MTL - She Doesn’t Want the Face-Blind Husband-v2 Chapter 128

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Unknowingly, Tao Xinhe talked with Mo Qiqi for a long time.

"Sister-in-law, I'm not a smart person, but I also know the truth of not judging others for what has not been done. You are angry with brother Xiyi, isn't it because he proposed to take a concubine? Let's not say that my brother and I urged him, Now, do you think I have become his concubine?"

Tao Xinhe was stopped by the little girl's question, and she bowed her head for a while before answering: "This is just an introduction, you asked me why I didn't look back after I left, probably because I didn't have confidence in him, and I suddenly became good at his face blindness. Suddenly, I have no confidence."

Mo Qiqi became anxious, patted her chest and said: "Sister-in-law, believe me, in this life, there will never be another person who can make Brother Xiyi see his face clearly, no matter male or female, as I just said. Besides, Take me as an example, so what if he sees it clearly? Doesn’t he only care about you? Sister-in-law, can you regain your confidence quickly?”

Tao Xinhe didn't understand where Mo Qiqi's certainty came from, hearing her emphasize it twice made her heart ache. So, that is to say, in the world, only Mo Qiqi is the most special person to Gu Ningxi.

This point still makes her sore when she thinks about it, but after such a long time of buffering, Tao Xinhe is much calmer, unlike when she first heard about it, she no longer resents why this special person is not herself.

Gu Ningxi said that Mo Qiqi could make him see facial features clearly, and Gu Ningran made his heart ache because of this, it was because of this that he could clearly identify people, such specialness did not make much sense. It didn't affect his determination to be with Tao Xinhe for the rest of his life.

So, do I really want to be entangled in the "special" to bind myself? Tao Xinhe asked herself.

Mo Qiqi felt that the farewell was right in front of him, and he wished he could tell Tao Xinhe all the words of his life: "Sister-in-law, if brother Xiyi is not face-blind, you will completely deny you because of the woman he will meet in the next half of his life." Is there a relationship? If not, why are you demanding on brother Xiyi? Who can tell what will happen in the future, isn't it enough just to see his sincerity at the moment?"

This girl who is not elegant at all and who has stumbled everywhere in the capital is much braver and fearless than herself. That's what she said, and she did the same, no matter to Gu Ningxi, or to "Brother Zhang" she was about to defect to.

Tao Xinhe sighed secretly, seeing Mo Qiqi's eyes changed, tinged with surprise and pity.

Do you only look at the truth in front of you? Tao Xinhe chewed silently.

Having said that, I was worried that Gu Ningxi would meet the next "Mo Qiqi", see other cuter, younger, and more beautiful women, and then have a romantic relationship. Where did such worries come from?

Tao Xinhe took the time to drink tea to concentrate on recalling, and finally confirmed that it was Cheng Shicheng who subtly influenced her.

Tao Xinhe let out a long sigh, and solemnly thanked Mo Qiqi: "I have written down all your good words, thank you very much. I wish you all the best in your hometown. "

Looking at Tao Xinhe, whose facial features are only delicate, she suddenly glows with the light of enlightenment, her brows are stretched, her lips are smiling, and her figure is graceful like a sweet fruit, which makes her, who is also a woman, instantly fascinated, Mo Qiqi is infatuated Said: "Sister-in-law, you seem to look better all of a sudden."

Tao Xinhe laughed a few times, and glanced at the familiar wooden box on the dressing table from the corner of her eye.

Pursing her lips and tilting her head slightly, she looked at Mo Qiqi for a while, smiled brightly, got up and handed the "Yanchun Pavilion" wooden box to Mo Qiqi, and raised her chin to signal him to open it.

"This is something from brother Xiyi, which you keep saying. I don't want it. No matter what we do in the future, I will always be angry with him during those days. How can a few pieces of jewelry be coaxed? Therefore, I always think I wanted to return it to him, but it was always a coincidence. It happened that you came today."

Mo Qiqi "tsk tsk" exclaimed: "It's really round, it's big, it's so bright." She just stared at the pearl jewelry with her eyes, and she didn't even start with it.

Tao Xinhe told her: "Do me a favor. Aren't you still going to go to Gu Ningxi to say goodbye? Pass this box back to him, and don't make any follow-ups that he sent back. No matter how you persuade him, I will sincerely thank you how are you?"

Mo Qiqi accepted everything, and even said that she didn't need to be thankful, as long as she could forgive her and be willing to write and be a friend with herself after returning home, that would be the greatest favor she could get from Mo Qiqi.

"As long as you call me Jushi Tao properly, writing letters is not a problem." Tao Xinhe nodded with a smile, and sent Mo Qiqi out of the house.

Back in her room again, Tao Xinhe always felt that there was a piece missing on the dressing table as far as she could see, she couldn't help but chuckled secretly, all the things had returned to their original owners, but she was worried about it instead, people's thoughts are really unpredictable.

Later, Tao Xinhe felt a little more comfortable after laying out a variety of newly collected spice raw materials on a dressing table, and the rosewood table was almost invisible. She shifted her mind, carefully proportioned, and tried repeatedly to create her favorite fragrance.

Unexpectedly, two days later, on April 20th, when her father was resting and Tao Xinhe was busy with housework, the housekeeper of the Xingu Mansion came to her with his knowledge of books and Liu Guang, saying that he would send paintings and letters according to the master's orders.

Tao Xinhe remembered the old feelings and invited these old servants in.

Several people teamed up to unfurl the framed painting. It was Gu Ningxi's painting of the phoenix inhabiting Wuwu, which was completed without sleep. It was ten times more delicate and moving than the semi-finished product Tao Xinhe glimpsed last time.

"Gu Ningxi's state of mind seems to have improved to a higher level, and her painting skills have improved a little." Tao Xinhe, who was already scratching the surface of the painting and had been influenced by Gu Ningxi for several years, was filled with admiration from the bottom of her heart.

Tao Xinhe's original intention was to take a look at the content of the painting so that he could arrange it. His mind was absorbed by the lines and ink, and he moved closer and closer with his hands behind his back. Hang out the smile of seeing beauty and admiring beauty.

It wasn't until Liu Guang squatted down and stretched the bottom of the painting for a long time, shook it a little, and the canvas trembled slightly, that Tao Xinhe pulled his mind away, coughed in disguise, and ordered his servants to take it carefully and send it to his sister-in-law Hong.

That's right, this picture is the one that Gu Ningxi originally wanted to draw for the relatives of her relatives when she was supposed to go to the Hong family, and used it to hook up with Tao Xinhe a few times.

Tao Xinhe annoyed the Hong family through everything from asking for paintings to ignoring money and so on. When she knew that the seven hundred taels hadn't reached Gu Ningxi's hands, she felt guilty for her sister-in-law. Later, she made up for it and sent it to Xin Gu's mansion. At this time, she was a little calmer, thinking in her heart that the buyer might feel that when she saw this painting. Seven hundred taels is taking advantage of Gu Ningxi.

Shunzui chatted with several old servants, Tao Xinhe saw that they all looked tired, so he knew that the master kept his filial piety and the servants would not be free.

When asked, it was indeed the case, Gu Ningxi wished that within forty-nine days, she could fulfill the filial piety of being a grandson, even self-denial.

He doesn't eat meat and doesn't get angry, but gnaws on the leaves of cold vegetables, so how can the servants have the nerve to eat it so that his mouth is full of oil. He didn't sleep all night, he lit a lamp and boiled oil to paint and write, and read the materials given by the emperor. There were two more servants on duty at night. He was wearing a white sackcloth that fluttered into several pieces in the wind, and the maids were too embarrassed to wear pearl flowers.

"What this old slave loves most about his master is his body. He doesn't drink soup and medicine, and doesn't sleep on a soft bed. He doesn't know when he can regain his vitality." The housekeeper complained to Tao Xinhe, as if she was still the mistress, and then he lowered his head and wiped it with his cuff. Wipe the old tears from the corners of my eyes.

Li Shu handed over the bulging envelope for Tao Xinhe to have a look at, and it would be best if he could reply with a few words, so that they could communicate with Gu Ningxi.

The strength that had always supported her awkwardness and indifference to Gu Ningxi seemed to be dispelled when the servants described the scene of hardship and filial piety for the master. Tao Xinhe received the letter by accident, staring fixedly at the elegant and majestic calligraphy of "Tao Jushi's personal letter" on it, which was exactly her ex-husband's handwriting that she was familiar with.

Under the three expectant gazes, Tao Xinhe held her breath slightly, cut open the wax envelope with a bamboo knife, and slowly poured the contents onto the table with shaking.

It is a few banknotes and a stack of rice paper covered with thick ink.

Tao Xinhe didn't know why, so she first picked up the banknotes, tidied them up and put them aside, paying attention during the period, and found that it was exactly 700 taels of money.

Looking up at the old and young servants of the new Gu mansion, Tao Xinhe just wanted to stroke his forehead, but didn't ask, quickly read the letter with the snow-white rice paper, looking for any explanation about the bank note.

Gu Ningxi's literary talent is natural and elegant, but the letter she wrote to Tao Xinhe was written in a plain and simple way, as if he was chatting with her face to face and relaxed.

In addition to explaining her recent situation and how she missed her grandmother, Gu Ningxi wrote about the bank note, which was exactly as Tao Xinhe guessed, returning the seven hundred taels she sent.

Gu Ningxi wrote that at the beginning, he said that he would not take the painting for free, but asked Hong to help him send a letter to Tao Xinhe. The Hong family did it, how could he go back on his word and take money from the other party?

Looking at it now, the painting seeker contacted by the Hong family still gave seven hundred taels, and it somehow went through Tao Jushi's hands. At that time, I asked Layman Tao to send the Buddha to the west, to do good things to the end, to help him explain clearly to the Hong family, and return the money to the other party.

However, he added that in case of embarrassment, the silver will be deposited with Jushi Tao, as a thank you for reminding her not to use unfinished works to gain fame.

Seeing this, Tao Xinhe understood that Gu Ningxi thought the money was paid by the buyer. In this way, at least it can be regarded as preserving the reputation of the Hong family who guarded themselves.

In order not to expose her family ugliness, Tao Xinhe moved her body uneasily, and decided that she would not break up with Gu Ningxi any more over the matter of seven hundred taels, so as not to expose her secrets. As for the handling of Hong's embezzlement and the explanation with the buyer there, she still needs to reconsider.

Looking at the following article, Gu Ningxi thanked her and passed on the pearl jewelry she gave to Mo Qiqi as a makeup for her return to her hometown to get married!

Tao Xinhe frowned, how did Mo Qiqi break up with Gu Ningxi? She was obviously the one who returned the property to the original owner, so why did she become a sister-in-law to add makeup? Gu Ningxi can be regarded as her righteous brother, what role does she play in it?

Gu Ningxi changed his style of writing, and actually said that the couple are united. He was also thinking about allocating a little of the property in the new Gu's house as a gift to the sister-in-law who his grandmother had seriously recognized. As a result, Tao Xinhe had already done so silently, which made him very happy ?

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