MTL - She Doesn’t Want the Face-Blind Husband-v2 Chapter 113

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"I... I'm here to find you, Mother of God, and I'll tell you seriously, let's reunite, okay?"

Gu Ningxi could clearly feel the impatience emanating from the lady's body, seeing her raising her hand to wave goodbye, she hurriedly confide in the bottom of her heart, ignoring any embellishments.

Tao Xinhe slowly withdrew her hands and clasped them on the skirt again. The edges of her palms were covered with thin and soft fabrics, feeling the delicate embroidery patterns, just like her chaotic mood at the moment, she remained silent for a while.

As soon as Gu Ningxi said "reunite after a broken mirror", it was as if some kind of sluice restriction had been opened, and the words to be said later followed smoothly, flowing, cadenced, and the voice even brought out a deep and bewitching meaning.

The two of them were originally sitting, one host and one guest, and they were not close to each other. It seemed that Tao Xinhe was not moving at all. He supported a desk with his hands, got up slowly, and walked forward, walking cautiously and resolutely. In front of Tao Xinhe, the person arrived casually, wrapping around the sitting woman.

"He Niang, since I left, I have been reflecting on how I got to this point. Now I almost understand that I am not as brave as you in facing life and facing complicated affairs. I have never relied on my grandfather to protect me. Wind and rain, grew up and shrank behind my parents, and later married you, relying on you unconsciously."

"No matter what it looks like to outsiders, in fact, in the few years between our husband and wife, you are the person with more backbone, but I am like a dodder flower, buried in the pile of books, throwing all kinds of affairs to you, and it is difficult for you to bear them all. .The name of a good wife is far from being able to praise everything you have done."

Tao Xinhe heard every word and every word in her heart, and set off a stormy sea. On the outside, she felt that her neck was stiff and unable to move, as if she was nailed in place, the corners of her eyes and nose were sore, she might have burst into tears, so she slowly closed her eyes.

The vision was closed by herself, and other perceptions suddenly amplified.

Hearing Gu Ningxi's voice was more clear, impacting the cochlea;

The smell of soap locusts from the newly washed clothes and the refreshing body odor of men mixed into her nose, controlling her breathing;

The oppressive feeling brought by his close proximity hits the face, penetrating into every pore, Tao Xinhe squirms her lips and teeth but cannot make a sound, the tip of her tongue pushes against her teeth in vain, and is accidentally scratched, causing a dull pain.

Gu Ningxi is still elaborating:

"At the beginning, I felt that you were the treasure bestowed on me by God, the consummation I had obtained after being trapped in a strange disease for more than 20 years. I was full of curiosity about your every move, every word and deed, and I repeatedly smacked you, and I became more and more convinced that we are both The same kind of people who are persistent, just happen to be companions in this life, just like Tai Chi, Yin and Yang are intertwined.

However, as time passed, I became tired and numb, and I took it for granted. I took you for granted in my life, and lost my duty to fear God and maintain the relationship between husband and wife. I even thought that no matter what I said or did, I would get your tolerance and understanding. I lost my original intention and lost my heart. "

Tao Xinhe understands that Gu Ningxi's last sentence probably alludes to the deceit and coaxing he did after meeting Mo Qiqi for the first time, and it may also include the matter of arbitrarily recognizing the brothers and sisters of the Mo family as foster relatives.

At that time, she really felt that Gu Ningxi didn't respect her and didn't take herself seriously, but she didn't have the idea of ​​moving and leaving, and she wanted to show him some color, so as to teach him a little bit, so that he wouldn't be an example.

"Original heart, original heart..." Tao Xinhe finally murmured, repeating Gu Ningxi's last words.

Is the original intention "a couple for life"?

The red-eyed scene on the day of the wedding seemed to reappear in the past, and it floated into the hearts of the two of them at the same time.

More than three years ago, in the midsummer of August, on the auspicious wedding day calculated by someone, the Xingu Mansion was full of guests, and the fragrance of flowers and people's words complemented each other.

"Husband and wife worship!" The best man's loud voice fell, and Tao Xinhe, who was covered by a red brocade veil, felt the red silk in her hand being gently pulled, as if guiding her to face her mother-in-law from above. Turn around and get into position.

She endured the heartbeat that was about to jump out of her throat, and tried her best to maintain a dignified and elegant posture. She turned her whole body into a side-to-side posture with a half-circle on her heels. Zhiyin has fulfilled her self-expectation.

From under the hijab, she saw her long red skirt, which was densely embroidered with gold thread so that the background color was almost invisible, extending out of the corner of her eye. Not far in front of her was a pair of brand-new men's soap boots, standing upright together, like rooted The big tree on the ground gave her a lot of courage to start a new life, because she knew that these were the feet of the newlywed husband, Gu Ningxi.

Gu Ningxi was dazzled by Tao Xinhe who was wearing a red wedding dress. It didn't matter to him to cover his face, anyway, he couldn't see clearly even if it was exposed.

The beauties around are within reach, advance and retreat together with him, and with the smooth progress of the ceremony, they are about to become the most intimate companions who are justified and spend their lives together! When Gu Ningxi thought about it, she felt her heart pounding.

The two held a piece of silk together, and he shook the red silk to guide the newlyweds to turn forward and backward, bowing to heaven, earth, and respected relatives, and finally reached the final stage of "couple worship", he watched Tao Xinhe facing him, and bowed little by little , forming an extremely beautiful and extremely curved arc of the human body.

As the groom's official, Gu Ningxi should have taken the lead. After all, his sight was not blocked, so it was much easier to move.

However, Tao Xinhe who was opposite was in his eyes and heart, he was stupefied, and unconsciously, a smile came from the corner of his lips, watching the bride spontaneously salute him .

Tao Xinhe didn't feel the slight trembling of the red silk, so she maintained the posture of bowing. There was a trace of doubt in her heart, but her figure didn't shake at all, as if she could hold on to the whole night in bowing down to pay tribute to the newlywed husband.

Seeing Tao Xinhe fixed there like a fiery red crescent moon, her back smooth as a mirror, Gu Ningxi bent down quickly as if she had just woken up from a dream, and bowed down quickly with a little bit of embarrassment, and performed the salute of the couple.

He lowered his eyes, and saw the new boots under the corner of his robe and the skirt of the lady opposite. The sunlight refracted by the golden embroidery turned into his eyes, symbolizing the golden and jade-like days in the future.

Gu Ningxi made up her mind at this moment, she wanted to make public the promise she had made during the preparations for the wedding, and invited the gods of heaven and earth, parents and elders, relatives and guests to be witnesses, and invited the scorching sun and breeze, the lush flowers and trees, and the red silk dress to be an audience.

Therefore, he bowed lower than Tao Xinhe, and sincerely thanked the marriage, which was reflected in his gentle tug on the red silk, hoping to make the beautiful woman feel it.

"Ceremony!" The best man's announcement was a few breaths later than Tao Xinhe expected, but at least it was completed. She breathed out the breath holding her breath calmly, slowly straightened her back, and returned to the standing posture like a wooden stake.

At this moment, she heard the tall and thin man next to her utter a loud voice: "I, Gu Ningxi, would like to make a promise to Tao's bride on the day of our wedding that we will always be good to each other and never leave each other forever."

This didn't seem to be a part of the ceremony, Tao Xinhe didn't know why, so she clung to the red silk uneasily, her fingertips trembled slightly, wondering if this undetectable trembling had reached Gu Ningxi's hands.

Gu Ningxi scanned around the tiled faces of different heights, fat and thinness, took a deep breath, amplified her voice and said the words deep in her heart: "We are a couple, we are a couple for life!"

Tao Xinhe's composure was finally broken, she suddenly turned her head to look at the sideways standing side by side, but she remembered to cover her face with a hijab, so she couldn't see Gu Ningxi's promised expression.

The gold and jade jewelry were driven by her sudden force to collide with each other, making a "jingle" sound, completely losing the elegance she had imagined, but Tao Xinhe didn't take it to heart at all.

She just wanted to know if she heard it wrong just now, could it be that a woman's desire to be single-minded like a mandarin duck is too strong, and she has hallucinations?

Soon, something strange came from his hand, and Tao Xinhe savored it carefully, and it turned out that Gu Ningxi took the silk as a letter and shook it seven times, as if silently repeating "a lifetime is a pair."

The guests clicked their tongues in admiration and asked Tao Xinhe to confirm that Gu Ningxi had indeed just uttered an astonishing remark.

Her mood at this time was extremely complicated. Feelings of disbelief, overjoyed, half-belief, and confidant feelings came to my mind one after another, and they even entangled each other.

She thought that through a matchmaker, the young and handsome Gu Ningxi, the grandson of the prime minister who had never met before, praised her for being "courageous and responsible", which was already the greatest affirmation she had received. I don't mind either.

Unexpectedly, Gu Ningxi, who was called "elm lump" by her father and who was unreasonable in the world, would be able to give her such a big surprise.

How important the promise of "a couple" is, it can be seen from the fact that some of the guests gasped, some praised loudly, and some enthusiastically clapped their hands. The atmosphere has reached an unprecedented height.

Tao Xinhe wanted to cry, her eye sockets were swollen, somehow she remembered the old custom of crying on the wedding day, she raised her head slightly, the hijab trembled slightly, and she held back her tears.

She turned her touch into a silent promise in her heart-you treat me with a heavy promise, and I will repay you for it, and stay with you for the rest of your life.

Therefore, from the day of their wedding, Tao Xinhe has been a good wife for Gu Ningxi for more than three years with secret gratitude, consideration, and dedication, without complaint or regret.

Until he opened his mouth and said he wanted to take a concubine.

At that moment, Tao Xinhe realized that she was the only one who was still in the dream of being together as a couple, and Gu Ningxi had already escaped and found another place.

"One couple for one lifetime" suddenly became a joke that only troubled her alone.

Tao Xinhe slowly raised her head to meet Gu Ningxi's eyes who were standing there, what a pair of brilliant eyes, but unfortunately she knew that no matter how focused Gu Ningxi was, she couldn't receive the emotions in her sight.

Thinking of the current situation from "taking a concubine", Gu Ningxi and Mo Qiqi are taking care of his grandmother together, and she and Cheng Shicheng are trying to move forward, and today they have to match up the younger sister and the boy, and the beautiful and warm memories of the wedding disappeared. .

She finally spoke, crisply: "Gu Sicheng, your reminiscence is unnecessary, it's just a waste of your and my time. The broken mirror is reunited, thank you for mentioning it, where did you get the face?"

From the bottom of her heart, Tao Xinhe really wanted to question Gu Ningxi with confidence, and let him realize how absurd his statement was with a disdainful tone.

However, from the moment she uttered the words "Broken Mirror Reunited", she unconsciously made a slight trill, and by the end of "Face", her voice was already hoarse and unpleasant, and her lower lip trembled slightly, revealing her restless mood.

Gu Ningxi took another step forward anxiously, and the aroma at the end of his nose became more intense, making him dizzy: "He Niang, don't cry. It's my fault, it's all my fault."

He thought Tao Xinhe's trembling voice was due to crying.

"Who would cry for you? You're so passionate! You can't see it. Why do you guess so wildly that I'm crying, and don't call me He Niang anymore!" Tao Xinhe vented in one breath, and her voice returned crisp, like Was annoyed.

Gu Ningxi nodded again and again, following the good advice: "It's fine if you don't cry. You can call me whatever you want. Anyway, in my heart, you have always been my wife, Jushi Tao."

Only then did Tao Xinhe realize that the distance between the two of them was too close, Gu Ningxi's breath could be felt by the tip of her tail, her cheeks turned red in an instant, she was ashamed and annoyed, she raised her hand and pushed Gu Ningxi's chest: "Get out of the way, Are you so impolite?"

Gu Ningxi turned sideways and stood near her, bit her lip for a few breaths and still coughed hoarsely, but he was in a hurry to speak, raised his sleeve to cover his lips while coughing and said:

"Tao Jushi, I just said half of my change of heart. I know that I am not thorough in handling things, I am inaccurate in identifying people, I am soft and weak on the issue of Mo's righteous sister and Gu Ningran, and Miao makes mistakes again and again, which is why I pushed you away. I I am working hard to improve, the sages have said, knowing the mistakes can make a big difference, can you...give me another chance?"

Amid the coughing sound, Gu Ningxi solemnly said: "Actually, I also know that it is too early to talk about reunion. You are still angry and sad, and disappointed in me, right? Then what I want is that you allow me to pursue you Can I get the opportunity to see my performance?"

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