MTL - Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey-Chapter 8 I, Tibbers, never hold grudges, and everything I can repay is reported on the spot!

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  The "Three Monsters Tournament", which lasted nearly an hour on several streets in New York, has finally come to an end! Obviously, in the end, Tibbers, the toy flame bear, won a big win! Ended with a double harvest!

The melon-eaters in New York also watched a thrilling monster battle for free. Except for some hapless people who lost their lives, the others who survived will have a very good meal for a long time. Talk about capital later.

   waited until a little girl in a red dress sat on the shoulder of the burning teddy bear and left before General Ross and his soldiers and police dared to approach the battlefield cautiously.

   Seeing the two Hulks still lying in the burning giant pit, Bruce Banner’s girlfriend Betty Rose hurriedly jumped down and checked the situation of Hulk. Fortunately, the Hulk is really powerful! Hulk did not die under the attack of such a powerful and terrifying monster. Apart from countless scratches and burns, his body was nothing more than a coma.

   "General! Would you like to send someone to stop the little girl?" At this moment an officer next to Ross asked.

   General Ross looked at the two Hulks in the pit, and then at the giant flame bear leaving in the distance and the little girl sitting on the shoulder of the giant bear, speechless for a long time!

   In the situation where he couldn't figure out the truth, he didn't dare to send someone to stop him. His reason told him that he should never provoke him easily! They can't deal with these two Hulks alone at the moment, let alone the docile flame bears that can clean up the Hulk one-on-one!

   Regarding the major officer who just advised him to stop the little girl, Rose decided to transfer the idiot to the front lines of Africa as soon as this happened! Such a fool! Do you think he has not enough trouble? Or do you have any thoughts about your general position? Want to pull yourself off? That being the case, go ahead and get some exercise! Go wherever it is dangerous! If he is not dead in a few years, he will consider promotion or promotion!

   "Take them both away!"

   General Ross waved his hand. Naturally, some soldiers went down and bundled up the two Hulks and hauled them onto the large transport helicopter.

   Looking at the mess around him, General Rose felt that maybe he needs to spend some time thinking about how to deal with the aftermath. I hope that the council and the military leaders will not make things too difficult for him, right?


   The same day, evening, at the headquarters of SHIELD.

   Coelson was standing at the desk of the director, looking at Nick Fury, who was a bit ugly, with a little embarrassment. The black director's forehead was a little bit fierce. It seems that the director is not in a good mood now.

"If I remember correctly, it's almost off work now." Nick Fury glanced at the task report in Coulson's hand, thinking that he had completed the task and came to report, feeling a little impatient. .

"The mission report can be filed directly! If I have time, I will remember to check it." Director Nick Fury is very busy. If every mission has to be reported to him, S.H.I.E.L.D. What are many people doing? Furnishings?

"Uh, Chief, I think you'd better take a look at this first..." Coleson ignored the bad-faced Chief, and pressed the multimedia player remote control in the Chief's office. It was adjusted to today that he and Melinda just uploaded On the video and play it from the beginning.

Nick Fury's one-eyed glared at Coleson, frowned and turned to the display: a Hulk was wrecking havoc, and then another Hulk ran out, the two scrambled together... and then destroyed Many people died because of this!

  Nick Fury remember, this green thing should be the project of his old enemy General Ross, right? well! This old man followed S.H.I.E.L.D.E.L.D. all day, and he had already seen him uncomfortable! Now that he sees a big problem with his opponent project, Nick Fury is still very happy to see it!

   However, this is not the reason why I can interrupt my rest time with this. When did the agents of SHIELD reach this point? If you don't do your own thing, you go to gloat for others?

   "Coleson! I remember clearly, this is not your mission, right?"

   Nick Fury turned his head and looked at Coleson. He obviously asked him and Melinda to deal with the mutant little girl, and what about him? What did you do? Run to watch two Hulks fight? Then come to yourself to invite pets and behave? Nick Fury felt for the first time that S.H.I.E.L.D. should add a demotion system to inactive agents!

   "Director, you will understand if you look at it patiently!" Coleson shrugged and motioned for the chief to look further.

   If it weren't for Coleson who had always been his capable man, and his usual performance had always been good, Nick Fury vowed to kick him out with a single kick after a change of person! The Secretary is very busy!

When Director Nick Fury was very impatient, the screen on the monitor turned around. A giant flame bear (a teddy bear?) fell from the sky, and then began to crackle with the two Hulks. The sound screen and the special effects of the fire were just as good. Bigger than Hollywood Century!

   The picture is intermittent, lasting for more than half an hour! Some of the pictures were viewed by surveillance on nearby streets, some were broadcast live on TV, and some were probably taken by Coleson and Melinda at the scene, because Director Nick Fury saw them on the video!

   What surprised Nick Fury most was: After more than half an hour of fighting, the two Hulks finally lost to the Giant Flame Bear? Instead of being beaten by a bear for a barbecue in the big pit? This is a bit strange! He knew the strength of Hulk! How could a flame monster that is stronger than the Hulk suddenly appear? And is it a flame monster that two Hulks can't beat?

   Upon seeing this, Director Nick Fury was silent for a while. He needs to think about it and digest the information! As the video played, what was finally played was a little girl sitting on the shoulders of the giant bear and leaving, and General Ross and his army came forward to deal with the aftermath.

   The video is over, and Nick Fury still feels a little weird. Where did that giant flame bear come from? He knows the evaluation of the Hulk's combat power. This is the project of his old rival, General Ross. SHIELD has been paying close attention to this. The combat power of a Hulk is already terrifying! And the combat power of the two Hulks is definitely not as simple as one plus one equals two! But what does he see now? Two Hulks were beaten by a giant flame bear so that they could not take care of themselves?

   Wait, that bear? wrong! It seems that the little **** the shoulder of the giant flame bear is familiar? Nick Fury quickly picked up the remote control and pressed backwards and paused the screen. The above is the scene of the little girl sitting on the shoulder of the giant bear and leaving at the end.

"What the **** is going on? That Flaming Bear? And that little girl?" Nick Fury sorted out his thoughts, and began to clearly understand the key to the problem, and finally knew why Coleson came to him at this time. Reported!

"Uh, this is a long story..." Coleson organized the language, from the time he received the order to contact the little girl, until the flame bear turned the two Hulks before and after the incident, a complete report Again.

  Nick Fury leaned back in the chair and rubbed his shiny head with a headache. Now things are a bit beyond his expectation!

   A mutant little girl who seemed to be ordinary at first could be so powerful? Moreover, it seems that she is not a mutant yet? Is it an alien? From Valoran? Belongs to an organization called the Gray Order? She has a better dad called the mystery wizard Gregory Hasta? There is another mother named Amoryn the Shadow Witch? Are they still the leaders of this group of Faye organization called the Gray Order? leader?

   Okay, this thing is a bit big! Nick needs time to rearrange his thoughts carefully! Had he not watched the video and seen the magical and powerful flame bear, Nick Fury might have thought these words must be an international joke made by Coleson to him!

   "Let's put down the file, don't worry about it! I will take over the rest, do you understand?"

   "Understand!" Coleson handed the file to the director, who took over the matter, proving that the matter was at least a tenth level of confidentiality level, he needs to remain silent, and forget it if necessary!

   "Then our follow-up mission?"

  When things have reached this point, Nick Fury first thought of absolute secrecy! And S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau definitely cannot deal with that little girl like ordinary mutants, otherwise it will be a big trouble! What a trouble! Could it provoke the wizard organization called the Gray Order? The war with SHIELD?

   Think about it with your ass, you know! You arrested someone's daughter and put it in a freezing jail. Can their parents not fight with you? If it's just an ordinary person, maybe the other party can only bear it! But is the other person an ordinary person? Look at the names of others: Mystic Warlock? Shadow Miko? At a glance, you know that this is not a title that ordinary people can have, okay?

   Chief Nick Fury believes that if the Magic Club really dared to mess around, a star war between the ball and the ball would be provoked by accident! (Earth and alien planet? Valoran?) Then SHIELD will become the sinner of history!

   "Well, that little girl is called Annie, right? Then continue to keep in touch with Melinda!"

   Chief Nick Fury feels that since things have reached this point, of course, the less people know, the better! That being the case, if you don't bother to do the same thing, then the two of them will perform it again! Thinking of this, Nick Fury suddenly had a countermeasure!

   "Then, your next task is to try to stabilize her! Coax her! Do your best not to let her do anything radical! Understand?"

   "Okay! Director! We promise to do our best! But, you also know..." Coleson did not dare to give a 100% guarantee, after all, don't think that the other party is a little girl, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com, but her fighting power and destructive power are obvious to all! The little girl didn't show too much magical power except letting off a fire and burning three bad puss! But the strength of her pet teddy bear has exploded! The two Hulks are not its opponents!

"That's it, S.H.I.E.L.D. will deploy resources to cooperate with you! Go down first!" Nick Fury waved his hand weakly. He didn't like the feeling of being beyond the control of his ability. This can only be handled temporarily!

   What else can I do? This little girl catches but can't catch, but dare not hit! Besides arranging someone to stare at him as a nanny 24 hours a day, what else can he do? The world has become more and more chaotic recently. Not to mention the endless emergence of mutants with weird abilities, now even aliens are beginning to appear on the earth!

   Chief Nick Fury felt that the strength of the field agents seemed to be less and less able to cope with these special events now. It seems that it is time for SHIELD to increase its strength? Some extraordinary power? Maybe, he really wants to make plans as soon as possible!

"Right! Where's Agent Melinda? Why didn't she come back with you?" Looking at Coleson, who was reporting to him alone, Nick Fury had always felt that something was missing, but now he finally returned Excited! It turns out that one person is missing! Melinda is missing!

   "Well..., I let her continue to follow the little girl! You know, we can't let the little girl wander around."

Coleson would not tell Director Nick Fury: In fact, he accidentally offended the teddy bear named Tibbers, so in order to prevent it from biting his head, he had to report the task by himself. Slip back in advance to avoid the limelight!