MTL - Senior Brother – One is Too Unscrupulous-v11 Chapter 24 two right

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   There is also Qin Luoyi.

  Some of the onlookers here came back from the Southern Demon Realm. Naturally, they recognized Qin Luoyi's figure at a glance, and spread the word.

   Not long ago, the news that Qin Luoyi had survived the catastrophe of the Great Demon King spread wildly in the Northern Demon Realm like wings. Unexpectedly, in less than a few months, she actually survived the catastrophe of the Demon King!

  Qin Luoyi's amazing cultivation speed can be called the ancients and the latecomers, not only the first in the demon world, but also no one in the entire fairy, demon and demon world has ever been able to achieve her sky-defying cultivation speed.

"She still has the Hunyuan Dzi Bead, and the Great Demon King Mo Xiao of the Southern Demon Realm is protecting her. Many people in the Southern Demon Realm are spreading rumors that the Great Demon King Mo Xiao wants to form a double cultivation with her. If Qin Luoyi really Cultivate to become the Great Demon King, sooner or later our Northern Demon Realm will be in the pockets of both of them!"

   "This day is going to change, brother, be more vigilant when you go out in the future."

"Hey, it's good to change the sky. That Lord is cruel and heartless. One day, I don't know how many people will applaud... Anyway, my cultivation has reached the most critical time. After I go out, I plan to find a place to practice in seclusion. The impact of the Great Demon Lord."

   "Retreat well, I will retreat with you when the time comes"


  After that battle, there was a wave of closed-door training in the Northern Demon Realm. Of course, this is all for later.

  Finally returned to the Nether Palace smoothly, Mo Chen's face was extremely ugly, his lips were tightly pressed, his eyes were gloomy, and his heart was both shocked and angry.

   "Your Majesty!"

A demon cultivator came out from the entrance of the main hall, saw him coming, and stepped aside respectfully to salute him, when Mo Chen saw that he was wearing black clothes like a demon owl, his eyes turned red immediately, and the anger in his heart became even hotter. As soon as he kicked over, he kicked the heart of that demon cultivator severely.


  The corpse hit the palace door behind him, his eyes were wide open, and he was already dead, but he didn't know what happened until he died, and where did he provoke people to suffer such a disaster.

   "Drag his body to me to feed the dogs!" Mo Chen said coldly.

   Turned around and entered the hall.

  A few guards appeared behind him silently, lifted up the corpse on the ground, and retreated quietly, their movements were extremely cautious, fearing that they would also be inexplicably caught up in a disaster.

   This matter quickly spread among the guards.

  We all know that Mo Chen is in a bad mood, and everyone in Nether Palace is doing things with their tails between their legs, but even so, within a quarter of an hour, several guards were still murdered by Mo Chen.

   Originally not in the Dark Realm, the Golden Crow King and Golden Flood Dragon King who had quietly left the Dark Realm for the Southern Demon Realm got the news, and rushed back quickly. Seeing Mo Chen's face, both of them felt a sinking heart.

   "Send down the order to closely monitor the movements of the demon lords. If you find their whereabouts, report them immediately. Don't startle the snake." Mo Chen ordered in a cold voice. "Also, during this period of time, no one is allowed to enter or exit the Dark Realm, and you should not go out either."

He wants to put an end to all the possibilities of Mo Xiao leaving the Dark Realm. With Mo Xiao's skills, she still has the right time, place and people in her own territory, and she has the natural barrier of the Dark Realm. If she really lets them escape, The consequences could be disastrous!

   King Jinwu and King Jinjiao quickly looked at each other, took the order and went out quickly. Mo Chen sat on a chair, closed his eyes and thought carefully about the previous battle with Mo Xiao. [

  Suddenly he was startled and stood up from the chair abruptly.

   With a bang, the chair fell to the ground.

  The guard standing outside the hall heard the loud noise, and his hair stood on end, fearing that he would be the next person to vent his anger and be killed.

   "Damn! You actually took away the sky-shading bracelet." Looking at his storage ring, Mo Chen was furious. If he hadn't recalled carefully at this time, he would never have discovered Mo Xiao's extremely suspicious actions at that time.

   And himself... things have been touched for so long, and he is still kept in the dark. After getting angry, he was even more shocked.

  The body fell slumped on the soft couch beside him.

Mo Xiao...he really underestimated him. Unknowingly, this person became his strongest opponent. After 200,000 years, not only his injury has healed, but his cultivation base has improved, and Mo Xiao is not in the same place. tread.

  Compared to Mo Chen's slump, Qin Luoyi, who had regained the sky-shading bracelet, was extremely happy, with a smile on his red lips, and a pair of phoenix eyes shining brightly, as if shining like glass.

  With the Sky-Covering Bracelet, no matter where you practice, you will not be easily found by Mo Chen, and you will not be afraid of any tricks Mo Chen hides in the dark.

  Of course, what makes her happiest is that with the Sky-Blocking Bracelet, she can slowly ponder the flow rate in it with peace of mind.

  Mo Xiao also said before that if he had the sky-shrouding bracelet in his hand, the fluctuations in the flow of time would no longer be noticed by outsiders.

  The two discussed and finally chose a mountain range that is inaccessible but has clear mountains and clear waters, and is extremely abundant in spiritual energy.

  Qin Luoyi shut down as soon as she entered the bracelet space, fully comprehending the true meaning of the speed of time, she urgently needs to improve her cultivation.

  Mo Xiao didn't expect her to be so eager, raised his eyebrows, looked at the closed door of the practice room, smiled, and then he entered another practice room without mentioning it.

  Qin Luoyi closed the retreat for five full days.

   When she left the training room five days later, Mo Xiao found that not only did she not have the slightest smile on her face, but her face was solemn.

  I saw him, but after saying hello to him, I ran to sit on the swing by myself, and started to swing casually.

   Demon Xiao walked over.

   "I failed." Qin Luoyi pursed his lips, glanced at him and said, his voice was faint, which inexplicably made Mo Xiao's heart tighten.

  Suddenly, I couldn't see her battered look.

   "It's only been five days, it's normal for you to fail." Mo Xiao chuckled: "It's not normal until you succeed."

  Qin Luoyi glanced at him again, resting his chin on his hand: "I have clearly realized the true meaning of time."

  In addition to the epiphany that day, these days, she actually has a deeper understanding of the flow of time, but the flow of time is still unstable in practice, and the unstable time flow cannot be used for cultivation at all!

"There are quite a few people in the Upper Realm who have touched the true meaning of time. I'm afraid they can't be counted with ten fingers. Moreover, they can't touch the true meaning of time in days, at least they are all measured in tens of thousands of years. For example, I have touched the true meaning of time hundreds of thousands of years ago, but unfortunately I still can't really control it..."

  Mo Xiao touched her head, the pitch-black hair was extremely soft to the touch, and it was soft and slippery. It felt very good, and he was reluctant to let go of it: "How long has it been since you touched the true meaning of time?"

  Qin Luoyi looked up at him.

   Meet his beautiful dark eyes.

   This is the first time she heard Mo Xiao say that she has touched the true meaning of time, and it has been hundreds of thousands of years... Could it be that she was too naive before? Actually delusional to grasp the true meaning of time in a short time?

  Whether it's cultivation or alchemy, Qin Luoyi's past few decades have been almost smooth, without any major setbacks, and even ascended to the upper realm smoothly.

  At this time, Mingming had an epiphany. She had learned a lot about the mystery of the flow of time from Bai Yi before, but she still couldn't grasp the true meaning of time. I have to say that this was a severe blow to her after years of cultivation. What's more, she urgently needs to master the flow of time now, and quickly advance to strengthen herself.

   Only when she becomes strong, her life will no longer be threatened by others, and she will be able to walk in the upper world without any scruples. Especially for her who wants to go to the fairy world as soon as possible, this is really a big blow.

  Mo Xiao has grasped some true meanings of time, and it has been for hundreds of thousands of years... Mo Xiao's telling such a fact not only did not comfort her, but made her heart feel colder.

  It is not easy for the demon owl to become the Great Demon King of the Southern Demon Realm and a powerful overlord, no matter in terms of cultivation base or cultivation talent. During those days in the Southern Demon Realm, she heard many legends about him.

   What's more, a man with a pure yang body is already extremely talented. If she can't master the flow of time for hundreds of thousands of's not impossible.

  She learned from the demon owl.

  Mo Xiao moved his hand away from the top of her head.

  Sit together with her on the swing frame, stretch out his arms, and hug her whole body into his arms very familiarly.

Qin Luoyi, who was hugged tightly by him, froze slightly, and really wanted to stand up. Mo Xiao looked at her with a half-smile, and held the hand on her waist without letting go: "I haven't started talking yet, Where are you going? Don't want to hear it anymore?"

   "You sit, I stand." Qin Luoyi pulled the corners of his lips and grinned at him: "This swing is too small, and it's too crowded for us to sit together."

   After speaking, he stood up again.

Mo Xiao sneered, and put more force on her waist, without any intention of letting go, leaned close to her ear and said ambiguously: "Squeeze? Why do I feel that this swing is better than the swing we used to practice in those days?" There are too many in the waste space? It was only crowded at that time, otherwise, I'd better hug you like that..."

   As he spoke, he was about to move her body towards him.

   "No need, just sit like this." Seeing his angry movements and ambiguous expression, Qin Luoyi simply compromised. With her cultivation base, she couldn't beat Mo Xiao at all. Regarding this point, she had experienced it many times when she stayed in that narrow waste space, and she had to say that strength is really the last word, no matter what she did, she would definitely get what he wanted in the end.

Staying in that space for a full eight days, she was not succeeded by him once or twice, and now she thinks of those eight days with a warm face, in such a small space, he can still change so many postures .

If she hadn't really obtained his pure yang essence, she might have suspected that this man was not a man who had just tasted love, but a veteran in a field of flowers, with methods, tricks, endurance... and sweet words, the same None.

   "Is that really it?" Mo Xiao asked her again, a look of anticipation faintly flashed in her beautiful eyes, as if hoping that she would change her mind.

"that's it."

  Qin Luoyi has black lines all over his head.

   "Okay. Since you're not afraid of crowding, then let's do it." Mo Xiao was clearly disappointed when he said this.

  Qin Luoyi simply changed the subject.

  Ask him again about the true meaning of time.

   This time, Demon Xiao didn't bother with anything else.

  Very simply, he evolved the time flow under his was even more chaotic and irregular than the time flow controlled by Qin Luoyi.

   "You're just too anxious. There are some things that you can't be anxious about. You have to take your time. There's no use in being anxious." Looking at her pretty face that couldn't hide her sadness, Mo Xiao said.

   The words are reasonable, but how could Qin Luoyi not be in a hurry?

   If there is any further delay, it will be almost four years since she ascended to the Upper Realm. She doesn't know the whereabouts of Chu Yifeng and the others. There is still a Mochen outside, and she doesn't want to be trapped in the Northern Demon Realm forever.

"It's easy." Mo Xiao put his arms around her waist and smiled meaningfully: "Isn't it just a lower level of cultivation? If you continue to study the speed of time, I have confidence in you. One day you will succeed. It is a matter of cultivation. Just leave it to me, and I promise to let you cultivate and study the flow of time at the same time."

After listening to Mo Xiao's words, Qin Luoyi realized that she had unknowingly said what was in her heart, so she glanced at him with a half-smile, and said, "What is someday? You are not afraid that Mo Chen will not find you." Let's, he went to the Southern Demon Realm to make troubles again? Also, how can you ensure that the time flow of my cultivation and research is correct?"

   "Running to the Southern Demon Realm to make trouble, um, it's not impossible." Demon Xiao stroked his chin, his expression became serious: "In this case, let's not waste time, come and practice."

   As soon as he finished speaking, he went to pull Qin Luoyi's belt, leaned over again, and kissed her red lips directly.

  Qin Luoyi, who was attacked by surprise, stared wide-eyed.

"Why do you still open your eyes when you kiss?" Mo Xiao stretched out his hand and directly covered her eyes, kissing her while leaning close to her ear and chuckling ambiguously: "Luoyi, I think we cooperate when we double cultivate. We have become more and more tacit understanding, you see, we are a natural pair, and we are both cultivating demons, no one can improve our cultivation faster than our dual cultivation."

  Qin Luoyi suddenly realized.

   It turned out that what he said was correct, and he actually asked himself to double cultivate with him.