MTL - She Doesn’t Want the Face-Blind Husband-v2 Chapter 117

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Before reconciling, although Gu Ningxi had the accusation of "arrogance and indifference", which was similar to Bai Bi's flaws, everyone's impression of him was mainly an upright gentleman and the youngest middle-level civil servant with a bright future:

The Ministry of Rites praised him for his diligence and talent. Among the Gu clan, he was regarded as the hope of the most prime minister. Others talked about Gu Ningxi's excellent calligraphy and painting, and took pride in collecting his handicrafts.

The female relatives are different, word of mouth is that he loves his main wife, has a clean side, and is indeed a role model for men in the world.

How could his word-of-mouth plummet and become a negative example in just two months?

Heart fluttering, Tao Xinhe turned his face and said sincerely to Cheng Shi: "Uncle, you know why Gu Ningxi reported on Gu Ningran. I heard that you have generously sent a lot of strong evidence. Then you should know that Gu Ningxi is not like the rumors that people gloat about others' misfortune." Is that unbearable?"

Cheng Shicheng laughed back angrily: "Atao naturally knows Gu Sicheng better than I do. What kind of person he is, didn't you explain it to the world with Heli? I am quite puzzled by the expression of worry at this time. Atao , to what extent do you have unrequited love? Don't you mind that he is in an embarrassing situation now, don't you mind Mo Qiqi or the special woman that may appear in the future?"

"I'm not, I don't. I can't stand Uncle's wild guessing." Tao Xinhe was flustered by the other party's aggressive question, and she couldn't care less about the voice in her heart, and instinctively waved her hand to deny it.

Before she finished speaking, she lifted the hem of her skirt and hurriedly said, "I'll go back to the house to accompany Qiangniang." She left Cheng Shicheng with a swaying cherry red back, and then disappeared around the corner of the corridor.

Cheng Shicheng felt bored in his heart, and wished that Gu Ningxi was right in front of him, and he could practice a set of fists with him.

Breathing out slowly, he broke the knuckles with his left and right hands, and stared quietly ahead with the sound of "click", watching A Tao's graceful figure quickly printed on the window of the private room. I don't know what she said to his sister, Tao Xinqiang followed After standing up, the two sisters stepped out of the house, followed by the young man they had brought to see them off reluctantly.

Tao Xinhe pursed her lips and narrowed her eyes, and walked in the front. A young man and a woman behind him intertwined their eyes, obviously looking at each other.

Cheng Shicheng was willing to exchange situations with Gu Ningxi, in exchange for Tao Xinhe to look at him with this kind of eyes.

A Tao, I just want to win your heart before I want your body. If I still can't, I have no choice but to take it by force. Although it is a bad policy to win people first and then get their hearts, it is better than my bamboo basket fetching water in vain and wasting time making wedding clothes for Gu Ningxi and you.

Cheng Shicheng's pupils were imprinted with Tao Xinhe who was approaching gradually, thinking like this in his mind.

But on the surface, he was still a warm and reliable kind person, with hands behind his hands that had been pinched with red marks behind his back, and asked with a smile: "Why did you all come out?"

Tao Xinhe paused, seeing that Cheng Shicheng didn't seem to care about the tit-for-tat confrontation between the two a moment ago, she relaxed a little, her shoulders loosened slightly, looked up at the other party, pursed her lips nervously, and finally adjusted She made a polite smile that she thought was appropriate.

"Uncle, it's a blessing that our sisters met you two today and were invited to share the peach blossom banquet. We are full of tea and food, and the sun is in the middle of the day. It is time for us to say goodbye. We can talk about it at another time."

Tao Xinhe put on the mask of a thoughtful and grateful guest, and she was like a different person from just now, and she handled it appropriately.

Cheng Shicheng could feel the two people falling behind her, although they were only six or seven years younger than Tao Xinhe, after hearing this, he looked up at the situation with the bright eyes of "a long-sleeved adult" and an "excellent elder". Look at Tao Xinhe.

Forget it, let her save some face in front of the juniors. Cheng Shicheng took a step back consciously, stretched out his hand, and said, "Is the reunion so short? Let us send the two of you to the carriage, this way please."

Hearing this, Tao Xinhe heaved a sigh of relief, smiled more sincerely, and got up after pulling back her skirt as a gift, "Please, Uncle." Then she walked slowly.

The beauty of that moment pierced into Cheng Shicheng's heart, like extremely delicate and plump red peach petals swirling down from the branches, his palms were itchy, and he wanted to hold them in his palms, but the other stood up straight again The body turned into an awe-inspiring and inviolable red flame, and floated away.

Cheng Shicheng followed Tao Xinhe sideways, which made her extremely uncomfortable. Fortunately, it was only a short distance to the carriage. She watched her sister get into the carriage neatly, and was about to turn her face to say goodbye to the two men who saw her off, so as to conclude today's event satisfactorily. Look at each other.

The young man surnamed Chen had already wiped out his parents, relatives, residence and family situation. Tao Xinhe glanced at him, smiled and said something meaningful: "We may meet unexpectedly in the future, and I hope you will pay close attention to your relatives when you return home." Describe today's situation in detail."

The young man understood, and replaced the "Tao Jushi" whom he had just met with "Elder Sister", repeatedly assuring his parents that they were very reassured about Uncle Jichang's protection. If he was not afraid of scaring the girl's house by appearing abruptly today, his parents would definitely come in person of.

Although the young man spit out the word "marriage" and replaced it with "things", changing the name was too impatient and seemed a little unstable. In Tao Xinhe's opinion, it was not as good as the performance of the second sister-in-law back then, but Qiangniang liked it herself, so it was not a big deal Big deal, Tao Xinhe smiled.

She turned to Cheng Shicheng again, said simply and softly: "See you again, Uncle." Then she turned around.

Cheng Shicheng grabbed her wrist abruptly and hotly, his thumb, index finger, and **** loosely wrapped around the woman's slender wrist, and Tao Xinhe's skin was as clean as porcelain with his honey-colored black fingers. Moisturizing and whitening.

Tao Xinhe naturally lowered her head to look at the place where the two were involved, and twisted her wrist to try to break free, when Cheng Shicheng said lightly in her ear:

"That's all for now, although you said that the reason for his visit can't be trusted by me. Next time, I want to hear from Atao himself that I have no attachment to that person, let alone any involvement. Otherwise, I don't know what I will do Come."

Terrified, Tao Xinhe even forgot the skin-to-skin contact between the two, and blurted out: "The old wound on his body has not healed!" While speaking, the blood flower on the floor of her flower hall flashed before her eyes.

Don't you worry about being a strong and powerful man, doing something wrong to her, a delicate woman, but miss Gu Ningxi instead?

Cheng Shicheng's original intention was to let Tao Xinhe focus on himself and warn her about the proper relationship between the two of them, but she misunderstood that he wanted to deal with Gu Ningxi.

good very good!

In a fit of anger, he couldn't control his strength, and exerted force unconsciously on his hand. Cheng Shicheng didn't recover until he felt the hardness of the wrist bone under the flesh, and let go quickly. It swelled up.

"I'm sorry... A Tao, I didn't mean it. Do you feel pain?" Cheng Shicheng suddenly became at a loss, feeling as if he had messed up something. He wanted to put his hand on Tao Xinhe's wrist to check the situation, but was pinned on by the other party's tearful eyes. local.

Tao Xinhe gritted her back molars tightly to suppress her cry of pain, just now she almost thought her wrist was about to be crushed.

Cheng Shicheng in front of her was full of remorse, but in her heart she turned into a hideous face.

In essence, relying on the natural advantages of men, whether it is physical strength or power, to threaten Cheng Shicheng, he is no different from most men in the world, and he is no longer the uncle who left her with a kind and amiable impression.

"Uncle, can you relieve your anger? I am the daughter of an official, please respect yourself!" Tao Xinhe said from the bottom of her heart that she would not swear, and what she said angrily seemed to be an understatement.

She widened her slender eyes, sparkling in the water, and the white teeth flickered between the opening and closing of her cherry lips, adding to the unintentional charm, but she never knew how alluring her demeanor was.

Another wave of anger replaced the anger, Cheng Shicheng smiled, and then apologized to Tao Xinhe.

Tao Xinhe endured her embarrassment and anger, unwilling to anger Cheng Shicheng because of such a trivial matter, after a few words, she said goodbye seemingly peacefully, and boarded the car with Tao Xinqiang to return home.

When she returned to the Tao Mansion, she was supposed to take a nap, but because of the continuous conversations and wrestling with Gu Ningxi and Cheng Shicheng today, the strings in her mind were so tense that they almost broke, which made her temples hurt and she couldn't fall asleep at all.

Qingfang applied medicated oil for her and gently massaged her surroundings. After a lot of work, Tao Xinhe felt better, and after recovering, she let out a long sigh of relief.

But immediately afterwards, the maidservant beside Hong came over under the bright sun and said that Hong had vaguely heard that Gu Sicheng had something to look for her in the morning, but he failed to receive the news of going out to meet the guests. Come and ask my aunt.

Tao Xinhe immediately recalled the scene where Gu Ningxi tore up the half-completed phoenix figure she had mocked bit by bit in front of her.

This was something she didn't expect at the time, and Gu Ningxi was also to blame for disturbing her mind.

Based on her understanding of him and a quick glance, even if the phoenix has not been colored in time, the quality of the painting is still as good as ever, living up to his reputation.

After being destroyed like this, he promised his sister-in-law's painting to start over from scratch. I don't know how much time he can spare to paint while taking care of his grandmother...and the broken chest wound. It will take at least ten days and a half months. .

Tao Xinhe stopped her mind from turning to Gu Ningxi's wound, and secretly thought that she would never show up when he finished the painting of his sister-in-law's matchmaking and came to the door.

Reminding herself of this point repeatedly, until her breath was calm, Tao Xinhe put down her sleeves to cover her wrists that had just been covered with Baiyao, acquiescing to the little maid to hold a parasol for her, got up and went to the courtyard of her younger brothers and sisters, and explained the reason for Hong.

Greetings comforted my sister-in-law, so I couldn't help explaining Gu Ningxi's visit to her. Tao Xinhe avoided the seriousness and said lightly that he felt that he didn't paint well, so he gave up the idea of ​​disturbing the pregnant woman, and then came back with the finished product.

Sent out of the door by Hong's dubious eyes, Tao Xinhe felt exhausted. On the way back to her courtyard, she was angry at Gu Ningxi for not choosing a safe cover for a while, and resented that the problems she gave him were not tricky enough.

At this time, Tao Xinhe was stuck in her own thoughts, at most she murmured without moving her lips, and no one could hear her.

Therefore, she was full of complaints towards Gu Ningxi scattered in the world, but no one found out, including herself. Compared with when she was at the beginning of Li, she had a little more intimacy with her family, and her heart softened, unconsciously. sleep.

If Cheng Shicheng could be present, if he could read people's hearts, he might be willing to pay any price to go back to the moment before he pinched Tao Xinhe's swollen wrist.

He made Tao Xinhe realize again from the bottom of his heart that Gu Ningxi was a completely different existence from most men, and he never had any natural demands on female relatives just because he was a man.