MTL - Shadow Hack-v2 Chapter 944 are you afraid

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Chapter 944: Afraid

The three souls of the Three Great Crossings are all the children of Yinfu, the most powerful existence in the underworld. Although each Li Gui is no better than the late period of the robbery during his lifetime, the general mid-strikes are also invincible. The three ghosts went up together, even at the end of the robbery period.

Suddenly, the three ghosts turned into black claws toward Li Yunmu.

Li Yunmu frowned slightly, looked up at the three ghosts who had passed the robbery period, stretched out his hands and grasped them in the palm of his hand, and turned them into smoke. He continued to look down at Yun Qingzi on the ground, his breath was completely absent, and his whole body was grayish black. It seemed that the whole man could not die anymore.

"His true spirit is completely broken, and begins to drift towards every corner of the small world. If you want to save him, you must recover those true spirit fragments. The entire operation process is not generally available. Difficult. "The system said slowly in his mind.

The real spirit is broken, and Xi Qingzi really is absolutely decisive.

Maybe he didn't know it himself. Burning soul ascension can not be improved from the period of robbery to Jinxian. It was just that in the last blow of Xun Qingzi, the spirit was burned, and the true spirit was even more broken. The true spirit is different from the divine spirit, the divine spirit annihilates just this person is gone in the world.

The true spirit is still there, and sooner or later, a new soul will be born. But the real spirit broke into pieces and scattered in the heavens and the earth, I am afraid there is no chance to return to the world when the soul is born.

"This mystery of burning souls is quite terrible, and it has enabled Xun Qingzi to rise from the robbery period to Jinxian. Although the loss is heavy, how many threats can be solved with this desperate blow. The three true immortals encountered Jinxian's blow, even resist Without the ability, they died directly. "Li Yunmu murmured, regardless of the three Yinfu children standing aside.

"The only real world does not have these secrets. If auspiciously knew these secrets at the time, I'm afraid that Ashura would not dare to act lightly. If you want to save Qingzi, speed up. If the fragments of the true spirit are too far away, they Introduced for a long time to hide. "The system reminded, flat tone.

For the system, it doesn't matter whether Xun Qingzi saves or not. The only battle between the gods in the real world, how many divine residences fell, he did not have any mood swings. At the point of the true God, the creation of the real world is billions of souls, and will not be saddened by life and death.

After the true **** became a system, there were some human emotions. But Xi Qingzi is a real man in Jumang, and of course he doesn't care about his life and death.

Li Yunmu is not the same. After coming to the small world of Mingzhu, Xi Qingzi and others met with a sense of friendship. After working together once, he regarded everyone as friends. This kind of friend is a little different from ordinary friends. Bian Qingzi and others belong to the real world of Jumang. He is the only person in the real world and is destined to be doped with some interests.

He was thinking of using Yintianzi to force Xun Qingzi to cooperate with him. I just didn't expect that there were three true immortals chasing after the children of Yinfu. Li Yunmu walked southwest from the site of the Shendi. Although the pace was slow, he also walked for thousands of miles.

He never waited for Xun Qingzi. Li Yunmu thought that the people in the Yinfu had let him go, and he had no intention to cooperate with Xun Qingzi. Only later felt the breath of Yan Wanqiu and the blue and red sword, Li Yunmu felt that something was wrong and came to this dense forest in an instant.

It was just one step behind when it came. Xun Qingzi used the sword of Jinxian to kill the three true immortals.

The spirits dissipated and the true spirit was broken.

Li Yunmu exploded into a full-body practice, which disguised the physical blood and directly exuded the ancient gods' coercion. The next moment, evil spirits surrounded the body and merged into the flesh to form black lines. The ancient god's breath that had stabilized once again climbed upwards, and reached the quasi-lord god's breath after blackening.

The coercion was released, and the birds and beasts in the surrounding mountains fell into silence. The ugly sons and sisters of the Yinfu who had a bad face turned white instantly and began to tremble, and the ghosts in the field seemed to have lost their soul and floated motionless.

Jonathan Lawson! !! !!

The children of the three yinfus were a little scared, and the quasi-large Luo Jinxian stood beside Pu Qingzi, with a slightly frowning look. The three of them all have their own purpose. The first thought in their hearts was that Zhunda Luo Jinxian was the teacher of Xuan Jiange. However, if you think about it, the practices that can be entered into the real world of Jumang are those under Jinxian.

When will the quasi-large Luo Jinxian enter the small world in the real world of Jumang.

The children of Yinfu looked, their faces were paler, and their lips shuddered, "People in the world!"

The three turned their thoughts and tried to use the whole body to escape, but found that their own bodies seemed to be rooted and stared in place, and their true qi seemed to be solidified.

damn it!

Li Yunmu's dark eyes looked at Xi Qingzi, and he saw stars flickering toward the sky in his body. The next moment, he stretched out his hand to gather the magical power, and collected the little fireflies. After some time, a fluorescent ball appeared in his hand.

"What should I do after the true spirit is condensed?" Li Yunmu frowned, at this moment he wondered, the true spirit was condensed back, but the fact that the spirit has dissipated is fact and cannot be changed. The newly born soul in the true spirit has nothing to do with his life. Xun Qingzi is neither Xun Qingzi nor Xun Qingzi.

"Don't you steal Luo Tianmao? Take out two drops of the water of life to him. Xie Qingzi's spirit hasn't dissipated for a long time, and maybe he can have the memory of his lifetime. If not, then at least he is still alive. Better than dead. "The system said slowly.

Li Yunmu put the real spirit into Xun Qingzi's body, and took out two drops of Luo Tianmao from the astral realm. At the moment when the water of life appeared, the surrounding heaven and earth aura trembled, flowers and trees grew wildly.

Two drops of the water of life fell on Bian Qingzi's forehead, and the whole body changed, emitting a breath of life. Li Yunmu and the immovable Yinfu children could feel a strong vitality burst out from the body of Xun Qingzi who had died.

A weak soul was born within him.

There is a sharp breath in the soul, like a sword.

Feeling this change, Li Yunmu was a little surprised, it seems a little different, and the new soul born from the corpse demon is even different.

"You said, did Xing Qingzi have a lifetime memory?"

"His soul has changed, not the spirit of Xun Qingzi, maybe there is no memory of his lifetime."

(End of this chapter)

Read The Mage of Eternity