MTL - Shen Yin Wang Zuo-~ postscript

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After a year, the "Throne of God" was finally finished. When I finished the last full stop, I suddenly felt like a relief, but it also burst into tears. This is the end of a world created by me.

I can't bear Electrolux, I can't bear the maple show, and I can't bear every character in my pen. However, any story must always end. Perhaps this half-sorrowful and half-happy ending will make everyone remember. Looking at everyone's love for God, I think it's worth it. If you like Lao Yi, then the new book will be seen in Tangmen. As for what happens, you have to find it yourself.

As for Feng Xiu, he belongs to the gods, I don't want to take him away. A generation of emperors, it is more important to find his love. I don't want to bother him any more. Let him immerse himself in his heart that happiness leaves. I believe that we will always remember him.

It can be said that "The Throne of God" is the one I spend most of my mind, and it is also my most satisfying book about the overall plot. From the beginning of the layout, to the back of these bureaus one by one. The confrontation between the Temple Alliance and the Devil's 72-column demon, as well as the dark lines of the dragon's life and the moon, which are hidden in the background of the full text. I am afraid that few people can guess that the final BOSS is not the demon god, but the **** of heaven, Austin and Griffin. From the beginning to the end of the book I never dared to relax.

Perhaps, God's seal is not as arrogant as the continent, and the beads are so gorgeous, but in the plot, I have the most work. The simpler the setting, the more complex and rich the plot is. support. I dare not say that I have done my best, but I am indeed doing my best.

One year, the big essay of 2.6 million words ended, I paid a whole year of hard work, and a large number of books have followed God for a year. I don't know how you feel when you finish the final ending.

Here, I would like to thank every book friend for his support over the past year. I can't believe it. I only want to create more and better works to thank you.

As everyone knows, my fan base is called Tangmen, and I am the gatekeeper of Tangmen. Every year, every piece of work, we will have some brothers and sisters of Tangmen to leave, and a new group of books will be welcomed. Whenever I see a newcomer join, I will be very happy, but when I see a reader leave, I will be full of reluctance and regret.

The gods are over, and everything has to go forward. My readers know that my creations have never been interrupted, and my works will continue with seamless connections. Therefore, our new work will soon be displayed in front of everyone. And this work can be said to be entirely for our Tangmen, for all readers who have supported me for so many years. I hope that my bookmates who support me can continue to follow me, and those who have left, I will wait for you to come back and wait for you to go home.

In my nearly nine-year creative career, the most popular and most highly acclaimed work is "Douro", especially after the comic version, which attracted more fans of Douro. Therefore, as long as a long time ago, there were always book friends shouting, hoping to have the Douro II market. At the same time, there are also some criminals in the market who are swindling and swindling in the name of Douro II.

From my personal point of view, I was originally reluctant to write a sequel. Because I still have a lot of new ideas to write. My inspiration has never dried up. However, this time it is different. For the brothers and sisters of Tangmen, I am willing to create for my Tangmen. Therefore, our new book was officially launched, which is called Doomsday II. Everyone has a dream of fighting.

I only have one wish. I hope that the brothers and sisters who have left Tangmen will come back. I hope that the follow-up of Douro will be the shuttle bus that will pick you up. A "Peace of the Tang Dynasty" will become the common home of all our Tangmen brothers and sisters. This work, I will spend a huge amount of effort to write a magnificent and long piece, to gather the popularity of our Tangmen, let all the books friends who have been in Tangmen, or have joined and are joining Tangmen, go home. Tangmen will always be your home, and the door will always be open to you.

The name of the peerless Tangmen also comes from the reader. The first theme song written by our readers in Tangmen is called this name.

In this new book, the background and setting will increase while using the Douro continent, which is an increase rather than a change. The settings will be more abundant and the plot will be more exciting.

Looking forward, what will the Douro mainland look like after 10,000 years?

Remember Tangmen? Remember Shrek College? Remember the magical martial arts, soul skills, soul ring, soul bones? All of this will reappear in your eyes.

Dorothy II's "The Peerless Tangmen" will show you a brand new Douro world. The million-year-old soul beast that has never appeared in the Douro mainland will appear in the peerless Tangmen. Appeared. More brand new soul guide settings. Book friends in the God of India's throne, the favorite **** of the dead, the **** of sleep, Electrolux, will also appear in a special form in the peerless Tangmen. Can our new protagonist reinvent the ruined Tangmen? They will all be shown in the "Peace of the World".

Many readers have asked me how to join Tangmen. In fact, it is very simple. From the moment you read Tangmen, you are already a part of Tangmen. The main official announced that the "Peace of the Tang Dynasty" of Douro's mainland II was opened.

New week, come and join me on the list! Let the peerless Tangmen climb the first throne!

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