MTL - Shenhao: Confession 99 Times, the School Belle is In a Hurry-Chapter 658 Xiao Yang: I was hit with money?

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[[Chapter 658 Xiao Yang: I was hit with money?

Xiao Yang had already left when he received Xu Jiyun's call, but he just left, so it's not a problem to turn around.

The car he drives is not fast, roughly the same as the Qin family's. The Xu family's mansion is also in the suburbs. The roads here are generally not very spacious. Although there are street lights, they are relatively dim. Xiao Yang does not turn on the high beams, but Driving slowly, I also wondered why Xu Jiyun would look for me, and even more curious why Xu Yan was called to leave by Xu Jiyun.

At the same time, after Xu Jiyun hung up the phone, she changed her clothes and prepared to go out.

"Miss, do you still want to go out so late?" A servant came up, brought a cup of tea, and sent it to Xu Jiyun.

This person is a servant of the Xu family, and he has known Xu Jiyun for a long time. When he saw someone serving tea, it was his favorite Longjing tea, so he didn't say anything, and just drank the tea.

"It's still the same taste as before." Xu Jiyun smiled slightly, this tea relieved some fatigue.

She didn't say anything, put down her teacup and continued walking outside.

But when he walked to the gate of the mansion, he suddenly felt a little dizzy.

She supported her forehead and turned her head, only to see a strange look on the servant who had taken care of her since she was a child.

There is something in the tea!

Only then did Xu Jiyun react.

She suppressed her tiredness, but still felt her eyelids were constantly fighting, and finally she leaned against the door and collapsed on the ground.

At this moment, looking back, I saw a person walking over.

It is Xu Jilong, the current head of the Xu family.

Xu Jilong waved his hand, and the servants had already gone down.

He squatted down, glanced at Xu Jiyun, and said, "The Xu family has indeed relied on you for their southern family property, but this is the Xu family, and you are not the Xu family after all."

"I'm not for myself, but also for the Xu family."

At the same time, someone came over.

It was another elder brother of the Xu family: "Second brother, if you do this, Xiaoyun will hate us forever."

"Whether it's a lifetime or two lifetimes."

"Do you know why our Xu family survived the year before last?"

The visitor shook his head.

"Because the Xu family never thought of becoming a top family, let alone a powerful family. Our Xu family is powerful, but there will always be other families that will bear the brunt."

"Dynasty changes, family exchanges, but my Xu family will always develop and survive silently."

"The reason for this is that we must judge the situation and not be the first bird, and not become the target of public criticism."

"We can cooperate with the Li family, we can cooperate with the Liu family, but our Xu family must always protect itself. Even if the Li family and Liu family fall, we must keep the Xu family from being implicated, just like the change of dynasty hundreds of years ago, even the emperor died. Now, our Xu family will be able to become ministers of other courts, and the way of survival is the root of the Xu family, instead of being the target of everyone.

"Xiaoyun is now leading the Xu family to a road of no return. Even if this road can make the Xu family extremely glorious for a while, it will still be swallowed up in the end."

"The tide of history is always like this. We can learn from the past and learn from the past. We can't let the Xu family lose its original track because of a person with a foreign surname. As the head of the family, we want to ensure the prosperity of the family for generations. The third child, I am so It's all for this family!" Xu Jilong sighed.

At this moment, Xu Jiyun fell to the ground, and she didn't know how speechless she would be if she heard these words.

All the members of the Xu family, except for the old man, seem to regard her as someone with a different surname.

The ridiculous thing is that all the things she did brought infinite benefits to the Xu family, but Xu Jilong said that it was her fault, and to them, even though she was born in the Xu family, although The surname is Xu, but in their mouth, it is just a "people with a foreign surname".

At this moment, Xu Jilong's cell phone rang suddenly.

He picked it up.


"Xiaoyun's personality is strong, so naturally she can't have a good talk, so come and pick her up!" After finishing speaking, Xu Jilong hung up the phone.

The third child of the Xu family looked at his second brother, and had nothing to say for a while.

He naturally knew what the second child was doing.

This call was made by someone from the Li family. During the banquet, Xu Jilong actually wanted Xu Yan or Xu Jiyun to marry the Li family.

The Li family was originally an in-law's family, if the two of them married, it would only be more intimate.

Another way to plug into other families, double insurance.

But as soon as Xu Yan's matter collapsed, Xu Jiyun left the table. As a last resort, the second child of the Xu family came up with such a method.

No matter who Xu Jiyun is, the brothers in the Xu family can't deal with it.

But Xu Jilong knew that Xu Jiyun was only a woman after all, and she was a strong woman. As a brother, even if he was not a real brother, he would not kill Xu Jiyun.

The most feasible way now is to use force.

What a strong way, that is to push Xu Jiyun to Li's bed.

With that person's ability, as long as Xu Jiyun is tamed from a strong horse to a good horse, all these things will be solved easily.

Xu Jiyun is a very traditional woman who regards chastity as her life.

After being defiled, either marry her husband or commit suicide.

This is what Xu Jilong knows best.

And these two results, he can accept, therefore, this has become the reason for him to make a decisive move.

"This is actually the best result for Xiaoyun. Marry into a wealthy family and enjoy a lifetime of glory. Even if she blames me, I have nothing to do. After all, it's for the Xu family."

Xu Jilong seems to want to use such a reason to anesthetize his or so, it will make him feel better.

But as the head of the family, he also understands that he must be decisive in doing things, and once he has done it, there is no turning back.

Otherwise, with Xu Jiyun's ability, they have no better way.

At this moment, Xiao Yang naturally didn't know about these things that happened in the Xu family, let alone that the Xu family had planned to sell Xu Jiyun, so he turned back in the car.

Not long after, a siren sounded from behind.

Xiao Yang wanted to get out of the way, but the road was a little narrow, and he really didn't know how to get out of the way.

He had to move aside.

But I didn't think about it for a second, the car directly bumped into it, shaking my own car.

"Damn, can you drive!"

Xiao Yang didn't suffer from road rage, but he knew it was intentional, so he opened the window and was about to say something.

At this moment, a black bag smashed over.

Fortunately, Xiao Yang avoided it, and the bag passed along the window into Xiao Yang's car.

"Step aside!"

A voice came from the car.

Xiao Yang frowned slightly, but saw that the other party directly inserted into this road, and directly pushed his car aside.

He opened the bag and saw that it was full of hundreds of yuan bills, and he weighed it, and there were seven to eighty thousand.

Xiao Yang was taken aback for a moment, but the car had already squeezed him directly, forcing him out of the way, and then walked away.

"Am I being smashed by money?"

He was a little bit dumbfounded for a while, and there was a day when he would be hit in the face with cash.

"As expected of the capital city, money will fall from the sky to drive a car, but it's too arrogant, it doesn't seem to be in line with my character if I don't clean it up." Xiao Yang let out a long breath, stepped on the accelerator, and the car rushed forward quickly... >

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