MTL - Senior Brother – One is Too Unscrupulous-v11 Chapter 11 in the same room

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  The early morning sunlight penetrated the silver gauze door and sprinkled into the hall, casting out a bright light. The rich aura floating in the air floats ups and downs, dimly presented in the wisps of sunlight, and being in it is as warm and comfortable as being in a mother's body.

   It is worthy of being the place chosen by the Great Demon King of the Southern Demon Realm. The richness of aura here is probably the best in the Demon Realm.

Qin Luoyi took a deep breath, her slender eyelashes fluttered slightly, she opened her eyes, but she looked into a pair of beautiful eyes with a slightly evil spirit, a dazzling smile lingered at the bottom of the glass-like pupils, and her slender fingers Gently tapped her face intimately: "Are you awake?"

  The voice is clear and gurgling like spring water, penetrating into the deepest part of people's hearts, making people feel faint ripples in their hearts.

Qin Luoyi blinked, looked at the man lying beside him with his elbows on his back, the faint misty look in his eyes faded away, he pulled the brocade quilt around his body and sat up, his phoenix eyes narrowed dangerously, He said coldly: "Mo Xiao, why are you on my bed?"

  After practicing for nearly ten days, she only left the customs last night. She never thought that there would be such a big surprise waiting for her when she woke up early in the morning.

Mo Xiao chuckled, stretched out his slender fingers to rub her slightly messy long hair again, and chuckled: "Why, I can't remember, it wasn't you who pulled me and said don't let me go, you have to accompany me Is it yours? Really forgot? No memory at all?"

There was a naughty smile on the corner of Mo Xiao's mouth, and his eyes were dark with a charming luster. He leaned towards Qin Luoyi again as he spoke. With a chest like white jade, the jet-black hair was also scattered and scattered behind her, her handsome face looked handsome and enchanting in the morning light.

  Seeing him like this, Qin Luoyi reflexively lifted the quilt to look at him. [

   His complexion changed even more.

   Obviously she was lying down with her clothes last night, but at this time the outer shirt has been taken off, leaving only the obscene clothes and pants, and the obscene clothes are also slightly messy like a demon owl, and even the snow-white skin inside can be faintly seen.

  She drove away the approaching demon owl.

   With lightning speed, he took out another shirt and put it on again, thinking about what happened last night while wearing it.

When Mo Xiao came, she didn't have any impression at all. She only remembered that she had a dream last night. In the dream, she dreamed that Chu Yifeng, who had already ascended to the fairy world, came to find her. It's okay, I was looking for her everywhere, and my heart was even more excited, so I embraced him passionately and kissed him passionately.

Later she saw Xuanyuanqing again, Xuanyuanqing was still wearing white clothes, but looked at her with a strange look, which made her heart palpitate, and after seeing her twice, she was about to leave, so she stretched out her hand to hold her he.


   Could it be that it was not a dream last night, but the one she grabbed was not Xuanyuan Qing, but Mo Xiao? The one she kissed was not Chu Yifeng, but also Mo Xiao?

  Thinking of this, her hands that were wearing a belt couldn't help trembling, her dark eyes were annoyed, what the hell, what the **** did he come to her place in the middle of the night? She actually thought of him as Chu Yifeng and Xuanyuanqing in her dream!

  After getting dressed, she turned around with an expression on her face.

  Mo Xiao leaned on the head of the bed, her hair slanted straight down, and the corners of her eyes were raised slightly, evoking a bewitching arc. The eyelashes were as long as a feather fan, and she looked at her with a smile, her perfect thin lips were red and bright, exuding a charming style, as if she had just been ravaged severely.

  Qin Luoyi pursed his lips.

It was only then that I realized that there was something strange about my mouth, but fortunately, there was nothing strange about her body. I think she didn't do anything too outrageous. After ten days of retreat, the expression on Mo Xiao's face has improved, right? Not much, and there is no sign of injury at all.

   "Why are you in my bed!"

  She spoke again. [

   Annoyance could not be concealed in his voice.

   "Did you really forget?" Mo Xiao looked at her expression. But with a suppressed fire in his eyes, he raised his eyebrows, raised his hand to touch his red lips, and smiled ambiguously: "It's a pity, Luo Yi, you don't even know how enthusiastic you are on the bed, I almost I can't help it... Such a beautiful night, I am the only one who remembers it..."

"Shut up!" Qin Luoyi glared at him viciously. Although it was in a dream, with her current cultivation, there was someone in her bed, and that man was not her husband. She couldn't possibly not notice it, even in her dream. After doing a lot of things in the middle of the day, she didn't believe it if it was said that Mo Xiao didn't do anything wrong, "What are you doing in my house!"

  Mo Xiao looked around and jokingly said: "Luoyi, you made a mistake, this is not the Lingxiao Palace where I let you live, this is the Jiuzhong Palace where I live."

  Qin Luoyi's heart froze.

  She turned around and opened the door and walked out, and it turned out to be the Nine Layers Palace... She obviously rested in the Lingxiao Palace last night!

Mo Xiao stood in front of Qin Luoyi and stood at the door for a while, then quickly left the Jiuzhong Hall, walking further and further away, only looked back at the Jiuzhong Hall once in the middle, and never looked back again, soon she His figure disappeared, and he was never seen again, so he smiled and looked away. Turn around and go back indoors.

  Qin Luoyi left the Jiuzhong Hall with a sigh of relief in his heart.

She didn't go back to the High Heaven Pavilion, and went straight out of the garden for tens of miles, and when she reached the door, two men in black standing at the door saw her coming out, and stopped her: "Girl, token! "

  If there is no summon from the demon lord, you must have a token to enter and exit this gate.

  Qin Luoyi looked at the two men standing in front of him, and the corners of his eyes twitched fiercely. Damn Mo Xiao, she has been trapped here for ten days, and she hasn't come out once since arriving here. And it wasn't the first time she was stopped.

  After Mo Xiao retreated, when she wanted to leave the gate, she knew that she had to have a token to get out of this garden, but at that time Mo Xiao was already in retreat, where would she get the token?

  The faces of the two men in Tsing Yi don't look very outstanding, but their cultivation is very good, much higher than her. Both of them have the cultivation of the Great Demon Lord, so she can't break through even if she wants to. As for the chasing wind and the others guarding the inside, they didn't let in. Without Mo Xiao's order, no matter what she said, they just wouldn't let her out.

  Just now when she saw that Mo Xiao would actually be on the bed with her, she became anxious, and her mind became confused, and she forgot to ask Mo Xiao for a token all the time.

  Decided secretly in her heart that if she got the token, she would leave here far away. As for Mo Xiao's damaged life essence, if there is any other way to return it to him, that's all, but double cultivation is absolutely impossible. If he really can't restore the peak cultivation base in a short time, for the lives of the two of them, she will try everything A way to help him deal with the Northern Demon Emperor.

  Knowing that these two people are masters who recognize cards but not people, she didn't bother to talk nonsense to them, so she turned around and left.

  Going back to the Nine Layers Hall, there was no sign of Mo Xiao in the resting hall. She went to his training room again, but she still didn't see anyone. She wondered, where could this person go in just a short while?

Only the Jiuzhong Palace and her Lingxiao Palace can't use the divine sense to control and investigate at will. In order to find the demon owl and get the token, she simply went to the palace one by one to find it. Unfortunately, the white fox used the phantom fruit and was already practicing in seclusion. Otherwise, if there is it, it is not easy to find someone?

After a circle, he still couldn't find anyone, so he returned to the original hall, kicked the corner of the wall resentfully, and with a click, a secret door suddenly opened. Qin Luoyi's eyes lit up, and he walked in curiously, with a faint feeling in his heart. Looking forward to it, it would be best if this secret door leads to the outside of the garden, and if she leaves like this, she won't have to work hard to find that brand.

There are many rare and exotic stone lighting inlaid in the dark passage. After walking dozens of steps and turning a corner, what appears in front of you is a huge and exquisite glass screen. A tall figure is printed on the glass screen. The proportions are perfect, and it can even be seen that there is no clothes on the body...

  Qin Luoyi yelled unluckily, stopped his feet suddenly, looked away after just one glance, then turned around and was about to exit.

A playful chuckle came from behind the screen: "Since you came here on purpose, come in. Why are you leaving in such a hurry...Anyway, it's not like you haven't seen me, I remember last not only saw , and touched it, don’t worry, I don’t mind if you look at it…”

Hearing what he said about last night, Qin Luoyi took a deep breath, her face was very hot. Of course, her hot face was not from shame, but from anger. She raised her chin and sneered coldly at the screen: "Who cares to look at you? It's not easy to find a four-legged toad, but it's not easy to find a two-legged man? I have to find this place to see you? You are different from others. You have three legs and six legs. No arm? If that’s the case, hum, I might be interested to see.”

The figure who was wearing clothes behind the screen in an unhurried and elegant manner paused for a moment, then smiled again: "So you want to see me with three heads and six arms, but it's not impossible, I Just to scare you."

   Leaning slightly on the glass screen and stroking his head, he looked very troubled.

  Qin Luoyi spoke thoroughly.

   I have never seen such a thick-skinned man with such a poor mouth, tsk, this kind of virtue is actually the great devil king who is extremely admired by people in the Southern Demon Realm!

Mo Xiao was already dressed, and came out from behind the screen, with slightly wet hair, a pair of beautiful eyes, looking at her with a half-smile, and a charming breath came from him: "Luoyi, I miss you." I think, if you want to see it, you should see my true colors. If I really scare you, I will feel bad. As for those men you mentioned just now... Ha, which of them can compare with me? Who is as good-looking as me? "

   "Yes, you are good-looking, you are more beautiful than a woman." Qin Luoyi stabbed him casually, and seeing that Mo Xiao's face was a little distorted, he finally felt a little better in his heart.

   Straight to the point and asked him for a brand.

   "Want a sign? Do you want to go out?" Mo Xiao's eyes flickered: "It just so happens that I have also left the customs. Where do you want to go, I will go with you."

   But did not mention the brand.

  Qin Luoyi seriously suspected that he did it on purpose.

"No need, I know you're busy, so I'll just walk around, just give me the sign." Regardless of whether she can leave today, she has to get the sign first. She was practicing most of the time, and she didn't see any other people coming in and out except for Zhuifeng, so she didn't even see what the sign looked like.

   Until the gate of the garden, Mo Xiao didn't give her the sign.

  The two people guarding the door didn't ask her for a sign this time. Seeing Mo Xiao coming out with her, they bowed and took two steps back. Qin Luoyi stood still after walking out.

   Demon Xiao also paused when he saw this.

"What's wrong?"

   "Your Majesty, the token." Qin Luoyi didn't allow him to pretend to be stupid, and reminded him again that he had made up his mind that even if he couldn't get the token today, he had to get a word from him.

  The eyes of the two men in black guarding the door flickered.

   Mo Xiao was amused and funny in his heart.

   It is really not enough to achieve the goal. Looking at her fair and jade-like pretty face, recalling the creamy touch, I really wanted to raise my hand and squeeze her face hard.

   "You don't need a token! Where are you going in the future, just tell me, I'll go with you." Mo Xiao said with a smile, with a rare pampering in his clear voice.

  The pupils of the two men in black suddenly shrank, and they quietly raised their heads to look at Qin Luoyi and moved their eyes away, but they didn't dare to look at Mo Xiao.

   "What should I do if I want to go out when the king is in retreat?" Qin Luoyi was not perfunctory by him.

  Mo Xiao laughed: "You want to go out that much?"

  Qin Luoyi pulled out a smiling face, but his eyes were a little cold.

   "She doesn't need a token to go out in the future." Mo Xiao directly instructed the two people guarding the door, and then said to Qin Luoyi: "Satisfied now?"

  A smile finally appeared in Qin Luoyi's eyes.

   "However, you are not very familiar with the Southern Demon Realm after all. I don't feel at ease if you go out alone. This is good. When you go out, let Zhuifeng and Zhuying go out with you." Mo Xiao said again.

   Summoned Chasing Wind and Chasing Shadow, and personally gave orders.

Now not only the two men in black at the door were surprised, but also the faces of Zhuifeng and Zhuying couldn't hide their surprise. You must know that Zhuifeng and Zhuying, as well as Qingfengmingyue, are both big The demon king's close servants, not to mention their high cultivation, are extremely trusted by the great demon king, and their reputation in the southern demon world is even more famous. Even the king of Nanyue treats them very politely on weekdays.

  The king now sent two people to follow Miss Qin.

The surprise on the faces of Zhuifeng and Zhuying quickly disappeared, and they responded respectfully, and quickly disappeared again, but they knew in their hearts that they had already lived in Ling Xiao, who had never lived before. They had to reevaluate the position of the women in the palace in the king's mind.

And in the past few days, they have also heard the truth about the injury of the king. At the critical moment of the invasion of the Northern Demon Realm, the king actually tried to save her even if he was injured... What does she mean to the king? made some guesses.

   Qin Luoyi, who will have two more tails in the future, is not happy.

  After walking a certain distance, she turned her back and stopped in front of Mo Xiao, and said solemnly: "What do you mean by letting them follow me? I'm afraid that others will not know our relationship?"

   "Don't worry, their cultivation is very good, and most people who follow you will not be able to find them." Mo Xiao comforted her.

  Qin Luoyi was still upset.

  How could she leave with these two tails?

   Must make Mo Xiao change his mind.

  Just as he was about to speak, a figure flashed across the sky like a shooting star, and landed in front of the two of them in a blink of an eye.

   was actually the King of Ancient Yue.

   King Guyue's expression was dignified, his eyes couldn't hide the anxiety, but his complexion was much better than ten days ago, and it seemed that the injuries in his body had also healed up a lot.

   "Meet the king!"

  He came to Mo Xiao in a hurry, and bowed to Mo Xiao: "Your Majesty, something happened, something happened to the furnace of medicine that Mr. Wang refined."

   "What's going on?" The smile on Mo Xiao's face faded away, and he looked at him coldly, a ruthless aura that was different from just now shot out from him.

   "People from the Northern Demon Realm infiltrated the alchemy room, and Mr. Wang was seriously injured." King Guyue said through gritted teeth.

  Qin Luoyi also sullen.

The Fuyuan Pill was refined for Mo Xiao, and it can replenish his damaged life essence. It has been refined for several years, and everything in it is a rare treasure from the upper realm. Spiritual water is completely different. Although the things for refining spiritual water are good, they are all things from the lower realm, and they are the best things that can be found in the lower realm.

  Originally, there were still a few days for the Lubu Yuan Pill to become a pill. If the pill is destroyed just like this, all previous efforts will be wasted... the consequences will be disastrous!

  The demon owl rushed over.

   King Guyue followed closely behind him.

Qin Luoyi didn't care to leave at this time, and followed them to the alchemy room. There were already a lot of people gathered there, all of them looked dignified and angry. A middle-aged man who looked very refined was sitting cross-legged on the ground, with Bloodstained, his face was very pale, he should be the alchemist Wang who was seriously injured.

Not far away, there is a man who looks quite young. The man is very embarrassed. He has obviously been beaten severely and has been restrained. At this time, he can blink his eyes and cannot move at all. When Mo Xiao came in, a strong fear flashed in his eyes.

  ------Off topic------

Thank you for 13505743081 kiss Huahua (3 flowers), thank Xiao Xiaoyue for kissing Huahua, thank you for the sky is blue 123 kiss for Huahua, thank you for the lotus in the rain kiss for Huahua (2 flowers.) thank you for 15651101997 kiss for Huahua (2 flowers)

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