MTL - Senior Brother – One is Too Unscrupulous-v10 Chapter 137 Grand wedding

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As Qin Luoyi's wedding day approached, Kaiyang City became extremely lively. Although Qin Luoyi disappeared for more than a month, the happy stickers were only officially distributed half a month ago, but this is very important for the wedding. Said it had no effect at all.

  Although the happy post was not officially sent out before, the news that Qin Luoyi was about to marry Feng Feili and the others had been revealed long ago, and it spread throughout the Xuantian Continent at an incredible speed.

In order to participate in this wedding, to establish a good relationship with the Qin family, especially Qin Luoyi, to get acquainted with each other, many monks have never left Kaiyang City, and there are many monks who want to see the grand occasion, and leave immediately after getting the news All parts of Xuantian Continent came to Kaiyang City.

  Kaiyang City was overcrowded for a while.

The Qin family sent many more disciples to maintain the order of Kaiyang City. Long Xiaotian led the disciples of the Long family and the disciples of the Western Regions also cooperated with the disciples of the Qin family to maintain the order of Kaiyang City, so even if Kaiyang The city is already full of people, but the order is very orderly. [

From the day when the happy stickers were sent out, Feng Feili and others who were about to marry Qin Luoyi announced in a high-profile manner that as long as the flying boats on the entire Xuantian Continent are flying in the direction of Kaiyang City, those who take the flying boat Fees are free.

In Kaiyang City, the accommodation is also free of charge, because there are too many people, and many temporary residences have been specially built outside Kaiyang City, not only those who hold wedding stickers can move in, but those who don’t People can also live in it for free.

  All the teahouses and restaurants in Kaiyang City were also booked, and all three meals a day were provided free of charge.

  The entire Kaiyang City was a sensation.

  In the history of Xuantian Continent, no one has ever held such a luxurious and grand wedding ceremony.

Kaiyang City covers an area of ​​hundreds of miles. There are not ten thousand teahouses, restaurants and inns in it, and there are thousands of them. It is only a day, and the consumption there is an astronomical figure, not to mention that this free will last until The wedding is over!

Kaiyang City is decorated with lights and festoons everywhere, filled with a festive atmosphere. Although the establishment of the teleportation formation is still in the experimental stage, Kaiyang City, Xiaguang City, Qilong City and other huge cities, at the beginning The Tiandao Sect has established teleportation formations, and those teleportation formations are fully open day and night, and those who hold invitations can directly reach Kaiyang City from the teleportation formations in an instant.

   There is no teleportation formation in the Holy Dragon Continent, and there is no flying boat to go there, not to mention that it will take several months to travel to and from the Holy Dragon Continent by flying a thousand boats as fast as possible.

  Jian Yuyan and Chu Yifeng directly took Baiyutai to tear the space away, and brought their family members to Xuantian Continent. Master Qingyun and Master Qingfeng from Juechen Valley also came. Before Jian Yuyan and Jian Yuyan left, Qin Luoyi specially took an invitation for them to bring to the two priests.

  Of course, the master of Monk Tianwu, Monk Tianji, was not left behind.

It was Tsing Yi Puppet and Dahei who went to Penglai Xiandao to pick up Master Uncle Wu, and Hei Di also followed. As a result, not only Master Uncle Wu came, but also Elder Wei and other elders of the Piao Miao Sect, as well as Qin Luoyi's senior brothers, The bustling team was so huge that there were hundreds of people.

Dahei and Heidi also pulled out many spirit beasts from the Death Valley, each of them was neatly dressed by Dahei, and majesticly helped the monks of the Qin family maintain order outside Kaiyang City, However, they are all tall and tall. Although they are smiling all the time and pretending to be very friendly, many monks still feel frightened when they see them.

The spirit beasts that can be brought out by Dahei and Heidi are not ordinary spirit beasts. All of them have extremely powerful and terrifying cultivation bases, which are comparable to human cultivators from the Purple Mansion, so many people simply detour when they see them from a distance. Walk.

   On the day of the wedding, the sky was clear, the blue was like washing, and the white clouds were like fluff. It was an extremely rare good weather in winter.

  The venue of the wedding banquet is in a huge square on the west side of the Qin family's ancestral house in Kaiyang City. That square is also the place where the Qin family's disciples have practiced for a long time. It is only one door away from the bustling West Street in Kaiyang City.

   There were many monks who came to watch the ceremony. The door separated from Qin Family Square and Kaiyang City West Street opened early in the morning. Not only were there people in the square, but the West Street outside was also full of people.

The restaurant with a better view in Kaiyang City, where you can see the square upstairs, is full of people early in the morning, and some people even stand on the roof of the house or the top of the tree. Just to witness this once-in-a-thousand-year wedding event.

In the center of the square, there is a piece of dazzling gold. The golden color goes from the middle of the square to the Qin family's ancestral house on the side. The middle is circular, and the circular area is hundreds of square meters. A golden road nearly 100 meters wide and nearly 8,000 meters long.

The ground is covered with all kinds of golden gemstones, each of which is priceless. They were selected one by one from the warehouse by the old man of the Qin family who ordered the disciples of the Qin family a month ago. The smallest ones have eggs size. [

  These priceless things are spread on the ground for decoration, which shows how rich the Qin family is!

   At the golden circular position in the middle, nearly ten delicately crafted chairs are arranged in a circular arc toward the direction of the golden road.

Mr. Qin was full of smiles, and he sat at the first place with Master Ge of the Misty Sect. On his left and right sat Qin Lingyun and his wife, Duanmu Jinyu and his wife, and Jian Yuyan's parents, Jian Mingjin and his wife, Huangfu Yan, and his wife. The emperor of Chu.

Qin Mo was playing the role of master of ceremonies, and his eyes narrowed when he smiled. He was not married today, but he also chose a festive red brocade robe to wear on his body, which made him look beaming and handsome. Many young women couldn't help but cast their eyes on him with admiration in their eyes.

Qin Luoyi was dressed in a gorgeous phoenix robe woven with brocade silk, and on his head was a set of headdresses made of extremely rare pearl crystals, which were extremely gorgeous and were collected by Mr. Qin from various places in the Xuantian Continent. It seems that some of them were collected in the past few months, and more of them are the background of the Qin family over the years.

  A dazzling bead chain is worn around the neck.

The sky-shading bracelet and bodhi bracelet that he originally wore on his left hand can no longer be worn. On his right hand, he wears a fire chalcedony bracelet. Xie Ruyan and Qin Xianglian insisted on wearing extremely precious and exquisite anklets on the place covered by her skirt. Following her slow walking steps, she made a very crisp and pleasant voice.

On the golden gemstone ground, Qin Luoyi, dressed in red, had a smile on his lips, and his phoenix eyes shone with bright starlight. He was so glamorous and seductive that he inadvertently fascinated many young male monks. My ears are hot, and my heart beats a lot faster.

  Beside her, stood the six men in white.

For the first time, Bai Yi took off his white clothes and put on a special red brocade robe, which was also made of brocade silk. They all shone with dazzling golden light, and the cuffs and the hem of the clothes were auspicious clouds formed by large golden threads.

The clothes of Feng Feili and the others are similar to the white clothes, and they are also made of sky brocade silk. The patterns on their bodies are also flying dragons in the sky. jade belt.

  The jade belt of the white clothes is white, as elegant as water.

  Feng Feili's jade belt is silver, Duanmu Changqing's is green, Chu Yifeng's is blue, Qin Tian's is purple, and Jian Yuyan's is cyan. Not only did the colors of the jade belts on the six people not repeat, but the patterns on them also did not repeat, which was extremely delicate.

   "Wow, the bride is so beautiful!"

   "Not only is the bride beautiful, but look at her six husbands, all of them are imposing and majestic. They are all dragons among men. Standing with Miss Qin, they are a match made in heaven..."

   "Tsk, for a person like Young Master Feng, only Miss Qin can catch his eyes and wake him up."

"Yeah yeah."

   "Miss Qin has now cultivated to the realm of heaven and man. I heard that she has survived the twelve major catastrophes on Mount Yanluo that day, and she is the first person in our Xuantian Continent to be able to cultivate five spiritual flowers."

   "Hey, she has only started cultivating for less than ten years, and she is able to achieve such a terrifying cultivation level. Not only is she the first one in the Xuantian Continent, but in the future... I am afraid that no one in the Xuantian Continent will be able to surpass her."

  Feng Feili and Duanmu Changqing are also recognized as people with extremely high cultivation talents, but they can't cultivate to such a high level in such a short period of time with their talents. Even Jian Yuyan, the young master of the Huangfu family, has practiced much longer than her.

   "Such a talent, no wonder it was chosen by the Hunyuan Dzi."

   "Xuantian Continent... will be the Qin family's world from now on!" [

  The monks watching the ceremony whispered, their eyes could not hide their envy, especially Qin Luoyi was able to let several young masters on the Xuantian Continent marry her together, and Bai Yi... was even more envious of those female monks.

  Many people can’t help but think to themselves, let alone marry six at once, even if they marry one, they will wake up laughing when they fall asleep in this life.

Amidst the voices of envy and praise one after another, Shangguan Qiuyu, who was standing in an extremely inconspicuous corner, bit her lip, with a pale face, her eyes fixed on the man in the middle who was wearing a phoenix robe and smiling brightly. The woman has extremely complex eyes.

   Bitterness, jealousy, and loss.

  Her eyes moved to Chu Yifeng's face again.

  Chu Yifeng smiled, and looked at Qin Luoyi from time to time with a look that couldn't hide a trace of affection. She had never seen such a look on Chu Yifeng's face before.

  A few days ago, she was in the palace of Chu State, and suddenly heard that Chu Yifeng, who had been away for several years, had returned. She was surprised at first, but she hadn't seen anyone yet, and then heard an explosive news.

  Chu Yifeng is going to get married, and the person to be married is actually Qin Luoyi who was betrothed to the third prince back then!

  The news was like a thunderbolt, which made her unable to recover for a long time.

Qin Luoyi stole the limelight when she left Shenglong Continent, but after all, she left very quickly, and she was the one who stayed in Shenglong Continent in the end, not to mention her reputation as a genius doctor, and how many people in Shenglong Continent Do you dare to put her in your eyes?

  A few years ago, she found out that Chu Yifeng actually went to the other side of the sea to practice with a teacher. She couldn't believe it at all. He is the prince...the future emperor of Chu!

The third prince was banned, and from then on he was bound to the throne. The concubine Xiangui also died, and the Du family also collapsed. When he was practicing, he didn't expect him to leave like that, without any regrets.

These years, she has worked hard to cultivate and refine alchemy, and now her cultivation has improved greatly compared to six years ago... She thought her speed was fast enough, and one day she would be able to catch up with Qin Luoyi, and hoped that one day she would Just like Qin Luoyi, she was favored by the people on Penglai Xiandao and brought her to the holy land of cultivation.

  Thinking of this, she smiled.

   But that smile looks so bleak no matter how you look at it.

   When they met again, she realized that Qin Luoyi... was already someone she could never surpass, a mythical existence that she could only look up to from afar.

  Even Chu Yifeng is too.

   I haven't seen him in just a few years, but he has already cultivated to the peak of Zifu! The speed of cultivation is terrifying, maybe she will not be able to reach such a height in her whole life, she suddenly figured out things that she couldn't understand before, Chu Yifeng...I'm afraid it was because of Qin Luoyi that she left the Holy Dragon Continent Everything came to the Xuantian Continent, and even entered the door of the old man of the Qin family!

  A hand gently patted her shoulder.

   "Autumn rain..."

  It was Shangguan Hong, the owner of the Valley of Miraculous Doctors. He sighed secretly, looked at his daughter worriedly, and then at Qin Luoyi and the others who were worshiping heaven and earth in the middle of the square.

  Shangguan Qiuyu turned around.

  The eyes are very melancholy.

"Father... that woman, why does she have these things?" Shangguan Qiuyu's voice was crying, and her body trembled uncontrollably. She went to see Chu Yixiu who was imprisoned once, and Chu Yixiu actually treated her Never forget.

   Shangguan Hong felt sad and didn't know how to comfort her.

  Having seen the rich aura here, he is no longer planning to go back. He never knew that in addition to the legendary Penglai Immortal Island, there is actually a holy land for cultivating immortals in this world-the Holy Dragon Continent. It is much better to stay here and cultivate than to cultivate in Shenglong Continent. Maybe he will be able to break through to Xuanfu one day.

"In the future... don't say such things again." Shangguanhong warned his daughter, Qin Luoyi's cultivation is extremely terrifying, and her husbands, on the Xuantian Continent, each of them stomped their feet. Shocking character!

   There is also that white robe. I heard that his cultivation base is even more terrifying. Even the most powerful overlord in the sea, the Demon Emperor, was contracted by him. Before the contract, the Demon Emperor turned around and ran away without even seeing him...

   Such a group of people, neither of them can afford to offend, no matter who it is, trying to crush the father and daughter to death is like crushing two ants.

  ------Off topic------

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