MTL - Shadow Hack-v2 Chapter 979 Devil Slayer

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Chapter 979: Cut Off the Demon Emperor

Li Yunmu sat there watching the notes left to him by the Emperor Ryukyu, a month later.

During the period, the system told him that if Li Yunmu could use the experience value to immediately imprint this book in his mind, but Li Yunmu refused.

Because at this time Li Yunmu was not only studying this note, but also feeling the experience and experience of the Ryukyu Emperor over the years.

After another three days, Li Yunmu closed the book heavily, carefully wrapped the book, and stored it in the astral world. This was the last thing left by the Emperor Ryukyu, so Li Yunmusheng was afraid he would break him. .

Then Li Yunmu stood up and quickly found the teleportation matrix and the method of teleportation. The Ryukyu emperor had already given it to him before, so Li Yunmu quickly disappeared into the matrix.

Li Yunmu, who appeared in the Ryukyu Palace again, looked at the previous hall. At this time, the bodies of the sprites of time and space have become dry corpses in the passage of time.

Their blood also entered the soul refining circle. At this moment, Li Yunmu could not help but shook his head while standing on the second floor of the hall. Now his target is the remnant soul of the Yin Demon Emperor in the Ryukyu Palace.

"Since Master Nai can't help you, then I will let me as an apprentice kill you here!" Li Yunmu said silently in his heart.

Soon Li Yunmu found the hiding place of the Yin Demon Emperor, at this time the remnant of the Yin Demon Emperor was hiding at the top of the Ryukyu Palace.

This entire Ryukyu palace has long been transformed into a large array by the Evil Demon Emperor, and the top of the power supply is the pinhole of this soul refining array, where the Demon Emperor absorbs the souls of the young talents who have been mutilated.

When Li Yunmu saw the remnant soul of the Yin Demon Emperor, he was surprised, because in front of his eyes, it was a meat ball. This meat ball looked very disgusting, and there were countless blood vessels on it. The ground was beating.

The meatball also seemed to feel the breath of Li Yunmu, and then a huge power was thinking about Li Yunmu coming, but Li Yunmu was taught by the Emperor of Ryukyu, which was nothing to him.

Therefore, Li Yunmu just shook it a little and destroyed the momentum of the Yin Demon Emperor.

"Well, I haven't seen such a powerful soul for a long time. Did you come here to give me nutrients?"

The meatball made a very low voice, and kept laughing, looking at him like Li Yunmu.

"I'm here to kill you!" When Li Yunmu saw the meat ball, he remembered that he wanted to occupy the body of the Emperor Ryukyu, so he was very angry.

"Hahaha, you are such an interesting kid, do you know who I am?"

The meat ball did not feel the power of Li Yunmu. In his opinion, Li Yunmu was just a more powerful Luo Jinxian.

However, he didn't know that at this time Li Yunmu was just that his realm hadn't been improved. His current combat effectiveness, even if he was a great emperor, had to retreat by three points.

And the remnant soul of the Yin Demon Emperor is now only equivalent to the half-empire state. Therefore, he thinks that Li Yunmu is just a little guy grasped by him, so he not only laughed at it.

"Are you a remnant, dare to scream in front of me? I don't know if I live or die!" Li Yunmu sneered, at this time he couldn't hold back his emotions, and thought of the evil master's own master Tao disappeared, Li Yunmu's heart Just a burst of anger.

At this time, Li Yunmu did not intend to talk nonsense with him. When he moved his mind, he summoned the Sword of Burning Silence, held it in his hand, and meditated in his mouth. As soon as Jian Jue came out of the sea of ​​flames, he thought of the evil demon attack.

"It's just a little trick. Um? What a flame? What did you do !!!"

After seeing Li Yunmu's shot, the evil demon emperor has not realized the power of Li Yunmu, because for so many years, the limitation in this small world is just a fairyland, and there will never be a strong emperor.

Therefore, he did not care, even entrusted with the plan to take Li Yunmu's attack with his flesh, but what he did not expect was that Li Yunmu's attack was so powerful.

With just one blow, he has damaged the soul he has repaired for so many years. And this time his injuries were even worse than before the repair.

Li Yunmu sneered, and did not intend to leave him any chance. At this time, the sword of burning silence with flames, one after another, slashed the sword spirit on the body of the Yin Demon Emperor, causing huge damage to the Yin Demon Emperor.

"This attack is actually the Emperor Realm! No! No! Your breath is only Wonderland, how could you make such a powerful attack ?!"

The evil devil snarled at this time. At this time, he also felt that the attack from Li Yunmu was so strong. At this time, he panicked. He never imagined that in this small world, there were still Emperor Realms.

Except for the last half-emperor who was called the Yin Emperor, but he did n’t feel his existence, and he could n’t enter the Yin Palace. The Yin Demon Emperor had paniced at this time, and suddenly he Think of something.

"There is the power of the Great Emperor in Wonderland! You are the **** of Ryukyu!" The Dark Lord roared, because he couldn't think of anyone else who could have such powerful strength in Wonderland.

"You dare to blame my Master's name. It seems that I will not kill you today." Li Yunmu said coldly.

"Your Master? The little thing that broke in a few days ago was you. I didn't expect you to go to that **** in Ryukyu. It seems that he should have cultivated you like this."

The Yin Demon Emperor figured everything out when Li Yunmu called the Master of the Ryukyu Emperor. He did not expect that Li Yunmu had such great potential. He actually grew to such a short time.

"I should have killed you first. Humming that old thing in Ryukyu, shouldn't he be killed!"

The Evil Demon said resentfully, but even though he couldn't beat Li Yunmu, he didn't plan to die like this, so he mobilized the energy of the whole body and detonated the large array.

"Want me to die? You can't live! Go to death, kid !!!"

After the Yin Demon Emperor finished speaking, the large array burst into pieces, and a huge explosion occurred in the entire Yin Huang Palace.

During the explosion, Li Yunmu rushed out, and this degree of explosion did not affect him much.

Suddenly, Li Yunmu's mouth sneered with a hint of sneer: "Is the stunt repeated, am I so stupid?"

Li Yunmu found that the Yin Demon Emperor actually attached a trace of his soul to the Sword of Burning Silence. Fortunately, Li Yunmu had left a heart, or he would have escaped.

So Li Yunmu's thoughts moved, and a flame was attached to the Burning Sword, and a trace of the soul after the Yin Demon Emperor disappeared.

"The goddess of death will avenge me, and glory is with me!"


(End of this chapter)

Read Legend of Swordsman
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