MTL - Seeking the Flying Sword Path-v22 Chapter 16 Master and apprentice

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That day, Qin Yun came to Huoyun Palace again.

"Qin Yun." The Liren, Fuxi, and Shennong came to greet him, and the Liren asked, "Three days will be the day of your robbery. You come to us today, I don't know what happened."

"But I hope Huoyun Palace shelters your family," said Shen Nong, smiling. "Although you can rest assured, Huoyun Palace was originally sheltering the people. I will also protect your family with my heart."

The human power of Huoyun Palace was united.

It is also normal to shelter powerful families.

Qin Yun arched hand, "I am here today, and I really hope that Huoyun Palace can shelter my Qin family one or two, but this is only one, and the second thing is a treasure."

"Treasure" the three of them wondered.

"Huoyun Palace can have more space," Qin Yun asked.

"Follow me." The Renren led the way, and soon came to a flame space. The space was vast and vast, covering a thousand miles, but it was hidden in Huoyun Palace.

燧 renshi laughed and said, "Qin Yun, what space here can be enough?"

"This is the most spacious place in my Huoyun Palace, no matter how big it is." Shennong also laughed.

"Enough is enough." Qin Yun smiled and waved, as if the huge corpses of the rolling mountains appeared in this flame space. As soon as they appeared, they were shocked.

The huge corpses and the breath they all began to affect the flame space.

The three of them are feeling their oppression.

"Good physical body," Shennongshi stared in wonder. "This physical body is incredible, for fear that only Zulong can compare with it."

"If this breath is mortal, or if the Yuanshen practitioners are around this corpse, they will be affected by the corpse, their blood will change, and they will become a strong ethnic group." He Renshi also said, "Only the Yuanshen body is one. Can only resist the influence. "

Qin Yun nodded.

The flesh is strong to the half-step level, and has a strong influence.

Such as Zulong and Nine Sons, all of them are good, and the descendants of Nine Sons are also Tianlong. The descendants of Tianlong and other races are generally at the level of true dragon. The descendants of True Dragon Realm and other races are generally Dragons. The descendants of ordinary dragons and other races will become dragons and other things.

Why the dragon blood is so strong is because the source is Zulong.

Even after many generations, the influence of bloodline is extremely scary.

As for Zulong itself

Even if he lives in a place for a long time, if he is unable to converge, the breath will change the surrounding races, and transform the surrounding races into dragon races.

Qin Yun's body was on the same level as Zu Long's body.

"This is a strong man in the tide of time and space." Qin Yun said, "I and Houyi also took a lot of effort to kill him, and gave it to Huoyun Palace today."

"Give it to us" Shennongshi couldn't help but said, "This corpse is extremely precious. The most wasteful usage can be refined into a magician who protects the law, and has the perfect strength that rivals the avenue."

Refining and defending gods will generally decline in strength.

For example, if the avenue is a strong man, if the body is made into a puppet, and he does not understand the avenue, he can only rely on the power of the physical body to exert his top power.

The physical body is half-strength, and the physical body is too strong, but it can still be a normal avenue after it has become successful. Weaker than before.

"This is the most wasteful usage. If it is more detailed, his blood alone can be combined with herbs to make the elixir that helps to cultivate the flesh. It is not difficult to make an elixir comparable to the blood crystals of Zulong." "And the corpse's body, even if it loses some blood, can naturally absorb the power of the outside world and recover slowly."

"Immortality is completely a treasure." Shennongshi looked at Qin Yun, "Its value is far above a congenital treasure. You really want to give it to Huoyun Palace."

Qin Renshi and Fu Xishi also looked at Qin Yun.

This gift is too heavy.

"Even in the simplest way, it is not easy to make it into pupa." Qin Yun laughed. "It is best to leave it to the three emperors to handle it."

"Qin Yun, if you succeed in crossing the robbery, you can naturally use it slowly."

"If I succeed in crossing the robbery, these treasures will be even less important to me." Qin Yun laughed. "If I need it, just take it from time to time."

He is getting stronger and stronger.

Houyi will also take Qiling fruit in the future, and his strength will definitely re-enter.

If he succeeds by himself, he will also make an appointment with Houyi to make another time-space tide together. At that time, even if he reaches the level of heaven, he will ask him to temporarily stay at the level of Jinxian. Together they will be far more arrogant than last time. Even if you encounter the level of Bohan Island master again, you can easily crush it.

But that's after

It was Hou Yi who took Qi Ling Guo, after he succeeded Qin Yundu

"I hope that day will come." Qin Yun said silently.

"Three emperors, I'm going to cross the robbery soon, so I won't bother here." Qin Yun laughed.

The three from Fuxi faced each other, but they no longer quit and accepted this gift to send Qin Yun away.

Palace of Huoyun Palace.

Watching Qin Yun leave, the three emperors looked at each other.

"Qin Yun's gift this time is really valuable."

"Even if you ask us to shelter the Qin family, you don't have to send such a treasure." Fu Xi said.

Shennong said, "We have accepted this kind of friendship, and we will slowly return to it later."

Even if Qin Yundu ’s calamity really failed, when Daozu left the Three Realms for revenge and treasure, if they dared to strike the Qin Yun family, they would be the fastest of Zulong, Houyi and Terran. I am afraid that the deterrent is much stronger than the magic.

"And Master."

Qin Yun came to Biyou Palace, and came to the main hall. This was the last thing he wanted to see before crossing the calamity, and the Master had always sheltered him during the practice.

"Come, come in." Master's voice came from the main hall.

Qin Yun walked in and saw the Lingbao Daozu sitting on the cloud bed.

At this moment, his mood was complicated, and he stepped forward and bowed down and said, "The disciples meet with Master."

"Foolish, get up quickly." Lingbao Taozu urged to become powerful, disciples generally do not need to kneel, Qin Yun apparently came to worship the other master before crossing the robbery.

If the robbery fails, this is the last time to give Master a hoe.

Qin Yun got up with red eyes and said lowly, "The disciples will meditate and prepare for the robberies when they go back this time. They cannot come to see Master again, and please forgive him."

"With your strength, you will be successful." Lingbao Taozu said.


Qin Yun nodded, and a flying boat appeared on the palm of his hand. "This flying boat is an occasional treasure that the priest has gained in time and space. The flying speed is extremely fast. Master will also leave the Three Realms in the future. This flying boat may be able to help the teacher. Respect. "

Said, Feizhou flew to Lingbao Daozu.

Lingbao Daozu took the flying boat and looked at it with a slight surprise. "This flying boat is really extraordinary."

Really extraordinary.

This is the method of refining the flying boat created by the master of Bohan Island who reached the state of heaven in the same realm, combining a lot of the mysteries of the practice system of the other world. And this flying boat that he himself rides on is made with all kinds of strange objects at no cost. In terms of strength, the spiritual treasure Taozu who has long been transformed by Yuanshen's mana is more powerful than the owner of Bohan Island, but it is really not as good as the owner of Bohan Island.

In order to resurrect his wife, the owner of Bohan Island is madly absorbing other practice systems, and even catching a large number of practitioners from other worlds, forcing various methods to be cultivated, and also practicing a lot.

"We haven't had such a fast flying boat in the Three Realms." Lingbao Daozu looked at his apprentice and was quite touched. "Tutor, your gift is really helpful to the teacher."

"Just help Master." Qin Yun smiled. "The disciple retired."


Lingbao Daozu said, turning his hands ~ ~ A black disc appeared in the palm of his hand, but the discs were filled with dense flying swords, and thousands of flying swords were suspended.

"This is the Wanjian array made for the teacher." Lingbao Taozu said, "After you go back and arrange in your Lei Xiaoshan, you can defend the large array for your Lei Xiaoshan."

"Thank you, Master." Qin Yun was also touched with all his heart, and not to mention anything else. On the surface of each handle of Wan Feijian, the runes on the handles were mysterious and complicated.


Lingbao Daozu looked at Qin Yun and solemnly said, "If you succeed in the longevity of the robbery, it is my new head teacher in Biyu Palace. If the robbery fails, the teacher will also shelter your family. This is the promise of the teacher Go on "

"Yes." Qin Yun's eyes turned red, saluting respectfully, and then he retreated.

Lingbao Taozu sent his apprentice out of the temple door, and then murmured, "You are my most proud disciple, the most satisfied disciple, but you must succeed in the robberies."

Then he closed his eyes and waited silently, waiting for the arrival of Qin Yundu's calamity.

Read The Duke's Passion