MTL - Senior Brother – One is Too Unscrupulous-Chapter 3 strange big black

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  【Read the full text of the first novel without errors, 69, your best choice! 】

  Xiang Bo's "Evil Immortals Awed the World", first published on this site, reprinting is strictly prohibited

  Lan Yueqiao got out from the arms of the man in purple who fell to the ground, and while rubbing her throbbing fingers from too much force, she looked towards the man in purple.

  I don't know what the relationship between the man in purple and the owner of the body is. Just now, in order not to be noticed by him, I didn't dare to look at him boldly.

   What appeared in front of her was an extremely young face. She looks no more than twenty years old at most, with a straight nose bridge, a high nose tip, thin and perfect red lips under the nose tip, a beautiful and smooth jaw line, a handsome face with evil spirits, and evil spirits with romantic, romantic With a touch of arrogance...

  Looking at the handsome face in front of her that seemed to be carved out of jade, Lan Yueqiao, who was used to seeing handsome men and beautiful women in modern times, couldn't help being moved. She raised her eyebrows and smiled, and couldn't help reaching out to pat that handsome face.

"My girl took an aphrodisiac today, and this place is so remote that there are not even ghosts. I might use you as a primer for the antidote... But, you are so handsome, and this girl is not at a disadvantage!" His skin was smooth and fair. , It's really hard to put it down, Lan Yueqiao lingered on his face for a long time before reluctantly letting go.

   But his body became even hotter.

  Because of the intimate touch between the palm and his face, it caused a commotion in her body. And the cold touch on his body is very different from hers... If she doesn't restrain herself a little, maybe she can't help but take off his clothes and **** him here!

Standing up and squinting her eyes, she looked around. In the huge forest, there were no other houses except the house she walked out of just now. Behind the house was a large dark red wall that was built tall and strong. Because the wall was too high, she could not see What is outside, not even a human voice can be heard.

Rubbing his chin thoughtfully, his phoenix eyes shone brightly: "The wall is too high. With my body, I can barely climb up it by myself, but..." Looking at the man in purple lying on the ground, he shook his head: "With him, there must be no way to go out... Could it be solved on the spot?"

  In modern times, although she has a fiancé who is about to get married, she has never crossed the last line of defense... Could it be that for the first time in her life, she really has to do it in broad daylight and under the open sky?

  Those two women who left don't know when they will come back... What if she is halfway through and someone comes at a critical juncture, isn't it true that she was caught by someone? She has just traveled to this other world, and she doesn't understand anything clearly, so it's better to keep a low profile!

   And this man...

Not only is he handsome, but the purple shirt on his body looks extraordinary, with a tight waist design and a silver thread border, which is extravagant without being extravagant... The jade belt around his waist is warm and moist, and exquisite in workmanship. Still carved with misty white clouds...

This man, at first glance, is either rich or expensive, if he is really done here, what if he wakes up and becomes angry... When he was hesitating, a black shadow suddenly came from a distance with a whistling sound, He rushed towards her.

  Lan Yueqiao was startled, and a fierce and evil spirit flashed in her phoenix eyes. She raised her hand and took off the purple jade hairpin on her head, held it tightly in her hand, and bent her body slightly, ready to attack.

But the black shadow stopped a step away from her. It was a big cat-like and tiger-like animal. It pawed the ground vigorously in front of her and whimpered. In its pitch-black eyes the size of copper bells, there was a gleam. full of worries...

  Damn it!

  Lan Yueqiao couldn't help but rubbed her eyes, trying to make them brighter...Damn it, she actually saw worry in that animal's eyes, what a strange thing!

  And she had an intuition that this strange animal twice her size would not hurt her... After a moment of confrontation between a person and a monster, she squatted down, stretched out her hand and slowly tentatively touched it.

  The other hand is still holding the purple jade hairpin, just in case.

The black hair in her hand was very soft and smooth, with an excellent texture. Not only did her touch not make the monster angry, but a strange light of joy shone in her eyes, she raised her foot and took another step towards her tentatively, and fell on her body. Before, let her caress, unusually docile...

Lanyue Qiao was overjoyed, looking at its large size, suddenly a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, pointed to the unconscious man in purple clothes on the ground, and said to him intimately: "We can't let him fall here... Dahei, we Find a way to get him away, okay? Get it to a hidden place where no one will find out!"

   After she finished speaking, she looked at him with her shining phoenix eyes without blinking. Dahei was a name that suddenly appeared in her mind... She tentatively called it out, thinking that it might be the name of this strange creature.


  The big pet who was lying down in front of her suddenly turned over and stood up, his copper bell-like eyes were shining with crystal light, and he nodded vigorously at her.

  Lan Yueqiao was so startled that her eyeballs almost fell off!

   Is it really called Dahei?

  Also...could it understand itself? He still nods! It's really weird... She just wanted to use its power just now... She thought it would take a long time to communicate, but she didn't expect Dahei to understand her meaning so quickly!

  Dahei lay down in front of the man in purple, and shook his head at her, as if urging her.

Lan Yueqiao couldn't restrain the excitement in her heart, and didn't bother to think about what was going on. She took a step forward, took the man in purple clothes by the hand, pulled and pushed him onto Xiao Hei's back and lay down. .

  Under Dahei's signal, she also sat on it. When she sat firmly, Dahei suddenly jumped towards the wall with a whoosh.

  The wall was nearly three meters high, and Dahei easily turned over with two people on his back. Outside the wall was a quiet alley, and Dahei led them out very familiarly.

After exiting the alley, he ran along the long river embankment. Fortunately, Dahei was very alert, and ran in very quiet places along the way, but he didn't meet anyone...Crossing a very beautiful peach blossom forest, crawling through Only then did the two mountains stop, and yelled twice at her excited "Aww".

Lan Yueqiao looked up, and in front of them, there was a very secret cave...He lowered his head and patted Dahei's head appreciatively: "Dahei, well done! However, although this place is secret enough, it is also too dirty A little bit, not good..."

   Shaking her head lightly, she didn't want to be in this unknown cave for the first time. There may be many strange creatures with two legs, four legs, and no legs living in it!

   Take another look.

   shook his head again.

  This place is only suitable for scooping and dumping corpses!

   But the one in front of her is not a corpse, but a living and beautiful man!

  Da Hei lowered his head, his copper bell-like eyes flickered, as if he was thinking about something... With a snap, Lan Qiaoyue patted her head and looked away from Da Hei!

   Looking at it again, she must be going crazy! A strange creature... Uh, she felt like she was thinking when she lowered her head! Damn, with a different body, she doesn't feel normal anymore!

  ------Off topic------

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