MTL - Senior Brother – One is Too Unscrupulous-~ extra four

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   A strange color flashed in Mo Xiao's eyes.

  He was jumping with joy in his heart, but he didn't want others to see anything strange, so he could only suppress the excitement in his heart as much as possible. When Qin Luoyi has a child, he will be able to stay with her justifiably... This is extremely difficult for others, but it couldn't be easier for him.

  Pursing his thin lips and brows tightly, Mo Xiao deliberately darkened his face, as if he was very unhappy, and was about to speak, Xuanyuan Qing slightly hooked his lips, and gave him a half-smile look.

  Mo Xiao's heart skipped a beat, and a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind.

   "One word from a gentleman, four horses are hard to chase!" He said before Xuanyuanqing opened his mouth, thinking secretly, did Xuanyuanqing know something?

  Seeing how readily he agreed, Feng Feili also felt something was wrong.

Regardless of whether it is before or after the ascension, the higher the cultivation level and the greater the supernatural power, the more difficult it will be to pass on the pregnancy to offspring. Let nature take its course, if it weren't for this, the strength of the people in the upper realm would still have a long lifespan, and the entire upper realm would have been overcrowded long ago.

Invoke the way of heaven, practice against the sky, fight for fate with the sky, gain some, always lose some, the same is true in the upper realm, and the same is true in the lower realm, only mortals who have no practice at all can reproduce very easily, regardless of their lives. So short, like a flash in the pan.

  He narrowed his eyes slightly, and Qin Tian and the others all looked at Mo Xiao suspiciously, Mo Xiao pursed his thin lips tightly, not caring that this was his own territory, turned around and left. [

  Xuanyuan Qing stopped him.

  The expression on his face was still calm and clear, those dark eyes were mysterious, as if they understood clearly, Mo Xiao's heart beat faster, he already understood that Xuanyuan Qing must know something.

  The entire space around the Temple of Nine Heavens was sealed by Xuanyuan Qing.

  The power in Mo Xiao's body surged rapidly, wanting to quietly tear Xuanyuan Qing's restriction on space. She wished she could run to Qin Luoyi's side immediately, and pull Qin Luoyi to create the established facts first.

  With a child, he couldn't tolerate these men going back on their word!

   "One word from a gentleman is hard to follow." Xuanyuanqing approached him, patted his shoulder lightly with his hand, and inadvertently slapped away the powerful force gathered in his body.

   Mo Xiao's face turned green, and the corners of his eyes twitched fiercely.

Xuanyuan Qing didn't seem to notice it, and he smiled and comforted him, "Don't blame us for the harsh conditions. They don't object to you staying. They just want you to explain what happened last time. You and It's only a matter of time before Yi'er gets together, don't worry, we are all witnesses to what happened today, as long as Yi'er is pregnant with any of our children, you can stay by Yi'er's side."

  When he said this, he moved his hand away from Mo Xiao, and pointed at Feng Feili, Qin Tian, ​​Duanmu Changqing, Jian Yuyan, Chu Yifeng and even himself, just excluding Mo Xiao.

  The demon owl has already raised his vigilance, seeing him doing this, what is there not to understand? The handsome face that was originally green has completely darkened at this time, and he cursed secretly.

He took two deep breaths, staring at Xuanyuan Qing's face, which was obviously handsome and extraordinary, but made him really want to punch his perfect smile off his face, the words he said seemed to be squeezed out from between his teeth: "In the torrent of time and space, I might have lost all my protective clothing and injured her... At the last moment, I have the ability to protect her soul from being immortal!"

  Xuanyuan Qing's soul flew away, and finally he succeeded in ascending to the upper realm, and became the supreme Xuanyuan King in the fairy world. This kind of ability is not limited to Xuanyuanqing!

  He Demon Owl can do it too!

   It was precisely because he had such confidence that he finally softened his heart, agreed to Qin Luoyi's request, and sent Feng Feili away first, leaving himself and Qin Luoyi behind.

"I know you can do it." Xuanyuanqing was not surprised, and his tone became more gentle and gentle. He patted his shoulder lightly again, and said with a light smile: "If you keep her, I believe she will not The soul is gone, although it may take a long time for her to return to us, and she may forget us...but that is not a problem, so don't worry, we will not stop you from liking Yi'er, nor will we stop Yi'er from marrying You, as long as Yi'er becomes pregnant and gives birth to any of us's children, you can stay by her side forever." [

   Xuanyuan Qing promised again.

  Mo Xiao was angry.

   There seemed to be a raging fire burning in Xuanyuanqing's eyes staring at him, the smile on Xuanyuanqing's face remained unchanged, and he looked at him very calmly.

  Feng Feili, Qin Tian, ​​and Jian Yuyan, Duanmu Changqing's expressions softened a lot, and it was only today that he realized that Mo Xiao had a backhand.

   They immediately liked Mo Xiao a lot.

Mo Xiao's words may not be credible, but Xuanyuan Qing's words are certainly believable. Since he said Mo Xiao has that strength, Mo Xiao must really have the strength to protect Luoyi's soul, but the words have already been spoken, they don't They were going to change their original intentions, from ascension to Mo Xiao hiding Qin Luoyi... A series of things that happened after that, Mo Xiao's calculations against them and Qin Luoyi made them feel that Mo Xiao needed to be taught a lesson.

  Since they all like the same woman, some things must be done according to the rules. If everyone will do things willfully in the future, then it’s okay.

  After Xuanyuanqing and his party left, Mo Xiao stomped his feet and headed towards the demon world, but in the end he didn't meet Qin Luoyi as he wished, and he couldn't even enter the demon world.

  Back to Yao Xue City, Feng Feili and the others were somewhat puzzled.

"In the hand of Mo Xiao, I'm afraid there is a pill that can help you conceive." Xuanyuan Qing didn't hide it, but directly explained their doubts. When he said this, a gleam flashed in his eyes. The child in the clothes, just thinking about it, made him couldn't help but be moved.

   "What? Did I hear correctly!"

   "He has a elixir to help pregnancy? How is it possible!"


   Several exclamations sounded, and they all looked at Xuanyuan Qing in shock, with excitement and disbelief hard to hide on their faces.

   "Impossible, what kind of elixir in the upper realm can help you conceive? If you have this elixir, you would have been robbed of it not long ago? Are you sure he really has it? Could it be a mistake."

  They don't want to believe it, but they can't help but want to believe it. If Mo Xiao really has such a pill...

  Xuanyuanqing looked at their shock and excitement, pondered for a while, and told them what Qin Luoyi had said back then: "If he hadn't been absolutely sure, he wouldn't have said such a thing."

   As for what kind of elixir Mo Xiao was holding, Xuanyuan Qing had some guesses in his mind, but because he hadn't actually seen it, he didn't say his guess.

"If it wasn't for you... we would have fallen for him!" Chu Yifeng looked at Yuanqing, couldn't help but hum, and then looked in the direction of the Demon Realm, his eyes were sharper: "Damn Demon Xiao, follow him!" As cunning as a fox!"

  What else do they not understand at this point? If it weren't for Xuanyuanqing, I'm afraid Mo Xiao would take advantage of their unpreparedness and make Qin Luoyi pregnant when he turned around!

   "I don't know what elixir it can make him so confident!" Jian Yuyan narrowed his eyes slightly, and murmured, his always warm eyes couldn't hide the heat at this moment.

  Xuanyuan Qing didn't make a sound.

   "If he really has the elixir, Luo Yi should be able to conceive soon." Feng Feili said, his eyes quickly glanced at the faces of several people: "I just don't know whose child she will conceive."

Normal pregnancy, based on their cultivation, may be difficult to achieve in thousands of years, or even hundreds of thousands of years. With Xuanyuan Qing, if Mo Xiao wants to stay by Qin Luoyi's side, there is a 90% possibility that Mo Xiao will not be pregnant. Xiao will contribute this pill, leaving a 10% possibility. It cannot be ruled out that Mo Xiao will be reluctant to part with the pill, and try to take advantage of their unpreparedness to let Luoyi conceive his child, and when the time comes, raw rice will be cooked...

"You said, if there is such a pill, how many pills will there be on Mo Xiao?" Chu Yifeng narrowed his phoenix eyes slightly, stroked his chin, and murmured, his eyes could not help but drift to Xuanyuanqing's. On his body, there was a fiery brilliance surging in his pitch-black eyes.

   "One is hard to come by." Xuanyuan Qing said.

   "There's only one." Chu Yifeng was a little disappointed. If there was only one pill, there were six of them.

   The surrounding area suddenly fell into silence.

  Everyone's eyes seemed to fall on Xuanyuan Qing. Xuanyuan Qing stood with his hands behind his back, the golden sunlight fell on his body, and his whole body was shrouded in a soft halo, making him look even more handsome and tall.

   How could he not understand the worries in everyone's hearts?

  Except for Qin Luoyi, he has the highest cultivation now.

  When King Guyue entered the magic palace again the next day, he found that the whole magic palace was once again shrouded in a frightening low pressure.

   King Gu Yue was stunned.

   It's only one night, why did the sky change again?

   Suspicious eyes fell on Chasing Feng Zhuying.

   Chasing the wind and chasing the shadow also looked at a loss.

Xuanyuanqing and his party came yesterday, although they fought fiercely, they didn't leak any strength, even Chasing the Wind Chasing Shadow who was the closest to Mo Xiao, didn't notice the slightest difference, only the broken tiles around the Nine Heavens Palace Huan, let them secretly guess that there might have been an excited fight here.

  Of course, it is not ruled out that the Devil Emperor was in a bad mood and smashed it himself. From yesterday to today, the Devil Emperor stayed up all night, with a gloomy face and a cold look on his face, not to mention insinuations, and he didn't dare to say a word about Chasing Wind and Chasing Shadow, for fear that he would accidentally step on a landmine and touch the ground. Moldy head, I don't know how he died.

  They didn't imagine that Qingfeng, like Mingyue, was directly kicked into the lower realm by the demon owl, and they didn't know when he would be able to return to the demon realm.

   King Gu Yue came quietly and left quietly.

  Based on the oppressive atmosphere in the entire magic palace at this time, he felt that what he wanted to say was actually not that urgent, and he could speak slowly.

   It's best to wait to find out why Mo Xiao is in a bad mood before talking.

"I finally got this Chaos Ziyou Pill, but I didn't expect it to be mine in the end. If I don't take it out, I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to stay by Luoyi's side for thousands of years..." Mo Xiao stood in the Nine Heavens Palace Among them, on the luxurious table in front of him, there was a green pill, the pill was only the size of a little finger, the whole body was crystal clear, and there was a mysterious aura flowing on it, emitting a shining light.

  He stared at the elixir motionlessly, his face hard to hide his depression. After a long time, he reached out to take the elixir in his hand, looked at it repeatedly, sighed and muttered, his expression was uncertain, as if it was difficult to choose.

   "It really is Chaos Zi You Dan... I didn't expect Mo Xiao to even get such a legendary ancient medicine."

  A spirit quietly exited the magic palace.

  At dusk, Mo Xiao took the initiative to find Xuanyuan Qing, and handed the pill to Xuanyuan Qing, Xuanyuan Qing accepted it with a smile, with no surprise on his face, Mo Xiao couldn't help but twitched the corners of his lips.

  According to what he thought, even if he had this chaotic son You Dan, he didn't want to hand it over to Xuanyuan Qing, and he didn't want to hand it over to Feng Feili and any of the five of them!

However, Xuanyuanqing's cultivation is the highest, even if he doesn't want it in every possible way, he can only hand it over to him, not to mention that Xuanyuanqing obviously knows what he has in his hands, if he doesn't hand it over to Xuanyuanqing, he will offend this person for nothing, and treat him There will be no benefit in the future.

Qin Luoyi's reliance on Xuanyuanqing is naturally clear to Mo Xiao. Of course, it is not just because Xuanyuanqing is strong in cultivation, and there is only one Chaos Youdan, he wants to see it. Look, what Xuanyuanqing will do, if he has selfish intentions, he will use it... Mo Xiao secretly smiled, looking at Xuanyuanqing's handsome face, his depressed mood suddenly improved a lot.

   Night falls.

It happened to be Xuanyuanqing's turn to accompany Qin Luoyi at night. When Xuanyuanqing walked into Qin Luoyi's room, Qin Luoyi was immersed in painting in the room, his outer shirt had been taken off, and he was only wearing a flowing and thin royal blue brocade skirt. The sleeves in his hands were squeezed a few times, revealing a section of snow-white wrists, which against the background of the royal blue clothes, looked even more slender and creamy.

  There is a large piece of snow-white paper on the desk.

   Xuanyuan Qing walked over.

   glanced at the painting.

Nearly half of the drawing on a piece of paper is full of peach blossoms in full bloom. There are peach blossoms in various postures, enchanting, elegant, cold, and fiery... Xuanyuan Qing couldn't help but want to laugh when he saw it .

  Although his laughter was soft, Qin Luoyi noticed it.

Qin Luoyi raised his head, twitched his originally pursed lips, and squinted at him with a half-smile, threw the paintbrush in his hand into the pen container, and said angrily, "What are you laughing at, I Didn't draw well?"

   Xuanyuan Qing touched her hair.

The black silk is like silk, smooth and smooth, with a faint fragrance, which makes people unable to put it down. Xuanyuanqing touched it, rubbed it again, raised his eyebrows and said with a doting smile: "The peach blossoms are bright and dazzling, with different postures. Strange, beautiful with extravagance... how can it be unsightly?" This is not a flattery, Qin Luoyi's peach blossom painting is really good.

  He took the pen that Qin Luoyi had casually thrown into his hand, and handed it to Qin Luoyi, signaling her to continue. Qin Luoyi blinked, but didn't take the brush, and at this moment he was no longer interested in painting flowers.

   "Don't want to draw anymore?" Xuanyuan Qing looked at her with a smile.

  Qin Luoyi nodded.

  Xuanyuanqing looked at the peach blossoms on the paper, pondered for a moment, and suddenly said: "How about I help you draw the rest." Standing in front of the desk with a pen in hand, his dark eyes shone like gems in the night sky.

  Qin Luoyi was a little surprised.

If Xuanyuanqing is interested, she will naturally not stop her, and she is even more curious about what he wants to draw. When Xuanyuanqing is painting, she stands by one side, watching him holding the pen, the pen is like a spirit snake, dancing gracefully on the paper, In a moment, a pretty figure appeared on the paper.

   It's just a back view.

  But Qin Luoyi is no stranger to that back view.

  Looking at Xuanyuan Qing's handsome profile, Qin Luoyi's phoenix eyes flashed like glass.

  Xuanyuan Qing clearly painted her.

Soon, the figure was finished drawing, but Xuanyuanqing didn't stop, and sketched it among the peach blossoms that Qin Luoyi had already drawn. The peach blossoms with different shapes, which took up half a sheet of paper, were perfectly painted by him with seven peach branches. String them together, and draw another trunk to become a complete peach tree.

  The seven peach branches were all facing the direction where Qin Luoyi was standing, faintly surrounding her, Qin Luoyi was slightly startled.

  Xuanyuan Qing put down his pen, saw her delicate red lips unconsciously and slightly opened, couldn't help but leaned over, and kissed her tenderly on her lips.

Only when Qin Luoyi was slightly out of breath, did he let him go. Qin Luoyi's cultivation was already high enough, but every time he kissed Xuanyuanqing, there was always a strange magical power on Xuanyuanqing that made her unable to bear it. Sink fast.

  Xuanyuanqing took out Chaos Zi Youdan.

"what is this?"

  Qin Luoyi looked at it, but didn't realize what kind of elixir it was. Because of the intimacy just now, her voice was a little hoarse, with a natural charm.

Xuanyuanqing held her hand tightly, resisted the urge to knock her down, smiled and said the name of Chaos You Dan, Mo Xiao sent this pill, and there was not even an agreement with Mo Xiao keep it from her.

  Qin Luoyi was shocked.

   My heart was even more disturbed.

  In order to be with her as soon as possible, Mo Xiao even took out such a precious medicine.

Chaos Ziyou Pill is a legendary elixir. Few people in the upper world know about it now. I have searched for this elixir, but no one has made it again, because one of the main ingredients contained in the legendary Chaos You Pill does not seem to exist in the upper realm.

   It is also because of this that Chaos Ziyou Pill finally became a legend, and even later generations suspected that it was just a misrepresentation that this kind of elixir was once refined.

  Qin Luoyi was a little lost in thought while holding the chaotic child Youdan, but Xuanyuanqing didn't bother her, but just hugged her quietly, looking at her softly, with lingering affection in his eyes. Qin Luoyi was stunned for a while, then raised his slender hand, put the chaotic seed Youdan into his mouth, and swallowed it.

"Xuanyuan..." She wrapped her arms around Xuanyuanqing's neck, leaning her curvaceous body in Xuanyuanqing's arms, raised her chin slightly, looked at Xuanyuanqing with a bright smile, and said softly: "Do you want a son or a daughter?" ?”

   Xuanyuanqing stared at her pretty face: "It's all good." Whether it's a son or a daughter, as long as Qin Luoyi gave birth to him, he likes them all.

  The smile on Qin Luoyi's face became even brighter, and he tiptoed to kiss Xuanyuan Qing's beautiful thin lips.

   "Xuanyuanqing, I seem to love you more and more!"

  Xuanyuanqing's eyes lit up, and he kissed her back passionately, wrapped her arms around her slender waist with one hand, and hugged her hips with the other, directly picked her up, and strode into the inner room with rare eagerness.

After a night of violent wind and rain, Xuanyuanqing seemed to never know how to dimple, he fanatically wanted the people under him, watching Qin Luoyi blooming like a flower under him, his eyes became even hotter, and he wished he could become a partner with her just like this... One, never to be separated again.

  ------Off topic------

  Fanwai chapter is here, Fanwai will continue to be updated every two days. If there are special circumstances that cannot be updated, everyone will be notified in advance.


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