service Princess: The Cold Prince’s Black Belly Wife-Chapter 1209 Reincarnation (8)

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"Do n’t tell Honourable King Qi that you do n’t have it. Although this is not a well-known thing, everyone who knows knows it. Do n’t say that it ’s because of the close relationship between Hongong and them. The palace is not like His Royal Highness Qi. It can make people talk blindly with their eyes open. "

"You !!!" Wang Qi was so angry that Leng Ye pupil was out of breath, and reached out to point her at her, his chest was undulating, although good education did not make him yell, but it was not much better, Lengheng He said sarcastically, "What dirty water is poured on the king, even if the child said something is not true, but there is always no falsehood in the words of the teacher, and it is obvious that you are just a monster star. ! "

"If the teacher's words are not false, then the king is also a demon star?" For King Qi's hands and feet, Baili Liumo could see clearly, a pair of blue eyes were killing, he squinted his eyes, and said coldly. , "My king can't touch that needle, or is it possible that the king is also a reincarnation!"

As soon as Baili Liumo's voice fell, King Qi's face became even more embarrassed. At this time, he said yes and no, and no. If it is, let alone the Minister of Central and Central China, even the people of the world will not believe it, or he is the one who was arrested as the reincarnation of the demon star; but if not, that is not proof that the needle is actually Do n’t you have that much capacity? In this case, the basis for Leng Yetong's reincarnation just now is not established. Now, King Qi has a dilemma.

"King Nan King must have been infected with this demon star for a long time." The people of Qi Wangdang knew that this was a rare opportunity. Ye Tong, a smart and difficult woman, in addition to Leng Yetong, undoubtedly cut off the left arm and right arm of Bailimomo, and could deeply hurt him. If he can't stand the stimulus and directly oppose the court, it is even more It's the best. So someone from the King of Qi Party made this headline.

"Yeah, yeah, King Jinan is the good material of my heavenly phoenix, how could it be the reincarnation of the demon star! It must be that the demon girl has passed on to King Jinan." Someone said naturally, someone would naturally agree, King Qi An old party official with a gray beard said one by one.

"Yeah, King Jinan is good, but Princess Jinan, 80% is bad, otherwise how can the master's fairy art be targeted at her?" Qi Wangdang's young faction also stood up to reason. Then, one after another, the King of Qi Party came forward to speak. These people were undoubtedly too high to belittle and disparage Leng Yetong. When they said it was good, they helped Baililiomo to wash out the suspects. Forcing Baili Liumo to make an enemy with the whole world. Which man can see his beloved woman so humiliated?

Seeing more and more people standing up and speaking, far more than one-third of the courtiers, the prince's face became abnormally ugly, but he never knew that his second emperor had been drawn in obscurity. So many ministers are used by him.

Listening to what these ministers said, Leng Yetong said nothing to the sky, but only sneered in her heart. These people really treat this teacher as a good man. This man is clearly one of the leaders of the evil forces who want to subvert the entire continent. And what kind of fairy art! ? Apparently, she borrowed the power of the Demon Clan and opposed her. Gently shook his head, ignorance is a sin.