MTL - She Doesn’t Want the Face-Blind Husband-v2 Chapter 103

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The day of victory is suitable for searching for heroes. On the third day of March, such as the Shangsi Festival, it is very good to go to a leisurely banquet, eat, drink, talk and laugh, and appreciate the young and handsome juniors.

Tao Xinhe slept restlessly all night, and felt less energetic in the morning than a busy day. Fortunately, the symptoms of stiff neck were relieved, and her head and neck could move more freely, but the muscle soreness did not disappear completely for a while.

She tried her best not to recall the fragmented and suffocating dreams. She knew that it had something to do with Gu's family affairs. Instead, she dressed up carefully and chose clothes and accessories. It was just that when she powdered her face, she put a little more on her face right now. Dao, raise your complexion.

The Hong family is similar to Tao Xinhe, they are both typical civil servant girls, but not like Tao Xinhe who used to hang out with male guests.

She had worried before that today, it was called Appreciation of the Spring Festival, but it was actually a banquet for Tao Xinqiang's husband-in-law. The host was a single man, and the guests were several young men. Would it be embarrassing for the eldest aunt to be the only female relative? How to deal with yourself. Hong thought that she was a married woman after all, with fewer taboos and the responsibility of her sister-in-law, so she proposed to go with Tao Xinhe.

However, Tao Xinhe thought that it is not good for pregnant women to be trapped in the mansion. Going out more to relax is good for raising the fetus, and Hong will be harmless once he returns to Beijing, and his body allows him to go to the banquet. After thinking about it, she passed a message to Ji Changbo to explain the situation, and brought the Hong family to the banquet together.

Under Tao Xinqiang's reluctantly parting eyes, the two rode in the carriage and chatted casually to the uncle's mansion, it was still early before the noon banquet. Cheng Shicheng told him in person that Gu Runing would also come to accompany him in order to make the scene more lively.

Sure enough, when it was said that Cao Cao had arrived, Gu Runing and Cheng Jia came to meet the female guest hand in hand without avoiding others.

Cheng Shicheng left the girls in the flower hall, gazing lingeringly at Tao Xinhe, and went out with his adoptive son Cheng Jia to welcome the young men.

When Gu Runing saw Tao Xinhe, he was as affectionate as ever, took her arm, and chattered about his recent situation: "Sister-in-law...I got the wrong name again, don't shoot me, Jushi Tao. You heard about my family, right? Yesterday Our whole family went to visit Grandma at Brother Xi's mansion. In just a short period of time, Grandma became pitifully thin, with only a handful of bones, no wonder Brother Xi was able to carry her out of the house the day before yesterday."

Tao Xinhe couldn't pretend to be ignorant, she nodded slightly, pulled the meridians in her neck, and took a slight breath.

Gu Runing thought that Tao Xinhe was admiring Gu Ningxi's feat of stealing people, as if she had found a bosom friend, she said with a smile:

"My cousin Xi usually looks cold and arrogant, but I didn't expect that he is very warm in his bones. Looking at my grandmother's appearance, she must never be allowed to go back to the old man's house. The third uncle's family really relies on the old man, but they are not good. Taking care of her, and involving poisoning, is appalling, and I am ashamed to death."

Tao Xinhe hesitated for a moment, but still couldn't bear the silence, and echoed a few times: "I heard that the emperor has ordered a thorough investigation, and Gu Sicheng is the first to file a complaint. There will always be an answer. Mrs. Gu has suffered, she is indeed wronged."

Gu Runing pulled Tao Xinhe to sit down, and after a few words of politeness with the Hong family, he turned back to the topic: "Yesterday, my third uncle and cousin Ran came to make trouble again. It must be said that cousin Xi robbed the elders with the intention of blackmailing the clan and being unfilial. Unrighteousness, but they dare to label it as shameless.

"What are you threatening? Return to the family?" Hong interrupted.

"Isn't that what you mean? I was so angry that my cousin Xi was at the gate of his house, facing the third uncle and the neighbors watching the excitement, and swore in public that he had no such intentions. I really hope that the case will be judged quickly, and the right and wrong can be distinguished." Clearly. Otherwise, cousin Xi can only stay in the mansion and deal with third uncle's family messing around, and can't do anything."

Tao Xinhe held a teacup in her hand and listened quietly, Hong shi joined in and asked questions, Gu Runing gradually shifted the subject to tell Hong shi the details of the entanglements in her family.

She was thinking in her heart, Gu Ningxi is still a patient, and she has to take care of her grandmother who is dying of poisoning, and there is no one else to help her, can she do it? Moreover, he shifted the conflict from his entanglement with Gu Ningran to Mrs. Gu's illness and life, at least the latter is more concerned by everyone.

In case, Mrs. Gu really went west in recent days, Gu Ningxi robbed people first and served them until death. She couldn't explain the truth even if she had a mouth, and her reputation would be wiped out. At least it would affect him as an official, and it would be more serious Would it affect his existence even more?

Therefore, for Gu Ningxi, the most important thing right now is that the yamen, under the emperor's order, draw conclusions as soon as possible to prove his innocence.

She sighed deeply, and she didn't know how the Yamen would investigate the case, how long it would take to find witnesses and evidence, could Madam Gu wait?

Afterwards, in the spacious garden of the Bo’s mansion, three female guests, Cheng Shicheng, a close neighbor, sat at the top of the head, and four seventeen or eighteen-year-old military commanders and Cheng Jia were scattered at the bottom, looking up at Tao Xinhe and the others from time to time. People, the exploration and curiosity in their eyes are shining brightly.

There is no feast without wine. When civil servants get drunk, they usually fight poems and compose fus, shout to the sky, or write big characters with pens and zithers, or play with qin and zither. Tao Xinhe had seen a lot, and felt noisy. Before that, she always liked her husband Gu Ningxi's temperament that he fell asleep quietly without drinking or drinking two glasses.

The spring is beautiful today, the boys are drunk, and the youthful arrogance is stimulated, which is shown by showing swordsmanship, fists and feet to the people above them, and even a tall man who is not walking stably shoots arrows blindfolded, seven out of ten shots In the middle, Cheng Shicheng smiled and cheered loudly.

Tao Xinhe saw the sharp arrow galloping like a shooting star, she felt frightened, and when she heard the sound of the boy punching to the flesh, her teeth ached even more. Secretly complaining to Qiangniang in his heart, he wanted to find a military officer similar to Cheng Jia to be his husband. If they were bullied in the future, how could they support Qiangniang?

Of course, Tao Xinhe was impeccable in the scene, and he praised each teenager appropriately and differently. It sounded like everyone was good and full of flowers, which made it even more lively for a while, and the sound of young people laughing and playing almost flew into the sky.

Laughing and making noise, there seems to be no troubles in the young man's world, nothing more than peacocks showing off his screen, who is more favored by girls and family members, and more favored by noble uncles.

Finally at the end of the day, Tao Xinhe felt that the sleepiness in the noon was really unbearable, so she apologized and left the table, drinking tea alone in the flower hall to sober up. She only drank three or four cups, and she shouldn't be so hot, probably because she didn't sleep well in the past few days.

After seeing off the guests, Cheng Shicheng arranged a place for Hong Shi and Gu Runing, and went to find a beautiful woman with the smell of alcohol all over his body. Smiling and calling "A Tao", he pushed open the door, and he saw a slender beauty sitting recliningly in an armchair, resting her head with one hand and closing her eyes, dozing off.

Cheng Shicheng felt his heart beating so hard, he relaxed his hands and feet and leaned over to meet him, the man's lips were about to skip Tao Xinhe's hair and reach her forehead, or even the lower part.

In a half-dream and half-awake state, Tao Xinhe felt a man approaching, hot breath enveloping her, her mind relaxed for some reason, as if she was looking forward to this moment, her lips and teeth relaxed, and the word "husband" was ready to come out.

But soon she opened her long and narrow eyes, and her pupils shrunk to reflect Cheng Shicheng who indulged himself.

Tao Xinhe stood up neatly, avoided the side skillfully, and reminded in the coldest tone: "Uncle?"

Cheng Shicheng groaned, by a hair's breadth, his lips touched the edge of the cold gold ornament on the top of A Tao's hair.

Now that the beauty is awake, she must not be able to steal the fragrance, so he quietly comforted himself that the future will be long, Cheng Shicheng coughed lightly, moved away, and asked about business: "The four children who are guests today are all young and outstanding among our generals' children. Appearance, it shouldn't be regarded as insulting Miss Tao San. Does A Tao look at Ruyi?"

To be honest, Tao Xinhe didn't like the four of them very much, but compared with Cheng Jia, guessing Qiangniang's intentions, she carefully said the name of one of them, and asked Cheng Shicheng for details.

Cheng Shicheng thought for a while, and said meaningfully: "A Tao still likes Wenxiu people. If I remember correctly, the child's figure, eyebrows and eyes seem to be three points similar to Gu Sicheng?"

Tao Xinhe frowned: "Uncle, what nonsense are you talking about?" She just purposely suppressed her voice and scolded Cheng Shicheng, in order to make him pay attention to his behavior. At this time, he didn't deliberately control his voice, and the lingering and slightly hoarse voice he had just woken up from the dream brought out, making these six words turn and turn a thousand times, making Cheng Shicheng really itchy.

At this point, Cheng Shicheng remembered that he really had something to say about Gu Ningxi, so he sat down boldly, raised his face and raised his eyebrows without losing his momentum, looked at Tao Xinhe who was facing him, and said: "A Tao , Gu Ningxi is still in trouble at this time, you know me. I can help him reach a conclusion quickly, tell me, should I make a move?"

It turned out that Cheng Shicheng had been staring at Gu Ningran and wanted to avenge himself in his previous life. He did not lack manpower and material resources, and found a lot of evidence one after another, which could prove that Gu Ningran insulted Mo Qiqi. He went to the doctor the next day, and sent someone to buy a new dagger, and the dagger was in Cheng Shicheng's hands. Asking for the secret medicine, the symptoms caused are the same as Mrs. Gu's now.

If he added the testimony of his treatment of Gu Ningxi, it exactly corresponds to Gu Ningxi's accusation against Gu Ningran.

Not only that, Gu Ningran has been an official for many years, and there are no major mistakes, but Cheng Shicheng has caught several small mistakes. Originally, the Hanlin Academy thought that he was Prime Minister Gu's grandson, and it was all vague. If it came up again, it would be embarrassing enough for Gu Ningran, and it is not impossible for the emperor to take the opportunity to have a fit.

Cheng Shicheng had already sorted out all these materials, and they were waiting to send them to the yamen to beat Gu Ningran to death tomorrow. However, in the process, he suddenly had the feeling of being a wedding dress for others.

Why was it that Gu Ningxi was the first to report, and he was on the run? Many people know that Gu Ningxi owes him a life-saving grace in this life, and Cheng Shicheng doesn't care if Gu Ningxi is grateful for this extra help.

Then, let's use it to test Atao.

Cheng Shicheng thought to himself, let's see if she is as neat and straightforward as he said, and will she help Gu Ningxi again? How much status does he still have in her heart?

Tao Xinhe was slightly stunned upon hearing this. Why do you ask her about this matter? What kind of impact will her answer have on Gu Ningxi's lawsuit?

"What Uncle means is that you have evidence against Gu Ningran, right?" Tao Xinhe's tone was unprecedentedly confused, and she asked Cheng Shicheng first to buy time to sort out her thoughts.

Seeing the man nodding, Tao Xinhe carefully considered his words, and his voice was no longer crisp: "Then, I don't know. From a theoretical point of view, the uncle should naturally help the Yamen handle the case, so that Gu Ningran will get to know his fate earlier. From an emotional point of view, this Someone once had a quarrel with me, if he judged the crime, I would like to applaud him. However, when the uncle asked questions, it fell on Gu Ningxi, so I dare not judge lightly, lest my uncle misjudge."

Cheng Shicheng laughed, this woman is amazing! Sure enough, it was the woman his body had chosen for him! Clever and clever is worthy of the name, he admires and admires Tao Xinhe more and more.

These words, repeated and beaten, bypassed the implication of his pressing question—whether Tao Xinhe is unforgettable about Gu Ningxi's old love, and surrounded him, she and Gu Ningxi who hate and hate Gu Ningran every word, and the words were so crowded that he couldn't help it. They made a fuss to increase Gu Ningran's punishment, and felt ashamed of their own instigation!