MTL - Senior Brother – One is Too Unscrupulous-v11 Chapter 46 ready to propose marriage

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  The city lord's mansion at night is very beautiful, brightly lit everywhere, and people come and go. Today is Feng Feili's first banquet after cutting off the original demon emperor Xia Jiutian, inviting all the powerhouses of the demon world to gather.

   There are as many as a thousand people who have been invited by handing over the worship stickers.

  Yao Xuecheng City Lord's Mansion, the guards welcoming guests are all dressed in silver brocade robes, holding exquisite high-grade long swords, and all of them are in high spirits.

  Looking in the direction of the city lord's mansion, many of the teahouses and restaurants in Yaoxue City didn't get invitations, and the monks who were not qualified to participate in today's banquet were whispering, with shock and surprise on their faces.

Ten days ago, news began to spread in Yaoxue City that the Demon Emperor Ceremony was about to be held. Feng Feili and Qin Luoyi, who became the Demon Emperor of the Demon Realm, were actually husband and wife, and Qin Luoyi was even more famous in the Demon Realm. In more than three years, he has cultivated to become the Great Demon King, and even has Hunyuan Dzi in his body!

  Feng Feili and Qin Luoyi were married when they were in the Lower Realm. Not only that, even King Xuanyuan, who exists like a **** in the fairy world, is also Qin Luoyi's husband!

   This kind of news was only spread in a small area at first, and then it became more and more serious. Not only Demon Snow City, but also the entire demon world were discussing this matter.

  The demon world is boiling!

"Have you heard that the demon owls from the demon world will also come to the banquet in Yao Xuecheng today? King Xuanyuan has always been in Yao Xue city, plus the demon emperor... today we are the most powerful people in the three worlds of immortals, demons, and demons. Gathered." [

   "I don't know the rumors that Miss Qin married Xuanyuan King and Yaodi, and I don't know if it's true or not."

"Why Miss Qin married King Xuanyuan and Yaodi? Your news is behind now. I heard that Miss Qin married not only these two people, but also Mr. Chu, Mr. Duanmu, Mr. Qin and Mr. Jian. husband."

   "What, they are all Miss Qin's husbands, it's impossible!"

"How is it impossible? It has been spread all over Yaoxue City in the past two days, and..." The person who spoke raised his finger and pointed in the direction of the Lord's Mansion of Yaoxue City: "The rumors are so powerful, it is impossible for them not to hear about them, and no one has heard them Come out to break rumors, don’t you think this is intriguing?”

"Yes, I also think this is true. Yesterday I saw Miss Qin, King Xuanyuan, and Mr. Chu went out of the city together, and came back together at night. I also heard that they are going to build a It's a palace, and I will live in the Magic Rain City for a long time in the future."


The people outside the city lord's mansion were curious and talked a lot. Those who were lucky enough to enter the city lord's mansion to attend the banquet naturally wanted to know whether the rumors were true or not. Husband's whereabouts.

Ever since Xuanyuanqing put a restriction on Qin Luoyi's consciousness, Qin Luoyi finally slept soundly, and he would not wake up until the sun was up in the morning. Although Xuanyuanqing didn't know why Xuanyuanqing and Mo Xiao fought. What to say, the others were all smart people. After a few days, they gradually realized that Qin Luoyi's deep sleep probably had something to do with Mo Xiao.

   Of course, this is just speculation.

  There was fire in their hearts, but there was no evidence, so they could only hide temporarily. Soon, the people sent by Feng Feili got the news that Mo Xiao had successfully cultivated the magic spell.

  After learning about the various powers of attracting spirits, what else do they not understand? Everyone is gearing up, ready to find an opportunity to deal with the demon owl severely.

   Especially Chu Yifeng, his face turned green. When Qin Luoyi was with him back then, he passed out suddenly halfway through.

The banquet was organized by Feng Feili, and she also specially told Qin Luoyi that she should attend at night, and told her not to go out too early. For this banquet, Xuanyuan Qing specially prepared a set of extravagant and extravagant clothes for her. dress.

  The ones worn on the head, the ones on the feet, and even the necklaces around the neck were carefully prepared by Feng Feili and Jian Yuyan, using the best materials in the upper world.

Especially the dress, when Xuanyuan Qing took it out for the first time, Qin Luoyi was a little stunned. The blue dress was made of extremely precious dzi silk that was only found in the fairy world. It was light, soft, and It is very textured, and it fits very snugly on her body, which perfectly outlines her meandering figure and is very beautiful. [

When she got it, she couldn't put it down and tried it on once, but she only wore it for a while, before she could take a closer look, she was pressed on the bed by Xuanyuan Qing and took off the dress with her own hands, and then hugged her and rubbed it hard Come on, I completely tore her apart for a while before giving up.

  Put on this dress at this time, thinking of Xuanyuanqing's madness that day, Qin Luoyi blushed a little, hesitated for a moment in front of the mirror, and finally walked out under the urging of Chu Yifeng and the others.

"Why did you delay for so long? If you don't want to call out, we'll come in and help you..." Qin Tian turned his head with a smile when he heard the sound of the door opening. When he saw the blue figure, his voice suddenly disappeared. He just looked at her with fiery eyes.

  The eyes of Chu Yifeng and the others were also hot, and the temperature in the room seemed to have suddenly increased by several degrees.

Qin Luoyi was dressed in a long blue dress, standing there slim and graceful, with pleats and winding skirt, black hair pulled high, a pearl hairpin slanted in his hair, a jade belt **** his slender waist, thinly applied powder and daisy, his cheeks The looming feeling of red leaves on the edge creates a kind of pure skin as delicate as petals, the whole person is like a butterfly fluttering in the wind, or like clear ice and snow, fresh and elegant, peerless, calm as water, looking forward to radiance.

  Duanmu Changqing only felt that his throat was dry, and he took the tea beside him abruptly, not caring that the water was completely cold, and drank it in one gulp, only then did he feel clearer.

Jian Yuyan held a pearly seven treasure necklace in her hand, walked to her side, and gently put it on her neck, touching her fat-like skin, her heartbeat accelerated violently. After wearing it, she felt a little uncomfortable. Let go.

  Qin Luoyi gave them a sideways look.

  A gleam of glass-like brilliance flashed in her phoenix eyes, and the corners of her lips were smiling. The so-called women are those who please themselves, and she was very satisfied with their reaction.

  Chu Yifeng also felt that his mouth was very dry, so he sized her up from head to toe, and said with a slight smile, "Luoyi, you should change another one."

   A wicked light flashed in the dark eyes. It's better to wear this clothes in private for them to see.

   He was secretly annoyed why Xuanyuanqing had prepared such a dress. They wanted to swear their ownership to the Three Realms of Immortals, Demons and Demons. If Qin Luoyi wore it like this, he didn't know how many storms and butterflies it would attract!

Duanmu Changqing just wanted to find a place to hide this seductive goblin. The style was obviously very conservative, only showing a little bit of skin below the neck, and no arms or thighs. It could be worn on Qin Luoyi's body , but it is like a demon and a demon, almost wanting to hook his soul away.

  He also agreed with Chu Yifeng's proposal.

  Qin Tian even sent her directly into the dressing room. In the blink of an eye, Jian Yuyan had already gone to her courtyard and brought a lot of clothes she usually wears for her to choose.

Qin Jiaoyi stood by the door and didn't go in. He held Qin Tian's arm, raised his chin slightly and looked at the crowd, frowning on purpose, and said, "It took me a long time to change it. I won't change it for this one. I won't change it for you. It’s too troublesome to change.”

   "It's troublesome? I'll help you. It will be fine in a while." Qin Tian coaxed her with a smile, his eyes were shining with love, and his voice was clear and warm, very nice.

   "Why do you have to ask me to change it?" Qin Luoyi raised his brows and looked at him suspiciously: "It doesn't look good?"

  My stomach almost cramped from laughing.

  At first, she thought it was just a banquet. She just went to show off, it doesn't matter what she wears, but when she goes out these days, she always sees many female cultivators in Demon Snow City appearing in front of his man in fancy dress.

   There are quite a few female nuns who came tonight.

  She has to take this opportunity tonight to get rid of those women's wrong thoughts, so that they will never dare to spy on the man who misses her from now on... Qin Luoyi firmly decided not to change.

  She knows what she looks like in this dress, and she wants to go out in this dress, so that her man can only pretend to be her in his eyes and hearts!

"It's so pretty, but the color of this dress is too cool, so it's better to wear it festively today." Qin Tian didn't know what her idea was, he just wanted to coax her to change this dress and see her Standing still, Chu Yifeng also came forward to help, and finally brought her into the house, and Jian Yuyan followed her in with her clothes.

Looking at the clothes they picked out again, Qin Luoyi was angry and funny, a sly look flashed in his dark phoenix eyes, but hesitation on his face, he still took the clothes from Jian Yuyan's hand, and then put them all together. Boomed out and closed the door again.

   His eyes fell on the small opening in the corner of the dressing room, ready to go out from there. Although the opening is small, it is not a problem at all for her who is now a big devil.

   Throwing aside the clothes she took from Jian Yuyan, she bent her lips and jumped up.


   "Damn it!"

  It was obviously a matter of chance, but she failed, and a barrier suddenly appeared in her mouth, stopping her abruptly, and a familiar aura invaded the dressing room.

  She turned her head sharply.

   "The Demon Owl!"

  Mo Xiao was sitting on the only chair in the dressing room, with the corners of his lips curled up, a dazzling smile, a light fur coat, and a very chic demeanor, with his chin propped up, and his eyes looked at her seductively.

   "Luoyi, where are you going?"

  Qin Luoyi secretly took a deep breath, when did Mo Xiao come in... She didn't even feel the slightest bit! But she was sure he didn't come in by mouth.

  In addition to the mouth, there is only the gate.

  Besides the gate, Chu Yifeng and the others were still there. When they saw Mo Xiao barging in, it was impossible not to stop them.

  Let go of your consciousness, seeing Chu Yifeng and the others lay motionless outside, with your eyes closed tightly, panicked in your heart: "Mo Xiao! What did you do to them?"

   Turn around and rush out the door.

Seeing the panic on her face and the deep concern, Mo Xiao was really jealous. He hadn't seen her for several days, and Xuanyuan Qing was always by her side. The mansion has powerful prohibition protection to prevent him from entering, even Qin Luoyi's body was also restricted!

   You can guess it with your toes, the restriction must be imposed by Xuanyuan Qing!

   There are also restrictions outside the city lord's mansion that are very different from before!

Mo Xiao sneered to himself, so what if the restriction is imposed, Xuanyuanqing is powerful, but his magic-attracting technique is not for bragging rights, although he was blocked for a few days, he has found a way to relieve Qin Luoyi's body these days. banned.

   "Don't worry, they won't die, just let them sleep temporarily!" Mo Xiao laughed wickedly: "We haven't seen each other for a few days, let's have a good talk, they just won't disturb us when they fall asleep."

  Mo Xiao stopped her from going out, Qin Luoyi's spiritual sense confirmed that Mo Xiao was not telling lies, Chu Yifeng and the others really just passed out, so he was relieved.

   Turning his head and glaring at Demon Xiao angrily.

  Mo Xiao didn't want her to be so far away from him, the spiritual power in the air suddenly moved, and Qin Luoyi fell into his arms, sitting on his lap in an ambiguous posture.

  The spiritual power in Qin Luoyi's body was restrained, and he couldn't resist at all.

"Luoyi, you are so beautiful today!" Mo Xiao put his arms around her waist, with a smile on his lips, his dark eyes rolled around her body, there was suppressed desire in his eyes, and then on her lips again He kissed her hard, and didn't let her go until Qin Luoyi was almost breathless.

  Qin Luoyi was out of breath, his chest was heaving violently, his eyes were blazing, and he was very annoyed. Many thoughts flashed through his mind in an instant, thinking about how to knock the devil down by surprise.

   "Mo Xiao, let me go!"

  Mo Xiao jokingly squeezed her pretty face: "Don't waste your time, what is the relationship between us, what do you think, can you hide it from me?"

  Qin Luoyi's heart froze.

   This is the disadvantage of the natal contract! Moreover, her cultivation base is weaker than Mo Xiao, as long as he is willing, her thoughts will be hidden in front of him.

   She was a little discouraged.

   Immediately there was another movement in his heart, Xuanyuan Qing was there just now, but Feng Feili had something to look for him, he went out and said he would be back soon... secretly swore. After a while Xuanyuan Qing came and was going to teach Mo Xiao a lesson, she would never stop her.

   "Do you want Xuanyuan to come?" Mo Xiao smiled again: "He's not free right now and won't come, so don't think about him. We won't see each other for a few days, so you should think about me."

He let Qin Luoyi sit on his body with his legs crossed, and his hands supported her shoulders. The two of them were very close to each other. Qin Luoyi kept twisting his waist to get down. Yi, you are playing with fire. Be obedient and stay still."

  This feeling of being completely controlled by others made Qin Luoyi very upset. How could she really not move after listening to Mo Xiao?

  Obviously they are the cultivation base of the Great Demon King, every time she meets the Demon Xiao, she is completely passive, the more Qin Luoyi thinks about it, the more annoyed she becomes, and her body twists even more.

   "Let go!"

   Demon Xiao quickly responded.

His pupils shrank sharply, and he let out a low growl. He couldn't bear it any longer, and the hands on her shoulders exerted strength, and instantly hugged her. Their bodies were close together, and Mo Xiao bowed his head fiercely again. He kissed her lips, tossing and sucking.

The spiritual power in Qin Luoyi's body has been completely controlled by Mo Xiao, no matter whether it's the demon or the relative, he can't use it, and he doesn't close his eyes when he is kissed by Mo Xiao. Go, no matter what, he grabbed Mo Xiao's neck forcefully with both hands.

   "You murdered your own husband!" Mo Xiao was annoyed and funny, looking at her widening phoenix eyes, he could only let go of his lips, and fell down on the back of the chair behind him with a little anger.

  Qin Luoyi snorted softly.

   "Let go!"

  Mo Xiao glanced at her angry pretty face, and said with a smile: "Okay, I'm afraid of you." Finally let go of his hand, but the barrier in the dressing room still didn't dissipate.

  He let go, Qin Luoyi also let go, and got off him.

"You didn't stay in front, what did you come here for?" Knowing that she couldn't get out, Qin Luoyi didn't go to waste that effort. She was in a weak position now, so she had better not **** off this man, it was really **** off He would only be slaughtered, so he decided to delay the time first, and then slowly look for an opportunity to find a way to escape.

"Of course I'm here to see you, and I'll discuss something with you by the way." Mo Xiao smiled, but there was a flash of light in his eyes, and his eyes still fell on her fieryly, lingering even more on her chest. endlessly.

  Qin Luoyi glared at him.

   Mo Xiao chuckled and looked away.

   "What's the matter?" The word "negotiation" was actually used! Having said that, Qin Luoyi was secretly on guard in his heart, always feeling that Mo Xiao's visit today was not kind.

  Mo Xiao stroked his chin and said with a smile: "I came here today to prepare a dowry gift. Do you think I will propose to you at the banquet tonight, or will I choose an auspicious day to propose marriage in a few days?"

   Then he showed her the dowry gift he had prepared. It is full of all kinds of treasures from heaven and earth, and if you take them out casually, they are all priceless and precious in the upper realm.

  Qin Luoyi's hair was full of black lines, he didn't look at the so-called betrothal gift, and said coldly: "Don't use it to propose marriage at any time, I didn't say I would marry you! Mo Xiao, don't make trouble anymore!"

Mo Xiao looked at her and smiled meaningfully: "Luoyi, we have all formed a natal contract. We will live and die together. We will live and die together. We will be together for the rest of our lives. This natal contract between a man and a woman is the most steadfast vow. People who love each other will form such a contract, we get married, it's a matter of course, if you don't get married, others will suspect that you have a new man and forget the old one, and you will always abandon me..."

  Qin Luoyi was blocked by him in the chest. The phoenix eyes narrowed dangerously, stared at Mo Xiao, and said after a while: "Are you... threatening me?"

  Mo Xiao smiled. Standing up in a very chic manner, he patted the dust that didn't exist on his body, walked up to her with his hands behind his back and said, "I'm here to discuss with you, how can I threaten you? I know, you won't treat me all the time." Abandoned at the end of the chaos, taking my Yuanyang body is still irresponsible... Time is almost up, let's go out together, if you don't go out, Feng Feili should be anxious, think slowly on the way, think carefully, If you can't make up your mind, I'll come and make up your mind for you, it's actually best to ask for a kiss tonight..."

   took her hand and walked towards the door.

  Qin Luoyi followed him mechanically, with a serious face, isn't this a threat? Damn bastard! He recalled the ten tortures of the Manchu Qing Dynasty in his heart, and used these tortures on Mo Xiao.

  Mo Xiao's body trembled slightly.

   When holding Qin Luoyi's hand, he forgot to take back his consciousness, and suddenly detected what was in her heart, and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

   Hastily took back his consciousness.

   "Luoyi, you are really beautiful tonight." Just as he was about to open the door, Mo Xiao turned back and winked at Qin Luoyi, smiling charmingly.

Qin Luoyi opened the door heavily, and a white shadow flashed between the lightning and flint. Qin Luoyi had escaped Mo Xiao's control in an instant, standing a few meters away from Mo Xiao, and the person standing beside her was It was Xuanyuanqing.

  In addition to Xuanyuanqing, Chu Yifeng and the others were also there, staring at him with cold eyes.

  The demon lord secretly cried out!

  Obviously someone lured Xuanyuan Qing away, but he didn't expect Xuanyuan Qing to come back so soon, and he didn't even notice when he came here.

  He had a calm and clear look on his face.

  Qin Luoyi was a little overjoyed.

  Xuanyuanqing didn't look at Mo Xiao, his dark eyes only fell on Qin Luoyi. After patting her lightly a few times, Qin Luoyi instantly recovered the stagnant power in his body: "Feng Feili is waiting for you in front, you go first, leave this place to us."

  Qin Luoyi hesitated for a moment, then nodded, turned around and walked away. After walking a long way, he stopped again and looked back.

  Her yard was completely covered by the enchantment at this time, and even her spiritual sense couldn't get in, so she understood that this must be the enchantment laid down by Xuanyuan Qing.

   sighed softly.

  She continued to walk forward.

  ------Off topic------

Thank you Zixi b123 Jun Qiluo for the kiss, thank you for the lotus in the rain for the flower and diamond (3 flowers and 1 diamond), thank you for the sky is blue 123 for the flower, thank you Liushang Lvfeng for the kiss (5 flowers), thank you Xiao Xiaoyue for kissing Hua Hua

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