MTL - Senior Brother – One is Too Unscrupulous-v11 Chapter 9 really hurt

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  As soon as the demon owl stepped onto the shore, the King of Guyue greeted him, and Junyi couldn't hide the look of anxiety on his face: "Now... how can you kill that sky-swallowing tyrannosaurus!"


  Qin Luoyi gritted his teeth even louder.

  At first, it was only 90% suspicious, but now it is 12% sure. King Guyue is one of the most powerful and terrifying demon kings in the Southern Demon Realm. Who else can be called the king besides the great demon king Mo Xiao?

   Taking a deep breath, she resisted the urge to go up to him and twist his collar to question him. There was no joy on her face, but a grim expression on her face.

King Guyue looked anxiously at Mo Xiao, and the corner of his eye suddenly caught sight of Qin Luoyi's gloomy face, and he couldn't help but sink his face. He didn't forget that the king just went down to kill Tuntian just to save her. Tyrannosaurus.

If it's normal, it's fine, if you kill it, you'll kill it, but now... Once the Sky-swallowing Tyrannosaurus dies, Mo Chen will come here soon, and the king's body... Thinking of this, the light in his eyes when he looked at Qin Luoyi changed. It's getting colder.

Xing Mo knew Mo Xiao's identity a long time ago, and the others were stunned by Mo Xiao's arrogance when he killed the Sky-swallowing Tyrannosaurus Rex. Walking out of Jiuyou Shentan, he was even more excited and admiring. At this time, when he heard King Guyue's voice, his body shook, and he suddenly realized the identity of this person, and they all knelt down respectfully. [


   Qin Luoyi stood there without moving. Looking at Mo Xiao with an expression on his face, changing his appearance or something, it is really not a difficult thing for the Great Demon King, but he has actually been playing around with him during this period of time!

   Mo Xiao raised his hand to let everyone get up, then turned to look at her, King Guyue also looked at her, because she stood still, even Xing Mo frowned slightly.

   "Miss Qin...was she scared just now?" Although she is a demon king, she is a woman after all, isn't she?

Qin Luoyi's heart moved, and she took a quick look at Xing Mo, and then she walked towards Mo Xiao, with a relieved expression on her face, with a smile on her lips, she stood in front of Mo Xiao and saluted Mo Xiao, her phoenix eyes There was a jade-like luster in his eyes, and he stared at Mo Xiao and said: "The sky-swallowing tyrannosaurus just now was really terrifying. Thank you for saving me, my lord. If it wasn't for my lord...Luoyi might be buried in the dragon's mouth today."

   While speaking, she quickly glanced at King Guyue and the others, and sure enough, the expressions on their faces improved a lot.

Mo Xiao took a deep look at her, and then a smile appeared on the corners of his lips, and he walked up to her and said with concern: "Are you really scared just now? You are so timid... This is for you, to suppress the shock. "

   There was a touch of intimacy in her voice that seemed to be very familiar with each other. After she finished speaking, she directly put the magic pill in her hand that was pure and filled with powerful energy.

   King Guyue's pupils shrank suddenly.

  For the first time, he looked at Qin Luoyi more carefully, as if he wanted to see through her. Qin Luoyi felt cold when he saw him, and felt that the magic pill in his hand was a hot potato, and he was about to find a reason to return it to Mo Xiao (it's not that she didn't want to take Mo Xiao's things, because Mo Xiao During this period of teasing her, she wished to search out everything on him to relieve the anger in her heart, but she didn't want to accept his things in front of so many people, she felt that the two of them should keep a distance Well, in this way, the relationship between the two of them is a natal contract so that people will not be suspected. This is good for both of them, and Mo Xiao will give her these things. It is definitely not because of guilt for teasing her, I am afraid that he wants her The rapid improvement of cultivation has barely become his burden.)

   "Get out of here first."

  Mo Xiao didn't wait for her to speak, and turned his head to face Gu Yue Wangdao. With a wave of his palm in the air, he directly tore the void and dragged everyone into it.

The movement made by the Sky-swallowing Tyrannosaurus was too loud just now, which made the monks near the Nine Nether God's Tan feel something strange. It has already left, and the area around the Nine Nether God Pool has returned to calm. All the monsters have shrunk under the pool, not even showing their heads. Such a peaceful state makes many monks think that the horrible thing just now The feeling is just my own illusion.

   soon left with doubts.

And tens of thousands of miles away, a man sitting cross-legged suddenly opened his eyes, and looked towards the direction of Jiuyou Shentan with his sharp eyes, and felt the connection between himself and the Sky-swallowing Tyrannosaurus after a while. The contact disappeared, and suddenly there was a monstrous storm gathering and rolling in his eyes. [

"Demon Xiao, you dare to kill my monster and trap me here again. When I get out, I will destroy your Southern Demon Realm, and then I will become the real Demon Emperor of the Demon Realm! It's just a small formation. How long do you think you can hold me?"

   With a sneer, he continued to sit cross-legged and closed his eyes, resisting the formation that trapped him, looking for an opportunity to break it. Half a year ago, if it wasn't for his carelessness, how could he have been trapped by the trap set by the demon lord.

Coming out of the void, Qin Luoyi and everyone landed in a huge garden. Many rare spiritual plants were planted in the garden. Hundreds of flowers were in full bloom, the fragrance was refreshing, and the air was full of aura. Many buildings could be seen around the garden. Repeated corridors and complex halls, cascading up, running through Qingsuo, are majestic.

  This place is calm and peaceful, and it is no longer a place full of **** traces of war at the junction of the North and South Demon Realms.

  Qin Luoyi glanced at Mo Xiao, and secretly sneered. He obviously has the ability to tear apart the void, and he can come and go freely in this demon world, but he just wants to change his appearance and toss around. The ancient Yue king is obviously seriously injured, and he still has leisure time to lead people from the knot in the northern demon world. If it wasn't for the incident of the Sky-swallowing Tyrannosaurus and he was connected with his life, would he still plan to keep concealing his identity and slowly fly here?

   I really don't know what he thinks.


  As soon as Mo Xiao appeared, four robust men in green clothes came out from nowhere and saluted him respectfully.

  Mo Xiao glanced at them, and said to one of the square-faced men: "Zhuifeng, you take Xing Mo and the others down, they have injuries on their bodies, and let them heal properly, take some healing pills down."


  He turned his head and said to King Gu Yue: "You are also injured, go down to heal your wounds, there are healing pills in the pill pavilion, you can get whatever you need."

  The man named Zhuifeng quickly left the courtyard with Xing Mo and his party. Qin Luoyi followed them to go out, but was stopped by Mo Xiao.

   Under the surprised and curious eyes of everyone, he had to stop.


At this moment, King Guyue couldn't care about Mo Xiao's strange attitude towards Qin Luoyi, and he couldn't hide his anxious expression: "Your Majesty, my injury doesn't matter, it's about I call Ling Tian and the others back? "

Falling into this magic garden, the demon owl has already recovered his original appearance. His handsome eyebrows are as beautiful as a crown jade, his lips are beautiful, his face is fair, and his demeanor is outstanding, blooming like a mandala flower. Standing in this courtyard full of flowers, it seems that thousands of scenery have become his foil, and the brilliance of his body is so radiant that no one can ignore it.

  Seeing such a handsome Mo Xiao, Qin Luoyi's eyes flickered. Compared with when he was in the lower realm, although the Mo Xiao had the same face at this time, his aura was more noble and domineering.

   "No, I'm fine, you go down." There was a hint of order in the deep and pleasant voice.

  The King of Ancient Yue did not dare to disobey, so Nai had to retreat.

  Mo Xiao made those in the garden exude a strong aura, and the man in Tsing Yi, who was not a simple person at first glance, also retreated, and Qin Luoyi and Mo Xiao were the only two left in the garden.

  The two stood facing each other, their eyes falling on each other.

"Luoyi, count your fingers, we haven't seen each other for a long time." After a while, Mo Xiao took the initiative to open his mouth, looked at her and raised his eyebrows and smiled: "I didn't expect to see you for a few years. , these years, I always miss the days when we were together..."

"Long time no see?" Qin Luoyi looked at him with a half-smile: "Has it been a long time? I remember it was only a few days? Oh, I forgot, you are the majestic devil king of the devil world, so these small things naturally don't matter." I will keep it in my heart, and it is reasonable to forget it.”

Mo Xiao looked at her smile that was half a smile, his dark eyes gradually became cloudy, his smile became a little sinister, and the corners of his slightly raised eyes evoked a bewitching arc: "Luoyi, don't worry, I forgot who... and I won't forget you."

   While speaking, he leaned towards Qin Luoyi.

Qin Luoyi looked at him calmly, and when he was close to him, he suddenly shot, grabbed his collar fiercely, and looked at him with gritted teeth: "You haven't forgotten me, even when I saw you Trick me, why, isn't it fun to tease me? Ah!"

Thinking of the previous few encounters, he clearly recognized himself, but he didn't say anything, not only didn't say anything, but also teased her time and time again. The fire was burning, so he didn't even care about his identity as the great devil king with an unfathomable cultivation in the devil world, and he just wanted to vent his anger.


For her actions, Mo Xiao didn't move away, and let her hold his collar. His face, which was as white as jade, suddenly became very pale, and his soft body leaned against her. On his body, a gorgeous bright red escaped from the corners of his lips, staining his fair and handsome face, showing a kind of bewitching beauty.

   "Mo Xiao! What's wrong with you?" Qin Luoyi sensed that something was wrong, and didn't dare to let him out, so he quickly supported him with both hands.

   "Your Majesty!" The three men in black who had already retreated rushed out together, looking shocked. "My lord, what's the matter with you?"

  Already not far away, King Guyue, who was really worried about Mo Xiao, rushed in when he saw this scene, reaching out to support him.

  Mo Xiao avoids others and glares at him.

He stared so hard that he took the initiative to retract his hand, and then he said: "Isn't it just a little injury, what are you so nervous about? Gu Yue, I didn't ask you to heal your injury, what are you running back for, why don't you go quickly? You took my words as a deaf ear, didn't you?"

  When he turned his head to look at Qin Luoyi, he had a smile on his face. He had a clear face, but he still smiled. It was inexplicable that people couldn't laugh or cry when they saw it. Qin Luoyi couldn't express the anger in his heart.

"I'll just go and meditate for a while. Luoyi, please help me in." Mo Xiao leaned against Qin Luoyi again, pointed to the far away palace on the right side of the garden, and said, "I live in the Nine Layers Palace." , you will live in the Lingxiao Palace on my left from now on."

Mo Xiao didn't let other people help him, only Qin Luoyi helped him, and he kept telling others that he was fine... After Qin Luoyi was initially shocked, he looked at him suspiciously, only in front of everyone but didn't question him. Are you trying to lie to me again?

  This is Demon Xiao's territory. In order not to become the target of public criticism, she held back her words and helped him towards the Nine Layers Palace he was referring to.

She didn't look back, so she didn't see that since Mo Xiao asked her to help her into the Nine Layers Palace, and then pointed out the Lingxiao Palace on the side to her, the faces of King Guyue and the others were full of shock, until Qin Luoyi He helped Mo Xiao walk a long distance before he came back to his senses.

   "Your Majesty, let her live in the High Heaven Pavilion...Did I hear correctly?"

   "It should be right, I heard it too!"

   "Let her go to the Jiuzhong Pavilion...His Royal Highness King Guyue, you came back with the king, who is that woman?"

The three black-clothed men are all very stable people. Seeing such an unbelievable scene, they couldn't help burning the fire of gossip in their hearts. Even if they don't order the Nine Layers Hall, they can't enter it. Your Majesty today Actually let a woman in.

  The three of them looked at King Guyue with burning eyes.

   King Guyue was more puzzled than them. On the edge of Jiuyou Shentan, Wang Shangming knew that he could not use the power in his body without authorization, and the other party was a powerful monster like Tyrannosaurus rex! Knowing that he couldn't do anything, he went anyway, brazenly saving Qin Luoyi.

  He also wanted to know who this woman was.

   "Now is the time to care about these things? Your Majesty went out this time and activated the power in his body without authorization, hurting Ben Yuan again. You have to watch carefully the potion of medicine that Mr. Wang made, and there must be no accidents."

   After finishing speaking, he left quickly.

Hearing that Mo Xiao had hurt Ben Yuan again, the expressions of the three men in black also changed, one of them was left behind, and the other two quickly ran out of the courtyard to find Mr. Wang, and disappeared in the blink of an eye. place.

  The Nine Layers Hall is said to be a hall, but in fact, there are pavilions and pavilions inside, with everything, neither exquisite nor gorgeous. Under the guidance of Mo Xiao, Qin Luoyi has been supporting Mo Xiao into the main hall of the Nine Layers Hall.

There are layers of silver gauze curtains made of unknown materials hanging in the hall. The silver gauze curtains exude a soft luster, full of aura, elegant and full of luxury. Qin Luoyi supported Mo Xiao in it. On a soft couch, he let go of his hands.

Walking all the way from the outside of the hall, she didn't find anyone standing in the Nine Layers Hall, so she didn't want to act with him anymore, she pursed her red lips, looked at him sharply with her phoenix eyes, and gently poked his chest with her fingers One poke.

   "Seriously injured?"


   "Have you vomited blood?"

   "Didn't you see it?"

   "Well, of course I saw it, the injury was really serious, I couldn't even stand up just now!" Seeing him sitting on the soft couch, his eyes slightly squinted and his expression laziness, there is no sign of serious injury? Qin Luoyi couldn't help poking harder and harder, but his face was smiling like a flower.

  I let you pretend!

  See how long you can pretend!

That day in the secret ground of the Water Demon City, he had blood on his body, but judging from his appearance when he killed the Sky-Swallowing Tyrannosaurus just now, not to mention Lian Peng, the owner of the Water Demon City, even ten Lu Xiaos together are not his. Opponent, who can catch him? Who can trap him there? That blood is clearly fake too!

   "Cough cough!" Mo Xiao coughed twice fiercely after being poked by her, his face turned paler, and the blood that had stopped at the corners of his lips gushed out again.

  Qin Luoyi was even angrier when he saw this.

  What pure yang virgin body... She really had her head kicked by a donkey to believe that what he blurted out at that time was a slip of the tongue, and the hot spring pool in the mountain, she didn't believe it, because with his cultivation base, he would not know that she was coming.

Ever since she knew he was Mo Xiao, she had thought about what happened in the hot spring. In fact, she didn't find that place far away. Take off your head and kick it as a ball!


  The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and the more angry he was, the brighter the smile on his face, but a ruthless look flashed in the phoenix eyes, and the Heavenly Demon Dafa quickly circulated in his body, turned his fingers into fists, and fell towards him again.

"I'm really hurt, very badly hurt..." Before her fist was about to land on him, Mo Xiao hurriedly reached out to grab her hand, coughed twice and said, "You woman, you are so cruel. I’m really hurt, if you poke again, be careful to poke my life away!”

   "Really, then I'll try to see if I can poke it off." Qin Luoyi, who was caught by his hand, struggled vigorously, using all his hands and feet, attacking the vital parts of his body,

Mo Xiao's face turned even paler, and he just rolled over and pressed her under him, his voice became weaker: "Cruel-hearted woman, who did I get hurt for... If you keep doing this, I will have to retreat for several years, At that time, the devil from the Northern Demon Realm will kill us, and the two of us will have no way to survive."

Qin Luoyi finally stopped, and stared at him mockingly: "I really want to know when that sky-swallowing tyrannosaurus injured you... Humph, I'll be in seclusion for a few more years, you really think I'm blind You can't see anything, can you?"

  He has always been the one who killed the Sky-swallowing Tyrannosaurus, but the Sky-swallowing Tyrannosaurus has never touched even a hair of his head.

Seeing that she finally calmed down, Mo Xiao let go of her hand, lazily lay back on the soft couch, wiped the blood from his lips, and said with disdain in his eyes: "How could the Sky-swallowing Tyrannosaurus hurt me? If it was before , I can slap him to death with one hand... But, hey, it can't compare to before."

  He sighed a little depressed.

   "Could it be...that devil emperor hurt you?" Qin Luoyi got up and sat on the other side of the soft couch, squinting his eyes and looking at him.

   Is it because of his injury that the demon world has not heard from him all these years? That's why the Devil Emperor could want to encroach on the Southern Demon Realm without any scruples?

  She instantly had a sense of crisis.

"Him? How is that possible!" Mo Xiao curled his lips again, and said disdainfully: "And what kind of devil emperor is he? If you want to call him a devil emperor, I should call him that. After staying in the Northern Demon Realm for several years, do you really think he is the Demon Emperor?"

  Qin Luoyi resisted the urge to roll his eyes. Where is it all going... He still has such leisurely chatter, she can't help but wonder whether his injury is real or not.

  So he asked him again: "Who hurt you?" As soon as the words came out, he suddenly thought of Xuanyuan Qing who had already ascended.

   Could it be that Xuanyuan Qing failed?

  But the time is not right.

When I was in the Northern Demon Realm, I never heard of him fighting with people from the Immortal Realm. It was more than four years ago that the Demon Emperor proclaimed himself emperor, and the Demon Xiao had no news for more than four years. At that time, Xuanyuan Qing hadn’t Soar up.

Mo Xiao looked at her with a half-smile: "No one hurt me, and I hurt myself. You haven't forgotten what happened more than four years ago, right?" The devil who dared to jump out to make trouble again was shot to death, so it's his turn to proclaim himself emperor.

   More than four years ago?

  Qin Luoyi's eyes flashed, and then his expression changed: "Jin Ruihuang?"

   "Tsk, you finally remembered." Mo Xiao chuckled, moved his body, and found himself a more comfortable position.

   "Why didn't you say it earlier?" Qin Luoyi said angrily. He was injured more than four years ago. No wonder the Devil Emperor wanted to annex the Southern Demon Realm, but he never showed up.

  ------Off topic------

Thank you ln crystal for kissing diamond, thank you Xiaoxiaoyue for kissing Huahua, thank you for kissing Huahua, thank you shyu305 for kissing Huahua (2 flowers), thank you for the sky is blue 123 kissing for Huahua, thank you in the rain Zhilian kisses Huahua (2 flowers.), thank you Mu Yunxi for kissing Huahua, thank you tstylee for kissing Huahua (5 flowers.)

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