MTL - She Doesn’t Want the Face-Blind Husband-v2 Chapter 91

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How is this going?

Tao Xinhe instantly felt that there was no place to stay in the room.

Is Gu Ningxi awake?

Just now he was alone with Mo Qiqi?

So a group of them came to visit and disturbed his good business?

What is there for him to pretend to continue to sleep? How Tao Xinhe wished that time could be turned back, it doesn't take much, it can be done before half a cup of tea, she wants to wake up herself who was standing beside Gu Ningxi's bed at that time, put away all your heartaches! Not worth it at all.

Is he not even willing to deal with us anymore? Even though he was seriously injured and weak, he still had to whisper to Mo Qiqi, but turned his back to himself and his father silently, with rejection and hurry written all over his body.

Tao Xinhe felt ashamed for herself, and took the lead to walk towards the door.

"Lady! Cough cough cough..." A weak male voice called out from behind.

Tao Xinhe walked more hastily, and accidentally kicked the threshold, the toe hurt, the mud on the side of the boots was already dry, at this time "swirled" a little bit and scattered, looking from a distance, it looked like It was the slight khaki clouds that appeared faintly around her feet.

Amidst the cry of "Tao Jushi", she paused for a moment, switched to using the heel of this foot to touch the ground first, and slowly stepped over the threshold.

The oncoming midday sun seemed to be hitting people's hearts directly, intense and hot.

Holding her breath for a long time before exhaling this breath, Tao Xinhe turned her face slightly to avoid the sun, and didn't wait to leave. She met the doctor who was carrying the medicine box and Aunt Zhang, the servant of the Xingu Mansion, outside the door.

Aunt Zhang invited An to call "Ma'am", but Tao Xinhe rarely lost her temper with a cold face and rebuked her for calling her wrong.

Just such a delay, a hand with distinct knuckles and a temperature higher than her own was placed on her shoulder, and through the crimson purple spring shirt, it was scalded so hot that Tao Xinhe's heart trembled. The scorching breath fell on the back of her neck, causing fine hairs to stand up quietly.

The man's rapid panting sounded in his ears, hearing the inaudible "Han Niang" uttered between coughs, Tao Xinhe could feel that when Gu Ningxifu grabbed her, she seemed to be out of strength, using her shoulders as a crutch to support her, Just barely keep him from falling.

There was a threshold between the two, and Gu Ningxi was probably unable to cross it, or she didn't dare to get too close so as not to offend the beauty, so she kept an arm's length away, staring at Tao Xinhe's pearly hair ornament on the back of her head, feeling that her heart was constricting so tightly that she could hardly breathe .

"Let go." Tao Xinhe didn't turn around, but shook her shoulders lightly, only to find that Gu Ningxi's slender hands were following her everywhere, clasping her tightly, the strength was so strong that it made her feel a little painful, so she could only look straight ahead but softly scolded the people behind her.

After Gu Ningxi tried to turn her around but failed, she hurriedly and quickly argued in a broken voice: "He Niang, I'm sorry, I didn't intend to lie to you. Not long after I woke up, I just thought of something... related to Qiniang's privacy. ...Talk to her a few words...cough cough...the servants will come in soon. In the case you think too much, I was wrong, and I shouldn't continue to pretend to be unconscious."

Tao Xinhe's awakening must refer to the fact that Mo Qiqi was ruined by Gu Ningran.

Sure enough, Gu Ningxi was thinking about it. In this way, he talked with Mo Qiqi alone, although it was beyond the norm, it was in line with his rigid nature of respecting other people's privacy. But what does all this have to do with her?

The anger and embarrassment when he first knew that he was pretending to be dizzy calmed down a lot. There were people behind him, and Tao Xinhe also heard the book or the painting exclaimed: "Master, your wound is bleeding again, and the bandage is stained red!"

This is not a good opportunity to break up with Gu Ningxi, Tao Xinhe grinds his molars, and adds in his heart that no matter now or at any time, there is no need to listen to his explanation.

After correcting her attitude, Tao Xinhe changed her expression, smiled at the doctor, brought the big hands on her shoulders to one side of her body, and invited the doctor to enter.

As a result, Tao Xinhe turned half of her face to the room, and Gu Ningxi turned around and leaned against the door with her free hand supporting the door, panting, her upper body bent slightly, as if the wound was in unbearable pain, As if waiting for Tao Xinhe to pronounce the sentence.

Quickly sweeping his eyes over Shicheng, Tao Cheng, and Mo Qiqi, Tao Xinhe didn't have time to ponder their thoughts on this scene one by one, so he raised his voice and called out: "Learn books, know paintings, what are you doing in a daze? Come and get your master Get on the bed."

Only then did the boys take action.

Cheng Shicheng looked at his sweetheart and her ex-husband, using the man's arm as a cage by the door, forming two conjoined silhouettes, which happened to be in the semi-darkness.

The shadow of the eaves and the sunlight divide yin and yang, and the outline of Tao Xinhe is plated with gold, hiding Gu Ningxi in the darkness. From Cheng Shicheng's point of view, it is the scene of Yecha yearning for the sun **** looking back.

He felt the urgency of Gu Ningxi, and he wished that the hand on Tao Xinhe's shoulder was his own. Tao Xinhe barely resisted, did she enjoy it?

In fact, it only took a few breaths of effort, but Cheng Shicheng felt that their tugging seemed to have passed for a long time, and it was firmly rooted in the center of his eyes.

He didn't wake up like a dream until he heard Tao Xinhe helplessly calling for help.

Stepping over with strides, Cheng Shicheng walked behind Gu Ningxi before the others, clamped Gu Ningxi's slender arms with a pair of iron palms, and pulled him back, freeing Atao.

As soon as he took over, Cheng Shicheng somewhat understood why A Tao just didn't move. Was he afraid that Gu Ningxi would fall to the ground if he dodged? Such a scene is really ugly.

Cheng Shicheng was startled by Gu Ningxi's burning hands, hot sweat, and shivering muscles. He strongly felt that he was weak and was about to slip down to the ground, so he walked around Gu Ningxi's back and supported his other armpit, He set up this adult man who was at the same height as himself.

She was clearly weak, but Gu Ningxi did not ask Cheng Shicheng's arms and shoulders for help, and relied on her own hard energy to hold on. In the next moment, she even swayed out of Cheng Shicheng's frame, staggered back a step, and supported the cold wall Steady body.

"Many...Thank you...Uncle." Gu Ningxi seemed to be very clear about it right away, unwilling to show weakness in front of a man who didn't know if he was a rival in love, and forced herself to speak out.

Seeing that his servant supported Gu Ningxi from left to right, whispered a few words of persuasion, and half hugged and half supported him as he walked towards the bed, Cheng Shicheng deliberately amplified his voice to ensure that the patient could definitely hear:

"It's okay, Gu Sicheng is too polite, I just do good deeds every day. As long as you take good care of your injuries and recover soon, even if you thank me, you won't worry about Atao. After all, if there is a dying person near my village, I will also miss it." His subsequent life and death."

Gu Ningxi's stature visibly paused, her lips muttered twice but she didn't say a word, she half-fluttered and half-sat on the edge of the bed, supported her knees to pant a few times, raised her eyes just in time to see Tao Xinhe who was standing quietly outside the door with her arms folded just now. Movement, she turned her head hastily and then suddenly turned around, as if she had cast a hard glance around him? Gu Ningxi couldn't see her eyes clearly, but her intuition was so.

The next moment, Tao Xinhe threw out the word "farewell" in a hurry, and she didn't know who she said it to. She walked fast, bowed her head, and the two maids in the courtyard hurried her away, and the master and servants quickly disappeared around the corner.

Gu Ningxi felt lost, looked down at the bright red bandage on her chest, acted as if she didn't feel any pain at all, and just murmured: "Father-in-law, uncle, I'm disheveled, I'm rude."

Tao Cheng deeply felt that he couldn't understand this group of juniors. Could it be that the ex-son-in-law became stupid after waking up? It wasn't supposed to have spiritual apertures in the first place!

Now seeing him trembling and raising his hand to fasten the belt of his open jacket, which happened to be under his left armpit, Tao Cheng found it unbelievable, ignored Gu Ningxi's wrong old name, and reminded him in a daze: "Hey, you and the belt Why are you struggling, the doctor needs to check your wound, right? Why don’t you take off your clothes and bandages? You’re bleeding a lot.”

Gu Ningxi was pinching the two slender belts on the left and right, but unfortunately her usually dexterous fingers were shaking unceasingly, she couldn't complete the master's instructions, her eyes couldn't be aligned, her wrists were stiff and even bumped into one place, when Tao Cheng said this, he completely Give up and give up, dejected.

He Niang likes to keep her clothes neat and tidy. When Gu Ningxi thought about her glance before leaving, she suddenly remembered the whispering between the couple before. Life also belongs to me, and it cannot be coveted by others, nor can it be revealed to others. My body, hair, and skin are naturally the same."

So, Gu Ningxi thought, the lady glared at him just now, is she not only angry that he and Qiniang closed the door to talk and pretended to be dizzy, but also angry at him for being naked/exposing his upper body? Regardless of whether it is true or not, Gu Ningxi can only gather her mind and ease her anxiety by tying her clothes in vain, but it is of no avail.

The doctor walked past Cheng Shicheng, nodded and saluted, and heard the uncle say: "Please doctor, go and check for the newly awakened Gu Sicheng, and make sure that he will not aggravate his injuries by leaving the bed recklessly, so as not to bear the notoriety of bitter tricks." .”

Gu Ningxi was so excited that she stood up, her figure was shaky. Although he couldn't see Ji Changbo's face clearly, and didn't know whether there was malice in his eyes, he could clearly hear the sarcasm in his words.

Just now when he saw that He Niang was about to leave, he rushed to the door in a hurry, explaining in fragments, it was because of his lack of consideration, carelessness, and recklessness, but he never intended to hurt himself in order to trick He Niang into softening her heart!

Gu Ningxi opened her mouth to argue, and even felt that Cheng Shicheng's residence was full of people, and she couldn't stay any longer. When she was about to force her sick body to leave the house, it was Tao Cheng who smoothed things over: "Gu Ningxi, you better lie down! Why are you trying to be brave? If you have anything to say, wait The doctor has seen a doctor and said that you are fine, so we can bring you up later."

Cheng Shicheng didn't add fuel to the fire, but just said to Tao Cheng: "Uncle Tao, I'll go and see A Tao. Gu Sicheng is here, please take care of me." After hearing Tao Cheng's promise, he didn't know what to think, and he took the Mo Qiqi, who shrank and hid in the corner of the room, took him away.

Gu Ningxi didn't dare to disobey her former father-in-law, and let the bearded old man angrily order her to lie down, undress, turn over, raise her arms, etc., and cooperated with the doctor to check herself up and down.

In the end, Tao Cheng said: "This is how you behave. Wait until I ask He Niang to praise you." Gu Ningxi was overjoyed.

Then I heard the other party say: "We will return to Beijing tomorrow. You listen to the doctor, don't get angry with Cheng Shicheng, just take good care of yourself here, and wait until the low temperature subsides and the wound has scabbed before leaving. See you in Beijing."

Gu Ningxi hit the snake with a stick without a teacher: "Father-in-law, can you take me back to Beijing together? I really want to put on a ponytail..."

"Don't dare to say that. My parents and daughter are more than a month away. We will leave without any injuries. We have no relatives and no reason. Who will be counted if you die on the road."

Gu Ningxi quickly answered: "Master Tao, I will visit Tao's mansion in the future, can I go straight in? He Niang doesn't see me, so can I ask to see you?"

"Cheng Shicheng can accompany me to talk about mechanical utensils, and he is very sensible. What can you say when you see me, an old man? You are full of Confucian classics, and I put it behind me when I was admitted to Jinshi. It's no fun....Hey, don't sit down Wake up, the doctor is bandaging you, look at the **** wound.... We will discuss it later... Don't move, you are a wounded patient, you don't know it?...I will allow you to enter the house, okay?"


Tao Xinhe's thoughts were disturbed, she just wanted to get out of here quickly, and hurried on her way under the sun. She walked in a hurry, and her toes were aching again. She thought that she would take off her socks and check after returning to her room. Maybe Fang Cun kicked the hard threshold and damaged her toenails.

The dull pain in the flesh at the very end of her body caused a dull pain in her heart.

Why is it that when I see Gu Ningxi, I feel so confused?

Since he woke up, he had escaped Yan Luo's request for his life, and his follow-up life was safe.

Whether she, Tao Xinhe, was the first savior who got him out of the water, or Gu Ningxi's old acquaintance, she had done her best, and she shouldn't worry about it anymore, she should be relaxed.

As for whom he was anxiously thinking about when he woke up, and who he was whispering to spy on, why should he worry about it?

Tao Xinhe walked outside Jichangbo's house, calmed down her shortness of breath, took out the handkerchief in her sleeve to wipe off the sweat, and couldn't help but beat her heart.

In the last glance before leaving, the sight of bright red flowers blooming from Gu Ningxi's fat upper body flashed before her eyes without warning.

Quietly, a trace of regret lingered in her heart, Tao Xinhe thought, he was dying and struggling to wake up, no matter what he did, if he really didn't mind, why bother to get him out of bed to chase after him, and hurt the wound?

If she could reproduce it just now, shouldn't she just smile and say nothing, pretending not to know that Gu Ningxi was pretending to be unconscious to deal with them, and let the doctor examine it carefully for him?

The sky is big and the earth is big, his recovery is the most important thing at this time.

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