MTL - Senior Brother – One is Too Unscrupulous-v11 Chapter 26 Avenue Aquarius

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"Devil! People like you are not worthy of being a devil emperor at all!" A stern roar came from the mouth of a man in yellow, with a sad and indignant expression. Picked a life.

At the gate of the city, there are many demon cultivators who look as sad and angry as him. Among the demon cultivators who were killed just now are their relatives and friends. They watched helplessly that their relatives and friends did not die in the hands of the enemy, but died in the In the hands of the Devil Emperor, how could they not be angry?

  Faced with Mochen, who was terrifying in strength and was not something they could fight against at all, they dared not speak out, and could only swallow their anger forcibly.

  Mo Chen looked at the man in yellow with a dark gaze, locked his eyes tightly on his body, smiled coldly, and shot at him with the same five-color light as before.

  The man in yellow knew that he would be suspicious, he gritted his teeth and closed his eyes with a sad smile. As early as when he opened his mouth to curse that sentence, he never thought that he would be able to live again.

  Mochen's authority has never been allowed to be challenged.

   Not to mention such insults in person.

   Mo Xiao looked at this scene coldly, and a wicked smile flashed across his beautiful eyes.

  Qin Luoyi glanced at him. [

   Mo Xiao clearly has no intention of making a move like this, no...he is afraid that not only does he not want to make a move, but he also wishes Mo Chen could kill more people at this time.

After pondering for a moment, Qin Luoyi's figure flew towards the man in yellow like lightning. With a flick of his purple long sleeves, he flicked away the terrifying arrow formed by the five-colored light, and the arrow instantly melted away. For virtual.


   There was a burst of joyful exclamation around.

Many demon cultivators looked at Qin Luoyi with hot eyes. The man in yellow originally thought he was doomed, and was waiting to die with his eyes closed. When he heard the exclamation, he opened his eyes suddenly, just in time to see Qin Luoyi coming from The beautiful figure flying away from him.

   "Qin Luoyi!"

  Mo Chen's extremely cold eyes fell on Qin Luoyi, and he was extremely angry. With Mo Xiao's temperament, he knew that Mo Xiao would not care about these people's lives, but he never thought that Qin Luoyi would dare to stop them.

  A woman who had just advanced to the Great Demon King actually saved the person he was about to kill from his subordinates... This made him feel more uncomfortable and angry than a direct slap in the face!

  Mo Xiao glanced at him lightly.

  Qin Luoyi didn't take Mo Chen's anger to heart, and quickly returned to Mo Xiao's side. Mo Xiao looked at her with a smile, and said with a low laugh: "It's just an ant from the Northern Demon Realm, he is not worthy of your rescue."

"It's nothing more than a little effort." Qin Luoyi's eyes flashed a glimmer of light, Mo Xiao didn't do anything, and let them be killed by Mo Chen, she can understand, after all, the North and South Demon Realms have always been at odds, and Mo Chen has brought many people from the Northern Demon Realm with him over the past few years The monks invaded the Southern Demon Realm, and the loss of the Southern Demon Realm was not small.

   It's just that the monks who invaded the Southern Demon Realm are only a small part of the Northern Demon Realm.

After entering the Dark Realm, she felt the hugeness of the Dark Realm and the multitude of demon cultivators. She understood that it was really only a small number of ambitious demon cultivators who invaded the Southern Demon Realm that day, and that part of them was the one who invaded the Southern Demon Realm when the demon lords counterattacked the Northern Demon Realm. , most of them have died at the hands of the monks in the Southern Demon Realm.

   It was not because she was soft-hearted that she saved the man. Since the Demon Lord wanted to unify the entire Demon Realm, the Northern Demon Realm must be merged into the Southern Demon Realm. They are all demon cultivators from the Demon Realm, so they couldn’t kill all the people in the Northern Demon Realm.

"Mo Chen, you are not worthy of being a devil emperor! The Hunyuan Dzi is the token of the devil emperor, and you don't even have the Hunyuan dzi, yet you actually try to claim the title of emperor in vain! Even if you sit in that position, you are just a false emperor!" The man who was rescued by Qin Luoyi seemed to have flames shining in his eyes. He glanced at Qin Luoyi and suddenly shouted at Mo Chen. [

  This time, there are a lot of magic repairs echoing.

They looked at Mo Chen with suppressed anger and hatred. When Jin Ruihuang was alive, Mo Chen was taboo and extremely domineering in the entire devil world. When Jin Ruihuang fought against King Xuanyuan, he once pulled Their entire Demon Realm almost had several people from their Demon Realm buried with her. If King Xuanyuan hadn't been merciful, there wouldn't be a Demon Realm in the Upper Realm now!

Today, Mo Chen faced Qin Luoyi and Mo Xiao, two big demon monks. This place will soon become a battlefield. Mo Chen still doesn't let those low-level demons leave, and stay away to avoid this place. World War I... This is clearly the resurrection of another Jin Ruihuang!

   "Mochen! You are not worthy to be a devil emperor, give up the Nether Palace!"

   "Yes, give up the Nether Palace!"

  Only the Devil Emperor can live in the Nether Palace.

  Mo Xiao smiled when he saw the anger of the demon cultivators. The light in the eyes was hidden in the beautiful eyes, with a half-bright smile on the corner of the mouth, looking at Mo Chendao. "That's right, Mo Chen, you don't have the Hunyuan Dzi Bead on you. You are not qualified to live in this Nether Palace. The agreement between the two of us is well known in the world. How about you come out by yourself and stop calling yourself the Devil Emperor. I can spare your life, and I will not hold you accountable for invading my Southern Demon Realm with all the Demon Cultivators from the Northern Demon Realm without the Hunyuan Dzi Orb."

"You didn't save this person in vain. It's still useful, not a white-eyed wolf." A familiar voice sounded from the bottom of Qin Luoyi's heart. Qin Luoyi looked sideways at Mo Xiao, just as Mo Xiao also turned to look at her. He said loudly: "Luoyi, the Hunyuan Dzi Bead has already recognized you as the master. Naturally, only you are qualified to be the devil emperor of the devil world. When Mo Chen comes out, you can live here from now on."

  Qin Luoyi was shocked.

  Mo Xiao really wants her to be the devil emperor...why? He said this in front of many demon cultivators in the world at this time, so it can't be a child's play. It's just that after meeting King Jinpeng in the past, when he took the Hunyuan Dzi out of her body, he never said this so blatantly.

   Is it really just because of the Hunyuan Dzi?

The two of them are in a natal contract, so it is impossible for Mo Xiao to harm her, but she has only ascended to the upper realm for a few years, in terms of cultivation level, even now, she dare not say that she has surpassed Mo Xiao, last time he said that he would let himself be a devil The emperor just told her in private, she didn't take it to heart at all.

  Mo Xiao naturally did not miss the doubts in her eyes, but he chose to ignore it directly, with his hands behind his back, standing in the void, and after glancing at the monks in Nether City, his smiling but sharp eyes fell on Mo Chen again.

"I don't have a Hunyuan Dzi?" Mo Chen laughed loudly: "Although I don't have it now, it doesn't mean I don't have it all the time. Mo Xiao, if you want me to walk out of this Nether Palace, you have to have that ability." Row."

As soon as the words fell, the palace protection formation of the Nether Palace was activated quickly, and the light curtain enveloped the Nether Palace. Not only the formation of the Nether Palace was activated, but also the formation of the Nether City was activated. The formation of the city trapped Qin Luoyi, Mo Xiao and millions of Moxiu in it.

"Hehe, you don't want to come out by yourself? What you are relying on now is just the palace protection formation of the Nether Palace. Do you think this formation can really be your reliance?" The huge and terrifying formation did not let Mo Xiao There was a slight movement on his face, and he curled his lips into a smile.

  Qin Luoyi also smiled slightly, a strange light flickered in his phoenix eyes, and he looked thoughtfully at the palace guard formation.

   Calculate the time is almost the same.

   "Whether the Palace Guard Formation can become my reliance, you will know after trying it." Mo Chen's face was filled with color.

The formations in Nether Palace and Nether City have already been improved by him a lot. There are many killing formations that have never been shown in the world. The lethality of this formation is not at all the formation set up by Jin Ruihuang in the past comparable to the law.

  The reason why he did not trap Mo Xiao when he activated the formation a few months ago was because he underestimated the enemy, and the formation was not fully activated... This is his strong support! Originally, it was not intended to be used on Mo Xiao and Qin Luoyi, but now he doesn't care so much, Qin Luoyi and Mo Xiao must die!

  If Demon Xiao still regards this place as the former Nether Palace's palace guarding formation, he can easily kill him and then take the Hunyuan Dzi into his hands.

In my heart, I couldn't help cursing that **** Demon Emperor a hundred and eighty times. If he hadn't hidden his head like a turtle, he would have easily taken the life of Qin Luoyi, who had survived the catastrophe, just now. At that time, the two of them will join forces again, and there will be no suspense at all in killing Demon Xiao, as there will be no way to reveal the secret of his formation in advance.

As soon as the formation in the Nether City was activated, hundreds of rays of light turned into sharp arrows, and went towards the man in yellow who was rescued by Qin Luoyi just now, as well as the demon cultivators who joined him. Feeling a blur in front of his eyes, Li Jian is almost in front of him.

  Qin Luoyi raised his eyebrows.

  This Mo Chen... his opponent is her and Mo Xiao, okay? To actually find trouble with those low-level monks all the time, and as the devil emperor of the Northern Demon Realm, in her opinion, he is just a small-bodied villain who must be hugged.

  Flicking the purple robe sleeve again, the speed of the sharp arrow transformed from the Huaguang transformed by the formation suddenly slowed down.

   All the demon cultivators were overjoyed, took out the magic weapon, and easily knocked off those sharp arrows.

   "Miss Qin has mastered the speed of time flow! The flow speed only affects the long arrow, such a superb's against the sky!"

Everyone was both shocked and envious. They looked at Qin Luoyi with fiery eyes. Qin Luoyi saved the lives of monks from the Northern Demon Realm twice, which made many people admire and admire her. .

  Mo Chen's pupils suddenly shrank.

With a soft snort, the Nether Formation suddenly rioted, and the terrifying and overwhelming energy attacked Qin Luoyi and Mo Xiao. Those light curtains transformed into ninety-nine eighty-one black lotuses, and the black petals bloomed one by one. He rushed towards Qin Luoyi and Mo Xiao, as if he wanted to swallow them alive.

   "Black lotus kills!"

  Mo Chen killed with terror when he shot. The black lotus is not only extremely lethal, but also can make people hallucinate, so it is easy to be controlled by it.

Seeing that those black petals were about to hit Qin Luoyi and Mo Xiao, they didn't move at all. Even Mo Chen was a little startled, let go of his consciousness, and paid attention to it without blinking. The two moved.


  In just an instant, the black petals burst open and disappeared.

   Not only were the black petals gone, but all the formations in the Nether Palace were also broken. Even the formations activated outside the Nether City suddenly disappeared.

   "Damn it!"

   Mo Chen was furious.


  Accompanied by Mo Chen's angry low curse sound, there was a very crisp laughter.

  A figure of a seventeen or eighteen-year-old boy suddenly appeared in the Nether Palace, and shot towards Qin Luoyi as soon as he appeared.

  The young man's facial features are exquisite and delicate, his appearance is very handsome and cute, the corners of his lips are naturally smiling, and the dark eyeballs are flickering, like two black gemstones, extremely clever and agile.

The direction he came out was exactly where the eyes of the Nether Palace's protective formation were located. Mo Chen soon realized that the Nether Palace's protective formation that he had placed high hopes on was destroyed by this young man who looked only in his teens !

   I was so angry that I almost couldn't hold my breath!

  The Golden Crow King and the Golden Flood King were standing between the Nether Palace and Qin Luoyi. They shot at the same time, and the terrifying and powerful force crushed towards the young man. It's just that before their attack landed on the young man, the young man's body disappeared in a flash, neither tearing the void nor being hit, just disappeared so directly and abruptly.

   King Jinwu and King Jinjiao looked at each other. There was shock in his eyes.

  The boy had already arrived in front of Qin Luoyi.

  Qin Luoyi stretched out his hand to caress his head, his brows and eyes crooked with a smile: "The snow fox is getting more and more powerful!"

This young man is the snow fox who has already eaten the phantom fruit and has successfully transformed into a human being. He was the size of a baby when he first took shape. He has become a handsome young man, and he has also practiced a secret technique that is extremely difficult for the Snow Fox Clan, the technique of invisibility!

After being praised by her, Xuehu was so excited that he turned into his original form and jumped towards Qin Luoyi's chest, but before Qin Luoyi reached out to catch him, he was pinched by Mo Xiao's tail, directly and without mercy Throw it away.

Xuehu had seen the power of Mo Xiao for a long time, and it was not the first time that he was thrown like this. Although he was dissatisfied, he did not dare to pounce on Qin Luoyi again, and once again turned into a human form, standing aside, his beautiful eyes With a hint of silence in his mouth, that extremely cute appearance made the female cultivators in Nether City want to come out and try their best to comfort him, just to make him smile again.

"The art of invisibility! It has actually been refined into an invisibility art, no wonder it can destroy my Nether Palace's protective formation." The corners of Mo Chen's eyes twitched fiercely, he was negligent, Xuehu is best at finding things, this Only Xuehu must have sneaked into the Nether Palace while he was not there, and even let it find the eye of the palace guard formation.

   "Do you think that if you destroy my palace protection formation, you will win?" Mo Chen sneered again, and shouted: "Heaven-devouring blood formation!"

  A huge formation suddenly appeared on Nether City, and Qin Luoyi's pretty face sank when he saw the formation.

   This is the third time she has seen this formation, the Heaven Devouring Blood Formation, every time it comes out, blood will flow like a river, and it will swallow up the lives of many people!

"This Heaven-devouring Blood Formation... is a little different from before." Mo Xiao narrowed his beautiful eyes slightly, his eyes were slightly dignified: "It seems that Mo Chen has really not been idle in the Dark Realm for the past 20,000 years. , this Heaven Devouring Blood Formation is much stronger than before, it should be because it has been nourished with blood."

   "Dark Realm! Seal!"

   Mo Chen shouted again.

  Originally, the enchantment was located in the area of ​​Weicheng, and the enchantment of the dark realm, which covered a huge area, suddenly shrunk, covering only tens of thousands of miles around Nether City. Of course, if the range is reduced, the power of the enchantment will naturally become stronger, so tough that it seems that no magic weapon can destroy it.

After finishing all this, Mo Chen smiled triumphantly again, he set his eyes on Qin Luoyi, and then on Mo Xiao: "You have good eyesight, yes, I have been nourishing this Heaven Devouring Blood Formation with blood, And the blood used is not ordinary blood, it is all the blood of virgin boys and girls, eight pairs per day, for nearly two hundred thousand years, without interruption!"


"kill him!"

   "Fight with him!"

   "Mo Chen, you devil, you still have the Heaven Devouring Blood Formation, even if you kill us, King Xuanyuan will not spare you!"


  The entire Nether City was a sensation, and millions of monks roared loudly.

  Eight pairs per day, two hundred thousand years, how many people are there! Just in Nether City, many people have lost their sons and daughters inexplicably. The cause of death has never been found, and even the corpses can't be found. I didn't expect that they were killed by Mo Chen long ago, and they still used such a vicious method. , just to nourish this extremely evil formation!

  Qin Luoyi immediately broke Mo Chen's heart.

"King Xuanyuan?" Mo Chen laughed: "King Xuanyuan is not in the Demon Realm at this time, and there is the Dark Realm blocking it here. Since I have sacrificed the Heaven-devouring Blood Formation, everyone in the Dark Realm today naturally does not want to live I went out, so... no one will know that I have the Heaven-devouring Blood Formation. When I kill you, I will destroy the Heaven-devouring Blood Formation. Formation, my formation has become perfect, King Xuanyuan is here, I just use it to defeat King Xuanyuan!"

   "Tsk! You're crazy!" Mo Xiao curled his lips in disdain.

  The Heaven-devouring Blood Formation has started to activate, and many people died under the Heaven-devouring Blood Formation in an instant.

  Qin Luoyi hated the Heaven-devouring Blood Formation extremely, and seeing that the Heaven-devouring Blood Formation began to absorb the blood of all the demon cultivators in the demon world, she moved towards the Heaven-devouring Blood Formation as quickly as lightning.

  Mo Xiao rushed over to stop her. Smiling at her, he said, "Leave this formation to me, and Mo Chen to you. That Mo Chen is full of tricks, so be careful yourself."

  Qin Luoyi paused and nodded in agreement. He turned his head and swept towards Mo Chen again. After skimming tens of meters, she turned her head again, and made a gesture to the demon owl who was still looking at her to make him be more careful.

   Mo Chen saw that it was Qin Luoyi who was looting towards him, his eyes flashed, and he jumped out quickly. It was a bit unexpected for Mo Xiao to take the initiative to attack the formation, but it was exactly what he wanted.

  In his opinion, Qin Luoyi has just been promoted to the Great Demon King, and his cultivation level is definitely not as good as his own. He waits to use the formation to hold Mo Xiao down first, and it will not be too late to deal with Mo Xiao after he solves Qin Luoyi.

He squeezed out a sun seal with his left hand, and transformed into a round of the sun as big as a millstone, but the sun was black, exuding a terrifying aura, rolling towards Qin Luoyi, full of destructive fluctuations .

While motivating the black sun, Mo Chen looked at Qin Luoyi with frivolous eyes: "It's just that he has just been promoted to the Great Demon King. Qin Luoyi, you can't beat me. If you fight with me, you will die. You're trapped, he won't come to save you, and he can't save you! Tsk, you're so beautiful, even more beautiful than the last time I saw you, I really don't want to kill you."

  When he said this, his eyes were even lighter, and he looked at her chest ambiguously. Qin Luoyi, who was stared at by him, felt as if he had no clothes on.

   "It's too early to say who wins and who loses." Qin Luoyi secretly decided in her heart that before she killed someone in a while, she must first poke Blind Mochen's tricks hard.

  She took out a black vase.

The two hands made mysterious lines one after another, branding it on the black vase, and the vase immediately emitted a dazzling light, heading towards the black sun, eagerly absorbing the terrifying aura on the black sun .

   "Aquarius of the Great Way!"

   Mo Chen's pupils shrank suddenly.

  Quickly recognized the thing in Qin Luoyi's hand, it turned out to be an ancient treasure from the upper realm - the Great Way Vase... It was said that something that had been lost for thousands of years, unexpectedly fell into Qin Luoyi's hands!

  ------Off topic------

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