MTL - Shenhao: Confession 99 Times, the School Belle is In a Hurry-Chapter 673 I'm here, it's okay

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[[Chapter 673 I'm here, it's okay

Hastily asked Xiao Yu to come over with a charger, and while waiting, Xu Jiyun asked again: "You said that the heads of all the districts have come to Jiangdu for a meeting?"

"I don't know, like Cheng Ze, the person in charge of Lindu, and Fang Xi, Li Jiajun, Tan Hui..."

As Xiao Yu reported his names one by one, Xu Jiyun's expression became more and more strange.

"They have a meeting, why don't I know?"

"No, without my calling, how could they go back to Jiangdu for a meeting?"

"With so many people present, what happened?"

Xu Jiyun felt more and more uneasy.

On the other hand, Xiao Yang said slowly from the side: "Is this a big deal?"

"It's huge!"

"It's more like a drama of coercing the palace!" Xiao Yu added from the side.

"When did you put someone next to me!" Xu Jiyun was also shocked by Xiao Yu's information. These people were all her subordinates, and Xiao Yu knew it all.

"The information is not difficult to find, and I didn't work **** you, Ms. Xu. It's just that they seem to be in contact with the Li family and the Liu family recently, so we got the clues."

"Oh, we are focusing on the Liu family and the Li family. Your subordinates just happened to enter our field of vision."

After these words, Xu Jiyun immediately understood.

This is a trap.

Whether it was what happened in the Xu family tonight, or what happened in Jiangdu after I returned to the capital, it was all a trap, a trap around me.

Someone wants to eat up his inheritance in the South.

It's already very wrong to involve the Liu family and the Li family.

"No, I have to go back to Jiangdu!" Xu Jiyun stood up without any hesitation.

But in the next second, she almost fell to the ground, but fortunately Xiao Yang caught her quickly, otherwise she would have fallen hard.

After all, it was the first time, plus four hours of hard work!

Even after taking the pills and the character design of a strong woman, she couldn't move at all.

"Now it will take at least two hours to return to Jiangdu."

"And the meeting is already over." Xiao Yu said from the side.

Xu Jiyun's eyes were also dull.

What the **** happened?

Why did she seem to have been kept in the dark.

How could those subordinates who have been with me for several years contact the Liu family and the Li family without telling me.

The phone is on.

Xu Jiyun's first reaction was to quickly pick up her cell phone and call her secretary.

But there was a beep over there, and there was no more text.

She made a few calls again and went out.

No one answered.

This has completely touched Xu Jiyun's nerves.

She raised her head slightly and looked at Xiao Yu: "What else do you know?"

"The Li family seems to be secretly taking over part of your business. Now Xu Ji Advertising Company, strictly speaking, doesn't belong to you anymore!"

"Huh?" Xu Jiyun was stunned for a moment.

"The specific situation is not very clear, but you should have noticed that all the projects that Xu Ji Advertising Company received were actually from Li's family, but the benefits were not good, and there were some compensation clauses, even if it went bankrupt. Too much."

"Is it possible that this is the result of the cooperation between senior officials of your company and members of the Li family?"

Xu Jiyun couldn't sit still anymore, but at this moment her legs were weak and she couldn't stand up at all.

"Is there anything else?" Xu Jiyun lowered her head and said in a low voice with a trace of anger in her eyes.

"That's all we have at the moment. After all, our focus is not on this aspect. The Xu family has always been outside our focus."

Xu Jiyun's face turned pale, Xiao Yang couldn't help feeling a little distressed when he saw this.

"Eat first, it's useless if you're in a hurry." Xiao Yang said with concern.

"Can I not be in a hurry, those are all my painstaking efforts over the years!" Xu Jiyun almost jumped up.

"It's four o'clock now, even if we go back by private plane and arrive in Jiangdu, what are you going to do?"

"It's useless to race against time. It seems that they have planned for a long time. You are in a bad state and need to rest. At noon tomorrow, we will pick up Xiao Yan and return to Jiangdu together!" Xiao Yang said slowly.

Judging by his appearance, it seems that he is really not in a hurry.

Xu Jiyun looked at Xiao Yang, seeing his calm face, she couldn't help but calm down a lot in her heart.

It was the first time she heard that racing against time was useless.

To be honest, when Xiao Yu said this, her heart had already flown to Jiangdu.

Eat, how can you eat.

But the current state is indeed as Xiao Yang said, it is impossible not to rest.

Too many things happened tonight, and now I can't even get in touch with anyone. Even if I go back to Jiangdu, it's still late at night, and there are no people in the company group. Since these people have already finished the meeting, they have naturally made sufficient preparations.

Going back in a hurry is not the best choice.

what to do?

Seeing that Xu Jiyun still looked sad, Xiao Yang said slowly: "Actually, no matter what, most of them can be solved with money."

"The people from the Li family and the Liu family who sent people to infiltrate you are doing nothing more than profit."

"In addition to the cooperation of Kyoto today, I think it has been considered for a long time, and what we have to do now is not to return to Jiangdu on impulse, but to recharge our batteries."

"UU Reading is actually nothing that requires money, understand?" Xiao Yang looked at Xu Jiyun and smiled slightly, as if to say that things are actually easy to deal with.

How to deal with it very well.

That's a big problem, okay?

Xu Jiyun still wanted to refute, but Xiao Yang's hand held her down: "I'm here, it's okay, let's rest first."

"Come on, eat something, don't be angry."

After all, Xiao Yang picked up a piece of wonton from the wontons he bought here and put it in Xu Jiyun's mouth.

She froze for a moment, then slightly parted her red lips.

Xiao Yang fed a wonton, while Xu Jiyun was still staring at him blankly.

"My mother used to say that you should chew food carefully and swallow it carefully. You have to chew it thoroughly before swallowing it!"

Xu Jiyun could only move her mouth.

At this moment, it was as if a string had been broken in her mind, and she looked a little dazed.

It's hard to imagine what kind of experience it is for a shrewd and capable strong woman to suddenly be so stupid. Xiao Yang understands it.

"Is there anything else?" Xiao Yang looked at Xiao Yu.

The latter pulled his head together, glanced at Xiao Yang, and shook his head again: "It's okay."

"Go to rest too, don't be so tired." Xiao Yang looked at Xiao Yu and said.

"I'm not that tired, so I just eat, drink, and stand guard." Xiao Yu glanced at Xiao Yang, then at Xu Jiyun, who could be as tired as the two of you!

Xiao Yang couldn't help smiling.

Xiao Yu really went to rest.

"It's okay, this wonton."

"Yes." Xu Jiyun nodded slightly.

It was the first time she was fed by others when she grew up so big, and feeling Xiao Yang's careful care, Xu Jiyun also calmed down a lot, and the way she looked at Xiao Yang changed a lot.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."


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