MTL - Shadow Hack-v2 Chapter 950 What are you

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Chapter 950: What Are You

Yin Feng pulled the car forward fast in the air, constantly surpassing other monks crossing the robbery.

The monks looked around and saw two Yinfengs of the level of robbery pulling a bronze carriage, surrounded by fog on both sides.

There was a little bit of fear in the hearts of everyone, whether the strength of the ancestors behind was strong or weak. You can see this special symbol of haze, and you all know that there is a big man in Yinfu sitting in the Yinfeng pulling cart. There is such a big man involved, even if there are too many gods, it is not enough.

Thinking of this, another pure white palace appeared in the sky, shimmering along the monk slowly. A glittering wooden fish rushed out of the space in the other direction. On the wooden fish was sitting a monk who had passed the robbery period, with a bald head, and closed the eyes with the beads.

At the same time, several young men in robes looked proudly and sat on an unreal character.

"Damn, the four emperor forces are all here. Does the godhead still have our share!" One of the monks, dressed in a Jin uniform, turned back to look at the four powers that looked like a rainbow, and his face was not good. The four clans are all top forces, and there is a quasi-sage behind them, second only to the saints.

There are hundreds of gods on the tree found in secret. There are thousands of monks in the Pearl Small World, so those godheads are not evenly divided. Therefore, after the news leaks, monks will find old clans to form a small group, and how many deities will be snatched by then.

The people in the small group can do it on their own.

But the monks did not count the four emperor forces among them. The Pearl World is where the children of the alliance go. In addition to a small number of the five emperor forces, there are children in them. Basically, all of them are children of the alliance, or other independent forces.

The forces of the four emperors also participated, and each monk dared not act lightly. After all, no one's power can be greater than the four imperial powers, and everyone can only pin their hopes on the Alliance.

The alliance is an existence that can compete with the forces of the four emperors.

After the people flew tens of thousands of miles in the southwest direction, they saw the bare hill in front of them. Only a dense forest on the mountainside was very conspicuous. Shaking his eyes, there are multicolored brilliance blooming in the dense forest, flying in the air like wandering.

Even hundreds of miles away, everyone can feel the dense and chaotic avenues of the surrounding avenues. It has also caused the heaven and earth aura to solidify a thick cloud of fog in the sky, forming a unique landscape with colorful brilliance.

Several camps have been stationed outside the jungle, among them monks walked in and out, all densely packed with human heads. A great man who crossed the robbery in the sky fell on the mountain, and there were as many as two thousand. The last four imperial forces that landed like a rainbow, Yinfeng pulled a car and landed on the ground, and a dozen of Yinfu children urged the Nether Realm to merge with each other, forming a boxy palace in a dense forest.

The surface of the palace is covered in mist, flying with countless ghosts and ghosts.

The pure white palace fell, and the transparent and mysterious array of ghosts flying out of Taoism circled one foot away. Before the Taoist sitting on the illusive character fell on the ground, he drew countless seeds. Among them, a few young Taoists twitched their tactics. Numerous branches grew on the bare land and twined in the air to form a huge platform.

The final landing wooden fish fell to the ground, shrank to the normal size and fell into the hands of the headed young monk. The monk's forehead appeared with a light red lotus mark, and a pair of golden pupils looked at the evil world Ling Ran's underworld, and said blankly, "Pretend to be a ghost!"

Yin Qi was lying in a palace in the underworld realm, looking at the monk with the lotus mark sitting on the ground, with a smile on his face, saying, "Pretentious simplicity."

Many children of Taoism stood on the platform and looked down. When they saw the virtual shadow of the matrix that emerged from the pure white palace, they hummed, "There is nothing on the surface."

"A stupid man." A thick male voice came from the pure white palace.

The 3,000 monks who had gathered in another place heard that the forces of the four emperors were not pleasing to each other, and a little joy came to their hearts. In addition to those who have not yet come, the fact that the four imperial forces dislike each other is something that has long been spread in the real world of Jumang. The Buddhism and the Yinfu restrained each other, and naturally they met with their enemies.

People in the Ninth Palace also saw Taoism.

The forces of the four emperors did not join forces, and the three thousand monks crossing the robbery and the people in the alliance naturally had the greatest advantage.

The forces stationed on the mountainside all sent their hands to observe the dense forest, and the news was that there were many gods in the dense forest, and the avenue rules emitted from each other reflected the natural formation of each other. There is no golden fairy. Strength, it is impossible to enter into it. ,

Then I learned from the monk who discovered the dense forest that when he first entered the dense forest, the principle of the avenue was not as solid as it is today. After a lot of speculation, everyone came to the conclusion that the avenue laws emanating from the gods in the dense forest were sometimes strong and sometimes weak, and they only needed to enter them within a certain time.

Therefore, the forces stood outside the dense forest and waited. When all the monks came outside this dense forest and felt the thick principle of the avenue, they no longer had doubts in their hearts, why there are so many gods here. Even the four emperor forces believed that there were hundreds of godheads.

No one wants to go in the direction of this scam.

A monk can begin to understand the law from the beginning of cultivation, but it can only end in one. After all, the more rules, the more time it takes. Jumang's true world is not without enlightenment on more than one avenue rule. For example, Taoist children from the four imperial forces are all enlightenment on the five elements.

Even if there are only five Taoisms that are enlightened on the principles of the avenue, the monks of Zhongdu robbers do not believe that anyone will understand the rules of hundreds of avenues. This is why the monks believed that the news was true when they saw the jungle.

Just as the monks were waiting outside the jungle, there was a young man standing under the **** tree in the jungle, counting numbers in his mouth, as if counting heads.

"There are three thousand and seventy monks, four true immortals. This is a rich harvest!"

Six goddesses hung high above the tree of God, exuding shimmer, attracting the surrounding heaven and earth aura to condense. In addition, more than a hundred monks crossing the harbour are hung high on the branches of the **** tree. Their eyes are closed like corpses, and weak avenues are emitted from the body.

"It's a group of people!" Said the twisted tree, forming a face.

"I know, it's the same group of people. When they come, we can harvest."

(End of this chapter)

Read The Mage of Eternity