MTL - Senior Brother – One is Too Unscrupulous-Chapter 11 gift from the third prince

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  【Read the full text of the first novel without errors, 69, your best choice! 】

   "Princess! Princess!" A clear and eager voice came from the other side of the lotus pond, interrupting Qin Luoyi's meditation.

  Qin Luoyi raised his eyebrows and followed the prestige.

  Standing across the lake was Xing'er, the eldest girl in her house. Xing'er was wearing a light crimson skirt, with an excited face, and ran towards her while calling for the princess.

   "Hee hee, princess, so you are here, so I can find it easily..." In the blink of an eye, Xing'er ran in front of her, looked at her with a smile and said.

   "What's the matter... What do you want from me?" Qin Luoyi looked at her, a gleam of light flashed in his phoenix eyes, and he smiled slightly.

  Xing'er was already beautiful, with a pair of apricot eyes that were full of water, but at this time she was flushed with excitement from running, and with her slender shoulders and waist, she looked even more charming.

  Xing'er and Liu'er are both big maids in her house, they were carefully selected and arranged by Xie Ruyan in her house six years ago. Be careful in doing things, and deal with people and things well.

   "Princess, the princess is here, please go back to the house!" Xing'er blinked and said mysteriously. The corners of his lips curled up, and there was an unconcealable excited smile on his face.

  Qin Luoyi glanced at her, turned around with a smile, and said casually: "The princess is here...Xing'er, seeing you are so excited, does it mean that my mother has found Mr. Ruyi for you and is going to let you out?"

"Princess..." Xing'er was teased by her, her pretty face collapsed in an instant, and she stomped her feet and said resolutely: "Xing'er will not marry, and Xing'er will always serve the princess in the future. The princess came over, but because of the third prince ..."

   "Third Prince..." Qin Luoyi hooked his lips, and there was a glazed light in his phoenix eyes: "What's wrong with the Third Prince?"

  She had no impression of the third prince, Chu Yixiu, but when she heard the name of the third prince, she couldn't help but think of the man in purple who detoxified her that day.

  The man in purple said that she has a fiancé... Hehe, that's interesting, she didn't know that her fiancé was the third prince, he must have known it!

   Unexpectedly, in the end, he actually cured her of the poison... In the past ten days, every time she thinks about this, she feels very surprised!

"The third prince was out of Beijing a few days ago, so I don't know about your injury, princess... As soon as he came back today, he hurried to the palace and gave him the best purple jade ointment. The snow jade ointment is very good. , after wiping, the wound will not leave any scars..." Xing'er explained. Looking at the absent-minded look on the Princess's face, she felt sad. She didn't expect the Princess to even forget the Third Prince.

  Before the princess was injured, she loved the third prince very much. The third prince was not only talented in writing, handsome and unrestrained, but also very talented in cultivation. At a young age, he has already cultivated to the level of a martial artist!

  Of course, in the Chu Kingdom, not only the princess, but all women of the right age are very eager to be favored by the third prince. If they can marry into the third prince's mansion, they are happy to be concubines or servants even if they cannot be concubines.

  This time, the emperor not only appointed the general as the prince, but also made the general an extremely worthy minister, and unexpectedly gave him a marriage... When the princess found out, she was overjoyed, and did not sleep a wink for three days...

  Thinking of this, Myolie's eyes became even more gloomy.

  Now, there are rumors in the palace that the Princess accidentally fell into the water and was seen by others, especially the third prince, who saw her embarrassed side and felt ashamed, so he couldn't think about it for a while, and committed suicide...

   "The third prince brought me something specially?" Qin Luoyi's lips curled into a mocking smile, and he raised his hand to gently caress her veiled face with tiny red rashes.

  She was really curious, whether this talented third prince came with a gift because he really cared about her as his fiancée, or for some other reason...

   "Yes..." Xing'er watched her caressing her face, her heart tightened, and she nodded hastily.

   While talking, the two walked towards Yingxue Garden.

   "Third sister!"

   Before he reached Yingxue Garden, he ran into Qin Luohan, who was fluttering in white clothes. When he saw them coming, he bent his eyes and greeted her with a smile.

  A cold light flashed in Qin Luoyi's eyes, and then he passed away quickly, with an extremely cordial smile: "Where is Second Sister going?"

   "I was going to Yingxue Garden to look for you, but I didn't expect to meet you here!" When she approached, Qin Luohan came up to hold her hand affectionately.

  Qin Luoyi got out of the way without a trace, raised his foot and continued walking towards Yingxue Garden.

The smile on Qin Luohan's face stagnated, and then he smiled again, and followed her: "I have caught a cold these two days, and my sister was injured again, so I didn't come here because I was afraid that I would get angry with her. ...I feel better today, I just want to see my sister, talk to my sister... Is my sister well?"

  Qin Luoyi glanced at her and said with a smile: "It's okay, it's already healed, and it's not a serious injury."

"It's really healed already? If my sister still feels uncomfortable, you must say..." Qin Luohan smiled like a flower on his face when he heard this, but there was a gloomy and cold look in his eyes. Nothing looked at her arm.

  That position is exactly the position of Dian Shou Gongsha, a woman from the mainland of Shenglong.

  Seeing Qin Luoyi, the smile on the corner of his lips became even more mocking, but it was covered by the white gauze, so Qin Luohan didn't see it. Following her gaze, he glanced at his arm, then looked at her suspiciously and said, "I accidentally bumped my head, is there any discomfort?"

   "Hehe, as long as it's okay, I'm not worried about the third sister?" Qin Luohan felt chills from her gaze, and hurriedly laughed.

  The third prince sent not only purple jade paste, but also a green crescent-shaped jade pendant. The jade pendant is exquisitely crafted and the quality of the jade is flawless.

  Qin Luohan looked at it, gritted his teeth secretly, and the jealousy in his eyes fell into Qin Luoyi's eyes... Qin Luoyi was thoughtful.

  However, she is not very interested in the jade pendant, what she is interested in is the purple jade ointment. The purple jade ointment was actually exactly the same as the ointment that the purple-clothed man gave him ten days ago!

  In the evening, Qinxiang Garden

   "You see clearly, is that **** really okay?"

   "Mom, I really have seen it clearly! Not only is she fine, but she looks better than before!"

   "How could this happen? I heard that the thing is extremely powerful. If you don't detoxify for an hour, you will definitely die!"

   "But it's been more than ten days now! An hour has passed, and the effect of the medicine is really that good... Where is the life of that bitch?"

   "Where is it? It's been ten days. What's wrong? Could it be that the medicine is fake?"

  In the pitch-black room, the two extremely low voices disappeared, and then there was an inaudible pacing sound.

   "Mother... Do you think that the poison on her body has been cured?"

   "If the medicine is not fake, then it is very possible!"

   "Then what should we do now? The wedding is approaching, is it possible that we can only watch her marry the third prince? Mother, I don't want...that ugly monster, why should she marry the third prince..."

"Han'er, don't worry, there's still half a year left. Now, the top priority is to figure out whether it's the medicine that's gone, or that **** has lost her virginity! Hehe, it would be great if she really lost her virginity. ..."


  The two people in the room were plotting in low voices, but there was a black figure standing quietly by the wall outside the room, its slender body miraculously blending with the night.

  Below her feet, there was a dark, but extremely well-hidden pet animal, staring at a pair of copper bell-like eyes, looking viciously into the dark room.

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