MTL - Senior Brother – One is Too Unscrupulous-v10 Chapter 126 the truth

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  The dark clouds in the sky gathered quickly, covering the sky and covering the sky, and the sky became dark quickly.

   Just when the thunder disaster was about to come, Yu Haitang, who had been unconscious all along, suddenly woke up and quietly appeared in front of Qin Luoyi and Qin Tian.

  Qin Luoyi's face changed suddenly: "How could she wake up?" The phoenix eyes were full of disbelief.

   Just an hour ago, she used a silver needle to get a lot of pure anesthetic into her body.

  Qin Tian's complexion was not good-looking, and his eyes were cold and stern. [

  Yu Haitang looked at the expressions of the two, very proud, and giggled. He stretched out his hand to stroke the black hair on his cheeks, and said with a contemptuous expression: "It's just a little anesthetic, do you think that anesthetic can really trap me forever? It's just the first time you have sneaked up on me by surprise, and I was trapped for a few days That's all, the medicine you used on me later didn't work at all."

  Qin Luoyi pursed his red lips with a dignified expression.

  Anesthetics didn't work for her, she just stayed until now, she must have a plan, many thoughts flashed through her mind in a blink of an eye.

   "What do you want?" A moment later, Qin Luoyi said, his voice was low, and there seemed to be a trace of anxiety in his helplessness.

  Yu Haitang smiled slightly.

"Qin Luoyi, you are about to cross the catastrophe of the realm of heaven and man. This kind of catastrophe is a narrow escape, and you can ascend to the fairy world if you pass it. between."

  Qin Luoyi's pupils shrank suddenly, and his pitch-black phoenix eyes stared at Yu Haitang's eyes, as if he was weighing the truth of what she said, but his expression was very moved: "Entering the realm of heaven and man, can you ascend to the fairyland?"

"Of course." Yu Haitang hooked her lips and said, "However, the thunder tribulation in the realm of heaven and man is not so easy to overcome. There are very few monks in the world who can break through the peak of the Zifu. They have the opportunity and talent to cultivate together." Those with five spiritual flowers are even rarer, and those monks who have cultivated all five spiritual flowers and finally survived the thunder disaster in the realm of heaven and man are only one or two out of a hundred."

Qin Luoyi looked at the sky, the dark clouds in the sky were still condensing, and the area thousands of miles away was shrouded in the terrifying shadow of the thunder calamity. Knowing that thunder disaster must be very terrifying.

   "It's not easy to become a fairy, and it's not so easy to make a fairy." Yu Haitang stared at her, her eyes were unpredictable, and there was a strange light flickering inside, full of charm, tempting to fall into the rebirth of the prostitute.

"Qin Luoyi, because he wanted to become an immortal and then go through this terrifying thunder calamity of heaven and man, but in the end he was knocked out of his wits by the thunder calamity, and he could never be reborn. Why don't you give me your body and I'll go through this thunder disaster for you Jie, don't worry, if I become an immortal, you can cultivate the Five Spirit Flower to reach the realm of heaven and man in the future, and I will definitely take care of you in the upper realm to help you, and with your aptitude, you can cultivate to the realm of heaven and man again. It won't take many years, you helped me today, and if you were to ascend smoothly when the time comes, you won't suffer from this deal."

   "So you want to take my home?" After figuring out her purpose, Qin Luoyi's eyes turned cold.

  Yu Haitang did not deny it.

A proud smile appeared on the corners of his lips: "I think highly of your body, you should feel honored, thunder calamity is coming soon, you have to think about it quickly, the cultivation world pays attention to cause and effect, my Hunyuan Dzi chose you, That means that the two of us are destined, as long as you take the initiative to give up your body, the deal I just said will count, if you don't want to have to wait for me to do it yourself, don't blame me for being cruel, and just let you die!"

   At the end, the smile on her lips disappeared, and her expression became grim.

"Deal? Believe you?" Qin Luoyi stared at her, bent his lips, and a mocking smile appeared in his eyes: "More than a month ago, you still said that it was just the Hunyuan Dzi staying in my body, you It’s just repairing the damaged soul in the Hunyuan Dzi, but today you said that you want to take my home. It’s only been more than a month and you have changed... After a few years, you want to help me fly immortal? Hehe, you let me How can I trust you?"

"You don't have to choose, you can only trust me!" Yu Haitang raised her foot and walked towards her, her eyes were sharp, a powerful and terrifying coercion shot out from her body, and came towards Qin Luoyi's crush .

Qin Luoyi was forced back a few steps by the coercion, and finally stabilized his figure, his face changed several times, he pursed his lips, looked at Yu Haitang and said in a deep voice: "Last time, why did you Pass on my skills?"

  If it's a win, the last time was obviously a better chance. [

  Yu Haitang, who clearly had the upper hand in coercion, smiled enchantingly: "You have practiced my exercises to ensure that I can fit your body better. Now your body is tailor-made for me!"

  Looked at her from top to bottom, and the more she looked, the more satisfied she became.

   He clearly regarded her as his own.

  Qin Luoyi was very upset.

She suppressed the anger in her heart, and said in a deep voice again: "Let me cultivate all five spirit flowers, and now the five spirit flowers are about to merge into one... The higher my cultivation level, the more difficult it will be for you to seize it, you If I use force, even if I can't die with you, I can still seriously injure you, and you have not taken the body all this time to make the soul and body more compatible? Hmph, when I am a three-year-old child? Do you think you can just make an excuse? will believe you?"

Yu Haitang raised her eyebrows, looked her over from head to toe again, and covered her lips with a giggly smile: "You are smart, but smart people generally don't live very long, since you want to know the reason so much, then I'll tell you it's alright."

  The murderous look in his eyes flashed away.

"The exercise I gave you is the most domineering and precious double-cultivation exercise in the Upper Realm - Hehuan Bliss Dafa. I created that exercise myself. Using this exercise can often get twice the result with half the effort. There are not many people in the upper realm. I am blessed to practice this way, but unfortunately my soul is damaged, so I am not suitable for practicing this exercise now." While talking, Yu Haitang walked towards Qin Luoyi again, with a strange light in her eyes, There is also a strange hot color.

  Not suitable for practicing Hehuan Ultimate Bliss Dafa?

For her statement, Qin Luoyi believed it a little. This woman actually waited until she was about to advance to the realm of heaven and man before finally taking her home. She had been a little puzzled at first. The Hunyuan Dzi was in her body. Originally, there were many opportunities to seize the body. If she wanted to, after the original owner of the body died, she could seize the body and be reborn!

What's more, there have been several hosts of the Hunyuan Dzi Bead for hundreds of years, and her nominal mother Yu Lian is one of them, and Yu Lian's cultivation aptitude is also one of ten thousand. .

  She did not seize Yulian's house either. It should be waiting for the host to cultivate the spirit flower and advance to the realm of heaven and man, so that she can sit back and enjoy it. It's just... If she didn't have the heaven-shading bracelet, the terrifying vision produced by the Hunyuan Dzi Bead when she was promoted, not to mention that she had cultivated to the realm of heaven and man, even when she cultivated out of the Xuanfu, the shocking strange phenomenon would have caused her a long time ago. Everyone in the world peeped and moved.

   I also noticed that she kept talking about becoming immortals in the upper realm just now. Obviously she should not be from the Xuantian Continent.

   "Since you want to become an immortal and return to the upper realm, why do you let the Hunyuan Dzi make such a big fuss every time you get promoted from the Xuanfu after training?"

  Yu Haitang's expression became distorted.

   "The movement I made? Hmph, if the bead hadn't been tampered with, I would have been trapped in the bead for hundreds of thousands of years and never recovered? Without that vision, I would have returned to the fairyland!"

  The voice also became abnormally sharp and piercing.

I see.

  Qin Luoyi suddenly realized.

She quickly figured out the key to this, and made a good guess about the matter. It turned out that the Hunyuan Dzi Bead had been manipulated, and she only needed to find a host, and the host could use the source of chaos in the Hunyuan Dzi to cultivate it. In the Xuanfu, the powerful abnormality will be discovered by people, and then people who peep at the powerful power in the Hunyuan Dzi will be chased and killed...

   There was a mocking smile on the corner of his lips.

  Thinking about these years, people in Xuantian Continent have regarded this Hunyuan Dzi as a treasure, and several people are extremely jealous. Even the biological parents of this body died on the Hunyuan Dzi! [

  If Liu Hanqing, Shangguan Qi, and the others knew that what they wanted to **** was not a treasure at all, but contained infinite murderous intent, which would bring them life-threatening danger, I wonder if they would still try their best to get this bead.

  If she didn't have the Sky-Blocking Bracelet, before she broke through to the peak of the Purple Mansion and could disdain the Xuantian Continent, she would probably have been hiding in Tibet and looking for a place inaccessible to practice.

  Ouyang Ling's figure suddenly appeared in his mind.

  Ouyang Ling has been looking for the Hunyuan Dzi, and his cultivation is even stronger. Could it be that he is the one who tampers with the Hunyuan Dzi?

"Although my Hunyuan Dzi Bead has been tampered with, hehe, but people are not as good as heaven, and the sky-shielding bracelet has returned to my hands, covering up all the visions of the promotion, Qin Luoyi... Hehe, maybe I should call you Lan Qiaoyue. You should have died a long time ago. If you weren't attached to this body, how could you have survived to this day? Since you don't want to take the initiative to sell your body today, and you know that I am I will not allow you to continue living any longer."

  The killing intent in her eyes became stronger.

  From the corner of his eye, he glanced at Qin Tian.

  Qin Tian, ​​she will naturally not let it go.

   "The Bracelet that covers the sky is yours?" Qin Luoyi was taken aback, her phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, she was not surprised that she knew whether she was the original owner of this body.

  But she really didn't think that the sky-shading bracelet would be hers.

  After her soul traveled to this world, the bracelet she accidentally obtained in the original world also wore it, and she guessed that it was inseparable from this bracelet that she could come to this world.

"Of course it's mine. Such a heaven-defying bracelet, let alone the Xuantian Continent, is unique in the entire fairy world. It took me several years to refine it successfully." Yu Haitang looked proud Looked around a circle.

   "Since the bracelet that covers the sky is yours, then at the beginning... I came here, could it be because of your hands and feet?" Qin Luoyi's heart moved, and he stared at her and asked.

  Yu Haitang glanced at the thunder disaster in the sky, and the reborn beauty was like a jadeite.

Although the dark clouds are heavy, there is still at least half an hour before the real thunder calamity arrives. She is even more certain that Qin Luoyi will not be able to escape from her palm. As long as he takes away her home today, there will be no such person in the world. .

At that time, Qin Tian will be resolved... No one will know what she said today. After staying in the Hunyuan Dzi for more than 100,000 years, most of the time she was asleep because her soul was too weak. Unless the host of the Hunyuan Dzi was killed, she would wake up for a short period of time to pick a new host.

  Seeing that Qin Luoyi borrowed such a good body for herself, she decided to solve her doubts, and let her die in peace with great mercy.

"So we are destined." Yu Haitang smiled enchantingly: "When the soul in this body was about to die, I unexpectedly felt your breath and the sky-shading bracelet. Although it was far away, I did feel it. You Her soul is very similar to hers, and the aura is also very similar. I spent a lot of energy and consciousness to investigate, and soon I found out that you are the same soul, but one is on the Holy Dragon Continent, while the other is In the future, I have always wondered. Over the years, I have traveled to many places in the Hunyuan Dzi for hundreds of thousands of years, but I have never found a trace of the sky-shading bracelet. It turned out that the bracelet was taken to the future world !"

   Speaking of this, the expression on her face was a little inexplicable. He murmured as if talking to himself: "In such a short period of time, thanks to him having to make so many arrangements, if I hadn't accidentally found your body as the host, you in the Holy Dragon Continent and your future Something happened almost at the same time and the soul was about to leave the body, even if I search for hundreds of thousands of years, I might not be able to find the sky-shading bracelet." Her damaged soul can't recover so quickly, and she has more chances now able to return to the upper bound.

Moreover, she was in the state of a soul at that time. In order to bring Lan Qiaoyue's soul here, it took her hundreds of thousands of years. After finally repairing some of her soul, it became weak again. After getting Lan Qiaoyue here, she immediately He fell into a long sleep again.

   Fortunately, her efforts were not in vain.

With the Heaven-Covering Bracelet and the Hunyuan Dzi Bead, Qin Luoyi's cultivation speed was much faster than she expected. He cultivated all the way from the Xuanfu to the peak of the Zifu, and then successfully practiced five times. Duo Linghua is now about to cultivate to the realm of heaven and man, so it is hopeful for her to return to the fairy world.

   "It was originally a soul... one in the future and the other on the Shenglong Continent..." Qin Luoyi was a little surprised by the answer he got from Yu Haitang.

   No wonder.

  Dahei made a contract with the original Qin Luoyi, and later she occupied this body, but Dahei was fine and lived a good life.

  Think of your parents.

   There was a sudden movement in her heart.

   "In the future... if you keep practicing, can you travel through time and space at will?" Does that mean that she actually has a chance to go back to the future and return to her parents?

   "Yes, but it's very difficult. No one can do it except that person."

   She can't do it either.

  Yu Haitang's expression was a bit complicated.

   What floated in her eyes seemed to be hate, but also love.

  She was able to capture Lan Qiaoyue's soul only because the two souls were about to leave the body suddenly, a coincidence, not to mention the pull of the sky-shading bracelet.

   "Who is it?" Qin Luoyi's eyes lit up, and his phoenix eyes were fixed on Yu Haitang.

Yu Haitang glanced at her, and then smiled: "Who is it, you don't need to know, I won't tell you, and, even if you know, it's useless, your curiosity is too raw, since you know so much... I will tell you later It will directly crush your soul, and you will not be able to go anywhere."

When she told so many secrets about herself, she never planned to spare the lives of Qin Luoyi and Qin Tian, ​​but she told the secrets that she had held back for hundreds of thousands of years, and she still told the two dying people , which immediately made her feel much better.

  Yu Haitang raised her hand to read the full text of The Cultivator's Junior Brother Difficulty.

A silver light slowly emerged in her hand, faintly glowing in her palm, Qin Luoyi could see clearly that it was the mysterious silver stone in her body, and a very powerful suction burst out from the silver stone. shoot out.

  Qin Luoyi hurriedly mobilized his spiritual power to resist.

  There was a strong wind blowing in the sky, the dark clouds in the sky became thicker, and the thunder disaster seemed to be about to fall at any moment. Yu Haitang looked at her contemptuously.

   Obviously, she didn't take her resistance seriously.

  The silver light in the palm of the hand became more and more dazzling, and the suction became stronger. Seeing her smile enchantingly: "You don't need to resist forcefully, this is the heaven and earth stone... Even if you have really entered the realm of heaven and man, you will definitely not be able to resist him, not to mention that you are only a fusion of five spiritual flowers now." Together, we have not entered the real realm of heaven and man!"

"There is one more thing I don't understand. Please explain it to me. According to you, it seems that only the sky-shrouding bracelet can block the vision when Yu Lian was promoted. Why didn't there be any vision when Yu Lian was promoted?" While resisting the attraction of the silver Qiankun Tianshi, Qin Luoyi asked out the doubts in his heart.

  As far as she knows, Yu Lian is a high-ranking official in the Zifu.

"Yu Lian?" Yu Haitang raised her brows: "Of course she doesn't have visions. When I selected her, she was already a cultivator in the Purple Mansion, and she has never been promoted to the peak of the Purple Mansion. Of course, there will be no visions. "

For hundreds of years, the hosts she found on the Xuantian Continent were only two people who had cultivated to the Purple Mansion, and the others were in the Qing Mansion. Many places on the continent cannot go, which naturally affects the speed of her soul's recovery.

When she met Yu Lian, she quickly took a fancy to her aptitude. Although she was not affected by the Great Law of Acacia and Ultimate Bliss in her body from the beginning of her cultivation, Yu Lian's aptitude is indeed rare. After thinking about it , she chose Yu Lian to be her host.

If it wasn't for the fact that the Qin Luoyi she gave birth to later was an innate holy body, stronger than her cultivation talent, and she fell in love with Qin Luoyi again, when Yu Lian was in danger and was about to die, she would have made an exception to help her. First rescue.

"Now, I've told you everything you want to know, so you can go there with peace of mind. Don't worry, I will take good care of your body." Yu Haitang giggled, her expression crazy, The blue hair fluttered endlessly in the dim air.

The silver sky and rocks suddenly brightened, the dazzling light illuminated the dark half of the sky, and the space illuminated by the silver light began to distort, forming a terrifying vortex. Qin Luoyi's soul was absorbed by that force. Down, gradually separated from the body.

   "Haha." Yu Haitang smiled complacently. A phantom emerged from Yu Haitang's body, and then that phantom was attached to the Qiankun Tianshi, and quickly swept towards Qin Luoyi.

  Yu Haitang's body fell down behind her with a sound.

Qin Luoyi, who was about to leave the body, looked at the woman who was rushing towards him. The looming face was exquisite and beautiful, shrouded in a faint white mist, with a pair of peach blossom eyes, charming red lips, and a bumpy figure. He said that he was a devil. The normal figure is not exaggerated at all.

  The whole person is delicate and charming.

   This is the first time Qin Luoyi has seen the true face of the soul in the Hunyuan Dzi Bead. In all honesty, this woman is really beautiful, especially for men, she is absolutely amazing!

  If a woman like this wants to seduce a man, just hook her fingers, and I believe that no man can escape her temptation.

  ------Off topic------

Thank you for the kiss of Huahua at 123, the sky is blue, thank you for the kiss of Zitiankui, thank you for the kiss of Huahua, thank you for the kiss of Huahua and Diamond (20 flowers and 2 diamonds) at 13487896599, thank you for Xiao Xiaoyue’s kiss for Huahua (7 flowers), thank you The lotus in the rain kisses Huahua (2 flowers), thank you tstylee kisses Huahua (5 flowers.)