MTL - Shenhao’s Salted Fish Life-Chapter 800 If you don’t do it, I’ll do it (Happy New Year, fellow book friends)

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Looking at the list sent by Sun Bin, Lin Tianwen thought twice and replied to the email.

He asked Sun Bin to inform these car companies that they would come to Shanghai for face-to-face negotiations on October 8th, and if they didn't come then, he couldn't be blamed for not cooperating.

In fact, from the bottom of his heart, he is unwilling to take these car companies to play. These car companies have made a lot of money from Huaxia, and they treat Huaxia's customers differently.

Which car company doesn't know these things, and some car companies still learn from others.

This is the reason why Lin Tianwen rejected some Chinese car companies from participating in the last New Energy Automobile Alliance meeting.

After processing Sun Bin's email, Lin Tianwen turned off his computer and went to the garden.

She was picking fruits in the garden. The girl grew so big, probably because she saw all kinds of fruits hanging on the branches this time.

"You have picked so many fruits, can you eat them all?" Lin Tianwen looked at the basket at her feet and asked with a smile.

"Brother Tianwen, these fruits are ripe. If you don't pick them, they will fall to the ground and rot. Why don't you pick them and eat them together?" he said.

Lin Tianwen looked down carefully and said, "You can ask the aunt in the kitchen to make canned fruit for you."

"Aunts can also make canned fruit?" asked in surprise.

"This is also a kind of dessert." Lin Tianwen said.

"Brother Tianwen, do you know? Canned fruit is delicious."

"It's not that I haven't eaten canned fruit, I often ate it when I was a child." Lin Tianwen nodded and said.

"I thought canned fruit was only available in the north."

"They are available all over the country, and I like canned oranges the most."

"I like canned yellow peaches the most."

"It's a pity that there are no yellow peaches in the manor."

"I also like canned oranges."

"Then let the aunts make canned fruit for you."


After picking a full basket, let the servant send it to the kitchen.

"Did you tell your parents when you returned to China?" Lin Tianwen asked.

Yesterday, I patronized and picked it up, and forgot about it.

"Say it! I told them, I'm here with you."

"How did your parents react?"

"My mother asked me to go back to Yanjing after playing for a few days. My father is probably jealous of you." He said with a smile.

"Understandable." Lin Tianwen touched his nose and said with a smile.

"Brother Tianwen, don't worry, my dad won't stop me now."

"Whenever you have time, please invite your uncle and aunt to eat at home!" Lin Tianwen said.

"If you invite them to dinner, they must have time." Said.

"Now that I think about it, I'll call my uncle and invite them to my house for dinner." Lin Tianwen took out the phone, unlocked it, and handed it to him.

"Brother Tianwen, you are so brave!" He took the phone and said while entering the number.

"It's not a question of being brave or not. You're already here with me. If I don't call your parents, it seems impolite."

"I've already called." He returned the phone to Lin Tianwen.

Lin Tianwen glanced at it and turned on the speaker.

After a few rings, the phone was connected.

"Hello. I'm Xu Jin. Who are you?" Xu Jin's tone was a little gentle.

"Uncle Xu. Hello. I'm Lin Tianwen." Lin Tianwen said enthusiastically. The one on the side has already hugged Lin Tianwen's arm nervously.

"Hello." When Xu Jin heard that it was Lin Tianwen, his tone that was quite gentle just now became a little stiff.

"Uncle Xu, come back from the country of America, and I'm here. I just happen to be free these few days, and I would like to invite you and Uncle Xu to my manor as guests." Lin Tianwen said enthusiastically, without any change in tone because of Xu Jin just now. angry.

"I'm going to discuss it with your aunt. I'll call you back later."

"Okay, Uncle Xu. Then I'll wait for your call."

"Is it next to you?"


"Let her answer the phone."

"Okay." Lin Tianwen looked up.

The conversation just now, because it was played outside, I also heard it.

"Hey, Dad!"

"Good girl, why don't you go home when you come back from the United States? If your mother hadn't told me, I wouldn't have known that you had graduated early and returned to China."

"I see that you are quite busy, so I came to brother Tianwen. He is free anyway, so he has time to accompany me."

"Father can also stop the business and stay with you for a few days."

"No need! Once your business stops, the loss will be too great." Said.

"My daughter has returned to China, so what's the point of losing some money!" Xu Jin said.

"I know my dad is the best for me."

"Just now Lin Tianwen said that he would invite me and your mother to his manor as guests. It was you who mentioned it, or he said it on his own initiative."

Glancing at Lin Tianwen, he smiled and said, "Of course he mentioned it."

"In this case, your mother and I will come to Shanghai on Friday afternoon." Xu Jin said.

"Well, let me tell brother Tianwen about it."

"No. I'll give him a call later."


"I'm talking to a client about something. I won't say much more."

"Okay, Dad, bye."


Returning the phone to Lin Tianwen, he said, "My dad is so hypocritical. He could tell you directly. He will call you later."

"Hahaha, did you say that about your father?"

"He always likes to talk about the habits in the business field."

"This is not a habit in the business world. Didn't he just say that he wanted to discuss it with your mother? Now he agreed. It's hard to save face."

"Brother Tianwen, aren't you unhappy?"

"Not at all. And I can understand your dad's thoughts."

"Brother Tianwen, you are the best!"

"You just know me?"

"I've always known it!" Seeing Lin Tianwen's expression after speaking, he knew that he deliberately lied to her again.

"Brother Tianwen, are you good or bad?"

"Hahaha. Well, you see that you have picked some fruit and your clothes are dirty, go change it!"


Lin Tianwen stood under the corridor and glanced at the fruit hanging on the branches in the garden.

Unexpectedly, time flies so fast, and autumn is here.

"Qing Ya's due date is still more than a month away. What are your plans?" Xuan Xuan came up behind him and asked.

"Let's find Dr. Cheng from before. Let's move in early when the time comes."

"I mean, aren't you going to show it?" Xuan Xuan said, thumping him lightly.

"You said this! It's already ready." Lin Tianwen said with a smile.

"Well! That's good! Otherwise, Qingya will have a little emotion!" Xuan Xuan said.

"Really? I didn't see it, but she still has a little emotion."

"That's because she doesn't want to show it in front of you, otherwise no one will have small emotions."

"Understood. You also have small emotions?"

"Yes! Didn't you have it yesterday?"

"Oh, that's it! I also said how uncharacteristic you are."

"Cut. By the way, Yu Tong seems to be interested in Wang Tao!"

"The two of them are worse than me. It's too fake. They are both interesting, so they just pretend to be reserved." Lin Tianwen said with a smile.

"No one else can compare to you now."

"Qingya said at noon that she would like to come out to work after giving birth."

"Is it safe to go back to Tianwei?"

"Set up a new company to sell diet pills!"

"Weight loss pills?"

"Yes, it's a by-product of the genetic enhancement solution!"

"Since she has this idea, then we support her."

"Well, support must be supported. It is whether this new company is placed under Tiandihui or independent."

"It's up to you!"

"I thought you could give me some advice!"

"Your opinion is my opinion."

"Let's establish it as a subsidiary of Tiandihui!" Lin Tianwen thought for a while and said.

"Okay. Then I have another elite soldier under my command." Xuan Xuan said with a smile.

At this time, it was already late at night in the United States on the other side of the Pacific Ocean.

The head of the consortium behind Merck looked at the list of losses on the table and was furious.

"Art and the others just gave up like this? Are we going to pay for the loss? Is he dementia?"

"Mr. The consortium behind Art should have received some message before giving up on his own initiative."

"Any news from the intelligence services?"

"nothing now."

"They gave up. We can't give up. A new round of leadership elections is about to begin. The next election will be ours. Therefore, we have to continue."

"But sir, Lin Tianwen has been in China all along, and we have nothing to do with him."

"Why is there no way, how do you do your intelligence work? Is the company spending so much money every year to feed the dogs?"

"Sir, Art let Lin Tianwen's girlfriend go, otherwise we will have bargaining chips!"

"Doesn't Lin Tianwen have a younger sister in New York?"

"Sir, are you talking about his uncle's daughter?"


"Sir, our people have been closely monitoring. It's just that she only contacted Lin Tianwen once. The intelligence department's analysis of their relationship is not that good!"

"What about the information from Huaxia?"

"Lin Tianwen's father has never been on good terms with his younger brother."

"According to you, is Lin Tianwen's younger sister worthless at all?"

"No, sir, according to the thinking of Chinese people, no matter how bad the relationship is, blood and family ties cannot be parted. Therefore, if you really need a bargaining chip, his sister is very suitable."

"Give the intelligence department three days. I want to know why Art gave up. The consortium behind him is not easy to talk to."

"Okay, sir."

There are many reasons why Art gave up, including voices from within the consortium, diplomatic pressure, the financial stick of Unlimited Company, and the high-tech released by Lin Tianwen.

Art can be the leader of Eagle Sauce, and he will definitely not suffer from dementia. Even if he makes a wrong decision, his subordinates will wipe his ass. Besides, he was a rich man before the election, which shows that his brain must be very powerful.

The consortium behind Merck is very dissatisfied with the previous results. They are about to participate in the election of the new leader, and this time it is a weapon to attack the opponent.

The election of the leader of Yingjiang is actually a game of the consortium behind it. Whoever goes up and who goes down is a competition between the consortiums.

The consortium behind Merck has been coveting Lin Tianwen's company for a long time. They thought they could reach a tacit agreement with Art's consortium to take down Lin Tianwen's company, but they didn't expect the other party to give up.

The result of giving up is that the U.S. stock market has been robbed by other hot money and financial These hot money and financial institutions are like sharks that smell blood, biting the stock market of Eagle Sauce beyond recognition.

Although the high technology released by Lin Tianwen only affects the technology industry on the surface, it will actually affect most of the listed companies.

Because the consortium behind Eagle Sauce did not reach a consensus, when the consortium behind Art decided to give up, all the consortiums involved suffered great losses.

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