MTL - She Doesn’t Want the Face-Blind Husband-v2 Chapter 115

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How easy is it to win the trust of others, especially those who are sad and disappointed in him?

Tao Xinhe tightened her lips, and organized words in her heart to fight back against Gu Ningxi, but she heard the other party still confiding in her heart: "He Niang, Tao Jushi, you can test it, no matter what, I'm willing to do it, don't let it go, leave me a chance Right. It’s such a big mansion, without you, I can’t call myself home.”

Tao Xinhe suddenly got tired of the back-and-forth verbal lawsuits with him, memories and refutations caused her to be overwhelmed, feeling so stuffy that she couldn't breathe, she just wanted to go to a secluded place to hide and be quiet.

But she didn't leave in a hurry. Instead, she took a few steps forward and walked two steps in front of Gu Ningxi. She looked up at the man's chin, swallowed lightly to moisten her throat, and caught a glimpse of the half-stretched Phoenix behind him from the corner of her eyes. Wutu.

The spring forest with strong colors is ready, the proud figure of the phoenix is ​​first outlined, and the look of Gu Pan Zixiong is painted in detail.

Gu Ningxi's unrestrained reputation of "both calligraphers and painters" originally made her proud as a wife and housewife. How many times he grinds the color for him, how many times he accompany him to add lamps in his study, Tao Xinhe quickly extinguishes the signs of memories.

Just such a glance distracted her mind, the cruel words she was going to say got stuck, and she forgot. On the contrary, it was Cheng Shicheng who suggested that she give him a problem came to mind.

Just now Oolong mentioned to let him change the bald branches, although Tao Xinhe brushed it off in disbelief, but it gave her a bit of inspiration.

Gu Ningxi has never been able to draw people's faces. Everyone knows it, and Tao Xinhe naturally knows it too. She also felt sorry for her husband because of this, and his painting skills were only one step away from being able to reach the pinnacle, but he didn't have the impression of human face and facial features in his mind.

She clearly saw that Gu Ningxi was nervous because of her approaching, her throat rolled a few times and then she lowered her head, her gaze blankly swept across her face, focusing on her earlobe, which was also his usual practice.

Tao Xinhe was overwhelmed and annoyed by this, and she turned a blind eye to the calmness she was accustomed to later on. At this moment, her red lips parted lightly, and said word by word:

"I can't believe you. I can't believe you. Why should I be entangled with you for the rest of my life?"

Gu Ningxi is still obsessed: "I just ask you to give me the same opportunity as Cheng Shicheng."

Tao Xinhe guessed that he would not be repelled by her two or three words, felt the breath of his words brushing against her cheeks, and slowly laughed: "You want to test, don't you?"

Gu Ningxi's eyes lit up, and the beautifully shaped corners of her eyes seemed to condense the essence of the sun. They were as bright as crystals and treasures. If there was a painter present, one would be amazed that they were excellent eye pupils.

Maintaining her smile, Tao Xinhe stretched out her hand and tapped the half-finished scroll he had placed on the table, and breathed out the words: "Gu Sicheng is good at painting, please draw a small portrait of a person for me, if I am satisfied, we can discuss it later, how about it?

Gu Ningxi was stunned for a moment when she heard the words. He can't see faces clearly, so how can he draw characters?

Even though He Niang is the most precious and precious existence in his heart, her facial features are still like tiles, making him unable to recognize them. There is no impression in the mind, so how to write?

Gu Ningxi muttered: "I'm afraid... I won't be able to do it. He Niang, if it's another test, I will definitely do my best."

Tao Xinhe sneered, it really stumped him! It worked!

The goal was achieved, she turned her heels and walked away, casually explaining the follow-up: "You forced me for a long time, and you kept saying that you want some tests and opportunities, and now you are picking fat, Gu Sicheng, Gu Ningxi, don't you think you are ridiculous? That's all I said , please go slowly, I won’t send it off.”

Gu Ningxi hesitated to speak.

At this moment, someone knocked lightly on the door outside the flower hall, and Qingfang's voice came: "Layman, the third girl is looking for you, and I urge you to go out quickly."

Tao Xinhe raised her voice and responded, "Understood, tell her, I'll come right away."

After a while, Tao Xinhe sat back in his seat, looked at Gu Ningxi's congealed brows and eyes, felt refreshed, and said: "What else is there for Gu Sicheng? I can't accompany you any longer. Younger sister urges you to hear us. Going out to meet Ji Changbo, spring is a good time, so don't delay, what do you think?"

Only then did she see the scattered peach petals hanging on the skirt of her own, and she raised her skirt with her feet up, bent over and brushed it with her bare hands, as if she was the only one present, and she turned a blind eye to Gu Ningxi.

Gu Ningxi rushed forward, squatting at her feet with her robe lifted, carefully and focused on helping her pick away the petals, making Tao Xinhe jump, she quickly retracted her legs, grabbed the skirt with her hands, and almost kicked him in the throat with her toes.

"Gu Ningxi, don't you want to be polite and shameless? That's right, a person who has always cherished and respected the elegance of painting can actually show off his unfinished work. I heard that it was paid for by others. It's like staining the brush. You have changed. It's not me. I know Gu Ningxi!" Tao Xinhe's heart was clamoring endlessly, she would say whatever was unpleasant, stabbing at the deepest and most beautiful image of her old love in her heart.

Gu Ningxi was caught off guard, and directly avoided her movements, her center of gravity was unstable, her hands were propped back, she sat down on the ground, her robes were spread out, and the sporadic petals were pressed down, she was so embarrassed. Tao Xinhe's eyes flickered, he bit his lips tightly and said nothing.

His posture changed abruptly, he coughed violently, and forced himself to stand up. The tall man bent down and beat his chest violently with his fists, as if he wanted to stop his cough for a moment, so as not to be looked at by Yi Ren.

However, it had the opposite effect. When he coughed most urgently, he opened his lips like a dying fish, and wanted to say "I helped you tidy up the skirt before", "This painting is just an excuse to see you, it must be I won't hand it over to others" and other words could not be uttered, but the fishy sweetness in his throat was unbearable, making him cough up a mouthful and spray it to the ground.

It is a mouthful of red blood. There are so many peach blossoms.

His old chest wound has not healed yet? Tao Xinhe was taken aback, half stood up, but remembered the current scene, and sat back to the original place again, arms crossed, eyes masochistically keeping close to the blood flower blooming on the floor tiles, as if wanting to stare at it to make it disappear generally.

Gu Ningxi smiled wryly at her own weakness and embarrassment, she didn't care about the tearing pain in her chest, poured strength into her spine, and tried to stand up straight.

Feeling the fishy smell around his lips, he raised his hand and put **** together to quickly wipe away the remaining blood, but he didn't notice that there was an ominous red mark on his cheeks, reaching to the base of his ears, as if he had lost his composure by grinning. Extended to exaggeration, it made Tao Xinhe who slowly looked up at him feel glaring and unbearable.

"You want to meet Cheng Shicheng? Can you see him? He has plans for you." This was his plea after he recovered his breath.

Tao Xinhe came back to her senses, hugged herself even tighter, raised her chin in a squinting gesture, coughed lightly, and said "You...blood..." in a trembling tone.

Hearing her own echo, she was very dissatisfied, and suddenly turned her neck away from Gu Ningxi and the blood, but heard a "creaking" sound, probably because she twisted the tendons on the side of her neck, and then the pain and itching spread to her mind overwhelmingly.

Tao Xinhe was angry, angry, ashamed and hated, she shed tears bitterly.

Even so, she didn't dare to change her posture easily, her neck didn't allow her to move arbitrarily, so she tilted her head awkwardly, and said in a nasal voice: "What does it have to do with you? Go quickly, don't delay me."

From this angle, she could only see a corner of Gu Ningxi's clothes from the corner of her eye, and she was anxious, for fear that if Gu Ningxi came to see her, she would not be able to cover up her gaffe.

Fortunately, Gu Ningxi didn't want to play rashly.

He didn't know what to think, he reached out and grabbed the phoenix ruler, the white paper edge was stained with red stains, and the smell of blood smelt.

With a few "stabs, thorns", Gu Ningxi tore into pieces the stepping stone she brought - the semi-finished picture of the phoenix's habitat.

I have to say that people who are dexterous and mindful are particular about tearing paper. Although the shredded paper brings out rough edges, the size is almost the same. In the sleeve pocket, it seems that he took the opportunity to tidy up his broken heart.

He Niang didn't even want to look at him. Gu Ningxi stared at the back of the woman's head, and pulled out a smile that was uglier than crying. No one could see it, and murmured back: "I really shouldn't put my beak on it. I'm not qualified."

Tao Xinhe pulled out an arm and waved it in his direction, as if telling him to go away, saying: "Did you tear up the picture? Then there is no need to see my younger siblings, Tao Mansion No strangers left."

Seeing that she didn't mention the painting first, Gu Ningxi was not sure if the small portraits were just a slap in the face just now, it was all her jokes.

However, adding flowers is easy and drawing others is difficult. This is a problem that only belongs to Gu Ningxi for painters who have reached a certain level of painting skills.

Gritting her teeth so hard that her joints hurt at the base of her ears, Gu Ningxi finally made up her mind not to do anything extraordinary, so how dare she speak out about her unreasonable demands?

He uttered the words very slowly and clearly: "I will draw the miniatures of your characters."

Tao Xinhe was taken aback when she heard the words, her breath paused, and then she let out the rest of her breath from between her lips and teeth.

Surprised, she didn't believe it at all. It's like she doesn't believe that there is a possibility for the two of them to have a reunion, a broken mirror reunion.

From her point of view, Gu Ningxi didn't retreat in spite of the difficulties, but instead brazenly said that she wanted to paint regardless of her own situation, which was nothing more than lying to her.

She will never let it go.

As if she was angry with Gu Ningxi, but also with herself, Tao Xinhe said in a brisk tone that didn't fit her mood: "I'm so honored to have Gu Sicheng allow me to paint."

"Okay, if you can draw a small portrait of my face, brows and eyebrows one stroke at a time, and no one else is allowed to write for me, and I have the shape and spirit, then I will erase all the past and treat you calmly. It's okay to accept your heart, if at that time I still If you don't marry someone else. But..."

Gu Ningxi raised her left hand to cover her chest, feeling the blood oozing from the wound that had scabbed at the beginning, soaking through the bandage, oozing out of her clothes, and infecting her fingers, bringing a warm sticky feeling.

However, he still focused on listening to Tao Xinhe's words. Seeing her stop, his right hand was stretched out in her direction, his five fingers were slightly clasped, and he pretended to hold the beautiful woman's soft shoulders, and continued to ask, "But how?"

"Hmph, but before you finish the painting, don't bother me again! You are not allowed to use any crooked ways. I won't see you, I think you are annoying." In Tao Xinhe's voice, the nasal sound still exists, but there is a little more coquettishness inexplicably. .

Gu Ningxi withdrew her right hand and pressed it on top of her left hand, as if holding her heart with two palms, lest her troubled heart would fall out.

Where does he have room for bargaining? He Niang has clearly divided tasks, taboos, and avoidances. If Gu Ningxi wants to save her, she has no choice but to follow suit.

"Okay." Yu Yin dragged on for an extremely long time, but He Niang still couldn't get back her gaze.

Gu Ningxi didn't know what else to say, and heard a slightly anxious knock on the door outside the flower hall, vaguely accompanied by a girl's questioning "what is sister doing inside?", he knew that he didn't bother There is no room for tongue.

"Han Niang, I dare not ask you to wait for me. After the painting is completed, we will talk about cause and effect, and I will leave. I hope you enjoy the spring, and your heart is happy." It is a pity that I am not with you, Gu Ningxi swallowed this self-pitying sentence.

Finally, he took a deep glance at the woman who was sitting upright with her back to her. Out of the corner of her eye, she unintentionally saved a pool of pink and tender peach petal circles and a **** red flower that she spit out. Gu Ningxi turned around, staggered and quickly stood firm, Gritting his teeth and holding his breath, he walked quickly to the door of the flower hall, and put his blood-stained hand on the door panel.

Closing her eyes and looking up her head like nostalgia, Gu Ningxi finally exhaled this breath, which was blocked by the door, as if the frustration, unwillingness, and bewilderment that he had been unable to complete the problem were thrown back into his heart.

Tao Xinhe also heard Tao Xinqiang's loud voice outside the flower hall. She blinked her eyes back her tears, breathed out several times to adjust her mood, and slowly got up, maintaining the strange angle of her neck. She looked towards the door, ready to welcome her sister.

"Could it be that Gu Sicheng is waiting for me to open the door for you?" Looking at the back of the statue-like man, without any unfamiliar body lines, Tao Xinhe couldn't help but sneered, urging him to leave quickly in disguise.

He Niang looked at him! Gu Ningxi listened to the voice to distinguish her position, and she straightened her body even more, regardless of the little flame-like joy in her heart.

With a sound of "squeak", he finally pushed open the door with all his strength, and in an instant, the sun all over the sky embraced him all over his body and face unreasonably.

"Brother-in-law? Ah no, Gu Sicheng?"

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