MTL - Secret Service Princess: The Cold Prince’s Black Belly Wife-Chapter 1261 Finale (5)

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Beichen Moxuan and Qing Yan didn't speak when they saw this, and left the room silently. The world of these two people may never get in.

After leaving the room, Beichen Moxuan stared blankly at the distant sky. For a long time, he seemed to ask Qing Yan next to him, and he seemed to ask himself, "Where is he?"

"Where she is waiting for him, he will definitely wake up." Qing Yan also looked up at the distant sky, and gave a positive answer in a firm tone.

Beichen Moxuan looked back at Qing Yan next to him, and looked at the room behind him. Perhaps this time he really should let go. Looking at Qing Yan for a while, she said, "Qing Yan, if they can be happy, let's try to start."

"Okay." Qing Yan thought she had heard it wrong. Looking at the man she had loved for so long, she burst into tears and fell into the arms of Beichen Moxuan, choking, "As long as I can be with you Together, I would like to be a stand-in. "

Beichen Moxuan looked at the woman who was crying in the arms of the rainstorm pear flower, a sour heart appeared in her heart, what a stupid woman! Then laughed at himself, wasn't he a fool? Obviously she didn't have him in her heart, she still refused to let go. Fortunately, a fool with a fool may be happy in the end.

Three years later……………

Another year of spring blossoms. Tianfeng has entered its heyday. Under the rule of the new emperor, the small states of Fanbang did not dare to commit crimes. They respected Tianfeng as the dynasty and paid tribute every year.

In King Jinan ’s palace, Leng Yetong held a towel in her hand and wiped her body for Baili Liumo skillfully. This action was repeated thousands of times in these three years, but every time she Feeling a kind of happiness.

Covering his chest with one hand, she felt the powerful beat coming from below. Her inexplicable peace of mind, a smile on her lips, Momo Momo, three years, when will you wake up?

"Prince, lunch is ready." Lin Feng slammed the door of the room softly and said respectfully.

"I know, put it in the side hall, I will use it immediately." Leng Yetong responded lightly. Put the towel next to the basin, and then walked out of the room holding the basin lightly.

What Leng Yetong didn't notice was that the man on the bed slightly moved his fingers when she turned to leave.

After eating lunch, Leng Yetong went to the garden to water the flowers, feed the fish as usual, and then went back to accompany Baili Momo. But when she returned to the room today, the bed was empty.

Looking at the empty bed, her heart panicked. Staggering and running over, a little face was full of panic.

"Come here! Come here!" She shouted in panic, tears have gathered in her eyes, where are you? You can't see it, why can't you see it! ?

"Hitomi." The husky voice stiffened slightly behind her, her body froze, her tears shed more joy, and she dared not turn back, for fear it was just her illusion.

"Hitomi." Seeing her no response, the man took a few steps forward, took a long arm around her, gently embraced her into her arms, as if she had just woke up three years ago, "Hitomi, I miss you so much. Sorry for keeping you waiting so long and worrying you so long."