MTL - Seven Evil Slips-Chapter 28

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When I sent Muyo out, it was already very late, in a trance, like the night when Uncle Luo Wenmiao had an accident, the whole Xiaoshang River was as quiet as if no one was staying.

Kiyo comforted him: "Don't worry too much, there will always be a way."

Luo Ren smiled: "But Pin Ting can't wait too long."

What the magic stick said is right, Pin Ting doesn't have any self-control right now, if she vomits evil thoughts like a poisonous snake, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Luo Ren suddenly had a bold and dangerous idea.

What if you extradite the things on Pin Ting to yourself? The possessed person did not attack suddenly. Judging from previous cases, the "human skin" had been latent on the host for at least one year.

It is indeed not a good way to cure the root cause, but for the time being, it is the best way.

Luo Ren seemed very depressed, yes, if he changed himself, his mood would only be worse, deep in Kiyo's heart, he sighed softly and said, "Then I'll go back first."

She put her hands in her pockets, walked back with her head down, and the wind picked up again, blowing her face with the smell of dry sand.

Luo Ren called her from behind: "Kiyo."

Kiyo stopped in his tracks and looked at Luo Ren in puzzlement.

Luo Ren looked at the sky, and the stars seemed to be afraid of the cold, emitting a faint cold light from a very high place far away.

"The weather is fine, let's go for a walk."

The car got out of the Xiaoshang River and plunged into the darkness. The lights in the car were not turned on. Kishiro pressed his forehead against the car window and tried to look at the surrounding scenery. It seemed that there was no difference. Where the car lights passed, there were bare deserts. .

The speed is fast, but Luo Ren is obviously familiar with the road.

"I like to drive at night. A place where there are no people is better. It is quiet and no one cares. Just find a place to stop, sit down and feel that you are the only one in the world."

He quickly turned off the road and entered the Gobi. Because of the uneven ground, the body continued to bump. It never ends.

Kiyo was a little nervous, and subconsciously grabbed the edge of the seat.

Luo Ren suddenly asked: "Muyo, are you willing to die with me?"

Kiyo was dumbfounded: "Huh?"

Luo Ren didn't speak, and motioned ahead.

Kiyo looked at it subconsciously, and his scalp exploded: It's the top, there is no way ahead!

She screamed: "Luo Ren, stop! Stop! There is no way!"

The front of the car suddenly tilted down, Kiyo's mind was blank, his heart stopped beating, thinking: just fell to his death?

It seemed as if a century had passed, and it seemed only for a short while, that the car stopped slowly.

It's not that there is no road, nor is it a cliff. It's just a visual error. There is still a road. It's a steep downhill slope. When people are on that side, they can't see it at all. Moreover, Luo Ren didn't slow down at that time, and didn't give her any advice. hint.

There is a feeling of going through a cutscene between life and death.

Luo Ren came over, helped her open the car door, and unbuckled her seat belt. Kishiro's soul was probably still floating outside, and he forgot to settle accounts with him.

Luo Ren pulled her: "Come on, come down."

Muyo was pulled out of the car by him, and his legs went limp as soon as he hit the ground, she heard Luo Ren laughing at her: "You can't, Muyo."

If you can’t, then you can do whatever you want, you really don’t even have the strength to refute.

Luo Ren took the cushion from the car, and the two sat down leaning against the car body.

There is a vast blackness in front of me, and there are undulating curves of sand dunes in the extreme distance of the sky. Looking up, there are more stars, and the hands are stretched out, and many stars are densely clustered between the fingers.

Luo Ren said: "Some stars are far away from us, and their light has to travel many light years to reach the earth. The starlight we think we see now is actually emitted by it many, many years ago."

He pointed to a star casually: "That one, maybe it's dead now."

Kiyo has heard this saying. Regarding the explanation of time in the universe, it takes eight minutes for sunlight to reach the earth. The sunlight you see at this moment is actually emitted eight minutes ago. Apart from the sun, the nearest star Sagittarius South Gate 2 is 4.2 light-years away from the earth, that is to say, the Sagittarius starlight you see now was actually emitted 4.2 years ago.

In a sense, everything that human eyes see is the past.

Kiyo said: "Hearing what you said, I feel that all the bones hanging in the sky are the bones of stars, and all the starlight is phosphorous fire."

After finishing speaking, I suddenly felt that I was very talented.

Luo Ren also gave her great affirmation: "It's really ruined by you to watch the stars for the rest of my life."

Kiyo laughed and asked him, "Did you often come to see it?"

"Bring Ting here."

Oh, I brought Ping Ting here, and it was also such a starry night, driving the car, the sound of the wind echoing in my ears, and rushing down the cliff.

Kiyo suddenly felt strange and boring.

At this time, Luo Ren said: "My father has two wives."

Kiyo responded casually.

Luo Ren didn't speak, as if he was waiting for her to react. Sure enough, after a pause, Kiyo suddenly raised his head and stuttered in shock: "Two...two?"

"The law doesn't allow it."

"The law does not allow killing yet."

That's right, it's really strange, Luo Ren is always easily persuaded, Kiyo thought for a while, and said: "Then your family must be very rich, poor people can't afford two wives."

Luo Ren smiled: "My mother is my father's wife, she was introduced to marry him, endured hardships with him, and started a business with him. Later, he finally got rich and felt that he should make up for himself and pursue what he really wanted. stuff, including..."

He paused: "Including love."

Kiyo said, "Damn it!"

Luo Ren was very surprised, Mudai really didn't look like a girl who swears, but seeing her sitting there with her head tilted, gnashing her teeth and uttering these two words, she felt quite warm in her heart.

In fact, countless times, he himself wanted to scold him like this.

"Then my second mother came in. Apart from not receiving a marriage certificate and banquet gifts, she was only more beautiful than my mother, and she was smart and capable. Inside and out, she was more like a hostess."

He laughed: "Sometimes, I am very angry with my mother, like Lin Daiyu, crying when angry, coughing and coughing can cough up blood."

The tone is so flat, as if telling someone else's story.

"Originally, I could get along just fine, just because I had one more mother than others. But after my second mother gave birth to a boy, things changed."

"It's very strange. In the same year, two things happened to me. The first time, I was almost hit by a car and died. The second time, I didn't know what I ate. I had vomiting and diarrhea, and I was sent to the hospital for gastric lavage."

He looked at Kiyo and smiled: "Fortunately, life is big. The word tough in the name is not called for nothing. My mother suspects that it was the second mother who did it, but there is no evidence. As for my father, he is protecting the second mother anyway. Oh shit."

"My mother felt that I couldn't be allowed to stay at home anymore. If I stayed here, I might not be able to stay. She found my uncle Luo Wenmiao and asked him to look after me for a while. Luo Wenmiao picked me up directly from the hospital. "

"At that time, my uncle still didn't live in Xiaoshanghe. I hadn't experienced the stomach lavage yet, and when I woke up groggy, I saw Pin Ting at first sight."

A gentle smile appeared on Luo Ren's lips.

"Pin Ting was still young at that time, four or five years old? I remember, she was wearing a small white gauze skirt, stockings, red sandals, with two small braids tied on one side of her head, and hugging her in her arms. A big wooden knife."

"It's the kind that was played by children back then. The wooden knife with red tassels is probably taller than her. She told me, Brother Xiaodao, Dad said there are bad people who want to harm you. Don't be afraid, I will If there is a knife, if the bad guy comes, I will cut him down."

Kiyo imagined the situation at that time, and felt that Pin Ting was cuter than he thought.

Luo Ren's voice was very low: "I lived in my uncle's house for six years. Although I left later, I still went back often. In my heart, Pin Ting and uncle are more like relatives than parents. Uncle has gone, we I don't want Pin Ting to suffer any harm."

Kiyo said: "Don't worry, there will always be a way."

I really want to comfort Luo Ren, but after all, these two sentences are not convincing.

Luo Ren looked at Kiyo: "No matter what, it's nice to meet you, Kiyo."

"Really, the first time you met me, you pressed a knife on my neck. No matter how you look at it, you don't look very happy."

Luo Ren laughed loudly: "You always remember it."

He took out the knife pinned behind his back, pulled it out to have a look, put it back into the sheath, and finally handed it to Kiyo: "Here it is for you."

Caught off guard again, Kiyo couldn't believe it: "Give it to me?"

Luo Ren said: "Yes, if you get angry in the future, take out the knife, hit the ground twice, and step on your feet. Don't always think about my bad things."

Holding the knife in his hand, it was bigger than expected and much heavier. The scabbard was made of leather, but it still felt refreshing in his hand.

Back at the hotel, it was almost morning, Kiyo was so sleepy, he fell down when he entered the room, rubbed his aching head, and when he got up again, he was startled, it was already dusk.

Hurry up to wash up, and when I was brushing my teeth, I was quite puzzled: Ten thousand and the others, why didn't they ask her to have dinner with them?

After tidying up, I went to knock on the door of Wan San first. After knocking twice, the door opened suddenly. Wan San looked at her meaningfully: "Little proprietress, are you up?"

Cao Yanhua was also there, and there was something in his smile: "Sister Mushiro, are you finally up?"

Kiyo chuckled twice: "Are you two sick? Why didn't you ask me to have dinner together?"

Ten thousand three surprised: "little proprietress, do you still need us to have dinner with you?"

It seems that these two guys saw something, and Kiyo didn't bother to explain: "No matter what you see, it's not anyway, if you don't talk normally..."

She made a stretching movement, full of threats, and Shi Wan took a step back vigilantly.

Fortunately, Kiyo's cell phone rang.

Strange, it was Zheng Bo.

He said in a flustered voice, "Muyo, Luo Ren was with you yesterday, is there anything strange?"

Strange? Is it strange to take her for a night ride? Is it strange that you told her about your own family? I also gave her a knife, is it strange?

Muyo walked to the window and opened the curtains, hey, a car was parked at the gate of Luo Ren's house.

"I always feel that my heart is in a state of anxiety. Today, Luo Ren asked the nurse to call again and ordered them to bring first aid tools. In the morning, he suddenly told me that many people who are choking can be relieved if the first aid is timely. Just now He took Pin Ting to the big room again... What is he trying to do, Miss Kiyo, do you understand?"

Kiyo was at a loss: "I don't know..."

No, no, slow down.

There is an ominous thought slowly expanding.

The magic stick said that it is not a good strategy after all, there will always be the next possessed person.

Luo Ren said that he did not want Pin Ting to suffer any further harm.

He also said, anyway, nice to meet you, Kiyo.

Kiyo, you are a fool, why didn't you think of that!

The big room is a real anti-theft door, which cannot be kicked or knocked open. Even the bottom of the door is sealed with cloth. Kiyo almost cried in anxiety, and asked Zheng Bo: "Is there a window? Is there a window in this room?" window?"

Yes, but Kiyo was dumbfounded as soon as the window glass was smashed open. Luo Ren must have made preparations in advance and blocked any way that "human skin" might slip out. Can't move.

He had no choice but to go back to the door and beat hard. Uncle Zheng was just nervous at first, but when he saw Muyo like this, he was also frightened, and asked her tremblingly, "Is something wrong, Miss Muyo?"

Kiyo wanted to say something, but before he could say a word, tears had already flowed out.

At this moment, there was a shout from behind: "Let me do it!"

Looking back, it was the murderous Cao Yanhua, with a small electric lockpicking gun in his left hand, and a four-headed special lockpicking Cross Invincible Overlord in his right hand, with a lockpicking bag under his arm.

At this moment, it was really... tall and mighty, with its own halo, as if... God's mansion descended.

Read The Mage of Eternity