MTL - Senior Brother – One is Too Unscrupulous-~ extra two

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   To live in a palace, of course, there are not only halls. The furnishings, various utensils, and the flowers and trees to be planted in each hall must be carefully selected.

Because the various powers in the body are basically mastered, Qin Luoyi did not retreat to practice in the next few days, and was dragged by Feng Feili to many places, from the auction house and various shops. Carefully selected a lot of exquisite utensils, all stored in the storage space, and put them directly into the Magic Rain Palace after the completion of the Magic Rain Palace.

   I found a lot of exotic flowers and weeds, and even planted an enchantment on purpose, and planted it inside, and waited for the Magic Rain Palace to be replanted after it was completed.

  In the entire Upper Realm, there is no place that can stop Qin Luoyi and his party. In a few days, they have traveled all over the demon world and found a lot of good things. Then Xuanyuanqing proposed to go to the fairy and demon worlds.

  Qin Luoyi was very interested, so naturally he did not object.

  Mo Xiao was very depressed.

Ever since he met Qin Luoyi on the day he left the customs, and went to Magic Rain City with her once, it has been half a month, and he can no longer get close to Qin Luoyi, no... not only can't get close, even her I can't see you face to face.

Ever since Mo Xiao came out safely from the torrent of time and space, Mo Sang left the Demon Realm, and returned to Linghua City after a month. As soon as she entered the Demon Palace, she felt that the air in the Demon Palace seemed to be frozen , It was terribly silent, as if there was a kind of pressure that made people unable to breathe.

After entering the Nine Layers Palace, she quickly found out the culprit who restrained the terrifying low air pressure that made everyone in the magic palace walk lightly for fear of making a sound. It was none other than her brother Demon. owl. [

   Mo Xiao sat alone in the pavilion and poured himself a drink.

"elder brother."

  Mo Sang walked towards him with some surprise.

  Seeing her coming in, Mo Xiao only glanced at her from the corner of his eye, without saying a word, picked up the white jade cup and poured another glass of wine, and drank it down in one gulp. His handsome face was stern, his face was shrouded in cold air, and his thin lips were tightly pursed.

  Mo Sang went to sit opposite him and sat down. Seeing him like this, he was obviously very angry, but he didn't know who provoked him.

   "I want to stay alone." Mo Xiao frowned slightly, glanced at her again, and issued an order to evict the guest without any politeness.

  Mo Sang's face fell, and he stared at him inexplicably. Then he turned his head to look at Chasing Wind and Chasing Shadow standing upright in the distance.

  Zhuifeng and Chasing Shadow looked at their noses and their hearts, as if they didn't see her eyes.

"Brother, I just came back... You are going to drive me away, it really makes me sad." Mo Sang watched him pour another glass of wine and drank it down, so he took out a wine glass himself, and put it down In front of Mo Xiao: "I'll drink two glasses with you."

  Mo Xiao turned a blind eye, picked up the wine glass again and drank the wine in one gulp, and said faintly: "I want to be alone."

   "Brother, who messed with you?" Mo Sang frowned: "Could it be... something went wrong with your cultivation?"

  Thinking that Mo Xiao was seriously injured before, she ran to Mo Xiao and looked him up and down anxiously. Apart from practicing, she couldn't think of anything else that could make her almost impossible brother become like this.

"Nothing." Mo Xiao sighed, and then looked at her with a half-smile: "Don't think about it, why did you come back so soon? Don't you carry out your tricks? Or you Already caught up with someone?"

   Mo Sang slumped again.

He directly grabbed the flagon that Mo Xiao put on one side, poured himself a glass, and drank it all in one gulp, gritted his teeth and said, "Brother, am I not good-looking or likable?" He moved his face closer to Mo Xiao , pointing to his face. [

   Mo Xiao looked at her with some words: "How come, you are my sister." He is so handsome, Mo Sang will be ugly?

  Mosang sat back on the chair dejectedly.

   "But he doesn't like me."

When Mo Xiao saw her like this, he knew that she must have been in trouble this month: "I don't know what you like about him. If he doesn't like you, you don't like him either. We good men in the devil world are still good." Less? Tell brother which one you like, and brother will gather them all in the palace some other day, then you can choose whichever you like, he doesn't like you, it's because he has no vision."

   "I just like him."

   Mo Sang sighed.

"He doesn't like you, so what's the use of liking him?" Mo Xiao shook his head: "There are so many good men in the devil world who like you, listen to brother, don't frown, it's not a big deal, it's fine if someone else likes you .”

Mo Sang looked at his disapproving expression, and spoke calmly, the corners of his eyes twitched fiercely, and he couldn't help but roll his eyes in an unladylike way: "It's so easy to change, why do you just change it? I like Miss Qin, and I even made a contract with her, why didn't you like someone else?" Tsk, she didn't forget the days before he ascended the throne and opened the altar, and she couldn't help stabbing him fiercely. stabbed him.

   "What Miss Qin, called ****! Also, how can he compare to your ****?" Mo Xiao was a little displeased, and stretched out his finger on her forehead.

  Mo Sang didn't expect that he would actually do something to himself, and his face wrinkled from the pain.

"Why can't it be compared? Just like brother, you only like Qin... ****, I only like him! He just doesn't like me for the time being. It's because he doesn't know me yet. After he understands me thoroughly, he will definitely You will fall in love with me." Mo Sang raised his chin slightly, full of confidence.

Glancing at Mo Xiao again, she said again: "Could it be that you and **** fell in love at first sight? I just don't believe it, bro, don't persuade me to give up, I won't give up, It's only been a month, and now I have plenty of time to make him like me!"

  Mo Xiao's expression darkened.

   glanced at the east side.

   That is the direction of Demon Snow City.

  Mo Sang followed him and looked in the direction of Yao Xuecheng, and suddenly said curiously: "Brother, you haven't told me how you chased my wife back then?"

   Robbing a woman from King Xuanyuan, she admires his courage! Tsk, unfortunately, she left the customs too late and missed it.

Seeing her face looking forward to gossip, a glimmer of light flashed in Mo Xiao's eyes, and he greeted her with his fingers again: "Since I like it so much, I don't want to consider changing people, you have time to ask me here Some are not, it is better to think about how to get him."

Mo Sang was prepared this time, but he was still hit by Mo Xiao's palm on the head, and his head was full of black lines: "I'm trying to find a way? Let's hear how you chased my wife, maybe Immediately I got an inspiration, I seem to have heard that my wife and I have known each other for a long time... I might as well ask my mother, maybe she knows..."

  Before she finished speaking, she suddenly saw a slim purple figure falling in front of her. Hua Rongyue looked like a lotus in water, her beautiful eyes overflowed with brilliance, and there was a light smile between her red lips.

   Mo Sang's eyes lit up.


  Called joyfully, stood up abruptly, and flew towards the purple figure in front of him.

When Mo Xiao saw the purple figure, he was a little unbelievable at first, and then the icy air on his body faded away, a dazzling smile appeared on his face, and he landed beside Qin Luoyi in the blink of an eye. He took her hand: "Luoyi!"

  Qin Luoyi smiled at him.

   "Young lady, you came just in time. I have something to tell you." Mo Sang looked at Qin Luoyi with astonishingly bright eyes, and the smile on her lips was also unusually bright.

  Qin Luoyi blinked.

As expected of brother and sister, although the two of them don't look much alike, especially Mo Sang, although she is very beautiful, she is obviously incomparable with Mo Xiao, an evildoer, but when she smiled, the two are really very close Like, seeing their smiles, no matter how many troubles in my heart, it seems that they can go away with the wind.

   "What do you have to say to me?" Qin Luoyi was dressed in purple and danced lightly in the wind. The sunlight cast from behind her, and a halo of light like mist appeared all over her body. Mo Sang actually called her mistress as soon as she opened her mouth, she couldn't help smiling and looked at Mo Xiao again.

  Mo Xiao's mind flickered slightly.

  Holding Qin Luoyi's hand even tighter.


As soon as Mo Sang opened his mouth, Mo Xiao directly pulled Qin Luoyi and disappeared, staring at the front of Kong Yi, and Mo Sang saw the depression in his heart just like that, and it took a long time before he murmured: "Seeing **** and forgetting sister guy!"

   He just left her and ran away.

  Qin Luoyi was dragged into the Nine Layers Palace by Mo Xiao. As soon as he entered the palace, Mo Xiao couldn't help it anymore, he held her pretty face with both hands, his eyes were as black as shining diamonds, staring straight at her, as if he wanted to impress her into his heart.

  The faces of the two were extremely close at this time.

Qin Luoyi was attacked by bursts of masculine breath, because of the movement of his hands holding her face, she slightly raised her head to look at Mo Xiao's handsome face, thinking that he pulled herself in regardless, and her divine sense clearly saw At this moment, Mo Sang was still staring at the direction where they disappeared, and couldn't help being a little funny: "Mo Sang still has something to say to me, why did you pull me in?"

"Leave her alone, she has nothing important." He was very depressed because of the people who couldn't see her, and finally saw Qin Luoyi, he didn't allow anyone to disturb their time together, not even his sister : "Luoyi, I miss you!"

With deep affection in her eyes, she lowered her head and kissed her eyes, and then she blushed and blushed. Once kissed, she was reluctant to let go. While kissing, she murmured her name softly, and her body was even more tightly attached to her. The body seemed to want to completely merge with her.

   "I haven't seen you for fifteen days." When Mo Xiao finally let go of her, Qin Luoyi was out of breath, his pretty face was flushed, and Mo Xiao's beautiful eyes were full of charm.

  Qin Luoyi leaned softly in his arms, his eyes sparkled like water, and he smiled slightly: "Aren't you in retreat?"

   Actually calculated the time so clearly. During the retreat, fifteen days passed in the blink of an eye. After not seeing him for half a month, Mo Xiao's cultivation has recovered a lot, but when she came just now, it was obvious that his expression was not very good.

"There is no need to retreat for a long time." Mo Xiao hugged her slender waist, sat down on the soft couch beside her, looked at her with beautiful eyes, and a flash of light flashed in his eyes: "What are you busy with these days? Every time I go to Demon Snow City, you are not there, not even in Demon Snow City at night?"

  Qin Luoyi had a look of surprise in his eyes.

  Mo Xiao actually went to Yao Xuecheng to find her?

   More than once?

He told him what he was doing these days, then smiled and rolled his eyes: "If you want to find me, just tell me not." City run?

   It is rare for him to be so confused.

  Mo Xiao twitched the corners of her lips, and looked at her pretty face with a half-smile: "I want to tell you...but can you hear me talking to you now?"

  Qin Luoyi was startled.

   The smile on his face faded away.

  Looking at him carefully, he realized that Mo Xiao was actually restricted. If this kind of restriction had been put in the past, Mo Xiao would definitely be of no use to him, but Mo Xiao's current cultivation has not yet returned to its peak.

  The restraint on Mo Xiao’s body was not imposed in the past two days. When he came out of the torrent of time and space, he was seriously injured and his cultivation base was almost exhausted. It must have been tampered with at that time.

  Back to Demon Snow City, Qin Luoyi found his brother Qin Tian.

  Qin Tian is with Dahei Heidi.

   There is also Snow Fox.

Her two contract beasts, except for Xuehu who ate the phantom fruit and cultivated human form, Dahei and Heidi did not eat the phantom fruit, and they are still in animal form. She also has two phantom fruits in her hand now, but Bi An is also an ancient beast in the upper realm, the higher the cultivation level, the more powerful and noble their bodies are. Dahei and Heidi are not willing to take human form.

  As long as they are happy, Qin Luoyi will naturally not force them.

After ascending to the upper realm, Qin Tian accidentally got a book of secrets. The secret skill he developed could cut off the bond between the contractors. When he first started practicing, he could only temporarily cut off the bond between the low-level monks and the contractors. , as his cultivation level improves, his secret skills become more and more powerful, and he can even permanently cut off the connection between ordinary monks and contractors!

  Qin Tian is studying the art of time and space, not just him, she knows that the second senior brother, Chu Yifeng, Jian Yuyan, as long as they are not with her at night, they are all studying the art of time and space.

  Qin Luoyi stood in the distance and looked at Qin Tian.

   After a while, he quietly turned and left. Qin Tian seemed to be aware of it, and glanced in the direction where she disappeared. After a few breaths, a white figure slowly walked out, it was Xuanyuan Qing.

   "What are you hiding there to see me do?" Qin Tian walked towards him. asked with raised eyebrows.

  Xuanyuan Qing shook his head: "It's not me, Luo Yi was watching you just now." After a pause, he continued: "She went to see Mo Xiao just now."

  Qin Tian was a little annoyed.

   Immediately sound transmission called Feng Feili and the others over.

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