MTL - Shen Yin Wang Zuo-v4 Chapter 281 Active attack, sharp knife army (middle)

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The 218th chapter took the initiative to attack, the sharp knife army (middle)

Xiao Huo told Long Haochen that they needed a certain amount of time to adapt to the fluctuations of the outside air and elements. They decided to stay in the Knights of the Holy Mountain for three days. After three days, they went to Yulongguan and Longxichen.

The Mozu army can be dispatched at any time. Long Haochen is the federal president. He can’t wait here. How to fight against the Mozu has not yet been formulated. He must immediately return to the Yulongguan to discuss countermeasures.

"Xiao Lao, the situation is like this. We can't predict where the Mozu will attack from now. If this time the Mozu concentrates on attacking a little, we are not only difficult to resist, but also difficult to predict the position of the Mozu. I must To get back as soon as possible, the Mozu is dispatched all the time. Our spies in the Mozu are widely cleared, and the news that can be passed back is very limited." At the request of Xiao Huo, Long Haochen is no longer called. His ancestor, but changed to Xiao Lao.

After listening to Long Haochen’s words, after Xiao Hu’s indulgence, he said: “The problem you said is really serious. If you can’t prepare in advance, face the Devil’s army led by more than 50 demon gods, any federal fortress. It's impossible to stop. But I think your thinking has gone into a misunderstanding."

“Well?” Long Haochen looked at Xiao Hu in surprise and said: “Please teach Xiao Lao.”

Although Xiao Hu has been sleeping for thousands of years, he is the first generation of the Knights Templar. He is the most critical moment for human beings to face the collapse of the Mozu. He can co-sponsor with several other temples to form the Temple Alliance. Competing with the Mozu, and finally conserving the last piece of human existence, it shows how handsome it was. In the experience of war, even ten dragons can not compare with this ancestor!

Xiao Huodao: "The misunderstanding you entered is the word defense. If you change your mind, you may be able to open up. Yes, pure defense, we can hardly block the attack of the Mozu. Because even if we can Know the movements of the demon, but the army of the people is alive, if you suddenly change the route of attack? Or suddenly the soldiers are divided into two ways? How do we defend? How can we mobilize within the federation? In this case, the war Before we start, we have completely entered the rhythm of the Mozu. It can be said that we have lost half of the war. Do you know why the Mozu never attacked us all the time?"

After a pause, Xiao Huo whispered: "That is because the Mozu is not willing to destroy us all. In those days, if the Mozu really wants to destroy us, even if we set up the Temple Alliance, we gathered the last of all human beings. Power is also simply unable to compete with the Mozu. We can finally support it. The most critical point is not that we are strong enough, but the demon's release."

"The Mozu actually does not dare to completely destroy our human beings from this world, and even do not want to completely rule us. This must start from the nature of the Mozu."

Long Haochen listened very carefully to Xiao Huo’s remarks. This ancestor completely experienced everything that the Mozu had just arrived at the Holy Magic, and he personally fought with the Mozu army. His experience for Long Haochen It is too precious.

"The space ruptured, and the devil's seventy-two demon pillars came. It brought us the plague of the horror of the sacred continent. At that time, mankind had just ended the battle with the undead Scourge Electrolux for more than two hundred years. Because of the horror of the undead creatures. More than a quarter of the undead creatures on the mainland have been rampant, and we are gradually clearing up and gradually unifying the mainland. At that time, human vitality is not far from recovery, and at the same time, between the two countries. Busy to grab the site.-<Book Sea Court>-Net."

"The advent of the seventy-two Devils of the Mozu is only within one country and does not involve another country. At that time, the power of the Glorious Holy See has been weakened to a very low level because of the attack of the undead Scourge Electrolux. Therefore, there is no unified voice in the whole continent. Here, we have to say that Electrolux has brought disaster to mankind. The three empires were completely destroyed by one, and one was destroyed, and almost destroyed. Lost the brilliant Holy See. This allows the Mozu to take advantage of it!"

"The seventy-two Devils of the Mozu descended into the almost perfect country. Although they were also affected by the natural disasters of the undead, they were relatively well preserved. At that time, this relatively complete country was Ambitiously launching a war against the country that was wrecked, trying to invade it and unifying the entire continent. Under the premise of this great background, the devil’s seventy-two demon pillars were even when they arrived, even by the weaker country. I think it’s God’s care for them. It’s conceivable, how can the two empires work together?”

"Even the big country that was descended by the Devil's Column, I didn't take the Devil's Column seriously at the beginning. Until the plague spread out at an alarming rate, the races became the Mozu and began to attack the city. Occupy the city, when the strength of the seventy-two pillars of the demon gods was also revealed, they found out that it was wrong. But that time is already late. Together with the weak country, the opportunity to fully launch the counterattack. It can be said that it is human beings themselves. Destroyed himself, under the internal and diplomatic attacks, it was to destroy the most powerful empire of mankind at that time. When the weak country discovered the horror of the Mozu, everything was already late, and the Mozu was already big, not only Occupy the entire area of ​​the big country, but also launched a strong attack toward the small country."

Even after thousands of years have passed, Xiao Hu said that it is still a bitter heart. "And at such an important time, there are differences within the small country. It is divided into two factions to blame each other, which leads to the country's key At the time of the attack of the Mozu, the country gradually fell and perished. At this time, one of them was alert and began to convene the only remaining strong people to unite and unify the outside world, and to break away from the concept of the state and avoid The influence of power** on human beings constitutes the six major temples to compete with the demons."

"There are two reasons why the Mozu finally let go of human beings. First, the plague brought by the seventy-two Devil's Columns did not last too long. So that it did not continue to infect more ethnic groups." Let the total strength of the Mozu be restricted to a certain extent. It also made the demon **** at that time realize that the battle will continue, and the number of the Mozu will only decrease sharply. Another reason is that the Mozu has been clear for more than 6,000 years. The reason for taking the absolute advantage but not always trying to attack us humans is because the Mozu itself does not produce."

"Every race is a natural warrior. Everyone has a strong fighting power. But they are not good at producing food and making utensils. And this determines that they may occupy the war in a short time. The upper hand, but once the war is over and the human being is completely destroyed, the Mozu will only gradually die out on the Holy Magic continent. The demon who can survive will only be a small part, and rely on the power of nature. The day of food supply."

"Do you think, as a wise ruler, will the demon gods do this kind of thing to kill chickens and take eggs? They let us humans survive, in fact, it is equivalent to captive of us. Then we plunder us through small-scale wars, and even Trading with us. It is also developing itself and looking for ways to survive on this continent. This is the fundamental reason why we humans can continue."

"Fortunately, for six thousand years, the Mozu has never been able to find the possibility that they can fully survive. This has not killed us humans. Otherwise, do you think that the Mozu are so kind?"

Xiao Hu’s words are like opening a door for Long Haochen, and let him see a lot of fundamental things. It is no wonder that even if the Mozu is launching a jihad, it is also a way of comprehensive attack, while consuming the population and strength of themselves and humanity. In the end, it was the end of the war. It turned out that they never planned to destroy humanity completely!

"This battle of full power that the Mozu is about to launch is mainly aimed at you. Because you have the power to destroy the Devil's Column, which has caused the fear of the Mozu. The most feared is that they are basically shaken. Two Devils Pillars Not too much, but it is a very bad start. Otherwise, the Emperor will not insist on killing you. However, I am sure that even if the Mozu successfully entered the Federation, they must I will not do everything in my power to destroy the space within the federation. I will eventually withdraw. Of course, a big plunder is inevitable. It is like harvesting wheat to be harvested."

Xiao Huo's analysis can be said to be transparent. If it is not Long Haochen who knows that he has been sleeping in the cave before, I am afraid to regard him as the most wise elder of the Temple League.

Speaking of this, Xiao Hu paused for a moment, and a golden light flashed through his eyes. Shen Sheng said: "We must avoid this disaster. Once our human vitality is again seriously hurt, then the accumulation of these thousands of years will be gone. There is no deposit. The process of being captive can only be repeated again. It may even be the day of turning over. Therefore, no matter what, we can't let the demons break into the federation. I just said that your way of thinking is problematic. Defensive word. You think about it, if it is not defense, but attack, how will we face the Mozu?"

"Offensive?" Long Haochen only felt that the bottleneck in his heart seemed to be pierced by a sharp arrow. The inspiration appeared in an instant, although it was still a little fuzzy, but he had already grasped something.


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