MTL - Shenhao: Confession 99 Times, the School Belle is In a Hurry-Chapter 735 Xiaoxue, you are a superman

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【mission completed! 】

Suddenly, a voice rang out from my mind.

Xiao Yang was also startled suddenly.

He stepped back quickly: "I...I'm just joking, don't worry..."

Xiao Yang let out a long breath, receiving the information in his mind.

"Xiaoxue, you are really a superman..."

As Xiao Yang spoke, he stood up quickly at the same time.

Lin Xiaoqi froze for a moment, looking at Xiao Yang who had regained his sanity, with a dull expression on his face.

Ah this?

The old lady's shoulder straps are half off, you tell me are you kidding?

The most important thing is that I'm wet, what's going on?

It turned out that Jiang Shangxue's character mission had been completed, and the sound of achieving tens of billions of profits suddenly ran through Xiao Yang's mind.

He didn't care how Jiang Shangxue used a barbecue food company to directly make tens of billions in profits, but it really helped him a lot.

[Task reward: Jiang Shangxue's personal ability is improved, negotiation success rate +50%, investment luck value +50...]

[Host personal reward: Almighty skill points*5, personal charm +10, cash 500 billion]

Xiao Yang's tightly locked brows also relaxed.

The universal skill point is finally here.

If it wasn't for Jiang Shangxue's sudden completion of the task, she might have taken Lin Xiaoqi down here.

This is not for the sake of the lower body, but also for the safety of the two of them.

No matter what, it is always less important than your own life.

Fortunately, the task was completed in time, and I didn't have to force Lin Xiaoqi to...

But Lin Xiaoqi didn't slow down yet, she lifted her shoulder strap up and down.

Is this a failure on my way to be promoted to the boss lady?

Seeing Xiao Yang's expression regained clarity, with a little excitement on his face, Lin Xiaoqi was numb all over.

"Use the universal skill point..."

Xiao Yang spent skill points on ship knowledge.

For a while, countless knowledge flooded into my mind.

As for the various cases and instructions in the captain's room, including how to use these devices, he finally understood a lot.

That's what the radar looks like...

The original direction is so identified...

It turns out that the rudder is so controlled...

Xiao Yang quickly learned a lot of knowledge. At this moment, he was like an old captain possessed, and he began to operate the ship.

Lin Xiaoqi on the side was also dumbfounded.

what is this?

Really learned to sail in seconds?

"This kind of stormy weather is indeed rare, but we don't have to worry too much. The ship will shake at most. Judging from the tonnage and stability of this ship, it is impossible to have any problems."

Xiao Yang calmed down, and began to comfort Lin Xiaoqi who was on the side, and at the same time explained to her the current situation that the two of them encountered.

"In fact, it is very normal to encounter such a situation at sea. The tonnage of this ship is enough for us to toss."

"The whales that just appeared are blue whales. They won't take the initiative to hurt people. Of course, even if they really want to eat people, they won't be able to swallow us."

"His esophagus is very small, and he can only fit an apple, and he usually lives on plankton..."

Xiao Yang continued to speak in one breath, and Lin Xiaoqi beside her was completely confused.

Didn't you say you didn't know?

Xiao Yang was still operating on the console, and at the same time said: "This ship is on automatic cruise, and the destination is country m..."

"Fortunately, we found out in time. Otherwise, if we really went to country m, we would be the ones who would be targeted by the Xiao family's contacts, and we would be the ones who died."

"Let's go home now..."

Xiao Yang let out a long breath and started to turn the rudder...

Just then, the storm gradually became smaller.

The originally turbulent sea was not so restless, and gradually calmed down...

"Just the two of us, can we go back to China on this boat?" Lin Xiaoqi asked at the same time after recovering.

"Yes, but the operation is very difficult, so I can only try..."

Xiao Yang let out a long breath, and at the same time kept paying attention to the flight path in the instrument.

He started to use the automatic cruise and marked the route, it should not be too difficult to go back...

After finishing everything, Xiao Yang breathed a sigh of relief.

"Boss, didn't you say that you don't know how to sail a boat?" Lin Xiaoqi couldn't help asking, seeing Xiao Yang's dazzling operations.


Xiao Yang didn't know how to explain it.

He could only look into the distance and said slightly: "Then I don't know, but suddenly I got a feeling, look, it's written in German, and my college elective happened to be German, and I also studied it for a long time. I learned it."


"It's that simple?" Lin Xiaoqi couldn't believe it.

"Otherwise, you think it's so difficult to sail a boat. With the current technology, it's all automatic cruise. It's good if you can understand the instruments..."

As he spoke, Xiao Yang glanced at it, and suddenly picked up a book: "Look, there is still teaching here!"

Lin Xiaoqi glanced at it. The book was all in German, but she still didn't understand it.

Xiao Yang flipped through the book, pointed to a paragraph and said, "This is the instruction manual for this ship's equipment. I've been reading it just now..."

Lin Xiaoqi looked at it suspiciously, then frowned slightly: "It doesn't look like it to me..."

It's strange.

This is a magazine…

Xiao Yang quickly put it away, and then forcibly explained: "Actually, you also know, boss, my learning ability, it's not surprising that I learned how to sail a boat in a short time!"

"Not surprising..." Lin Xiaoqi's mouth twitched, and UU Reading nodded thoughtfully.

"now it's right…"

"But you were also very scared in the front, and you still hugged me..."

"I'm not afraid that you are afraid, so I hug you!" Xiao Yang blushed, and immediately quibbled.

"But you didn't know about those whales before..."

"It was raining too much at the time, so I didn't see it clearly. Only later did I see that it was a blue whale. Blue whales don't eat people..."



"Otherwise, what do you think, could it be that I cheated?"

"I can't tell."

"It's just that I'm very talented, and I just want to create an atmosphere for you. You're as stupid as a pig, and you're being cheated." Xiao Yang joked.

Lin Xiaoqi looked away suspiciously, is that so?

"Okay, I've been tired all day, you go take a bath and rest, I'm fine here alone." Xiao Yang took a long breath, and interrupted the conversation directly, after all, if we continue the conversation, who would know that with Lin Xiaoqi's ingenuity, , Do you really believe that you have a system?

Although Lin Xiaoqi had a skeptical expression, she still left the captain's room with a bang.

Xiao Yang looked at his back, and also slightly slapped the cold sweat that came out of his back...

not bad!

Did not add another member to his harem.

For an actress like Lin Xiaoqi, who knows who in the harem can hold her down.

And Lin Xiaoqi also muttered: Did you really learn how to sail a boat in seconds?

As for cheating, Lin Xiaoqi thought it was a joke.

"The boss is really bad, no wonder you still want to do that kind of thing by yourself at this time, take off your clothes... Intuit..."

"Feelings are something I already knew was fine, so I said it..."

"Men are really the same, there is no good thing..."

(end of this chapter)