MTL - Senior Brother – One is Too Unscrupulous-v10 Chapter 118 detoxification

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  In the evening, everyone stayed in Chu Yifeng's courtyard.

After Qin Luoyi fell asleep, Bai Yi quietly entered her room, looked at her quiet and lovely sleeping face, a gentle smile appeared on the corner of her lips, looked at her sleeping face for a long time, then stretched out her hand to hold her. He grabbed her wrist, checked the Hunyuan Dzi in her body, and then let go after a while, and left as quietly as when he came.

  After he left, Qin Luoyi opened his eyes. His pitch-black phoenix eyes looked at the direction of Bai Yi's departure for a long time, and then finally closed his eyes again, and a soft sigh escaped from the corner of his lips.

   A moment later, another figure leaped in from the mouth. Without opening his eyes, Qin Luoyi knew who it was when he heard footsteps.

  The visitor came straight to her bed, and got into her bed very quickly. [

  Qin Luoyi had black lines all over his head, and he couldn't laugh or cry.

  Opened his eyes, twitched the corners of his lips, looked at the handsome face that suddenly appeared by the pillow, and reminded: "Brother, your room is opposite, you went to the wrong place."

Feng Feili was not in a hurry when she found out, there was a bewitching smile on the corner of her lips, her black hair had already parted at some point, and she pulled her body over, her peach blossom eyes looked even brighter in the night Charming: "I knew you couldn't fall asleep, just right, and neither can I, the two of us just happen to be companions."

The two were facing each other at this moment, body to body, face to face, Feng Feili's arms were around her waist, her chest was even more ambiguously pressed against Feng Feili's hot chest, her hair also crossed. They were entangled together, which seemed unusually intimate.

  Feng Feili hugged her waist and directly lowered his head to scent her lips.

"I fell asleep, and you woke me up." Qin Luoyi looked at him with a half-smile: "Since you can't fall asleep, don't fall asleep either. It just so happens that last time you said that there were doubts in the cultivation scriptures. Well, you said it, let's have a discussion between the two of you."

  While talking, she stretched out her finger and poked his chest. Under Feng Feili's slightly annoyed eyes, she pushed him away. She also stood up from the bed, and gracefully put on the coat.

"It's the same when we're lying down." Feng Feili lay sideways on the bed, didn't get up, and smiled at her, her phoenix eyes were shining brightly. He didn't come here to discuss cultivation with her, and what was there? Have doubts? At that time, in order to stay with her for a while, he just said so casually.

  Qin Luoyi's eyes fell on him, he bent his eyes, nodded, and said with a smile, "That's fine."

   Then she sat down on the chair in the room, and leaned lazily on the back of the chair behind her: "Tell me, I'm listening." With a light finger, he took out a jade stone, and the room was instantly brightened.

  Feng Feili looked at her bright and pretty face, so depressed that she almost hurt internally, Qin Luoyi's eyes flickered, and she smiled slightly, she naturally knew what the elder brother's idea was coming here at this time.

  Early the next morning, Feng Feili met Duanmu Changqing and the others in the pavilion. Duanmu Changqing wanted to laugh, but held back himself and greeted him.

   "Big brother."

   Jian Yuyan also had a faint smile in his eyes.

  Chu Yifeng had no scruples, he patted him on the shoulder heavily, and smiled a bit evilly: "One night's discussion, it seems that Brother Feng's cultivation will improve by leaps and bounds again."

  Feng Feili's peach-blossom eyes were like knives, and when she glanced at him, the corners of her eyes twitched fiercely.

  Backing to the Qin Mansion, Qin Luoyi first went to see Mr. Qin, and then was called by Xie Ruyan to the backyard. After coming out of her courtyard, he faintly heard the melodious sound of a flute coming from a distance.

   She paused and walked over to the sound of the flute.

   It is Qin Tian who plays the flute. [

  Qin Tian was dressed in a blue brocade robe, which made his already handsome face even more handsome, but there was an unconcealable silence in the corners of his eyes and brows. Qin Luoyi hid behind the big tree, watching him silently.

  He was secretly startled.

  In just two days, my brother lost a lot of weight.

  After finishing playing the song, Qin Tian stopped, looking into the distance, it was clearly the courtyard where she lived in the Qin Mansion, then sighed, and his eyes fell on the facial scroll in front of him.

   Stretch out her long and perfect fingers, and slowly move across the painting, her eyes that were originally silent became gentle and bright, and there was a touch of nostalgia in her eyes that couldn't be concealed.

  Qin Luoyi was a little curious, not knowing what was painted on the painting.

With a slight movement of her figure, she jumped onto the top of the tree, looked down from above, and suddenly found that the person on the screen was her, and Qin Tian... She closed her eyes, sleeping on the bed, and Qin Tian was sitting on the bed. On one side, he gazed at her tenderly.

   His face burned quickly.

  The scene in the painting is clearly what it looked like when the two lived together in Tiandaozong... Could it be that Qin Tian painted it when he was in Tiandaozong? His gaze... She was her sister back then!

  Thinking of this, the way she looked at Qin Tian became a little weird.

  A divine rainbow rushed from a distance.

   instantly fell in front of Qin Tian.

   is Duanmu Changying.

  When he noticed Shenhong coming, Qin Tian put down his flute, picked up the scroll, and rolled it up gracefully. When Duanmu Changying fell down, he had already rolled it up.

Just as he was about to put it into the storage space, Duanmu Changying glanced at the scroll, and laughed jokingly, "Are you looking at this painting again? Qin Tian, ​​I've always been curious. Before the accident happened in the Liu family, Luoyi was your sister. You actually fell in love with your own sister?"

  Qin Luoyi held his breath, looking at Qin Tian with his phoenix eyes.

   "She's not my sister, I've always known it." Qin Tian lowered his eyes, glanced at the scroll in his hand, and then gently sent the scroll into the storage space with a calm expression.

   "So that's how it is." Duanmu Changying raised her brows and smiled: "You are ten years older than Yi'er, so you must have remembered things by then?"

  Qin Tian nodded, his voice was low, "My sister died shortly after she was born, and my father did not hide this from me."

  He put his hands behind his back, and the sunlight flooded his jade-like exquisite face, coating the crystal-clear snow-like skin with a golden halo, forming a thrilling elegance.

Qin Luoyi jumped down from the top of the tree and left quietly. What she didn't know was that when she left Qin Tian's courtyard, both Qin Tian and Duanmu Changying glanced in the direction where she had been standing. .

  Out of Qin Tian's courtyard, Qin Luoyi looked around intently, took out the immortal jade that was still on her body, looked at it for a while, sighed, turned and entered the alchemy room. [

She is now a fifteenth-level alchemist, and it is not a problem to refine a fourteenth-level elixir for Duanmu Changying's mother. After spending nearly five hours, she successfully refined a fourteenth-level top-quality pill antidote.

  She showed the antidote to Duanmu Changying.

   Although Duanmu Changying already knew that she could refine the antidote, and she had great confidence in her alchemy skills, but it was one thing to know, and another thing to see the antidote refined with her own eyes.

   "Yi'er, thank you!"

  He couldn't help hugging Qin Luoyi again, his voice was a little hoarse, a wave of warmth dripped on Qin Luoyi's neck, Qin Luoyi's body froze slightly, and then he slowly reached out and hugged him.

  Seeing the antidote, Duanmu Jinyu was also very happy, and soon called his two sons to go back to Qilong City. Feng Feili and Duanmu Changqing are not only senior brothers, but they grew up together and their relationship is very good. Yu Haitang treats him like his own son. I heard that they will go back to pray to Dragon City to detoxify Yu Haitang , apart from anything else, I have to go to Qilong City.

  Duanmu Changying pulled Qin Tian on again.

In the end, not only did Qin Tian go, except Bai Yi who closed the test because he was thinking of a more secure way to suppress the Hunyuan Dzi, and even Jian Yuyan followed. Tear the void directly, and soon arrived at Qilong City.

  Duanmu Jinyu went down to the secret room and took out the ice coffin. The Yu Haitang sealed inside was exactly the same as it was a few months ago, without any change.

  Duanmu Changqing started to open the jade coffin, looking excitedly at his mother lying inside, and then at Qin Luoyi, his eyes were warm and soft.

  Qin Luoyi walked over and handed him the antidote.

  Duanmu Changqing personally fed his mother.

  After taking the antidote, Yu Haitang did not wake up immediately. Although there were many people in the hall, no one made a sound, and all looked at Yu Haitang in the coffin.

  After nearly a quarter of an hour, Yu Haitang's eyelashes began to tremble slightly, and her originally closed eyes opened. Seeing Duanmu Jinyu and Duanmu Changqing lying beside the coffin, she was stunned for a moment.

   "Haitang, you finally woke up!" Duanmu Jinyu held her hand excitedly, the corners of his eyes were moist: "Great, you finally woke up."


  Duanmu Changqing called softly.

   "Jinyu, Changqing..." After a moment of hesitation, Yu Haitang woke up completely, looked at the people around her, and suddenly became anxious: "How long have I been asleep, where is Changying?"

  She sat up abruptly, about to jump out of the coffin, but because she had just detoxified, her body was weak, if Duanmu Jinyu hadn't supported her, she might have fallen back into the coffin again.

   "Mother, I'm here." Duanmu Changying walked out from behind Jian Yuyan, with a dazzled smile on his handsome face, he held her outstretched hand, and gently lifted her out of the coffin.

  Qin Luoyi gave him a complicated look.

  All eyes were on Yu Haitang just now, but she saw that when Yu Haitang's eyelashes trembled slightly, Duanmu Changying was standing in front, and then he suddenly backed away with a strange expression.

  Yu Haitang tightly grasped Duanmu Changying's hand, and looked at him in surprise: "Changying, Changying, so you are here, I didn't see you just now, I was so shocked."

   "Of course I'm here." Duanmu Changying said with a smile, and helped her to sit down on the soft couch beside her. "Mother, your poison has been cured, do you feel any discomfort?" While speaking, his fingers had already cut her wrist veins, and there were no symptoms of poisoning, so he was completely relieved.

Seeing the mother and son holding hands and talking excitedly, Duanmu Jinyu sighed secretly, feeling quite uncomfortable, except for the first glance at himself when he woke up, his wife actually only cared about the youngest son Changying, and never looked at him again. I passed him a glance.

   Duanmu Changqing's face was also a little sad.

Qin Luoyi stepped forward to hold his hand, and smiled brightly at him. Duanmu Changqing held her white jade-like fingers in his hand, and felt a warm feeling in his heart instantly, washing away the bruises on his face. That's sad.

"I'm fine, Changying, you child, you don't listen to mother's words, and even sealed mother... I heard you said last time that it will take decades to get the antidote for me. Mother is really afraid of the poison. I won’t be able to see you once I open my eyes, it’s okay, it’s okay, you’re still alive, you’re still alive, and the poison on your body has been completely cured, right?” Yu Haitang’s eyes rolled down tears of joy , touched Duanmu Changying's face, and then touched his hand.

  The smile on Duanmu Changying's face froze, and she flicked her wrist reflexively: "Mother..." But the rest of the words were stuck in her throat, and she didn't know what to say so as not to make her sad.

   "Poison, what poison?" Duanmu Jinyu looked at their mother and son in a daze: "Haitang, you said Changying was also poisoned?"

   Shocked eyes fell on Duanmu Changying.

  Duanmu Changqing's body was also shocked violently.

  Yu Haitang didn't care about answering his words, seeing Duanmu Changying avoiding her hand, her face changed drastically, and she opened her mouth and asked calmly, "How long have I been in a deep sleep?"

   "Less than a year." Duanmu Changying pondered for a few breaths, and said in a low voice, with a smile on his lips: "Mother, your poison has been cured in advance."

Yu Haitang's face turned pale in an instant, and she pinched his wrist. After all, Duanmu Changying only had a cultivation base in the Yu Mansion, while Yu Haitang was a high-ranking person in the Zi Mansion. It is also very easy for a Yufu monk.

  Duanmu Changying earned money, but soon gave up.

   After a while, Yu Haitang let go of her hand, looked at him in a murmur and said, "Jin Dongyan... is he still alive?" Her voice was erratic, full of anticipation.

   "He's dead." Duanmu Changying didn't hide anything. Although she couldn't bear her mother's sadness in her heart, she would know about it even if she didn't tell her.

  Yu Haitang's face was pale, she suddenly hugged him into her arms, and hugged him tightly, seeing his mother and son like this, Duanmu Jinyu only felt panic seeping in her heart. Duanmu Changqing pursed her thin lips tightly, her eyes full of doubts.

"Changying, you kid, why don't you speak up when you're poisoned?" Duanmu Jinyu said, "Are you poisoned by the same poison as your mother? It doesn't matter. There must be a way to find it.”

  Duanmu Changqing couldn't help tightening Qin Luoyi's hand.

Qin Luoyi obtained many spiritual fruits in the ice field, as well as lion and tiger cliffs, and even Death Valley. Let alone refining one detoxification pill, it is no problem to refine ten. The poison in Ying's body is clearly unsolvable! He had a very bad premonition that the poison in Changying might not be the same poison as his mother.

   "What poison have you been poisoned by?" He walked over, fixed his eyes on Duanmu Changying, and his tense voice revealed his nervousness. He was holding Qin Luoyi's hand, and as soon as he passed by, Qin Luoyi also walked over.

"I don't know." Duanmu Changying glanced at him: "The poison can't be detected." Then she turned her eyes to his mother, and said with a smile: "Mother, don't worry, the clothes are very bad, she not only I refined a 14th-level antidote for you, and took my blood to make an antidote to poison, maybe I will cure the poison like you in a short time."

  His finger pointed at Qin Luoyi.

"Don't comfort me." Yu Haitang twitched the corners of her lips, still holding his hand tightly: "Jin Dongyan said at the beginning that the poison... no one but him can recognize it, and no one can recognize it." Solution, you silly boy, why are you in such a hurry to take his life, mother is fine, it’s just a little bit of poison, mother is fine..."

   "You knew about his poisoning, didn't you?" Duanmu Changqing asked Qin Luoyi, holding back his shock and sadness.

  Qin Luoyi nodded.

   "Can you decipher it?" He asked again, his voice hoarse: "How long will it take for the poison to develop?" Only the last sentence, he used sound transmission to enter the secret, and no one except Qin Luoyi heard it.

"I haven't found a way to detoxify yet." Qin Luoyi felt uncomfortable, and comforted him: "When Bai Yi is out of customs, I will let Bai Yi show him, maybe Bai Yi can recognize the poison." Yinrumi told him that Duanmu Changying still had half a year of poisoning.

  Yu Haitang finally looked towards the two of them, and when she saw Qin Luoyi's face, she couldn't help but tremble violently.

  ------Off topic------

  Thank you mo061028 for your diamond, thank you for the sky is blue 123 for your flower, thank you for Zitiankui for your flower, thank you for your lotus in the rain for your flower (2 flowers)

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