MTL - She Doesn’t Want the Face-Blind Husband-v2 Chapter 87

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On February 22nd, the Huangli commentary is auspicious, suitable for offering sacrifices, traveling, visiting patients, praying for blessings, and avoid talking.

The Gu family came from a powerful and famous family in the local Hannan Province, and they cultivated a Prime Minister Gu through the efforts of several generations. It's a pity that this old man, who has passed away, is always high-spirited, doesn't know how to pull out his own clan, and is equally strict with his own descendants, so that now there are only two official descendants of the Gu family, both of whom are the grandsons of Prime Minister Gu.

Several families felt that their blood was closer, and within the third and fourth service, they migrated from their hometown to the capital one after another, and lived with Gu Chengxiang. The prime minister passed away in the first year of Yongsheng, and they continued to attach themselves to the old Gu's house, but they felt much worse than before.

The two "Ning" generation officials are young and strong, and they are looked up to and entrusted by the whole family. Gu Ningxi has a higher official position, but he is indifferent and arrogant. They are both descendants of the same clan and come from an old ancestor. Seriously, who is lower than whom? Therefore, no one is willing to flatter and flatter him, not to mention that it is almost useless to play with him. Some people turn their faces and deny others, but this is good.

Therefore, in the eyes of the clansmen, he has gradually become a symbolic auspicious symbol, representing the promising person of Gu Jianing's generation. Nothing compares.

The people of the clan have completely forgotten that when Tao was a wife, she kept going to the house during festivals and festivals, and she never called her by the wrong address when she met her. Uncles, aunts, nephews, and nephews were clearly distinguished. Everyone's preferences and difficulties are very rare, and there are many people who can help . Perhaps in their view, Gu Ningxi and his daughter-in-law left this house, and the daily life that made them feel grateful will be erased.

In short, they vaguely know that the fifth-rank officials are older than the seventh-rank officials, but they are all too far away from themselves, and they are all high-ranking officials.

From their point of view, what happened yesterday was that Gu Ningran, a high-ranking official who always loved and flattered the young clansmen drinking for fun, said that another high-ranking official, Gu Ningxi, who didn't show up often and was respected by everyone, had committed a crime and had to Only by eliminating the clan can the Gu family be preserved.

Except for the second bedroom of Gu's mansion, all the families received gifts from Aunt Gu or Mrs. Cao, which seemed to them to be generous. The patriarch raised his hair again, and everyone agreed in a daze, like discarding a piece of used dog skin plaster, and they expelled Gu Ningxi from the clan.

It was agreed yesterday that today all the young and old will go to the Gu family ancestral hall set up separately in the capital to worship collectively and sue the ancestors. On the grounds that the descendants are unworthy, Gu Ningxi will be sentenced to be uprooted. After that, Gu Ningxi will not be able to participate in sacrifices when he is alive, and cannot enter the ancestral grave after death. , which is equivalent to the ruthless erasure of a very important piece of social identity.

No one thought that gathering in the old Gu's mansion where Gu Ningxi was born and raised, and getting rid of him while he was missing, was an absurd and unreasonable thing.

They are just serious, earnestly burning incense and praying, and the procedure is not chaotic. They claim to be the heirs of poems and books, and are rich in farming and reading. , I was still thinking in my heart, anyway, it was the patriarch and Gu Ningxi's cousin Gu Ningran who advocated it, and it had nothing to do with me.


The wind in the capital was breezy and the weather was fine. Under the urging of Aunt Gu, Second Uncle Gu drove the carriage out of the city with the first batch of release teams early in the morning.

After walking less than ten miles, the coachman was dumbfounded, and reported to the masters in the carriage: "I guess it rained heavily in the suburbs of Beijing yesterday, and the road in front of me is muddy. The horses can't run, and I'm afraid we won't be able to arrive at noon." Enter Zhuangzi, Uncle Jichang. I don't know if I can arrive before dark, masters, please forgive me."

Second Aunt Gu complained that Uncle Gu was slow, so I should listen to her. I left for the night walk last night, so I can see Brother Xi this morning, and tell him the bad news earlier so that he has time to deal with it.

Second Uncle Gu has a soft temper. Except for taking concubines, he listens to his wife in everything. He and Aunt Gu have never blushed much in their lives. At this time, they patted their stomachs and begged for mercy: "Hey, I dare not walk at night. This time I didn't." Uncle escorts, who knows what ghosts and snakes are hiding in the night, how dangerous it is. Besides, I heard what the coachman said just now. There was water on the road yesterday, and if we walk at night, we can't distinguish things, and it is easier to fall into the mud pit."

The couple quarreled as a daily routine, recalling that Second Uncle Gu was surprised to hear about the extermination of the clan yesterday, and went back to his house to tell Second Aunt Gu who loved Brother Xi very much. after all.

The housekeeper only knew that the master didn't tell anyone, and quietly took the servants out of the city on a rest day, and then Master Cheng Jia came to visit, and said that the master was seriously injured, and he was recuperating at their suburban village in Beijing. Miss Mo is gone.

The butler didn't know what was going on, and adhered to the principle of "talking more than wrong, not saying good", dismissed the near and distant relatives of the Gu family who came to visit suddenly in the past two days, and dealt with them as "the master and son are not in the house, so it is inconvenient to disclose whereabouts".

Until yesterday evening, Second Aunt Gu came to the door chaotically, out of breath, and forced the housekeeper to tell the whereabouts of Gu Ningxi, shouting that something important was missed. The housekeeper hesitated for a long time before saying that he only knew that he was in Uncle Jichang's village in the suburbs of Beijing, but he didn't know the details of where he was going, so it didn't help the matter.

Looking at the housekeeper who was obviously driven into a panic by her, Second Aunt Gu's heart fell into her belly.

What a coincidence, their family has just returned to Beijing from that village, so they are naturally familiar with the road. She also thought, maybe God has pity on brother Xi, and arranged for her to deliver the letter, maybe she can turn the tide and prevent him from being killed. Removal.

But I couldn't set out last night, and received a message from the patriarch in the middle of the night, saying that it was the right time on the 22nd morning of the next day, and the ancestral hall would be opened for a ceremony.

Second Aunt Gu was so angry that she was jumping and cursing at her own house, how could such a big event be in such a hurry as if she had been reincarnated? Who is playing tricks behind the scenes, for fear that the raw rice will not be cooked properly?

However, the matter has come to this point, she is a woman, she sent a letter to her mother-in-law to see her, but she was rejected, her husband was even more powerless to change the clan's decision, there was no other way, so she had to ask for a leave of absence on the grounds that Uncle Gu was unwell, and the old couple hurried on their way See Gu Ningxi.

Before leaving, the husband and wife earnestly asked Gu Ninglie and his two younger brothers to make it clear that when they arrived at the ancestral hall, Gu Ningxi was at Zhuangzi, dozens of miles away from Beijing, under the protection and care of Uncle Jichang.

I don't know if Brother Lie can do anything, and whether he can change the decision of the patriarch and everyone. Second Aunt Gu kept nagging, even if it was late, she had to tell brother Xi herself, so as to comfort her and give the child peace of mind. Regardless of others, their second room always recognized this nephew.


On the outskirts of Beijing, it was another scene.

The rain stopped in the middle of the night, and when people got up in the morning, they were greeted by steaming steam from the sun, and the early morning glow was faintly hidden in the sky, which was too beautiful to behold.

The farmers said that the road leading to the capital must be difficult today, but if it is hot and sunny all day, it will be different tomorrow, and it will be unimpeded.

Tao Xinhe heard it in his ears and kept it in his heart, Gu Nian's sister-in-law Hong Shi showed discomfort here, and decided to return to Beijing early tomorrow, and arranged for the servants to pack up on the 22nd day.

Tao Xinqiang seized the last day's play time, opened her eyes, grabbed a few bites of breakfast in a hurry, and then took a few servants for a walk around, wanting to remember the wild fun of this place in her heart, and go back to have a chat with Ning Niang.

Tao Cheng has nothing to do, but he has slight complaints about dismantling and analyzing the half-assembled equipment today, so that the servants can deliver them in packages, which is not a big deal.

Daughter-in-law Hong tactfully reminded him at the dinner table, and Tao Cheng suddenly realized that in this situation, he should go to Ji Changbo's place to bid farewell, which seemed to be very polite.

"He Niang, don't say no today, you go with me. Just take a look at their Zhuangzi, it's not a waste of time." Tao Cheng told the eldest daughter.

Tao Xinhe hesitated for a moment, thought of something, and finally agreed. But all kinds of thoughts were on her body, there was an endless stream of servants from the Tao Mansion and local servants from Zhuangzi who came to ask her for instructions, and it didn't stop until near noon.

Tao Cheng had been waiting for her for half a day, and when he saw this, he came to call her to go with him, and said, "Speaking of it, Cheng Shicheng can be regarded as a calm person. He manages medicine, provides food and drink in his own village. It’s nice to entertain Gu Ningxi and his party. Who do you think he made it for? If you don’t show up again, I’m afraid that he’ll be so gracious that he’ll turn into a rage at some point, and pour some poison on Gu Ningxi to vent his anger.”

Tao Xinhe carefully walked around the puddle on the dirt road, holding her skirt with one hand and holding Tao Cheng's arm with one hand, and said angrily, "Father, what nonsense are you talking about? The responsibility of drawing the sword should naturally be perfected, at least take care of him until he is sober. Cheng Shicheng himself told me, don't deal with me, why are you doing it again?"

The father and daughter walked side by side into the newly opened path in the wilderness, followed by servants carrying gifts. Tao Cheng smiled and leaned to the outside, fiddled with the weeds of unknown species that grew up to his waist height, stained with raindrops in his hands, and spread out his palms for Tao Xinhe, as if to say:

"The rain has stopped, but the drops of water are still there. After you reconciled, Cheng Shicheng has taken a fancy to you, so it is reasonable to care about your ex-husband?"

"Father! There is no such thing as a father. I have my own opinion in my heart about talking about ex-husbands and future husbands with my daughter. Speaking of which, you should worry about Qiangniang, and find a husband's family for her."

"Love is the most depressing thing. He Niang, your second sister, younger brother, including yourself, are all decided by you to marry. You are familiar with the road, and now you have returned, so you don't have to worry about meddling in your mother's affairs. Discussing the entanglement, it's best to help Qiangniang choose a husband."

Tao Xinhe had exactly this intention, and she had passed the bright road with her father, so she went along with the flow and said that she would take care of this matter when she returned to Beijing. She thought about moving out of Tao Mansion by herself and finding a husband's house for her third sister at the same time.

Across the wilderness, the eyes suddenly opened up. There is still a green and grassy smell at the end of the nose, but what catches the eye is a large sea of ​​unknown pink and purple flowers. Hidden in the depths of the sea of ​​flowers is the manor with a sharp corner of the roof, which is an idyllic and elegant scenery.

Tao Xinhe seems to have just realized that when Ji Changbo said that he wanted to invite the second wife of the Gu family and his family to enjoy the spring flowers, he really meant something.

There are butterflies and dragonflies flying in the sea of ​​flowers that are pleasing to the eye. When the breeze blows, they bow their heads and return to straight. It looks like a group of beautiful women in light dance clothes are rehearsing dance steps, which is even more beautiful.

Tao Xinhe's eyes were drawn to her, and she took a few steps closer unconsciously, and when she clearly smelled the faint fragrance of flowers, she realized that one of them was really a few women squatting down to pick flowers.

A woman stood up with her waist supported, muttering: "It looks good, but it's really hard to pick." It was Mo Qiqi.

Her gaze randomly scanned the surroundings, and quickly lit up for a moment: "Mrs. Xi! Oh no, Jushi Tao, you are here!"

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