MTL - Seven Evil Slips-Chapter 30

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I can't lie down for a lifetime, and I can't squat for a lifetime, and I finally got up to clean up the battlefield.

That pot of water soaked in human skin was like a time bomb, no one dared to promise that everything would be fine, Luo Ren was inconvenient to leave, and at the hospital, Zheng Bo could only ask Zheng Bo to call to communicate with Pin Ting at any time.

Kiyo washed his hands in the bathroom, applied layer after layer of hand sanitizer, rubbed countless foams, and raised his hand to look at the lamp after washing.

Luo Ren came over to talk to her: "Muyo, either you all live here tonight, and we will call Shengun again tomorrow."

She didn't seem to hear it, and looked at the back of her hand after reading her palm.

Luo Ren thought she was worried about the side effects of grabbing that piece of human skin before: "It should be fine, you..."

Kiyo walked past him with his chin raised, without looking sideways, as if he didn't see him.

The moment they passed each other, Luo Ren recalled: It's not that she didn't hear, and it wasn't that she was worried about her hand, but she... was angry?

Sure enough, Kiyo ordered Cao Yanhua and Izumo with a sullen face: "Go back and pack your luggage. If you have a car tonight, leave tonight. If you have a car, leave tomorrow. I want to go back to Lijiang."

Ten thousand three paled in shock: "Huh?"

How could it be like this, it shouldn't be, you've only been out for a few days, and you went back before you were free? Besides, although I didn't figure out exactly what happened, he and Cao Yanhua were obviously "contributors". In such a dangerous situation, the master should invite a meal no matter what happens. This kind of attitude of "it's over." What do you mean? He traveled thousands of miles, and he didn't come here to help others and learn from Lei Feng.

Cao Yanhua didn't say a word, and told him in secret just now that Uncle Zheng's roast leg of lamb tastes good, and he will invite a whole lamb feast this time no matter what.

Luo Ren came over with a wry smile, and waved to Cao Yanhua and Wansan, which meant "You go out first".

Ten thousand three understood, dragged Cao Yanhua away, and "considerately" closed the door for the two of them.

After leaving the door, Cao Yanhua was dejected: "Leaving so soon, the money is worth a penny, if I knew it earlier, I might as well not follow."

At the beginning, it was all Sanwan who pushed him, what increased feelings on the way, what created opportunities for him to perform and win the opportunity to be a teacher...all were useless.

Ten thousand three is quite optimistic: "It's okay, just get angry, Luo Ren will settle it."

Cao Yanhua was surprised: "Angry, why are you angry?"

Wansan looked at him like an alien: "Damn it, it's so obvious, can't you see it?"

He said vividly: "Didn't you see the little proprietress smashing the door there, just like Meng Jiangnu crying at the Great Wall? If you look at the scene before and after, it must be what Luo Ren wanted to do, and he didn't discuss it with her. The situation was urgent at that time, so we had to speak out." , Now that the danger is lifted, we must settle accounts after the fall."

After finishing speaking, I was surprised to find that the last two sentences were catchy, they were like couplets criticized by left and right, and with the banner of "too talented", it was perfect.

The amount of information is really huge, and Cao Yanhua digested it for a long time: "Then Luo Ren has to apologize?"

"I'm sorry for the fart," Ten thousand three snorted, "one word!"

I thought Cao Yanhua would continue, but when I looked up, I saw only his confused face.

Ten thousand three thumped in his heart: "Fatty Cao, haven't you never been in love?"

"Who said that!" Cao Yanhua stood up to defend his dignity, "Talk about it!"

If being rejected for confessing your love to someone counts as "talking about it," then it is.

Ten thousand three dry laughs, shaking his index finger in front of his eyes: "One word, coax."

The door was closed, and the room became much quieter. Luo Ren walked to the cabinet, pulled out the knife and handed it to Kiyo.

Kiyo didn't answer: "No more!"

Luo Ren asked her: "Are you angry?"

"Not angry, tired, homesick, want to go back."

She just didn't look at Luo Ren, her face was expressionless, and she spoke righteously, clicking like a typewriter, breaking sentences in a few words.

Luo Ren smiled, it felt good that no outsiders were around, the basin of water sat quietly on the table, flat without a single ripple.

He lowered his voice: "Kiyo, if you feel wronged, just say it, I don't want you to be wronged."

Kiyo said: "I have nothing to wrong..."

After talking about it, I couldn't control it, and tears came pattering down, as if I couldn't help being wronged.

It was like a small tear pot, the room was vacated and there was no paper, Luo Ren couldn't help reaching out to help her wipe her tears: "Why are you crying so much?"

Kiyo blocked his hand: "It makes sense for me to cry."

Luo Ren listened: "Yes."

"As a friend, I want to tell you," Kiyo reasoned while wiping away tears, "Your behavior today, this kind of self-abandonment, hasty attitude towards life, is very, very..."

How should I put it, it was anger at the very beginning, why is this person so immature, if there is a problem, just solve it, is there still a hurdle in the world? Have you read too many romance novels, you have to sacrifice yourself every now and then, does he think this is sad and touching?

I was so angry that I didn't even want to see him again, so I wanted to leave.

But now that he was like this, he chased her and asked her why, but she couldn't tell.

Luo Ren should have thought about it carefully, he is here to hire Ting, and he is just an outsider, so what qualifications do he have to make irresponsible remarks on his sacrifice to hire Ting?

Kiyo felt strange and boring.

Luo Ren asked: "Huh?"

She had no choice but to say: "It's very, very wrong, anyway, I want to go back."

Her eyelids were slightly swollen and red, she was listless and listless, but she spoke unreasonably, but strangely, Luo Ren's heart moved, and he couldn't explain why, so he suddenly stretched out his hand and rubbed the top of her head, along the way. He brushed her long hair on the left side, and when it reached her shoulder, he brushed it for her naturally.

Some people say that a girl's hair is as smooth as satin, no, it's not like that, every strand of hair is as soft as long eyelashes, the softness between the fingers leads to the heartbeat, indescribable Feel.

Luo Ren said: "If you must go back, I will drive you off in two days, and listen to my arrangements for these two days."

Kiyo stood there without moving.

She heard the door knock and Luo Ren went out, but she still didn't move.

After a while, she cautiously reached out and touched her hair on the left side.

It was all there, but why couldn't she feel it?

After a while, she whispered, "Don't touch my head."

There is no beginning, no end, no explanation, this incident seems to have passed like this.

It was very late, and the basin of water that sank to human skin was brought to the center of the living room. There was no movement in the dead silence, but no one really dared to take it lightly. It seemed that they were sitting on the sofa and playing their own things, but almost every In a few seconds, I have to look into the basin.

Zheng Bo called, probably about Pin Ting's situation, Luo Ren got up and went outside to answer, Kiyo coughed twice, and said to Cao Yanhua and Yiwan, "I'm asking you something."

Both Cao Yanhua and Ten Wansan looked up at her.

Kiyo smiled uncomfortably: "I have a friend, a friend from college. She returned to her hometown to work after graduation. She asked me just now, and she said..."

"She said that she knew a man, but she was not very familiar with him, the kind of ordinary friend. One day she was talking to that man, and while talking, the man suddenly touched her hair... She asked me What does it mean…"

Speaking of this, Mudai smiled without silver three hundred taels: "I'm not a man, how would I know, hehehe, what do you mean by this?"

Cao Yanhua thought about it seriously: "Has this woman washed her hair? If she hasn't washed her hair, it will feel greasy, isn't it uncomfortable?"

Mudai gave up on Cao Yanhua, and looked up at 13,000.

Ten thousand three said: "You are talking about yourself, right?"

Kiyo laughed loudly: "No, no, no, I know it's usually said that way, you must think it's me, but really, it's my friend!"

Ten-thousand smiled awkwardly: "Little proprietress, pull you down, idiots know that you are talking about yourself..."

Kiyo's face turned red, and anger began to radiate from his eyes.

Ten thousand three felt that something was wrong, and started moving his **** backwards vigilantly...

"Cao Yanhua, beat him up!"

Cao Yanhua probably still struggled with the issue of washing his hair. Hearing this, he was puzzled. He looked at Kiyo and then at Isan: "Huh?"

"Beat him, I will accept you as an apprentice."

Cao Yanhua couldn't believe his ears: "Huh?"

Five seconds later, Cao Yanhua turned to look at 13000.

13,000 sneered: "Brother Cao...Fatty Cao, I was just playing around with the little proprietress...Brother Cao, don't come here...Brother Cao, you should ask someone with high moral character to be your teacher, this kind of person who made you beat the people from the very beginning , will definitely be cast aside by the people, Brother Cao!"

Accompanied by a scream, 13,000 jumped over the sofa and rushed out of the door with lightning speed, followed by Cao Yanhua, his figure was as swift as a ball of lightning.

Luo Ren was on the phone under the porch, when someone passed by in a gust of wind, just when he looked up, there was another gust of wind, the wind force was several orders higher.

This is... 13,000 and Cao Yanhua?

Luo Ren hadn't recovered yet, but he saw Cao Yanhua yelled not far away, and suddenly rushed forward, like three bowls of eye-catching white-fronted tigers on the hill, throwing poor 13,000 to the ground abruptly.

Could it be that the human skin is possessed again? Luo Ren broke out in a cold sweat.

Ten thousand was sitting on the sofa, his neck was twisted in an abnormal posture, and a white towel was placed on his head.

Cao Yanhua said in a low voice, "I was just joking..."

"You are a heavy person, can you play around casually?"

"Yes yes, i'msorry, i'msorry!"

Mudai's original intention was to let Cao Yanhua pick up the rough skin and thick flesh of Yi Wansan's body and punch him twice, but he didn't expect it to end like this, it was both apologetic and funny.

For the first time in her life, she cared more about 13,000: "Then we will watch the night later, you can sleep well."

There is such a basin of water in the middle, no one is in the mood to sleep, now it's all right, it's a matter of course to sleep, who let this poisonous woman and her apprentice who killed a thousand swords plot against her?

Cao Yanhua trotted all the way and brought him a goose down pillow from the bedroom.

It's a pity that the young lady's body and the servant girl's life are all about his neck, and no pillows are useless. Ten thousand twisted his neck and moved around, finally put the pillow behind his shoulders, and lay down in a strange posture, his face Hanging facing outward, no matter how you look at it, you will never die with peace.

Muyo sat across from him, lowered his head and tried his best to hold back his laughter. Luo Ren came over and said softly: "You can sleep too, I'll just watch tonight."

Mudai suddenly thought of Pin Ting: "What did the doctor say?"

Luo Ren's expression darkened for a moment: "It's nothing serious, but a skin graft is required."

Skin grafting? At that time, it was just a small piece as thin as a cicada's wing?

Luo Ren seemed to know what she was thinking: "No, the wound is not that simple, it bleeds a lot..."

"Little lady boss."

Huh? Did 13,000 call her?

Turning his head, he saw that he was still in the awkward posture just now, but the expression on his face was very strange, his eyes were fixed on the basin of water in the center.

"Little proprietress, there was a ray of light on the water just now."

The room fell silent instantly, and everyone's eyes fell on the basin of water.

The water was as still as dead.

"No, you can't see it. It should be seen from my angle. It's just a gleam of light, fleeting. Or, you can turn off the light."

It was agreed upon by everyone not to turn off the lights, otherwise the lights would be ignorant, and if the piece of human skin climbed out of the basin, it would make one's scalp numb just thinking about it.

Mudai and Luo Ren looked at each other, Luo Ren nodded: "Close it first."

Darkness suddenly filled the whole room, and Kiyo dared not take a breath in his tense atmosphere. After a few seconds, she saw that a bright light really passed by a certain position on the surface of the water.

like what? A rippling lake under the moonlight? Yes, it was like a bright light with ripples, but when the light was turned on immediately, there was no ripple on the water.

Just pure brightness, water shadow?

Wan San shook his head, and felt pain when he moved: "No, the positions of the lights I saw were different, little proprietress, please turn off the lights again and let me have a look."

The lights went off again.

The time of the bright lights is variable, sometimes every few seconds, sometimes every ten seconds, each of which is very thin, long or short, in an uncertain position, and in a different direction.

Kiyo couldn't see any clues, it was like a mess of water.

Just as he couldn't figure out what to do, Wansan suddenly asked Luo Ren: "Is there a high-speed camera with automatic timing?"

Before Luo Ren could answer, he sighed himself first: "No, it's too dark, and the exposure is not enough, so I can't take a picture. If you have good equipment, you can automatically take a picture in a few seconds, and every light can be recorded, and then you can record it on the computer. Superposition, you may be able to see it.”

Luo Ren asked him in a deep voice, "Why?"

"Like a painting, one stroke on the left and one stroke on the right, it's not continuous, but if you have enough patience, if you record it with a pen, it must be a painting..." He suddenly became excited, "Luo Ren, help me find paper and pen, I can see it very clearly from this angle, so I will draw it."

Well, that's right, Shisan really knows how to draw, and he is the only one who can draw. Just... blind drawing, sure?

In the dark, very occasionally, the rustling sound of the pen tip scratching the paper can be heard.

Kiyo sat on the sofa with his knees hugged, staring at the shiny water in the darkness.

I thought it was all over, but I was wrong, it seemed like it was just... the beginning.