MTL - Seven Evil Slips-Chapter 25

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The leg of lamb is cooked very authentically, with flower knives on both sides. It is said that after skimming the dirt, add dozens of ingredients and stew for more than two hours, then marinate in the thick soup for a day, take it out and evenly spread salt, cumin powder Rosemary is put on a fresh-keeping bag and sealed before being sold outside.

Zheng Bo is a master at roasting leg of lamb without using any modern tools. A fire is set up on a wooden frame, the leg of lamb is brushed with honey water, and roasted immediately after being fired. It doesn't take long for it to emit oil, and the meat is fragrant.

Kiyo watched without blinking his eyes: "Don't worry about it, Zheng Bo, can you turn it over?"

Zheng Bo laughed, and there was a table next to him, and he was chopping onion and white cucumbers on the chopping board, and he paused for a while and told Kiyo: "Turn over."

Mudai was as happy as he was, and turned the roasted leg of lamb with the iron handle: "Uncle Zheng, if this is ancient times, we will travel the rivers and lakes by roasting the leg of lamb. You roast it, and I will take care of it. If you’re fine, you can still be a hero.”

Little girl, you think wildly, but Zheng Bo likes her very much. Luo Ren said that when he met her for the first time, Kiyo was not as fierce as usual—how fierce, he didn't see it at all.

The first one was roasted, and Kiyo's eyes sparkled: "Are you holding it?"

I couldn't help swallowing, even though my hands and mouth were full of oil when I ate, I recognized it.

But it turned out not to be. Zheng Bo sliced ​​the leg meat into thin strips with a knife, put a portion in each small dish, sprinkled chili powder, cumin, and salt evenly, and covered with a layer of scallion and white cucumber shreds. He took a small silver fork and gave Kiyo the first dish: "Taste it."

It was amazing, Kiyo took it with both hands: "This food is too elegant."

Zheng Bo smiled: "No, Ping Ting likes to eat, but also thinks it's troublesome to eat it, and then Luo Ren asked me to do it like this."

Really, Kiyo didn't say a word, just looked around subconsciously, Luo Ren was not there, he should have entered the room to accompany Ting.

"Pin Ting...should be cured, right? You can ask Luo Ligament to take her to a hospital in Beijing and Shanghai to try."

Zheng Bo sighed: "It's not that Luo Ren hasn't tried it before, but it's not a physical problem..."

At the end, he sighed and shook his head, and continued to divide the dishes.

Kiyo stopped talking knowingly, and took an extra plate, and gave it to Li Tan who was sitting on one side of the steps. Li Tan saw her, but didn't talk to her. Kiyo felt quite guilty, and pushed the plate towards him. Pushed again: "Try it, it's delicious."

Li Tan still ignored her, well, people should dislike her, after all, she is her "Aunt Hong".

Kiyo was holding his own plate, ready to change places, when Li Tan just got up, Li Tan suddenly asked: "Aunt Hong... did you mention me?"

How to answer this? White lie? Or is it true that long-term pain is worse than short-term pain?

Seeing that Kiyo didn't speak, Li Tan smiled: "Understood."

In fact, you know the answer without asking, but if you ask, you can be more thorough.

Kiyo felt quite sad, and wanted to change the topic: "Luo Ren said that Uncle Zheng accompanied you to the hospital, is there nothing wrong?"

"When you get old, your body looks like an old car, with problems everywhere." Li Tan sighed infinitely, and patted his knees with self-deprecation, "I never noticed it before. Yes, the old man protested."

Yes, it's really strange. Before Mingming's age, but he never felt old. He was always in a hurry to find out the truth, but that night, Luo Ren came in with a phone and told him that someone wanted to talk to him. He speaks.

The moment he heard Li Yaqing's voice, the energy in his body suddenly drained slowly.

Li Yaqing said "I'm sorry" to him, and he smiled bitterly and said, "It's nothing."

No one forced him with a knife, he wanted to.

Thinking about it now, I really seem to have answered the old saying, "It's like throwing all the birds into the forest, and the vast land is so clean." After pain, quarrels, fights, and snatches, now it's empty and boring. of.

Li Tan smiled at Kiyo: "I will go back tomorrow, Luo Ren said, something is still a little strange, I don't have the strength to investigate, thank you, if you have news someday, call me and tell me."

He stood up with difficulty, beat his sore waist, and did not move the plate of mutton brought by Kiyo from the beginning to the end.

Perhaps, even though she was relieved in words, in her heart, she was still unwilling to accept any kindness related to Huo Zihong.

Kiyo stood there for a while, forked a piece of roast mutton and handed it to his mouth, feeling depressed, and it tasted like chewing meat.

Inadvertently turned around...

It is estimated that among all the people, only 13,000 can eat so much that they are so satisfied that they gobble it up.

Before going to bed, everything was as usual, and Kiyo woke up in the middle of the night.

Dry, it is really dry here, it feels like there is not even a little mercury in the air, the throat is so dry, and the lips are numb.

There was no kettle in the house, so Kiyo went to the living room to look for it, but it was really unlucky, only half a cup was poured out of the water dispenser, and it was gone in one sip.

It's really evil, there is no kettle? Kiyo rushed to Luo Ren's door in a hurry, wanted to knock on the door but held back.

Most of the night, they are all sleeping.

But don't knock on the door, just endure it like this?

In a dilemma, the door suddenly opened.

The kettle was connected to the electricity, and there was a familiar sound of simmering water. Kiyo finally felt relieved, wrapped his coat and sat on the sofa waiting for the water to boil. By the way, he looked at Luo Ren's room, and his eyes were quickly attracted by a wall.

It looks like the wall where the case is posted on the wall that I have seen in the movie, and there is also the list that Luo Ren posted to her with a post-it note last time in the small noodle restaurant in the ancient city, but the original question mark has been replaced by ""Zhang Guanghua", There is a broken line leading from Zhang Guanghua's name, and three characters are written at the end.

Hangu Pass.

The word Hanguguan was circled and circled with a red pen, and a question mark was placed, obviously still a guess. On the other end, Luo Wenmiao's name also draws a broken line backwards, and at the end it says "Ping Ting".

There are also question marks, but for some reason, Kiyo looks a little sad.

Luo Ren took the cup and put some lotus seeds in it: "This place is indeed much drier than the south, and many people who come here for the first time are not used to it."

"How do you know I'm outside the door?"

"After Uncle Zheng told me about Pin Ting, I was very careful, and sometimes I stayed up all night, but..."

He frowned: "So far, I haven't met..."

While speaking, his eyes fell on the wall.

If it is a "virus" as previously imagined, will Pin Ting really be another carrier? Is her so-called abnormality a manifestation of the early stage of seizures? How does the virus spread between individuals?

When he turned his head, he saw Kiyo licking his lips nervously.

Luo Ren stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers in front of her, which made her stunned: "Stop licking, the more you lick, the more dry it will be."

After the water was boiled, it was steaming hot, and I wanted to drink it but didn't dare to. If I took a sip, I would burn off a layer of skin. Kiyo simply bent his face over the rim of the cup, and the steam made him feel much more comfortable.

Luo Ren looked at Kiyo, angry and funny: "Didn't you bring lipstick?"

lipstick? I usually use it, but it’s not necessary, and I don’t care when I go out.

Luo Ren took out his own from the luggage bag and handed it to her: "The mountains in the south are warm and the water is soft, you are taking it too lightly. There is no matter men or women here, everyone has one."

Kiyo stretched out his hand to pick it up, but just as he touched the body of the tube, Luo Ren retracted it again.

He unscrewed a section of lipstick, took the straight-edged knife on the table, and cut off the end he had used before handing it to her again.

Really careful enough, Kiyo was taken aback for a moment: "It's okay, I don't mind."

Luo Ren looked at her: "I really don't mind?"

Kiyo's ears turned red with guilt.

I really don't mind? Think about it or quite mind.

Muyo lowered his head, unscrewed the lipstick and applied it to his lips. After wiping it on, his whole body shook suddenly, and he looked up at Luo Ren.

Luo Ren's face was solemn, and he put his finger on his lips, making a "shh" gesture.

Apparently, he heard it too.

Not only Luo Ren, but Zheng Bo, Ten Wan, and Li Tan all came out.

This is not the "faint, silk-like" singing voice described by Zheng Bo, it is singing, with a clear voice, which is especially clear at night.

Several people met in the corridor, Luo Ren winked at Zheng Bo, and Zheng Bo understood: It has nothing to do with others, so let's not get involved.

He turned around and explained to Li Tan and Yiwansan: "Pinting her... here, it's not normal, I'm sorry, I made you sleepy, forgive me, forgive me."

The language is soft and hard, and people with common sense can understand it: Which owner will let outsiders see his family members sick?

Li Tan didn't care much at first, he turned around and went back to the room after he was relieved, so he had no choice but to retreat back, feeling extremely regretful: No wonder the door is made like a railing, so such a beautiful woman, is she actually a lunatic? Is there any justice in this world?

Luo Ren led Kidai closer.

Pin Ting is really dancing, singing and dancing at the same time, the movements are really open and close, no quiet and beautiful woman can dance like this, right?

With "Tanka" as the background of the event, Kiyo could see it quite clearly: Yes, this is the kind of dance in ancient times, where you don't pay attention to graceful postures, and you can dance wherever you like.

Pin Ting's singing and dancing lasted about two or three minutes, and then suddenly stopped, and resumed the silent look with downcast eyes, went to bed quietly, covered the quilt, and turned off the lamp beside the bed.

The room was silent, the blanket on the bed bulged, and there was no movement for a long time.

Kiyo didn't feel it when he watched it, but he didn't feel it until now, as if there was a horrible aftertaste, spreading and spreading from this room, he shivered unknowingly, and there were tiny bruises on both arms. trembling.

Zheng Bo sighed and shook his head at her, as if to say: You see, that's it.

He walked back to the room with heavy steps.

Luo Ren stood in front of the fence, motionless, fixed his eyes on Ping Ting on the bed, and slowly clenched his lowered hands.

If this is really a "virus", are Pin Ting's symptoms gradually getting worse? Uncle Luo Wenmiao didn't have this kind of reaction at the beginning. Could it be that everyone's reaction is different, and it varies from person to person?

Kiyo didn't know what to say at this time to have the most comforting effect: "Don't worry, I will help you."

Luo Ren's heart skipped a beat.

Is it really selfless to call Kiyo here several times? Yes, she practices martial arts and knows the inside story, so she is the best helper. If something happens to Pin Ting and she can't control the situation, Muyo is here, which is worth three, four, five, or six Zheng Bos.

However, if the seriousness of the matter exceeds his imagination, won't Kiyo be in danger?

"My master said that people who practice martial arts are considered half-children of the world. They hate evil like hatred and help people in need. I can barely do it. And my aunt Hong is also involved in this matter, so I will definitely try my best to help you."

Luo Ren laughed in his heart. Mudai was much more innocent than he thought. He was scared to cry that night, and he could tell that she was like this. As long as others treat her a little better, they will repay her twice. Do you have any? Consciously or unintentionally using her to win her sympathy?

Yes, yes, yes, I am still a man, I am a little ashamed to think about it.

Luo Ren looked at her: "Kiyo."

"hold head high?"

"You move out tomorrow and bring your friend with you."


Kiyo felt wronged, what did she say? Don't let him stop when he turns his face away? She said good things.

The girl who is obviously very smart, sometimes when she gets stupid, she is really stupid. Luo Ren reminded her: "If Pin Ting is really infected with the virus, I'm not sure if it will infect another person. You guys If you stay here, it's hard to say, really hard to say."

Kiyo's heart almost missed a beat.

She really didn't expect this. The master used to say that there is an old saying called "Warrior is reckless". It is as if the body is strong and the brain is not trained. She said triumphantly: "Master, I am very smart. Woolen cloth."

What are you smart about? You can only deal with a small character like Cao Yanhua who is full of momentum, but only realizes when something happens.

She nodded quickly: "Oh, oh, okay."

He looked nervous, as if he would be infected if he stayed for a second longer, and he wished he could go back to his room to pack his luggage immediately: "Well, then I'll go back."

She turned around and left. With a thought in his mind, Luo Ren quickly reached out and grabbed her arm: "I'll just test you out. What did you say to hate evil like hatred and help the poor? Do you agree to help?"

What a slap in the face.

Read I Pick Up A Bunch Of Attributes