MTL - Seeking the Flying Sword Path-v20 Chapter 4 The Change of the Demon Race

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"Wow." A figure emerged from the void, it was Li Shan, a mother with a cane.

"Sister." Qin Yun laughed.

"Countless demon heads are entangled in the Three Realms, and we are already used to it." Lishan mother laughed, "You are now leveling them with your own power, but it really scared the entire Three Realms."

Qin Yun laughed: "Before the demon ancestors achieved the heavenly state, the demon road was inconspicuous. At that time, the three realms were very peaceful! I always felt that the three realms at that time were very good. Sneaky. Such a big fanfare spreads wildly, so that the devil's heads are everywhere, it should not have been. "

"Everyone shouted?" Lishan mother froze and nodded gently. "Yes, when the rise of the demon road, the demon road spread in the Three Realms, indeed caused the forces of the three realms to unite and want to eradicate them. The Dao Demon War swept the Three Realms. ... But then, both sides suffered heavy losses, and found that the magic road could not be destroyed, so they stopped. They have been used to the existence of magic road for so many years. "

"In the future, you can also get used to their absence." Qin Yun said.

Mrs. Li Shan smiled: "It depends on you, Master. In the future, the heavens and the realms will be forced to leave the Three Realms, and that will be the world of power. At that time, Master, if you continue to practice, your strength will break through again, forcing the demon to retreat from the Dark Demon Demon. It's not impossible. "

Dark Demon Abyss is part of the Three Realms and is indestructible.

Ordering the magic road to hide in the dark magic deep, this is the limit!

"I have to spend the robbery of Sanxian first." Qin Yun said.

"You have leveled many big worlds, what are the merits?" Lishan asked, "Can you succeed?"

Qin Yun shook his head slightly: "Although I kill many demons, the really powerful demons can shuttle in the void. After several shuttles, I escaped from the big world and hid in the small world. The more powerful ones can move greatly! I have even flattened them. It ’s weaker! These little demons can kill millions to be worth the power of an ancestor. "

"You kill so many, you can even reach ten eight ancestors." Lishan mother said.

"It's about 10% short of success," Qin Yun said. "If you kill ten and eight ancestors, the merits are almost enough. But where can you find ten more ancestors?"

Mother Li Shan looked at Qin Yun and said secretly: "My master, I don't seem to know anything outside the Three Realms? Master doesn't tell him, there should be Master's truth. Wait, wait a thousand or two thousand years, then Ask Master. "

Heaven, the imperial palace.

Bai Ze demon emperor is drawing leisurely, there is an illusive figure coming down, it is Jiufeng.

"Bai Ze." Jiufenglian said, "What happened?"

"Qin Yun has acted on my demon tribe?" Bai Ze Yao Huang continued to paint.

"Yes, there are sixteen sky monsters in succession, killed by this Qin Yun, five of them are in the late days of the sky monsters." Jiufeng Lian said, "That is the demon king in the late days of the sky monsters, even two sky monsters. The demon fled into the small world, and he sent Tianxian's ultimate protector **** to kill the demon king, without giving me the face of the demon tribe. Last time, Bai Ze you treated him with courtesy. "

For the demons, Qin Yun came one by one, and even if he escaped into the small world, he could send the guardian **** to arrest him.

At first, it was a mass slaughter against Tian Mo, and he could n’t do anything to escape into the small world, because his Majesty Tianxian ’s ultimate protector will have more than ten respects.

Bai Ze Yaohuang continued to draw, leisurely said: "If it wasn't for the last friendship, Qin Yun would have done even harder."

"Just let him do it like this?" Jiufeng anxiously, "You are the demon emperor."

Baize Demon Emperor put down his writing brush, and looked at Jiufeng coldly: "Why, now I'm the Demon Emperor?"

Jiufeng 怔 怔.

"I said earlier, let you converge one by one! Don't want to be evil, you are not practicing the demon, and being evil is not good for your practice. Why are you so reckless?" The heaven of the tribe is destroyed, and the power of the Taoist Buddhists grabbed the power of my demons to serve as mounts and slaves! Why? My demons are too sinful, and they are happy to deal with our demons one by one. If we all have Do they dare to insult me ​​when they have merit? "

"Thanks to the rise of the Demon Tao, the Taoist Buddhists and other parties are much more tolerant of my demon tribe." Bai Ze demon said coldly. "Under this tolerance, some demon clans are even more unscrupulous. Hum, the lessons of the demon heaven's destruction Forgot? Even if there is no Qin Jianxian today, there will be other powers to deal with these sinners in the future. "

"Sin is in your body, you would have been punished," said Bai Ze Yaohuang, "no one can blame this."

"We all understand these principles, but now you have to save them." Jiufeng anxiously said.

He Baize the Emperor chillyly said, "I will call on all the later generations of the demon genius, the sinners, who have great sins, and will be punished into the tower of heart refinement for 100,000 years."

"Refining the heart tower?" Jiufeng stunned.

Refining the heart tower.

The puppets were laid by the Emperor Baize once in order to change the demons, and they had a lot of torture methods. They could also hone their minds. He hopes to use this to change those junior demon juniors. Obviously, the demon clan has bounced back greatly, and the order of the demon emperor Bai Ze is difficult to execute. Because there are too many evil clans.

"Yes, let's start by letting these younger generations suffer for 100,000 years. Qin Yun will certainly not chase and shout and kill again." Bai Ze Yao Huang continued to pick up the pen, "This is the only way to save them Let them choose for themselves, whether to choose to die or to enter the heart-tower for 100,000 years. "

"Qin Yun may only be able to live for more than 3,000 years, and we are fined for 4,000 years," Jiufeng said.

"When Qin Yun is a fool?"

Demon Emperor Shirozawa glanced at him, "He must be punished for 100,000 years, and he will let go if he is punished enough. And I will tell him about it."

"Here, this ... 100,000 years ... then the 39 evil spirits you sent to the Heart Refining Tower that year were so guilty, and said that they have been honed for ten thousand years, but twelve will eventually commit suicide in the Heart Refining Tower. "" Jiufeng couldn't help it.

"This is refining the heart. They don't have that kind of mind, who can blame?" Bai Ze Yao Huangdao.

"There is no other way?" Jiufeng asked.

"What can I do? Do it? I'm not Qin Yun's opponent." Bai Ze Yaohuang waved his hand, "You go quickly, this is the only way."

Wu Jiufeng can only retreat.

Uh ...

Qin Yun continues to deal with those who have great sins in the big world. Previously, he dealt with the demon, but now he is against the human demon tribe, and the big sinner in the human demon tribe Qin Yun will also start.

The big demons who are stubborn and demon, and some would rather die than enter the ‘refining heart tower’. In the end, they really died in the hands of Qin Yun! The power of the monsters has nothing to say about this.

Of course more sin monsters, lower their heads to survive, choose to enter the heart-refining tower, and begin suffering in the heart-refining tower ... At the beginning of the heart-refining tower for thousands of years, the punished monster was killed by 30%! Today it is 100,000 years! According to the estimate of Bai Ze demon Emperor, I am afraid that I must die half. Bai Ze Yao Huang is so happy.

In his opinion.

It's okay to sacrifice half of it, because those who can survive 100,000 years in the heart-refining tower will definitely wash their hearts and have a rock-solid ‘Daoxin’.

"For so many years, I have been unable to do things, but Qin Yun helped me to do it." Bai Ze Yaohuang looked at the towering heart-refining tower, hundreds of thousands of monsters in the heart-refining tower suffered and suffered, He shouted sternly, but Bai Ze Yao Huang smiled, "It is still necessary to rely on external forces to change the demon tribe."

"Demons can also have an indomitable heart, and they will be able to escape from the sky in the future." Bai Ze Yaohuang whispered softly. "At first, my demon tribe was the largest tribe in the Three Realms. In the future, it will not be worse than human race. "

"After all, it's just me, I can't protect the demon for too long." Bai Ze Yao Huang also felt a little tired.

It was a hundred and twenty years after Qin Yun swept across the Three Realms.

Qin Yun drank tea in a tea house and listened to the small song: "I started with the big sinners among the demons, and the Bai Ze demon emperor not only did not stop, but also made me harder ~ ~ also gave me a list Let me deal with more demons. Scared many big demons one after the other took the initiative to invest in the tower of refining the heart to suffer the pain of refining the heart. "

Originally, although Qin Yun started fiercely, his sins were deep enough.

Many demons meet Qin Yun's conditions.

Although the demon genius is stingy by nature, the real sins meet Qin Yun's conditions, and the proportion is still much lower than that of the magic road. Most of them are just like this. They are born to eat weak meat and strong food in the mountains and forests. You can't say that it is wrong for a tiger to eat a sheep! When they become demons, these become natures.

As long as it was not a massacre and mass extinction, and it was only their nature that made them addicted to killing, Qin Yun felt that they could be saved.

也不 It is impossible for him to investigate every big demon carefully. But Baize Demon Emperor knew the big demon of the demon tribe very well. He gave Qin Yun some lists. Some of the crimes on the surface were not too deep, but they were really evil and evil. Qin Yun should really kill at a glance! So he killed some. Let the whole demons mistakenly believe that ... Qin Jianxian also killed? Suddenly scared many big demon into the refining tower.

From the day on, the demon clan gradually changed.

Uh ...

In the chaos outside the Three Realms.

There is a cave house.

Inside the cave, a golden armor figure emitting gold light all over his body looked away from the Three Realms, showing a smile: "This Qin Yun demons demons is almost the same, but he still hasn't achieved 'meritoriousness.' He must want great merit. Now, the best way for him to obtain great merit is outside the Three Realms and in this chaos. "

"He must be very anxious, um, it is time to invite him." Jin Jia figure stepped away from Dongfu to the Three Realms.

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