MTL - Senior Brother – One is Too Unscrupulous-v10 Chapter 145

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  White clothes looked forward into the void thoughtfully.

  Qin Luoyi was attracted by the fairy sound, and unknowingly moved forward, with an inexplicable dazzling brilliance in his eyes.

   Bai Yi glanced at her, then followed her silently.

The mysterious bell made Qin Luoyi's mood brighten up. Many things and truths that she didn't understand before suddenly became clear in her heart. She even felt that she had encountered a truth that she had never encountered before. And the law - the way of heaven!

  So I listened more attentively.

   Walked straight ahead, after a long time, the bell stopped, Qin Luoyi finally woke up from that strange state, and the colorful lights filled his eyes.

  A sharp light flashed in her pitch-black phoenix eyes, and she quickly looked around.

   How is this still above the ninety-nine jade steps? At this time, she and Bai Yi had arrived in a mysterious cave, and there was a wild aura circulating in the colorful light in the cave ahead, giving people an unfathomable feeling.

  There is no clock here, and I don’t know where the mysterious bell sounded just now. [

  In front of the cave, there is chaos and mist, with yin and yang flowing, and there is a faint sky gate in front of it, which is dreamlike and brilliant, and it seems that there is a vast and poor energy contained in it.

Attracted by the limited and vast aura, Qin Luoyi unknowingly walked towards the gate of heaven. When she was about to step into the entrance of the cave, her heart suddenly tightened. It is said that there are several corpses!

   Those bones are not ordinary bones. Every bone is crystal clear, exuding a lustrous luster, and there are strange dao patterns flowing on them... It is impossible for ordinary monks to have such bones, unless they are the peak monks of the Zifu!

   Pursing her red lips, she considered whether to go in.

"It's okay, let's go in. Their cultivation base is too low, and they don't have blood jade to guide them. They forced their way in. Naturally, they can't stand the energy and formation in the cave." Bai Yi took her hand and stepped on the ground with her. Into the chaotic hole.

As soon as he stepped in, a more beautiful fairy sound than the bell just now sounded, and the atmosphere filled with it was actually the extremely pure power of the sun and the energy of the moon. Qin Luoyi couldn't help being intoxicated by it, Go forward step by step.

  Bai Yi looked at the heavenly gate in front of him with a strange light in his eyes, and silently walked forward by Qin Luoyi's side.

In this cave that seems to be filled with the energy of the sun and the sun, the gate of heaven is like a high-hanging bright light, which is full of peaceful charm, guiding her to move forward. In front of her eyes, the road was actually smooth.

   It's getting closer to the gate of heaven.

  Qin Luoyi clearly saw the other side of Tianmen.

  There are phoenixes flying, spiritual springs erupting, thousands of auspicious colors, thousands of rainbows, colorful and colorful, and various auspicious lights are constantly flowing. There is also a magnificent ancient temple made of five-color divine jade, covered with densely packed mysterious characters, and five-color divine brilliance blooming on it.

  Standing in front of the door, it seems that there is only one step away from the fairyland.

  The auspiciousness that appeared behind the gate of heaven made people yearn for it. Qin Luoyi was attracted by the fairy sound, but at the moment of Guan Jian, he still restrained the urge in his heart to cross over.

  She promised to ascend to the fairyland with the elder brother and the others. They didn't know how worried they should be if she really wanted to leave so quietly.

  At this time, there were several rabbits in the space of her bracelet, all of which she caught on Yuqing Peak before she came. After thinking about it, she simply grabbed a rabbit from the space and threw it towards the Tianmen. [

   "Give you the opportunity to become a fairy rabbit, you don't have to be too grateful to me."

  The rabbit was blocked from the door.

  Bai Yi smiled, shook his head and said, "There is a tough barrier here, and rabbits can't get in." He couldn't help but laughed again after he finished speaking. He really didn't expect that Qin Luoyi's first reaction when he saw this heavenly gate was to throw a rabbit there.

"Is there an enchantment?" Qin Luoyi didn't have any embarrassment on his face. He blinked and smiled, picked up the rabbit that fell down, looked at it and sighed: "I don't know who is so powerful. Coming out of such an enchantment, it looks like nothing... Hehe, I thought it would be able to jump up to the gate of heaven and become a fairy rabbit from now on, it's a pity."

  Bai Yi laughed again.

  Qin Luoyi gave him a sideways look.

At this time, the white brocade robe on the body of the white clothes fluttered with the surge of yin and yang. In front of him was a fairy world with thousands of auspicious colors, thousands of rainbows, and all kinds of auspicious lights. Standing there, the divine splendor Shrouded, the eyes are as bright and dazzling as the stars, and they seem to be strangely integrated with this place. It's like a **** coming down to earth.

  Qin Luoyi's eyes flickered.

  Looking at Bai Yi at this time, she suddenly had a strange feeling in her heart that Bai Yi would leave her from now on, and that feeling was so strong that she wanted to stretch out her hand to hold him.

  Bai Yi was looking at the gatepost next to Tianmen. The gatepost was exquisitely carved, and there were auspicious clouds on it, but there was a vacancy in the middle of the top of Tianmen.

  The vacant position looked very familiar.

  Bai Yi looked at it for a while, then threw the four blood jades together. He didn't notice Qin Luoyi's strangeness at this time.

Suddenly, the entire Tianmen shook violently, and the four pieces of blood jade and Tianmen merged into a whole, and the blood patterns on them shone with dazzling light, covering the entire Tianmen, and the fairyland filled with auspicious clouds could no longer be seen. Afterwards, several large characters suddenly appeared on the Tianmen enchantment.

   "The palm of the world is printed, and the gate of heaven is opened!"

  The four characters quickly disappeared again, and a huge square imprint appeared on the Tianmen. The imprint was filled with immortal light, and it seemed that a powerful breath gushed out from the imprint. After a long time, the image of the Dao Seal also disappeared, and the light on the Tianmen also disappeared, and four blood jades fell from the sky.

   "When the seal of the palm comes out, the gate of heaven will open..." Qin Luoyi muttered to himself: "The seal of the palm, what is it?"

  She guessed right, those few blood jades are indeed related to becoming immortals, but it seems that having these four jades alone is not enough, you must have the palm seal to open the gate of heaven.

   "The Seal of the World Palm...should be the seal that appeared on the Tianmen Gate at the back. It seems that in order to open this enchantment, you must find the Seal of the World Palm." Bai Yi squinted his eyes slightly. He actually had a very familiar feeling with the World Palm Seal on the Tianmen, it was the same as the Hunyuan Dzi Bead back then, as if he had seen it somewhere before.

  Qin Luoyi thought for a while, and she put the four pieces of jade on it again, just like before, after the dazzling light, those big characters appeared on the barrier of Tianmen, and finally the pattern of the palm seal...

This time, Qin Luoyi took a closer look. Not only was there a bright celestial light permeating the palm seal, there were also magical dao patterns emerging, and there was also a strange and powerful coercion emanating faintly, like a king. Look down upon the world.

  Qin Luoyi was secretly surprised.

   This is just a phantom. If it is real, the pressure of the palm seal is still unknown.

  After coming out of the cave, Qin Luoyi discovered that the location of the cave was actually under the lion and tiger cliff. And it is in one of the most powerful forbidden places under the Shihu Cliff.

In the past, even the Hei Emperor did not dare to approach this place easily. He once said that this place is a place of death. Many monks broke into the lion and tiger cliff. Man, it's never seen getting out alive.

Thinking of the bones that he saw inside before, Qin Luoyi sighed secretly. For monks, there is nothing more attractive than becoming an immortal. Give it a go.

  It's a pity...all failed in the end.

  The extreme north of the Holy Dragon Continent.

  Jin Ruihuang sat on an extremely exquisite and luxurious tiger leather chair above the main hall, looking down coldly at the man in black kneeling on the ground.

  The man in black has a slender figure and a beautiful appearance, with a flash of resentment flashing down his face. As if afraid of being exposed by others, the color of resentment only flashed, and soon disappeared completely.

"Lianqing, we haven't seen each other for a long time. Why does Bengong think that you are not happy to see Bengong?" Jin Ruihuang slowly walked down from the high platform and walked up to the man in black. She stretched out her finger , grabbing the man's chin, raised his head so that his eyes met his own.

   What caught my eye was a beautiful and bright smiling face.

   "Lianqing is naturally happy to see the Lord again. Lianqing has been looking forward to seeing the Lord for a long time."

  When he said this, the excitement in his voice could not be concealed, and his eyes were full of admiration when he looked at Jin Ruihuang.

  Jin Ruihuang smiled with satisfaction upon seeing this.

"I am also looking forward to seeing Lianqing. I have been looking forward to it for a long time... Seeing you like this, I am relieved. It is not in vain that I sent you to this lower world to save your life. I thought that as long as you live, We will meet again someday, Lianqing, we haven't seen each other for nearly 200,000 years, but you are still the same as before, always so charming."

When she said this, she lightly touched his face with her finger, but because the finger was a soul body, there was a chill from the inside to the outside... The smile on Lianqing's face was even stronger. Can Can, blinking her eyes and said charmingly: "My are getting more and more beautiful."

  He seemed to be unable to control himself and raised his hand to touch her.

   Fingers go through her.

  The body shook violently, and only then remembered that Jin Ruihuang was now in the soul body, and a flash of fear quickly flashed in the bottom of his eyes.

  Jin Ruihuang laughed out loud.

   It's just that the smile didn't reach the eyes.

"Beauty Lianqing, I really want to love you right now, to squeeze you dry, to make you lie on my bed like before, haha, but now... hey, I have Xinli, just wait a little longer, as long as you do one thing for you, after we finish it, we can be together forever, doing that blissful thing every day."

   "What are you doing? Please do as the palace lord tells you!" The man in black replied quickly, with a more courteous look on his face: "This subordinate will never hesitate to die!"

  Jin Ruihuang laughed out loud again.

"It's not a big deal, it's just killing a person." With a wave of his finger, an enchantment appeared in the hall, and a figure of a man appeared on the enchantment, dressed in white, handsome and extraordinary, his whole body exuded Noble and elegant breath.

"Xuanyuanqing!" Seeing the man in the barrier, the man in black's expression changed, and he exclaimed, "He's alive? He's really want me to kill him?" The body couldn't help but shivered, as if remembering something horrific.

"Huh, look at you like this, what are you doing! Just now I said that I will die for my palace, don't worry, I don't want you to die, you just need to kill him, and the position of the first king under my palace will be yours!"

  The man in black lowered his eyes.

   Did not speak.

"Although Xuanyuanqing has come back to life, he hasn't recovered his memory, let alone returned to his place. What are you afraid of him doing? In order to suppress the blissful law I left in a woman's body, the spiritual power in his body is almost exhausted. Now It's the time when your cultivation base is at its weakest, so you can strike right now!" Jin Ruihuang said again.

Looking at the man in black who dared to bow his head in front of her and said nothing, the murderous look in his eyes flashed away, if it wasn't for the fact that she was currently employing someone, and it took her a lot of effort to find him Well, if in the past, he dared to face her like this, she would have slapped him to death!

Feeling the flash of murderous aura on her body, the black-clothed man named Lianqing was extremely angry, but he could only tear the void away, and quickly found the place where the white clothes were, and saw the road in the distance who was crossing his legs. The face of the meditating figure changed again, and a flash of fear instinctively flashed across his body.

   His hands and feet trembled again.

   "Take his life while he is weak, what are you still dawdling about? Hurry up!" A very sharp voice came from the bottom of my heart, it was Jin Ruihuang's voice.

   Lianqing's back stiffened slightly.

  Jin Ruihuang is his contractor, and he is a soul contractor, just a thought can make him fly away!

  Obviously that woman's cultivation is far inferior to his own now, but he is still under her control. She asked him to kill Xuanyuan Qing, a terrifying man, and he had no choice but to come.

  Here comes... Perhaps what Jin Ruihuang said was right, Xuanyuanqing was seriously injured, he killed him in one fell swoop, not only saved his life, but Jin Ruihuang would not have a powerful threat in the future, so he could sleep peacefully at night.

Not coming.

   There was a shy smile on the corner of his lips.

  He will be out of his wits in no time.

  Even if the woman is needed now, he won't kill him immediately, and he doesn't know how to torture him so that his life is worse than death.

   Jin Ruihuang's cold snort came from the bottom of my heart again.

  It seems already very impatient.

   Lianqing didn't dare to delay any longer, she hid her breath, and rushed towards the white clothes, killing with terror when she made a move.

  Bai Yi, who was retreating at first, didn't seem to notice it.

   Lianqing was overjoyed.

   Seeing that his attack was about to succeed and land on Bai Yi's head, Bai Yi suddenly opened his eyes, grabbed his hand easily, threw him out heavily, and slammed into the barrier that had just been set up just now.

  ------Off topic------

  Thank you Xiaoxiaoyue for kissing Huahua, thank you for kissing Huahua for Lotus in the Rain (2 flowers), thank you for kissing Huahua for 123, whose sky is blue, and thank you ln Crystal for kissing Diamond.