MTL - Senior Brother – One is Too Unscrupulous-v11 Chapter 34 Immortal jelly

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Qin Luoyi stood above the void, stepping on the auspicious clouds, and the fairy mist was misty and hazy all over his body. Looking down, the ground was full of exotic flowers and grasses, beautiful trees and green cages, flowing springs and waterfalls, and cranes. Feiwu is a fairyland-like existence.

  Behind her, the void that was originally torn apart is rapidly closing.

   "Is this the fairyland?" Qin Luoyi looked sideways at the man in white standing beside her, raised his eyebrows and asked with a smile.

  The man in white is Xuanyuan Qing.

He stared at Qin Luoyi's side face, not missing the trace of depression and anger in her eyes, sighed secretly, but there was an elegant and gentle smile on his handsome face, and he shook his head: "No, this is the demon world. "

   "Demon Realm?" Qin Luoyi was startled, and looked at him suspiciously: "What are we doing here in the Demon Realm?"

   Didn't you say to find Chu Yifeng and the others? Why did they come to the demon world? Could it be that Chu Yifeng and the others couldn't do it in the demon world?

   Xuanyuan Qing smiled mysteriously.

  He stretched out his hand towards Qin Luoyi. [

  Although Qin Luoyi was puzzled in his heart, he put his hand into his without hesitation. Xuanyuanqing held her hand tightly, tearing apart the void again and leaving.

  When the two reappeared, Qin Luoyi found that he had reached the top of a huge snow mountain this time. The sky was full of white snow, the wind was howling, and there were few people. This time Xuanyuanqing directly pulled her and jumped down from the top of the mountain.

  The fierce wind made Qin Luoyi couldn't help but close his eyes.

   Xuanyuanqing is following beside him. Even though the place is so unfamiliar and he doesn't know where Xuanyuanqing is going to take him, Qin Luoyi is not flustered at all. He has complete trust in Xuanyuanqing, which is not like...

  A slender figure appeared in his mind, and as soon as Qin Luoyi appeared, he couldn't help shaking his head vigorously, and flung that figure away.

   opened his eyes quickly.

  The scene in front of him changed suddenly.

  Bai Xue disappeared, Gang Feng disappeared, and a golden ocean appeared in front of her eyes. In the middle of the ocean, there was a small island that was only a few miles in size. She and Xuanyuan Qing landed in the middle of the island.

There are a lot of spiritual plants growing on the small island. Those spiritual plants are very rare, but they did not attract Qin Luoyi's attention. Only on the edge of the small island, a plant that is not very eye-catching is covered by an enchantment. The living Lingzhi attracted her attention.

  Looking at the Lingzhi Qin Luoyi twice, Qin Luoyi's eyes suddenly lit up: "This is... Immortal Jiang!"

  It turned out to be the Jiangxiancao that can change the physique of cultivation!

When she was in the Lower Realm in the past, Xuanyuanqing, who had not yet recovered her memory, drew it. She also sent many people to pay attention to Penglai Xiandao in Xuantian Continent, in order to find it as soon as possible so that Xie Ruyan could give it to Xie Ruyan. Improve the qualifications of cultivation.

   Unfortunately, it has not been found.

  After that, she suspected that the thing might not be something from the lower realm at all, especially after knowing Xuanyuan Qing's true identity.

  When she arrived in the upper realm, although she spent most of her time cultivating, she never gave up on inquiring about it. She even asked Lu Xiao secretly. [

   Later, when she met Mo Xiao, she naturally didn't let Mo Xiao go, but even Mo Xiao didn't know that there was such a thing as Jiang Xiancao in the upper realm.

  Afterwards, she guessed that the fairy descending grass was only available in the fairy world.

   Unexpectedly, it was in the demon world, but Xuanyuan Qing never forgot what she said back then, and even brought her here today.

  Qin Luoyi was so excited that he let go of Xuanyuanqing's hand, and swept towards the edge of the small island.

  Xuanyuanqing smiled slightly, staring at her slender figure with dark eyes.

  Qin Luoyi's figure had just flitted out, when the originally calm ocean suddenly rioted, huge waves surged into the sky, and terrifying aura burst out from the sea suddenly, and a huge creature emerged from the sea.

   Xuanyuan Qing snorted coldly.

   Didn't see him move, but his body had already arrived at Qin Luoyi's side in an instant, and the coercion on his body was released without reservation, filling the entire world in an instant, and staring at the sea with cold eyes.

   "Heaven, it's King Xuanyuan!"

The creature that had just exposed its head from the sea let out a cry of panic, followed by several exclamations, and then those creatures sank their heads and bodies again, not daring to show it again. The originally huge waves were raging, but the wind and cloud changed color instantly and the sea became calm again, as if the horrible scene just now was just an illusion.

  Qin Luoyi glanced sideways at Xuanyuanqing, his eyes were brighter, and then walked towards the edge of the island again.

  Looking at the enchantment covering the Immortal Jiangcao, her heart moved: "Is this Immortal Jiangcao possessed?"

  Xuanyuan Qing shook his head. "This enchantment was set up after I returned to the upper realm more than three years ago. It is the Lord's property."

   With a wave of his hand, he broke the barrier.

  Qin Luoyi hesitated again. It was very smooth to pick the Immortal Jiangcao into his hands. Finally got the Immortal Jiangcao that can improve her physical fitness, the original depression and anger in her heart were instantly washed away by the excitement, she held the Immortal Jiangcao in her hand over and over again, and the corners of her lips became more and more raised.

After collecting the Immortal Falling Grass, regardless of the fact that there were still many creatures hiding under the surface of the sea, and there might be bold ones peeping at them, she directly rushed towards Xuanyuan Qing, hugged his neck, her eyes were burning like The glaze-like brilliance is flickering: "Great, with it, mother will be able to practice in the future! Xuanyuan, thank you!"

The nephrite jade is warm and fragrant in his arms, and it was a beautiful woman who took the initiative to throw herself into her arms, Xuanyuan Qing's heart fluttered, one hand wrapped around her waist, the other hand couldn't help rubbing her hair, and moved closer to her ear He smiled and said, "You are still so polite to me?"

  Qin Luoyi slightly raised his head and smiled brightly at him.

  Hold him even tighter.

  Looking at her smile and the unconcealable joy in her eyes, Xuanyuan Qing's eyes became softer: "In a few days, we will return to Xuantian Continent to send it off."

  Qin Luoyi became even more excited, tiptoed slightly, and asked him repeatedly: "Can we go down? Where do we go down?"

  She remembered that the teleportation formations of the upper realm and the lower realm were destroyed by someone, and they have never been opened.

   "Naturally go down from Tianmen." Xuanyuan Qing said with a smile: "The palm seal is with me. Wherever you want to go, I can take you there."

  Xuanyuanqing explained to her the usefulness of the World Palm Seal. That seal can seal the enchantment, and naturally it can also open the seal. With it, no matter which world can pass through.

   "Great!" Qin Luoyi couldn't hold back his excitement any longer, and directly held his face and gave him a fiery kiss.

  Xuanyuan Qing's body froze, and then hugged her tightly to cooperate.

  The two kissed wildly on the beach, and after a long time, there seemed to be a faint commotion under the sea, and Xuanyuanqing reluctantly pulled Qin Luoyi away, with a strong **** in his eyes.

  Qin Luoyi smiled with red lips, blushing cheeks, panting slightly, leaning in his arms, his eyes misty and sparkling.

   Xuanyuan Qing glanced at the sea. The slightly turbulent sea surface suddenly became quiet again, he hooked his lips in satisfaction, and disappeared on the sea surface in an instant with Qin Luoyi.


  As soon as they left, the sea could no longer remain calm. Several huge heads emerged from the sea, their eyes full of disbelief: "Is that King Xuanyuan? It should be."


   "But... How could King Xuanyuan be so gentle to a woman? I couldn't believe my eyes."

"Me too…"

   "It's unbelievable, hurry up, let's go out and find out, who is that woman... What happened outside..."


   Dozens of figures instantly appeared in the golden ocean. Everyone looked at each other in dismay. The shock in everyone's eyes could not be concealed. They stood there blankly for a moment, and then quickly disappeared.

Qin Luoyi, who had already left, naturally didn't know what kind of shock was caused by that kiss. She and Xuanyuanqing held hands, and soon returned to the top of the snow mountain. When she looked down, there was still a vast expanse Xuehai, there is nothing at all.

  When she went in before, she didn't pay attention, because she closed her eyes and didn't see anything. It was only when she came out that she realized that it was the gold and stone world of the demon world. Xuanyuanqing found it by accident.

"However, when I came two times before, there were no monsters occupying the Jinshi Realm, but just in case, I still protected it with an enchantment. Fortunately, this spiritual plant is only for people without spiritual roots. It is effective, and the people and monsters in the upper realm are born with spiritual roots, no matter whether the spiritual roots are good or bad, they all have them, otherwise..." He didn't finish his sentence, but the meaning of the words was self-evident.

  Qin Luoyi was also very fortunate.

   There is only one spiritual plant. Xuanyuanqing has disappeared in the upper realm for hundreds of thousands of years. If someone else got it, things will be troublesome.

Dozens of figures shot out from under the snow-capped mountains, Qin Luoyi raised his eyebrows, Xuanyuanqing had already set up an enchantment beside the two of them, these people passed by them without noticing them, and quickly disappeared Missing.

   "Uh, these people, are they here to chase us?"

  Qin Luoyi asked curiously.

   Couldn't it be because she picked this spiritual plant?

  She couldn't help but took out the Immortal Jiangcao again, and took a closer look, but didn't Xuanyuanqing say that they don't need this thing?

  Xuanyuanqing smiled slightly, a look of uncertainty flashed in his eyes, and then he said indifferently: "No, it's because the demon world is full of excitement today, and they should be going to watch the excitement."

  Qin Luoyi always felt that he looked a little strange when he said this. "You don't plan to go too, do you?"

It’s fine if it’s normal, but now...she wants to see Chu Yifeng and a few senior brothers, her brother, and even Duanmu Changying earlier. I don’t know how they are now, especially Duanmu who has lost his body. Chang Ying.

  Ask Xuanyuan Qing, he still keeps secrets with her, he just doesn't tell her the news about them, he just says they are very good, as for how they are good, she says she will know it after reading it.

   "Yes." Xuanyuan Qing didn't seem to see the hesitation in her eyes, nodded with a smile and said: "Let's watch the excitement together, such excitement is extremely rare, we must not miss it."

  A gleam of light flashed in Qin Luoyi's eyes.

   Can't think of what kind of excitement it is that makes Xuanyuan Qing, who has always been calm, so interested.

   "If it wasn't for not wanting to miss that good show, just now... I really couldn't bear to let you go." Xuanyuan Qing leaned close to her ear and smiled, with a hint of repressed desire in his eyes.

  Qin Luoyi was completely speechless.

  She also became curious about the good show in his mouth.

Xuanyuanqing's proposal to go to a good show is no longer objectionable, well, it shouldn't take much time to watch a play, and to satisfy Xuanyuan's rare and strong curiosity, it's not too late to go to the big brother and the others anyway, anyway I have been waiting for more than three years, and it is not too short of a day or two.

  ------Off topic------

  The first update is uploaded first, and the second is a little later, but it will be posted before twelve o'clock.


Thank you Zixi b123 Jun Qiluo for Huahua (2 flowers), thank you qquser6757968 for Huahua, thank you shyu305 for Huahua and Zuanzuan (10 flowers and 2 diamonds), thank you 18701995616 for Huahua (3 flowers), Thank you slm for kissing Huahua (2 flowers), thank you for kissing Huahua for Lotus in the Rain, thank you for kissing Xiaoxiaoyue for kissing Huahua, thank you for kissing Huahua for the sky is blue 123, thank you for kissing Huahua for 13945980208, thank you for kissing Huahua for 13472482880 Dear Huahua, thank you ln Crystal for the diamonds (2 diamonds)