MTL - Shenhao: Confession 99 Times, the School Belle is In a Hurry-Chapter 675 ruthless big sister

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[[Chapter 675 Ruthless Big Sister

Xu Jilong didn't react, neither did the others.

This happened in an instant, Xiao Yang moved his feet without even saying anything.

Everyone looked at this scene in astonishment, but those guards didn't move, as if they were waiting for Xu Jilong's order, but only they knew best that they went up to give away the head, and Xiao Yang's fighting power last night was still vivid in his mind. Now, even though he looks like he still has a bandage hanging around his neck, he's terrified.

Look at them, they were shot last night, and they are alive and well now, so let's wait for the Patriarch to give orders.

As for the bodyguard, he was the first to think about it, but it didn't seem right after thinking about it, so let's help Xu Jilong up first.

"Xu Jilong, I won't point out the nasty things you did."

"But you still have to give me an explanation. I can't take this shot in vain. This kick is considered interest. If you can't explain it clearly to me, then the price will be more than just this kick."

Xiao Yang was condescending, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

Everyone didn't know what to do, especially the fourth child of the Xu family. Although he had heard about it, he was not at the scene last night. He didn't know why Xiao Yang was so confident.

He can only look at his second brother, let's wait.

Xu Jilong coughed a few times, it seemed that this kick was stuffy, and it took him a long time to catch his breath.

After standing upright, he slowly opened his mouth and said: "Xiao Yang, I will give you an explanation. You can pick him up today if you want, but..."

"No but!"

"I'll give you two weeks at most." Xiao Yang directly interrupted Xu Jilong's words, speaking domineeringly.

"Two weeks later, or you can explain it clearly to me!" Xiao Yang pointed to his wound.

"Either way, you just wait to start a war with me. Anyway, I've offended the Liu family, the Li family and the Xiao family. I'm not afraid of you alone."

These words were already a blatant slap in the face. As the head of the Xu family, logically speaking, Xu Jilong would have to refute everything righteously, and even speak harshly in order to be in line with his status.

But I don't know if it's because he was a little cowardly in his bones, but he just opened his mouth for a long time, but didn't say a word.

"Let's go." Xu Jiyun didn't even look at Xu Jilong, but directly pulled Xiao Yang inside.


Someone bowed his head and bowed to say hello to Xu Jiyun, Xu Jiyun looked up and saw that this was the servant who had given her tea earlier.

I trusted the other party so much that I took it and drank it without any precautions. I never thought that so many things would happen.

"I'm no longer the eldest lady of the Xu family."

The voice just fell.


A crisp sound fell into everyone's ears.

Looking at the servant again, he was slapped and flew away, and fell to the ground suddenly, with blood overflowing from his mouth, and let out a scream.

Looking again, the two front teeth in the mouth were directly knocked out, and the mouth was full of blood, which looked oozing.

Xu Jiyun was also shocked, wondering why her strength was so much greater!

She swept across the crowd and said again: "I am no longer the eldest lady of the Xu family, I am here this time just to pick up someone."

"Even in the future, Xu Yan and Xu Feng are not from the Xu family anymore. Your Xu family is noble, and I, Xu Jiyun, can't afford it."

"But Xu Jilong, I will always remember what you did."

Speaking of this, she walked over to the servant who had just been beaten into the air.

Suddenly, he stepped on it with Xiao Yang's demeanor.

This foot is not heavy, the pointed high-heeled sole directly stepped on the opponent's palm.

As the saying goes, ten fingers connect to the heart, a burst of screams spread throughout half of Xu's family, and it was extremely penetrating.

But Xu Jiyun didn't mean to be polite at all. She didn't even look at the servant. To her, this kind of punishment was already kindness among kindness. She still recorded all the ledgers on Xu Jilong's head. , a servant, Xu Jiyun really didn't intend to pursue it to the end.

This also completely triggered the memories hidden deep in the hearts of everyone in the Xu family.

This lady from the Xu family has never been an ordinary person.

Why Xu Yan likes to practice martial arts is also influenced by this strong lady.

When she was a teenager, she was almost taken advantage of by a wretched uncle, but as a result, that wretched uncle's hand was directly interrupted.

She is a ruthless person through and through, both in business and in reality!

Although she usually doesn't show her mountains and dews, she has never been kind to her enemies.

"Why are you shouting so loudly, shut up!"

Xu Jiyun did not forget to speak out.

The servant was so frightened that he didn't dare to make a sound. He covered his **** mouth with his **** hand, curled up on the ground and trembled.

It was also the first time Xiao Yang saw Xu Jiyun's methods, which were almost the same as his own, even a little ruthless than his own.

Quite the demeanor of a social elder sister.

If this was shown in a TV series, she would definitely be a character at the level of a sister-in-law!

"Sister-in-law is really attractive!"

Xiao Yang let out a long breath, although Xu Jiyun looks like a ruthless person, but sometimes men are like this, the more thorny roses, the more they like them.

You can call her ruthless, but if you want to call her sassy, ​​there is nothing wrong with her.

Who doesn't love such a sassy young woman.

Xu Jiyun strode forward.

The sound of high heels stepping on the ground was extremely ear-piercing. At this moment, Xu Jilong seemed to realize just how ruthless his sister really is, UU Reading www.uukanshu. com And he has become the enemy of this ruthless man.

By the time Xu Yan and Xu Fan were here, Xu Jiyun had already changed her face.

Not as cold as before, but with a touch of tenderness.

"Little Sail."

"Auntie, you're here." Xu Fan had dark circles under his eyes, and it seemed that the quality of his sleep was not very good.

"Xiaofan, you saw it just now, I want to take you away from Xu's house, what do you think?" Xu Jiyun looked at Xu Fan and said softly.

"Leave Xu's house." Xu Fan was stunned for a while, but soon nodded firmly: "Okay!"

"Anyway, I was brought up by my aunt. I will go wherever my aunt takes me!"

Xu Jiyun touched Xu Fan's head, and his eyes fell on Xiao Yang again.

She was stunned for a while, then suddenly said: "Xiaofan, I'm actually quite young, otherwise, you can ask my sister to try!"

"Ah?" Now it was Xu Fan's turn to be stunned.

Xu Jiyun also felt a little embarrassed, but what else could be done.

I am already like Xiao Yang, and Xiao Yang is like Xu Yan again, if I let the siblings call me aunt, it would be too...

She seems to want to drag this relationship to siblings.

"If you want me to call you mother, I'm willing, but sister..." Xu Fan looked strange.

I have always regarded my aunt as my mother, and it feels awkward to call myself sister at first glance.

Xu Jiyun's expression changed immediately: "Am I very old?"

"No!" Xu Fan straightened his body immediately and stood up to attention.

"What do you call me?"

"elder sister!"

"By the way, I'll call it that from now on. Anyway, I'm not your real aunt." Xu Jiyun let out a long breath, looking at Xiao Yang who was snickering, with mixed feelings in her heart.

Scumbag, what have I done for you! >

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