MTL - She Doesn’t Want the Face-Blind Husband-v2 Chapter 124

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In the middle of the night on March 18th, Mrs. Gu breathed her last breath surrounded by children and grandchildren. Unfortunately, she could no longer write or speak at that time, and no one understood the meaning of her dying.

The emperor personally issued an order that Gu Ningxi can take care of her grandmother, and Gu Er and Gu San have never objected. As a result, as soon as Mrs. Gu passed away, Gu Ningxi staggered to stand up with grief, and when he was about to take on the responsibility of hosting the funeral, the third uncle, who he had personally invited back to the mansion, made a fuss.

Gu Sanshu plausibly said that the emperor and the imperial court asked Gu Ningxi to preserve his health, but did not mention raising him to death. According to the clan custom, it is natural that the family and the owner should be mourned. Unfortunately, his eldest brother is dead, and Gu Ningxi is out of the clan, which means that there is no one in the eldest house. After counting it down, it is Gu San himself, the youngest son of Mrs. Gu, who should complete this important task .

Gu Eryi's family was dumbfounded when they heard this, and Gu Ninglie was young and vigorous, and directly accused the third uncle of planning to hold a funeral for the funeral ceremony brought by the guests.

Gu San and his concubine sons retorted, saying that Gu Er asked his son to take the lead in provoking troubles because he wanted to fight for the power and responsibility.

Gu Er naturally denied it, and supported Gu Ningxi to lead the funeral.

Gu Ningxi watched helplessly as her second uncle, third uncle, and cousins ​​chattered and quarreled into a pot of hot porridge. Her heart was extremely sad, but there was a strange sense of relief. In fact, in terms of etiquette, he was the same as these disregarded The men whose bodies are still alive have nothing to do with him, and he can take care of himself alone.

After arguing like this until Dongfang Jibai, it was finally agreed that Mrs. Gu would be mourned in the new Gu mansion. Gu Er and Gu San would be the only two sons who were in charge together. , which is equivalent to being unknown, not appearing in front of others.

The bitterness, forbearance, twists and turns and disputes during the period made Gu Ningxi feel that it was more tiring than serving and caring for the elderly, so after the funeral, he hardly had any contact with Gu Sanshu's family anymore.

After reconciling with Tao Xinhe, how many times he whispered in the middle of the night, he laughed at himself and said that it was this fight with his blood relatives that made him grow overnight, harden his heart, and hone his skills. Those difficult tasks, he has firmly secured his official position.

Tao Xinhe, who is Gu's wife, has watched Gu Ningxi grow and mature all the way, so she naturally understands his difficulties, so she comforts him softly every time, which is something later, so I won't mention it for now.

At this time, Tao Xinhe was a divorced woman who had just received the funeral report. She lived in her natal family as a layman, and she just ate with her father Tao Cheng.

After quickly browsing the thin paper, she was a little surprised that it was Gu Er and Gu San who signed it instead of Gu Ningxi. Tao Xinhe asked her father for instructions, whether they waited for the first seven to pay homage or the day when they were released from the coffin.

Tao Cheng made a decision, Mrs. Gu was newly mourned, since he is at home, let's take advantage of today to pay his respects.

From Tao Cheng's eyes, Tao Xinhe secretly interpreted, did my father want me to comfort the mourner Gu Ningxi?

It's a pity that she couldn't ask directly, and she said that father's back pain is better to rest, and the other party just started the funeral and was worried about waiting, but she didn't persuade Tao Cheng to change his mind.

So, in the gloomy spring day, with the cool breeze, the first wave of people came to Xin Gu's mansion to express their condolences. The patriarch Gu and some of his offspring were the first wave, and the second wave was Tao Cheng and his two daughters.

There was no sign of Gu Ningxi anywhere, Tao Xinhe couldn't explain the complicated feelings in his heart, but his face was not chaotic, and he followed his father obediently to burn incense and worship.

The atmosphere between Gu Er and Gu San was visibly stiff, and they seldom spoke to each other. Tao Xinhe saw something different, and thought of looking for female relatives in the backyard, such as Aunt Gu, Gu Runing, or Mo Qiqi, to ask. A few words.

However, it is extremely unusual that Gu San, as the head of the funeral, dealt with them nervously and without proper etiquette. The first seven will come again.

Gu San kept staring at Tao Cheng while speaking, as if he was afraid that Gu Ningxi's former father-in-law would back him up.

People in the world believe that the dead are the most important, Tao Xinhe endured and did not interrupt, so as not to bear the crime of disturbing Mrs. Gu's funeral.

Tao Cheng actually didn't think much about it, he sighed and bowed towards Mrs. Gu's coffin, and then left with his daughters.

Tao Xinhe, who was hesitant to walk at the end, was not sure if he heard Gu San's obviously relaxed breathing.

After returning to the Tao Mansion, Tao Xinhe expressed his doubts to his father, and Tao Cheng asked back: "So, what do you want your father to do?"

Tao Xinhe was speechless. That's right, not only her, but the entire Tao Mansion has no position to comment on Mrs. Gu's funeral, and cannot fight for Gu Ningxi.

Tao Xinhe suffered from the spring cold, had a heavy head and runny nose, and lay in bed for several days, missing Mrs. Gu's first seven days.

Tao Xinhe politely declined Cheng Shicheng's invitation to visit the doctor several times. The reason was that he was in a daze, his description was incoherent, and it was inconvenient for him to treat guests. Although Cheng Shicheng regretted it, he didn't force it, and even took Tao Xinqiang and Hong Shi over to his residence for a banquet.

Tao Xinhe didn't bother to inquire about the banquet, she didn't even see her family, she closed the door and said she wanted to rest. However, before Mrs. Gu's first seven days, she sent Qingfang to visit the small gate of Xin Gu's mansion, and handed over seven hundred taels of silver to the housekeeper without adding a word.

On March 25th, Mrs. Gu's first seven days, Tao Cheng asked his superiors for leave to send her off. Ji Changbo Cheng Shicheng said that this was his righteous daughter-in-law and grandmother, and she also showed up to participate in the ceremony, still facing Tao Cheng as "Uncle Tao" Without leaving his mouth, he inquired about Tao Xinhe's recent physical and mental conditions.

Back home that night, Tao Cheng personally went to Tao Xinhe's courtyard to visit his eldest daughter who had been ill for several days.

Seeing that she has no other symptoms except her tired face, Tao Cheng ridiculed Tao Xinhe as an excuse to avoid laziness, and told her about what he saw in Xingu Mansion today with great interest.

He first mentioned Cheng Shicheng, and seeing that although his daughter didn't interrupt him, she looked down and listened gently, but she was a little distracted, Tao Cheng asked suddenly: "I just said, uncle, he met Qiangniang a few days ago. , what did you ask?"

Tao Xinhe couldn't answer at all, Tao Cheng repeated helplessly: "I made it clear that that little **** surnamed Chen took a maid next to him into the house, and even his parents didn't know it, and it was only discovered recently. Therefore, uncle Invite the female relatives of the mansion, and explain the apology on behalf of the Chen family's parents. Qiangniang was very sad, and cried when she came back to the mansion, and waited for you to recover from illness, so I asked you for advice."

"Looking at a shy and gentle child, why did he do such dirty things in private?" Tao Xinhe was shocked when he heard this, and immediately got up to find his sister, listen to her complaints, and make decisions for her.

Tao Cheng waved his hand, signaling Tao Xinhe not to worry, it all happened a few days ago, Tao Xinqiang had passed the initial heartbreak, and he hadn't talked about the climax/tide reversal of today's funeral.

Holding the cuff of the other hand, Tao Xinhe personally poured out a cup of tea for his father. Tao Xinhe held it in front of Tao Cheng, and his enthusiasm for listening to the matter was clear at a glance.

Tao Xinhe took a sip of her own honey water occasionally, and at the same time figured out Gu Ningxi's situation and mood from her father's description, it was an instinct carved into her bone marrow.

Gu Ningxi did show up today, but not as a grandson or as the head of the family, if Tao Cheng hadn't paid attention, he might not have found the silent him.

Tao Cheng saw that most of the Gu clan surrounded Gu Er and Gu San, making the first seven lively, as if Mrs. Gu had no eldest son, Uncle Gu, or grandson Gu Ningxi in her life.

As for Gu Ningxi, he hid in a corner with Zhang Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites and talked for a long time, and after sending him out of the mansion, he stood somewhere in a daze, with isolation written all over his body.

Some people who heard that he had received a holy family went to talk to him, they leaned over and said a few words at most, then they were embarrassed and lost, and turned around and resigned. Therefore, although people appeared around Gu Ningxi from time to time, it was still full of aloofness.

Tao Cheng didn't plan to ask him what to say, he just looked at him a few more times, thinking that He Niang might be interested, so he came back and told his daughter.

Unexpectedly, Gu Ningxi probably got a reminder from the servant, walked over with blank eyes, and stopped in front of him.

The servant who followed him stepped on his feet and whispered something in Gu Ningxi's ear. Gu Ningxi bowed deeply to Tao Cheng and called him "Uncle Tao", thanking him for sending off his grandmother.

Why do both of them call him Uncle Tao?

Tao Cheng twirled his beard, he was rarely calm, he didn't pick on the former son-in-law, and responded with a few words of condolence.

He watched Gu Ningxi open his mouth several times, hesitated to speak, waited patiently, and finally heard Gu Ningxi say: "Uncle Tao, dare to ask... He Niang... Lay Tao she?"

But before Gu Ningxi could ask, she heard someone from the palace announce the decree. All the people in the hall naturally knelt down and listened respectfully to the lecture.

Speaking of this, Tao Cheng's eyebrows were beaming, and he asked Tao Xinhe: "He Niang, who do you think made the order? What did you say?"

After the accident, Tao Xinhe lightly stroked the empty porcelain cup in her hand, and answered the questions softly:

"Now there are only two serious masters in the palace, the emperor and the queen. It's either an imperial decree or an imperial decree. It must be the empress's decree for Mrs. Gu's first seven favors. After all, the prime minister is in the shadow. Today, many officials who have received the prime minister's favor, It is also necessary for the heavenly family to show favor to the courtiers."

"Haha, He Niang, why don't you have a male body? You can guess very well." Tao Cheng patted his daughter on the shoulder across the table, with pride and regret coexisting.

She can't be involved in politics, but she can have keen insight, and she can be her husband's think tank and virtuous helper. I don't know whether Cheng Shicheng or Gu Ningxi will have this blessing in the future. Tao Cheng secretly thought, when that time comes, one of them will change his name to call him father-in-law, and the other probably won't call him Uncle Tao anymore.

Without stopping, Tao Cheng continued to tell the empress' will that shocked the scene.

In addition to praising Mrs. Gu's character in the usual way, such as helping the prime minister and taking care of her children and grandchildren, the queen specifically pointed out that Gu Ningxi, the grandson raised by Mrs. Gu, is a pillar of the imperial court. Therefore, for Gu Ningxi's sake, to reward Mrs. Gu After death, there is a certain amount of mourning and glory.

The words of the decree are gorgeous, but the meaning is simple and clear. It is to support Gu Ningxi, and behind it is the shining and overflowing holy family!

After the decree was announced, it stands to reason that the mourner should receive the decree. Gu Er and Gu San looked at each other in blank dismay, no one dared to come forward.

In fact, who doesn't understand what Gu Er and Gu San are thinking? These two were not mentioned in the decree. If they act rashly, will they be reprimanded by the servant who looks very majestic?

The servant looked at the cold scene and had no choice but to repeat the last sentence: "Please accept the order from Mrs. Gu's descendants."

At this time, Gu Ningxi, who was far away in a remote place, responded in a loud voice: "The minister leads the decree, thank the empress for her kindness."

Tao Cheng happened to be beside him, and saw the tall and thin ex-son-in-law standing up after saluting, passing over the crowd at a leisurely pace, walking steadily and steadily to the servant, bowing like a bow, raising his hands above his head, Received the bright yellow brocade scroll with Luan painting style.

According to Tao Cheng quietly raised his head to observe, everyone around him didn't make a sound, but their eyes were all focused on Gu Ningxi, watching him finish the whole set of deeds and deeds in a smooth manner, envy and admiration slowly grew in his eyes.

Tao Cheng nodded secretly, "A gentleman is beautiful." No matter how blind and ignorant this person is, Gu Ningxi at least looks like a gentleman with good manners and elegant words and deeds, far from the embarrassment he felt when he came to his house to beg his daughter to get back together.

After the servant was sent away respectfully, the atmosphere of the funeral changed drastically.

If it was said that Gu Ningxi who was on the edge of the scene before was like a looming firefly, at this moment, in terms of words and actions, everyone praised him as a unique scorching sun, which cannot be ignored or dodged.

The important identity of the bereaved master fell on Gu Ningxi at the factual level. It was nothing more than the fact that everyone was concerned about his expulsion from the family and could not point it out. Patriarch Gu and Uncle Gu received more scrutiny and even disdainful scrutiny.

After Tao Xinhe listened, she had no intention of commenting: "He may not care about this kind of flattery, after all, his grandmother is really no longer alive."

Tao Cheng slapped his thigh in shock, and said, "Your words are exactly the same as what Gu Sicheng whispered to me when he sent me to the gate of the mansion!"

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