MTL - Senior Brother – One is Too Unscrupulous-v11 Chapter 39 jealousy

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When Xuanyuan Qing hugged her and kissed her, he was obviously very excited, and the deep desire in his eyes was even more surging, but finally he stopped abruptly, stroked her hair with a smile, and hugged her into his arms. In his arms, he murmured softly: "You are tired too, go to sleep." Then he closed his eyes.

   I have to say that rolling sheets is really a physical job.

  Although her cultivation base is now high, it is not a problem for her to roll a few more times a night, but correspondingly, Feng Feili's cultivation base is also high now, and her endurance and combat power are leveraged, which is extremely tight.

   They were all people who had been away for a long time. When she arrived at Xuanyuanqing's place, although she said she would not faint, her whole body was sore and her mind was a little dazed.

After listening to his words, he gently patted her on the back again, and breathed in the elegant and pleasant breath on his body, which always made her relax wholeheartedly, so she fell asleep very quickly. At that time She didn't think much about it, thinking that Xuanyuan Qing was really caring for her because she was too tired.

   Now he woke up after resting for a few hours, but soon realized something was wrong.

  She opened her eyes again.

  Looking at the man who was still hugging her gently even when he was asleep, the two of them were facing each other right now, and their limbs were even more intimately intertwined.

  Xuanyuan Qing's brows stretched out, his brows are handsome and elegant. Qin Luoyi looked at him for a moment, couldn't help but feel his heart skip a beat, leaned over, and kissed his thin lips. [

  But it's easy to leave.

   I was afraid that the heavy kiss would wake up the sleeping person.

After succeeding in stealing a kiss, Qin Luoyi quickly retreated back, a slight smile escaped from the corner of her lips, it was only when she raised her eyes to look at Xuanyuanqing that she realized that for some reason Xuanyuanqing had opened his eyes, Dark eyes were looking at her with a smile.

   "Xuanyuan, you're awake."

  Qin Luoyi blinked, not embarrassed about being caught doing something bad, but instead gave him a brighter smile.

Xuanyuanqing raised his hand to caress her soft long hair scattered on the pillow. It was almost dusk, not the night before. When he came in to accompany Qin Luoyi, it was already morning. The brilliance of the setting sun brought A slight halo, injected from the mouth, landed on her face. It even made her lightly swept her eyebrows, her face without makeup was brighter, and her beauty was light and illusory, just like the person in the painting.

   His eyes fell on her red lips.

  Can't help but reminisce about the good taste just now, but unfortunately it was too short, and my heart was ready to move, so I simply turned my heart into action, slightly propped up, leaned over and gave her a lingering deep kiss.

  After waiting until both of them were out of breath, then Weiwei raised his head again, looked at her with a smile and said, "From now on, you have to kiss me like this... The way you did just now doesn't count."

  Qin Luoyi's heart fluttered, his red lips were slightly parted, and his eyes were shining and charming. Looking at the smiling man with his hands in front of him, a hot fire flashed in the depths of his phoenix eyes.

  She stretched out her hands, put her arms around his neck and kissed him passionately.

   Xuanyuan Qing's eyes dimmed.

  The hand that was originally on the side stretched out fiercely, hugging her body tightly, the kiss was suffocating, and the kiss was crazy, as if it wanted to melt Qin Luoyi.

   Soon, the obscene clothes on Qin Luoyi's body were unknowingly taken off, revealing a snow-white skin, misty phoenix eyes, burning hot body, and a charming peach-like color on his cheeks.

   "Drop clothes!" [

When the two were inseparable, Xuanyuan Qing murmured her name, and his provocative hands suddenly stopped, hugged her tightly, buried her head on her side, and took a deep breath. in one breath.

  The body no longer moves.

  Qin Luoyi blinked, and Xuanyuan Qing's sudden stop gradually brought her lost spirit back, and her heart gradually cleared was the same way last night.

  Obviously he was emotional, but he stopped at the last moment and suppressed it.

  Qin Luoyi put the wrist around his body, but Xuanyuan Qing's body stiffened reflexively, and then slowly softened. He kissed her on the side of the cheek, and was about to turn over.

  Qin Luoyi secretly sighed.

She thought... She now understands where the problem lies. What happened last time made Xuanyuanqing feel that she was still rejecting him, so even though he was already on the verge of breaking out, he still restrained himself. He didn't want to hurt her, didn't want her Difficult.

   There are some things that she really shouldn't hide from him anymore.

  She couldn't just let Mo Xiao endure it like this forever just because Mo Xiao didn't want him to know the relationship between them. Xuanyuanqing would definitely misunderstand it after a long time. She didn't want any further estrangement between them.

   When Xuanyuan Qing got up, she didn't let go, but kissed him proactively.

   "Luoyi, you..." Xuanyuanqing was slightly stunned, looking at her phoenix eyes, which were dark and oppressive, with an obvious look of inquiry.

   "Shh! Don't talk at a time like this." Qin Luoyi smiled at him, then closed his eyes slightly, and continued to kiss him.

  What else does Xuanyuanqing not understand? A pair of eyes are like a clear spring, glowing slightly, like jade pearls at night, and full of tenderness.

The night is slowly falling, the tulle warm tent on the large bed blocks the spring light in the bed, the fire of love spreads out the tenderness in the room, the sound of the dark night, the two bodies are tightly entangled, lingering to the bone, Both want to integrate themselves into each other's body.

  Gently panting, rapid breathing, deep satisfaction, full of love, lingering, igniting the fire of desire in each other inch by inch, it is so deep-rooted and unforgettable.


   After a lingering night, when I woke up again, it was morning again.

  Chu Yifeng, Feng Feili and others were in a pavilion not far from Qin Luoyi's residence. When they came out of Qin Luoyi's courtyard, the pavilion was a must.

  Seeing Qin Luoyi and Xuanyuanqing finally come out, Chu Yifeng felt a little sour. In fact, it's not just Chu Yifeng who feels sour in his heart, but other people are also normal. After being separated for such a long time, who doesn't want to spend more time with the one he loves?

  The night before yesterday, everyone had to give up Qin Luoyi after having a good time. Unexpectedly, when they arrived at Xuanyuanqing's place, they would occupy Qin Luoyi for a whole day and night!

  Everyone's eyes left Qin Luoyi, and they all fell on Xuanyuanqing. Although he is Xuanyuan King of the fairy world, since they are both Yi'er's husbands, there are some things that need to be worked out first.

  Xuanyuanqing met their eyes and knew that he had committed public anger. With a light cough, he looked away and pulled Qin Luoyi to sit beside Feng Feili.

  Qin Luoyi sat down, and when he was about to sit down, Chu Yifeng said: "Ouyang Ling came to Yaoxue City to look for you. It seems that there is something urgent. You should go and have a look first."

   Xuanyuan Qing paused.

  If there is an urgent matter, Ouyang Ling has a special method in the fairy world to contact him, but...he glanced at Chu Yifeng, nodded, and then walked out of the pavilion gracefully, and disappeared in an instant.

   "Is there something urgent?" Qin Luoyi frowned slightly, took a washed red spiritual fruit handed over by Feng Feili, and lightly took a bite: "Could it be that something happened to the fairy world?"

  Just with Xuanyuanqing's cultivation, she couldn't think of what would happen in the fairy world.

  Jian Yuyan smiled.

  Looked at Chu Yifeng playfully.

Qin Tian also evoked a faint smile, Chu Yifeng just pretended not to see it, and reached out to take a green fruit, which was Qin Luoyi's favorite food when he was in the lower realms, and he went to Yaoxue City Fangshi on purpose during the day found above.

  Not letting go, just handed it to Qin Luoyi's lips, eyes full of expectation, but said in his mouth: "I don't know, Ouyang Ling's mouth is very tight, so he didn't say anything."

  Qin Luoyi took his hand and took a bite.

  The sweet taste filled the whole mouth in an instant, and his lips and teeth were fragrant. Qin Luoyi really couldn't think of anything that would happen in the fairy world, and even if something happened, with so many of them, would they still be able to make things right?

  So he quickly threw away his hand, and couldn't help but took another bite. Seeing that she likes to eat, Chu Yifeng's eyes softened a lot.

   Xuanyuan Qing quickly turned around.

  Qin Luoyi's eyes fell on his face, and he found that there was nothing unusual about the expression on his face. Then completely relieved.

"what happened?"

  After Xuanyuanqing entered the pavilion, she still asked.

   "It's okay." Xuanyuan Qing smiled and shook his head. Ouyang Ling actually came because of her, and Mo Xiao, because he had already received the news that Qin Luoyi had been promoted to the Great Demon King.

Before Mo Xiao wanted Qin Luoyi to do the work of the Devil Emperor, Ouyang Ling also got the news. Of course, there were also rumors that Mo Xiao wanted to double cultivate with Qin Luoyi... Ouyang Ling knew about Qin Luoyi's relationship with him. I was afraid that Mo Xiao would have some tricks, so I came here to discuss with him.

When Chu Yifeng finally found a chance to be alone with Qin Luoyi, he pulled Qin Luoyi into his arms, kissed her hard a few times, and then whispered dissatisfiedly close to her ear: "Luoyi, you are too eccentric." gone."

Qin Luoyi was panting from his fiery kiss, but when she said something that was too biased, she was taken aback for a moment, then she gave him a sideways look, and pretended to be annoyed, "Speak clearly, why am I biased? Who am I partial to?"

  Chu Yifeng bit her ear and whispered a few words.

Qin Luoyi, who finally understood why he said he was biased, looked at the slight sourness on his face, and couldn't help being angry and funny: "What are you talking about... You were so unforgiving that night, how can I have the strength to follow?" Him! He just rested with me for a day and a night." In order to appease his jealousy, and also to prevent Xuanyuan Qing from gaining hatred, she said half-truths and half-truths.

   "Really?" Suspicion flashed in Chu Yifeng's eyes: "You have been asleep for so long?"

  Qin Luoyi glared at him, gritted his teeth and said, "Who is responsible for what I did?"

Chu Yifeng laughed softly, thinking that Qin Luoyi's angry appearance was also extremely beautiful, his eyes darkened, then he reached out and tapped her nose, then sighed: "It's his luck, the twitch Hit the last one."

  Thoughts of lovesickness for several years, where is a joy that can be filled. "You can also change the flow of time, why don't we go quietly..." Thinking of this, Chu Yifeng's eyes brightened surprisingly again.

  Qin Luoyi has black lines all over his head.

  She didn't understand what Chu Yifeng was thinking. Just in time to see Duanmu Changqing approaching, she raised her voice to stop Duanmu Changqing: "Second Senior Brother."

  Chu Yifeng's wishful thinking came to nothing, and he glared at Duanmu Changqing who was walking over with his dark eyes. Duanmu Changqing raised his eyebrows, he had already seen that Chu Yifeng was dissatisfied with his desires, and ignored him, and walked to Qin Luoyi with a smile.

   "Second senior brother, where did you say Changying retreated? Take me to see him." Although they all said that Changying was fine and had already started practicing **, she still wanted to see it with her own eyes.

   Duanmu Changqing would naturally not refuse.

  Qin Luoyi patted Chu Yifeng's hand with a smile before leaving: "I'll go out with Second Senior Brother, if they ask, you can tell them."

   Then he jumped into Duanmu Changqing's torn void. Chu Yifeng stared at her disappearing void for a long time, then turned and left slightly depressed.

  By the time Qin Luoyi came out of the void, they had already left the Demon Snow City, and even the Demon Realm, and arrived at a remote mountain range in the Immortal Realm.

   There is a valley in the mountains, but the valley is covered by a powerful barrier, and the valley is full of formations.

   "These are all arranged by Xuanyuan. Apart from him, I am the only one who can come here. He said that the less people here know the better." Duanmu Changqing explained.

  As for why Duanmu Changqing was able to come, it was naturally because he was Duanmu Changying's older brother.

  Qin Luoyi followed Duanmu Changqing through the formation. It has to be said that Xuanyuanqing arranged this formation extensively and profoundly. If it wasn't for Duanmu Changqing leading the way, she might get lost in it.

After finally getting out of the formation, the scene in front of him was bright and bright. There was a green lake in front of him. The lake was green and clear, full of aura, and the power of the stars was also extremely strong. Only then did Qin Luoyi realize that the formation just now, I'm afraid it not only has the function of defense, but also the function of gathering the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and the power of stars.

   This is an excellent place for cultivation!

  In the very center of the lake, there blooms a purple lotus-shaped flower, but it is much larger than the lotus, and the petals are also very large. It is not a problem for one or two people to sit on it.

  The entire surface of the lake was shrouded in the bright purple light emitted by the blooming flower, and there was a familiar breath escaping from the stamen.

   That's Duanmu Changying's breath!

  Qin Luoyi's heart beat slightly faster, she let go of her consciousness, and tried hard to look into the stamens, but she didn't see the familiar figure.

   His eyes darkened.

  Xuanyuanqing said that it would take a long time to cultivate the body, but now there is not even a shadow of the body...but his soul power is indeed very powerful.

"He was practicing in deep sleep. That lotus is called Jinxian Zilian. I heard that there is only one in the upper realm. It was moved by Xuanyuan from the holy mountain in the fairyland after Changying decided to cultivate his own body a few months ago. It is the essence of the underground of the fairy world, and it is extremely beneficial to his cultivation." Duanmu Changqing felt the loss and melancholy emanating from her, and gently hugged her shoulder, and said softly.

  He knew that the reason why Xuanyuanqing took so much trouble to do this was naturally for Qin Luoyi.

   "I really hope to see him come out sooner." Qin Luoyi looked at the blooming golden fairy purple lotus and murmured softly.

  This is also Duanmu's evergreen hope. Duanmu Changqing tightly hugged her beautiful shoulders, and just accompanied her looking at the golden fairy and purple lotus.

Qin Luoyi stayed in the valley for a long time, but couldn't wait for Duanmu Changying to wake up for a short time, and was unwilling to leave just like that, so she studied the formation arranged by Xuanyuanqing with some curiosity. She didn't allow Duanmu Changqing to follow, and she A person is exploring through the formation with his heart.

  Duanmu Changqing didn't take it seriously, threw a jade slip into her hand, and only told her that if she thought about it, just crush the jade slip, and he would come to pick her up. This formation is ever-changing, and the way out is also ever-changing.

  Originally, there were only Duanmu Changqing and Qin Luoyi in this valley. Duanmu Changying hadn't woken up yet, and she hadn't cultivated her body yet, so it didn't matter...Turning around for a while, a black figure suddenly appeared out of thin air.

  Qin Luoyi's pupils shrank sharply, and his face sank: "What are you doing here?" The black figure was Mo Xiao.

  ------Off topic------

  Thank you for the lotus in the rain for Huahua (2 flowers), thank you Yueyan for your kiss (2 diamonds), thank you for the sky is blue 123 for Huahua

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