MTL - She Doesn’t Want the Face-Blind Husband-v2 Chapter 69

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Reluctantly, Gu Ningxi casually asked his wife and sister about Tao Xinhe's recent situation, walked slowly to the gate of Tao's mansion, met Shishu who was waiting for him scratching his head, said goodbye and left Tao's mansion.

Li Shu looked at his face, no sadness or joy could be seen, and asked cautiously: "Master, have you seen your wife?" He was as clever as he was literate, and he had already discovered that in front of others, the master preferred servants to address Tao Xinhe as "Tao Xinhe" "Layman", if only Gu Ningxi and his servants are there, I still prefer to hear the old name of "Madame", the instant stretch between the eyebrows can't be deceived.

"No, she is taking a nap. I was negligent, today is not the right time." Gu Ningxi seemed to recall, when he was husband and wife, on the afternoon of the holiday, he admired the sleepy posture of the lady after she woke up from a nap. It is often the most delicate and defenseless appearance of the lady, like a crabapple in bloom, which is very suitable for him to steal fragrance and jade by leaning on the cheek of a beautiful woman.

The man is young and strong, so Gu Ningxi naturally has desires/demands, but Ruo Shui only takes a scoop to drink. With the wife not by her side for more than a month, when she thinks about it, the **** yellow and exquisite figure will always come to mind. His face was vague, but also unforgettable, and he became more and more aware of his own mind.

The sexual/spiritual relationship is the most wonderful, otherwise it is just a beast. If he is lucky in the future and can get his wife back, it will be a joy in the world to work together with Fei. If not, then be a self-made man, so what?

Otherwise, driven by instinct/ability, anyone who comes will not be rejected, and if you can talk to any woman, Gu Ningxi thought to herself, how different from the thief who bullied Qiniang in terms of nature!

Thinking of this, Gu Ningxi remembered that the enemy's family has not been found out yet.

This is actually a serious worry in his heart. If he wants to get his wife back, he must first find out this person and settle his grievances. As for Mo Qiqi, I believe that as long as his attitude is clear enough, his wife and Qiniang will eventually understand that Tao Xinhe is the only person in his heart.

Qiu's family is not a colleague, and he has no peers, most likely he is a member of the tribe.

No matter how urgent the emperor's envoy was, it was not too late. Taking advantage of today's departure, Gu Ningxi ordered Shishu: "Help me buy some things at random. Let's go to Lao Gu's mansion and pay a visit to grandma. It seems that since I left, there is still Haven't seen her before."


Tao Xinhe obviously didn't want to see Mrs. Hong, so she shirked all the messages in the morning to Qingfang. However, when she heard that she invited Gu Ningxi into the mansion, she felt sullen in her heart, and wanted to reiterate to Hong Shi that she and Gu Ningxi had already reconciled, so don't get involved in anything.

Another voice in her head told her not to make a big fuss, after all it depends on Mu Xian's affection, and the siblings are pregnant again, so it can't be stimulated.

Tao Xinhe endured it again and again, and asked Qingfang to bring the rough writing materials in the box, which she had ordered her servants to get from the housekeeper a few days ago, marking all the blocks in the capital that were to be sold and leased in the near future. Big house and small courtyard.

She flipped through these words page by page again, secretly corresponding to the direction in her heart, and made up her mind that after returning from the outskirts of Beijing this time, she would take a carriage to see the house in person, and live alone with her own family, so as to save much trouble.

Looking at it, Tao Xinhe thought about the travel matters in the future, and unconsciously calculated how to arrange her father's things, how to arrange the houses of her younger siblings, how to arrange the houses of her younger siblings, and whether her third sister can play wild and so on. service.

It's a pity that she has never been to that Zhuangzi, and only listened to the servants who came back to report the layout of the interior, and planned the arrangement out of thin air. If it can be like the pictures and texts at hand, it would be great to have even a simpler picture of the house.

Tao Xinhe used a fine charcoal pencil to randomly sketch on the blank paper at hand with his imagination, how big the area was, the main house, the inner courtyard, etc., and the surrounding environment. I don't know how the hydrology of the river to the east of Zhuangzi is, whether it is rushing or not, but remember to tell everyone in your family not to slip in the water.

I heard that the wilderness on the west side is overgrown with weeds. Will there be beasts and thieves hiding there? It would be appropriate to arrange more servants to watch over this side. How long and wide does the wilderness stretch?

How far is the Zhuangzi behind it from the Zhuangzi where the family wants to live? The owner's family is an official of the Ministry of War and has no contact with him. Should he visit him as a good neighbor, or pretend that he doesn't know each other and just hang out with him for a few days?

Tao Xinhe had to try her best to think carefully about each and every one of these matters. She really couldn't count on her father Tao to make these matters. She originally wanted to discuss and settle with the polite and cautious Hong family, but now she stopped discussing and wrote down each item clearly at her desk. It's time to arrange servant duties.


The scenery of the suburbs of Beijing is naturally very different from that of the city. After the rain, everything grows wildly. The winter jasmine clusters are yellow and scrambling to break their stamens and spit out their fragrance. Weeds grow wantonly, and the greenness is refreshing. Miscellaneous peanut trees, a group of warblers dancing wildly, the scene in early spring is quite wild.

Cheng Shicheng, Ji Changbo, was unmoved, and he always guarded the wilderness where hares occasionally rushed in thoughtfully. He stood there for most of the day, and let Cheng Jia take Gu Runing and Cheng Meng down the river to fish and pick flowers from trees. The excitement roared back and forth inside and outside Zhuangzi.

Master Gu Er has a big heart and a fat body, and he eats wild and refreshing flavors. He doesn't leave Zhuangzi, so he just waits for dinner and snacks five or six times a day.

Where's Aunt Gu? Consciously not having much fun with the juniors, I originally planned to have more pleasantries with my future in-laws, so that my daughter could have a more relaxed life after marrying. But looking at Ji Changbo's appearance, it's not easy to disturb him, so he can only chat with the peasant women in the village, and think about daily trivial matters in his spare time, such as what will happen to his nephew Gu Ningxi in the future, what will happen to He Niang and Ji Changbo, etc.

Two or three days later, Cheng Shicheng seemed to come back to his senses suddenly, and talked to Master Gu and Aunt Gu, laughing at Yan Yan, acting as a warm and thoughtful host.

However, Second Aunt Gu was faintly surprised. The other party questioned Sanfang's family in a nonsensical manner, and asked more detailed questions about Sanfang's concubine daughters, which made her, Second Monk Zhang, puzzled, and became more cautious when talking to her.

Only the second master Gu happily gnawed on the greasy free-range chicken legs, exclaimed that it was delicious, and at the same time told the whole story about the situation of the Gu family. Cheng Shicheng's gaze became more friendly to him, and he was sincere in persuading him to have a good meal.

On February 19th, Second Aunt Gu received a letter from the family's servants out of the city, saying that Brother Lie's daughter-in-law was pregnant again. As the mother-in-law in name, she had no choice but to force the second master Gu and Gu Runing to bid farewell to Ji Changbo, saying that she was going back to take care of her daughter-in-law.

Cheng Shicheng had no choice but to force him to stay, and arranged a lot of Zhuangzi's unique prospects for his in-laws to bring back. Cheng Jia volunteered to see him off. For a while, Cheng Shicheng and Cheng Meng were the only masters in Zhuangzi.

The eight-year-old boy was at the time when he was extremely energetic, so he pestered his adoptive father to play with him. Cheng Shicheng had no choice but to take care of the child, feeling more tired than practicing boxing. For a while, he didn't notice when Zhuangzi from the wilderness moved into the chariot and horses.

Until the evening, when the chickens returned to their nests and roosted in the nest, he suddenly raised his eyes and saw that there was a curl of cooking smoke rising straight into the sky. It showed that Tao Xinhe and everyone in the Tao Mansion had arrived, settled down, and started a fire for dinner.

A Tao, it was you who ran to my side this time. Cheng Shicheng's heart beat loudly.


Gu Ningran felt that her cousin Gu Ningxi was simply inexplicable.

I heard that on February 17th, in the afternoon of broad daylight, when the officials of the imperial court were working diligently on their duties, Gu Ningxi ran to the mansion to pay a visit to her grandmother without thinking, and asked her to ask her for a few questions on the grounds of trying to compare her knowledge. The two concubines talked privately one by one.

Grandmother naturally smiled from ear to ear, but mother secretly scolded Gu Ningxi for putting on airs. When Gu Ningran came back from work at night, she also asked her concubine brothers, but she didn't find anything special about what they said. It could only be concluded that Gu Ningxi lived in a wine shop and sorted out ancient books, she was crazy and stupid.

Gu Ningran was also a Jinshi, the grandson of the prime minister, why didn't the emperor give him this job? Hanlin Academy, such a noble place, is it much worse than the Ministry of Rites?

Gu Ningran despised Gu Ningxi's pretentious nobility the most, and was even more displeased with him accepting the emperor's errand.

On February 18th, he deliberately approached his immediate boss, Qin Sizheng, and said in a sour tone of envy: "My cousin is alone in charge of the important tasks, so everyone in the Ministry of Rites is free. Being filial at the knees is really a role model."

Qin Sizheng is a fourth-rank official, several levels higher than Gu Ningran, a little seventh-rank editor. He usually doesn't answer him, but after hearing this, he vehemently argues:

"It's just that everyone in the Ministry of Rites is not taken seriously by your cousin. Sorting out ancient books is such a serious and important matter, but he took it to a wine shop for pleasure. This is far more serious than insulting gentleness. Gu Ningxi is Negligence of duty! I have already mentioned it to Zhang Shangshu. Let's do it and see!"

Gu Ningran returned with a snicker, her boredom was swept away, she thought to herself, if Gu Ningxi sees being abandoned by her boss, if something goes wrong with this errand, she will never be punished like she was in the Hanlin Academy because of the old favor left by her grandfather. shelter.

So, where can I start and make some trouble for him?

Gu Ningran went to that wine shop after she was on duty, but the shopkeeper was very strict, nodding and bowing but not saying where Gu Ningxi lived, Gu Ningran left in a huff, completely unaware that she accidentally came to the lobby but hid sideways in the dark Naturally, he has never paid attention to Gu Ningxi's servants and is not familiar with them.

He returned to his room, unintentionally smelled of alcohol, and was dragged by his wife Cao's ears for a long time.

Gu Ningran immediately put her thoughts on female sex. If he knows how to judge others by himself and touch Gu Ningxi's woman, will he feel restless and unable to complete the task?

He sent a servant to go to Mo's small courtyard overnight, but unfortunately learned that Mo Qiqi moved to Xingu's residence.

The door is deep, and there are a lot of guards and nurses, so it's not easy for him to force his way in. It seems that Mo Qiqi can't reach it.

So on the morning of February 19th, Gu Ningran complained to his wife Cao Shi: "Don't say that Gu Ningxi is the seed of infatuation! She has already raised a woman!"

Mrs. Cao challenged him and said: "If you are willing to give me most of your wealth and raise a few Jieyu flowers with you, I would even praise you for being infatuated. How about it? Look at your cousin, so much property has been given to Tao Xinhe Our sisters-in-law can see her dowry back then, inside and out, how much she has earned in three years! Which shop can make money like this?"

correct! Tao Xinhe!

Gu Ningran thought about it, if she stayed in the Tao Mansion peacefully, she would not be able to reach her. However, I remembered that I heard that she was going to play in the suburbs of Beijing a while ago, it was a godsend! After getting her, Gu Ningxi will probably be depressed, and she can gain both money and life, wouldn't it be wonderful?

Gu Ningran ordered the servant to stay in the Tao Mansion for the past few days to observe Tao Xinhe's movements. Unexpectedly, in the evening of this day, the servant replied that Tao Mansion dragged his family and went to live outside for a while! What's more, the servant used the half taels of silver that Gu Ningran distributed to pry open the mouth of the porter of the Tao Mansion, and found out their destination.

Gu Ningran clapped her hands vigorously, tomorrow is Xiumu, wonderful! It seemed to be a hint from heaven to let him take this trip.

Knowing that he was going to go out for a whole day tomorrow, Cao said angrily, "Don't you stay with me at the mansion honestly on a holiday? Your cousin, Gu Ningxi, even said that he would come tomorrow, saying that he hadn't seen you for a long time. I miss you so much, tomorrow I made a special trip to bring wine to the house to drink with you, my grandmother promised for you, have you forgotten?"

Gu Ningran's mind was full of Tao Xinhe's graceful figure, and she even imagined all kinds of unspeakable scenes, and waved her hands to deal with it, thinking that when he succeeded, Gu Ningxi would have to drink bitter wine alone.

On the night of February 19th, when the moon was shining brightly, the housekeeper also went to Xiangyang Restaurant to report to the master about the recent affairs of Xin Gu's mansion.

Hearing that Mo Qiqi was fine except for being bored, Gu Ningxi nodded reassuringly.

Hearing the butler complaining about too much expenditure in the mansion these days, he was overwhelmed by the successive visits to the jewelry shop and the spice shop a few days ago, and Mo Qiqi even asked indiscriminately where the jewelry and spices were, Gu Ningxi sighed deeply, and comforted him by saying that he would find time to come back. Draw a few pictures.

The butler had nothing else to do, and was about to retreat back to Xingu's mansion to guard, but was pulled aside by Shishu and muttered.

The two whispered, but Gu Ningxi didn't take it seriously, and vaguely heard words such as "Master", "Master Ran", "Miss Mo", and didn't pay attention, but heard them mention "Madam", and couldn't help but break the gentleman's reticence According to the rules, he coughed lightly and asked, "What are you talking about?"

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