MTL - Shenhao’s Salted Fish Life-Chapter 775 some people just lack the lesson

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As soon as the screen turned, the camera zoomed in.

On the surface of the one-kilometer-wide ring, there are actually buildings, greenery, and transportation.

Then the camera turned again, and this time the angle of view was already looking at the huge ring in space.

The video ends here.

The entire video actually lasts for three minutes, with a panoramic view for more than ten seconds before and after, and the middle part is a detailed introduction of what the ring machine is and what it is used for.

He also introduced each building, each area, and even each device on the ring.

"Mr. Lin, isn't this the Stafford Circle space city in the American sci-fi film "Elysium"?" Dr. Guo asked with a smile.

"I didn't expect Dr. Guo to watch the movie "Elysium"!" Lin Tianwen was very surprised. He thought that these aerospace experts were studying the new generation of spacecraft in the laboratory every day.

"I'm more interested in various spacecraft that appear in sci-fi movies, so I watch more sci-fi movies." Dr. Guo explained with a silly smile.

"I also like watching sci-fi movies, and I like many aircrafts." Lin Tianwen said with a smile.

"Mr. Lin, the space city in the video is not the big project you mentioned, is it?" Director Zhang asked pretending to be calm.

When he first saw the video, he was shocked. He felt that this space city was too awesome. Just watching the video made people's blood boil, but after watching the video, his blood-congested brain calmed down.

With the current technological strength, it is impossible to create such a huge space building, and even if it can be built, it cannot be sent to space. With the rocket technology of various countries, if this thing is sent into space, it is estimated that there is no need to do other things, just launch rockets every day for fun.

"Don't worry, there is still a short video of more than ten seconds. After watching it, I will talk about it together." Lin Tianwen waved his hand, signaling Director Zhang to be calm, and then played another video.

This ten-second video is an introduction to the aircraft that can carry 5,000 passengers.

After the video was played, Lin Tianwen stood up and turned on the light, and said in front of him, "If you have any questions, please ask now!"

The five people sitting below each had problems, but they all gave in to each other.

Zhang Huai first asked: "Mr. Lin, is the space city in the first video the big project you mentioned earlier?"

"Yes. The detailed information of this space city has been introduced in the video, so I won't go into details. The aircraft just now was specially developed for this space city." Lin Tianwen said with a smile.

Hearing what he said, Dr. Guo stood up excitedly and asked, "Mr. Lin, can we participate in this project?"

"Of course. Without the participation of SA, Director Zhang has no place to find so many aerospace experts!" Lin Tianwen said with a smile.

"I didn't expect to be able to participate in such a great aerospace project in this life!" Dr. Guo said with tears in his eyes.

"Mr. Lin, it seems that this project has nothing to do with us?" General Ma asked.

"Ma general, you must be involved in this matter, because there will be a lot of weapons in this project, and you need to be responsible." Lin Tianwen said.

"I thought it was a scientific research project." General Ma said with a smile.

"Mr. Lin, has the feasibility of this project been demonstrated?" Mr. Jiang asked.

When he asked this, everyone else looked at Lin Tianwen.

Everyone was stimulated by the video just now, and they didn't think of this. If Lin Tianwen's project is only at the theoretical stage, and even the pictures in the video are just special effects, then everything is a castle in the air.

Lin Tianwen listened to Mr. Jiang's question, and for a long time, they thought that the space city was still a project on paper.

He smiled and said: "There is no problem with the feasibility of this project. The funds are in place and it can be implemented immediately."

The implementation he said is that the real thing can be seen immediately, and it is still in space.

But in the ears of Zhang Huai and the others, there is no problem with the feasibility of the project, and it can be done immediately.

"Mr. Lin, is such a large project really only 2 trillion yuan?" Zhang Huai couldn't help but doubt the authenticity of the project and asked.

"Director Zhang, this is not the first time we have cooperated, and I have no reason to joke about this kind of thing." Lin Tianwen said: "Besides, I asked you to come today to let you know in advance. I have a mental preparation for the future. If I hadn't been short on funds, I would have done it by myself."

"Mr. Lin, this kind of project should be handed over to the state," Zhang Huai said.

"So, aren't you sitting here?" Lin Tianwen said with a smile.

"Mr. Lin, do you have any information about this project? Let's take it back and study it." Dr. Guo asked.

Lin Tianwen took out a storage device from his pocket, put it on the table, and said, "All the information about the space city is here."

Zhang Huai immediately stood up, took the memory card, and put it in his pocket.

"Director Zhang, I'm done talking. Do you have any questions?" Lin Tianwen sat back in his seat, then took out his cigarettes, distributed them around, and lit them for himself.

"Everyone is fine for the time being." Director Zhang looked at the people present, and then said.

"Okay, let's stop here today. If you have any questions, read the information first, and then ask me if you don't understand." Lin Tianwen said.

Zhang Huai stood up and prepared to take the experts away.

Lin Tianwen walked to his side and whispered in his ear: "Director Zhang, this project has actually been completed. Once the funds are in place, it can be launched into space."

When Zhang Huai heard this, his eyes widened.

"It's your research institute again?"

"Yes. There are also medium-sized transport aircraft for 5,000 people just now, and 20 have been built, which should be enough for interstellar immigration."

"I'll go back to Yanjing now and report to p."

"Well. Remember the price, the space city is 2 trillion yuan, including launching and transporting aircraft, 20 billion a piece."

"Understood. Mr. Lin, I won't waste time here. The news you gave is a bit too shocking. I have to report back to Yanjing immediately."

"Okay, Director Zhang, then you should leave quickly."

Zhang Huai nodded towards Lin Tianwen, followed the few people in front, and left the hotel.

The confidentiality level of the five people who came just now is definitely no problem.

Lin Tianwen was not worried that this matter would be leaked.

After solving this important matter in his heart, he felt much more relaxed.

When I went back to my room, there was no girl in the room.

Lin Tianwen took out his mobile phone and called Zhang Xiyu.

"Xiyu, where are you?"

"Brother Tianwen, we are shopping in Taikoo Li. Have you finished talking?"

"Well. Send me a location, and I'll come and find you."


After hanging up the phone, he quickly received the location from Zhang Xiyu.

He changed his clothes, picked up his phone and left the room.

Just now, in order to show importance, Lin Tianwen wore a suit, and he must wear it more comfortably when he goes shopping. The suit is too formal, although he looks very handsome.

Zhang Xiyu and the other girls said they were shopping, but they didn’t buy anything. They have luxury brands like Taikoo Li at home, and they are all the latest styles. Even high-end dresses are available from various brands. , so there is really nothing to buy, mainly to feel the atmosphere of Taikoo Li.

Because Yun Luo and Li Muqing were well-known, they were afraid of causing unnecessary commotion, so they both wore masks when they went shopping.

The other girls did not have such scruples, they all showed their delicate faces openly, attracting tourists from Taikoo Li.

"Hurry up, there are a few beauties in front of you, go and take pictures of them. I'm afraid you won't be able to squeeze in if you get there late." A photographer with a mustache pointed to the front and said to his companion.

"Your eyes are amazing for beauties, and you can see them from such a distance." The companion glanced in the direction of the finger, and immediately admired.

The two trotted forward with their SLRs in hand.

There were so many photographers in Taikoo Li, not only the two of them saw it, but others also saw it, and they all abandoned the models in front of them and ran away.

In the blink of an eye, the beautiful model being photographed, the photographers around in front of her ran away, and couldn't help but also look in the direction of the photographer.

"Sisters, we are surrounded." Qiao Shanshan glanced at the two sides and said in a low voice.

Zhang Xiyu had just sent a message to Lin Tianwen. When she looked up, she saw that there were photographers standing on both sides of them, and there were even a few photographers behind them taking pictures of them. Only the road ahead was not covered. blocked.

The girls have not encountered such a situation for a long time since they followed Lin Tianwen, and they are a bit unfamiliar with this situation.

Only Yun Luo has experience, but she can't expose herself now, otherwise there must be more people watching.

"It's okay. As long as they don't block the road, we will go our way." Zhang Xiyu still has a lot of experience in dealing with things, so she immediately comforted her.

"They all shoot short videos. It will definitely be passed on to Douyin." Ye Jinghan just came here at noon, and she still has some impressions of the photographers around.

"Don't be afraid, Douyin belongs to Brother Tianwen, it's a one-sentence matter." Lin Xi said with a smile, this girl is a little blindly confident in Lin Tianwen.

However, the direction of the matter made the girls a little confused.

I don't know if the photographers from Taikoo Li have come. There are more and more people on both sides, gradually blocking the way in front of the girls.

Even Yan Xueer started to remind them to get out of the way, but they didn't hear it.

In the end, the other girls could only surround Yun Luo and Li Muqing inside, and slowly walked forward.

The beauty effect is too strong, not to mention the eight girls, except for the two wearing masks, all of them are beyond the mark, and they can also take the top six in the current Taikoo Li.

Which of the photographers in Taikoo Li is not a human being, how could this kind of good opportunity to increase fans let him slip away.

As for whether the rights of the beauties being photographed have been violated, it is not something they consider.

What they think in their hearts must be that the law does not punish the public, so if they infringe on the interests of others, they will also infringe.

Because of the pursuit of many photographers, tourists who don't know it are also surrounded.

In the end, UU Reading, Zhang Xiyu and the others could no longer move forward, and could only be surrounded by photographers, helplessly being photographed.

Lin Tianwen came out of the hotel, and as soon as he walked through the pedestrian street, he saw a large group of people standing outside Chaumet Paris, surrounded by three floors inside and three floors outside, and he didn't know what they were watching.

Liu Chaohua followed behind him, also saw the situation ahead, frowned, and immediately called a team member in a low voice to understand the situation.

This situation is most afraid of emergencies.

Soon a team member came outside the crowd, looked through layers of heads to see the situation inside, and after seeing clearly, he immediately shouted through the headset.

"Team leader, it's Miss Xiyu and they are surrounded."

Upon hearing this, Liu Chaohua thought it was okay, and immediately ordered: "Group B immediately go and bring the boss's girlfriend out. Group A is on alert."


The six members of Group B standing in a hidden position soon appeared outside the crowd.

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