MTL - Seeking the Flying Sword Path-v23 Chapter 11 Hunt

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Lei Xiaoshan in the heavens, Qin Yun looked up at the endless sky, and sensed Master ’s position through causality. Master has gone out of the Three Realms, and in a blink of an eye, it has disappeared in the range Qin Yun can sense.

"Master, they are gone. This time, I am afraid that they will leave the Three Realms forever." Qin Yun's mind was quite complicated.

From then on, they will take a different path.

Master respect them to kill the demon ancestors, explore chaos, and find ways to open up a new world.

Qin Yun will stay in the Three Realms, manage the Three Realms, and also protect the Three Realms.

"Tianzun." In the Yuxu Palace, Yang Yan also opened his third eye and looked beyond the Three Realms.

"Buddha." Maitreya and Guanyin also watched from a distance. Maitreya is now the leader of Buddhism, while the older generation of lanterns and pharmacist Buddha are devoting themselves.

At the moment, the new generation of Taoist Buddhist monks in the Three Realms are excited.

Killing the ancestral black lotus is a big deal.

But Daozu Buddha they left the Three Realms forever, and it has a far-reaching impact. I believe that soon, the old guys who have been dormant in the past will appear one by one. Will they be as strong as Daozu Buddha in that time?

Outside the Three Realms, the chaos is boundless.

Since the seven heavenly states have left the Three Realms, they have forgotten the Three Realms for a while, and naturally the younger generations will worry about the future.


The daughter of the demon ancestor was dressed in white and had long purple hair. She barefooted and stepped across the distant space in every step of the void. In a blink of an eye, the Three Realms had been thrown far away.

"Black lotus, you can't escape." The sound of the son-in-law and the sound of the son-in-law sounded around, and the surrounding time and space were frozen, so that the daughter of the demon ancestor could no longer travel through time and space and could only fly.

She turned to look backwards, and the rear son-in-law appeared.

The son-in-law is tall and calmly looks at the daughter of Mozu: "Did you commit suicide or do you want me to do it?"

"The oldest heavenly realm in the Three Realms." The daughter of Mozu sneered. "Take care of my weakest avatar? It seems that my avatar is bound to die. But Hei Lian never had the habit of suicide. He wanted to kill me? It's up to me. Let me see ... how good your son-in-law is. "

"Heilian, you originally took control of the Dark Demon Abyss and absorbed the filth of the sins of the Three Realms. You should make the Three Realms a clean world. This is a great merit." Entering the Three Realms everywhere, not only did the fighting strife within the Three Realms cease, but it was ten times and a hundred times stronger, and the Realms of the Three Realms were filthy. Because of you, the dead souls are countless. In the entire Three Realms, you have the greatest sin. "

"Haha, why do you want me to absorb sins honestly? Clean the Three Realms for you?" Mozu daughter sneered. "I just want to reverse the black and white of the world, and let this magic Tao heaven cover the entire Three Realms, and I become the real master of the Three Realms."

"The fire of desire is too much, it will only burn you to death." The son-in-law said with a flick of her sleeves, and the colorful light shone in all directions at once, and also covered the daughter of the demon ancestor.


"Black lotus." With the sound everywhere, two figures appeared side by side to catch up with the ancestral male.

The demon ancestor looked back and said, "It's you two bald donkeys, Amitabha, you are amazing. You can break through the epiphany and reach the heavens during the Daemon war. It broke my plan and forced me to leave the Three Realms early . "

"The reason for what you did before is the result of today." Amitabha said. "If you follow the heaven and treat all beings kindly, I won't join forces to deal with you."

"Hum, come on, let me look at your Buddhist means." The ancestral male smirked.


On speed.

The accumulation of son-in-law and son-in-law is extremely deep.

For example, Buddha and Amitabha, although Amitabha has just become a heavenly state, but the fundamental avenue Infinite Light he realized is extremely fast. Although the accumulation is shallow, it is also the second to catch up with the demon ancestor.

It is the strongest ‘destruction body’ of the demon ancestor, and the space-time speed is still above the other two clones.

"So fast, those two avatars have been overtaken?" Demon ancestor was rushing along in the other direction, but there was an air of emptiness behind him, but he was approaching quickly, faster than he crossed time and space.

"I ca n’t get rid of them even if I destroy them. After all, my practice time is too short. Although I have been struggling to understand the methods of time and space, they are still not as good as them." That is the old man with white hair. It is the Taishang Daozu. When Taishang Daozu swipes his sleeves, a huge black and white Taiji picture appears in the surrounding world.

As soon as the black-and-white Taiji picture appeared, it was suppressed by time and space, and the ancestor of the Demon Destroyer could no longer travel through time and space, only flying.


Yuan Shi Tianzun and Lingbao Daozu also followed closely.

"You are very fast in destroying yourself." Lingbao Daozu had four swords floating in the back of the ancestor, smiling, "Fortunately, Laojun has a great accomplishment in space and time to catch up with you."

"The Taoist Sanqing teamed up to deal with my destructive body, but I really look down on me." Demon ancestor looked at the three in front of him.

Sanqing, together to develop Taoism.

Before the heavenly state, the three of them often joined forces, and the tide of time and space was also invincible.

All three of them are powerful and better at cooperating. The three are really terrible together, so they also deal with the most difficult demon ancestor destruction according to plan.

"We dare not underestimate your destructive body." Yuan Shitianzun laughed, "It is not difficult to defeat you, one-on-one I can defeat your destructive body. But to kill you completely, we must all three of us together."

"The three of us are together, so we have full confidence." Lingbao Taozu said, "Heilian, suffer!"

Said that the four horror sword lights cut chaos in an instant, and cut to the destruction body.

"Three together, you don't even want to kill me!" The third eye of Devil's Destroyer opened his eyebrows, the horror of destruction came out, and a black light shot out, colliding with those four sword lights. The blow of "Destroy God Eyes", which represents the great destruction, barely blocked the four swords of Wuxian. But Yuan Shi Tianzun in the distance is holding a cloth.

That cloth puppet is the main body of the legendary 'Pan Gu axe', which broke up after breaking the ground-Pangu Puppet.

Even the remnants of Pangu axe are still the innate treasures of the Three Realms.

"Boom." Yuan Shitianzun held Pan Guzheng just shaking.

The void where the demon ancestor destroyed his body was immediately crushed by terrorist forces, crushing everything, and he wanted to smash the ancestor destroying himself.

If we say that Lingbao Taozu's moves are sharp and incomparable, killing terror.

The Yuanshi Tianzun, however, was upright and crushed.

The demon ancestral body had just cast a ‘Destroy God ’s Eye’ blow to block the four swords of Wuxian. At this moment, he could only wave his four arms, and he was surrounded by the blue light around his body, trying his best to resist the attack from Pangu.

"嘭 ~~~"

The demon ancestor destroyed the void around him, and many wounds appeared on the surface of his body. The blood was dripping, but it was blocked.

"You black lotus is quite a bit advanced." Yuan Shi Tianzun surprised.

"This black lotus's destructive body is really powerful. It even made a good lotus into a **** of destruction. One to one, no one can kill him." Taishang Daozu laughed, "In my opinion, the three of us joined together to directly remove Just drop him. "

"Okay, let's follow the old monarch." Lingbao Taozu and Yuanshi Tianzun also said that they had tried it just now, and they wouldn't be able to kill it without joining forces.

Demon ancestors are careful to destroy themselves.

"Get up."

The huge black-and-white Taiji map shrouded hundreds of millions of miles around, causing the chaos to begin to decompose into yin and yang, and the demon ancestor was completely trapped in the black-and-white Taiji map world.

"Trapped." Demon ancestor was trapped in destruction, anxious and helpless.

"Go." Lingbao Daozu waved his hand, but four exquisite swords flew out, and landed on the four sides of the black and white Taiji map.

"Off." Laojun ordered.

I saw that Yuanshi Tianzun also waved Pan Guzheng and gave a direct blow to the center of Taiji.

The black and white Taiji picture is also strangled by yin and yang.

The power of Wuxian's Four Swords is also gathered in the center.

The demon ancestor was trapped in the middle of the formation, and could only withstand the terrible disaster. His insane desire must be resisted, and a lot of black light covered his whole body.


Strike together.

When everything is calm again, the demon ancestor's destruction has long been turned into dust, only ‘Destruction Eyes’ and some items remain.

Demon ancestor destroy body, die!

"Our first attack, he couldn't resist." Yuan Shi Tianzun said.

"It's rare for us all to fight together ~ ~. After all, he is later in life than we are, and his accumulation is shallow, but he is relying on the power of the **** of destruction." Taishang Taozu said.

"The three ancestors of the demon ancestor, but here we were the first to kill." Lingbao said slightly smiled.


"It's a step slower than Sanqing." The son-in-law looked at the ancestral daughter who was bound by the colorful streamers. The ancestral daughter was struggling.


The son-in-law whispered softly.

An intangible wave came out and directly penetrated into the mind of the daughter of the demon ancestor. For a while, her primordial spirit oscillated, and the resistance to the colorful streamer was much weaker.

"Pap." The colorful streamer suddenly shrank, crushing the daughter of the demon ancestor into powder.

The daughter of Mozu also died.

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