MTL - Shenhao’s Salted Fish Life-Chapter 825 save

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When Ye Jinghan returned to the hotel, she didn't even have a meal.

This kind of treatment has never been done before.

In the past, filming was basically a day.

The feeling of not being able to eat even if you are hungry is uncomfortable to think about.

However, it is also because of her strong professional ability, otherwise her expressions and movements are not in place, and she can only repeat and repeat.

First go back to the room, take a shower, make up and change clothes.

Because she was going to shoot, when she went out in the morning, she went there in a sweater, jeans and sneakers.

In addition, she didn't have much makeup on her face, and it was washed off just now, so she still had no makeup when she came back.

I'm too embarrassed to put on makeup in the car.

It happened that I sweated a little during the filming, and I just came back to take a shower.

When she came to the restaurant downstairs, there were still several tables of guests eating.

I found a vacant seat and sat down, and the waiter came over immediately and brought the menu and water.

Lixuan Chinese Restaurant specializes in Sichuan cuisine and Cantonese cuisine, which are also the cuisines used in restaurants in many five-star hotels.

After decades of publicity and dissemination, Sichuan cuisine can be found in almost every place in China, and the common people have a high degree of acceptance.

Even in Lin Tianwen's family, a traditional rural family in Zhejiang Province, because they had eaten Sichuan cuisine, Lin's mother would add some spicy food when cooking.

Ye Jinghan ordered a few dishes and asked for a bowl of rice.

While waiting for the food to be served, she selected a few photos in her photo album, edited them a bit, and posted them on Moments.

Unexpectedly, Lin Tianwen was the first to give her a thumbs up.

This made her feel ecstatic. She thought that Lin Tianwen had been paying attention to her.

In fact, Lin Tianwen just happened to finish the phone call, and happened to see her posting in Moments, so he liked it, which didn't mean anything else.

Ye Jinghan's mood has been very happy since then. Even if the waiter accidentally knocked over the water glass and wet her skirt when serving the food, she was not annoyed, and kept telling the waiter that it was okay.

The waiter was stunned, it seems that she should say sorry, why does this customer keep saying it’s okay, the smile on his face is so sweet and happy, if she is not a waitress, she would have wondered if this customer is interested in her up.

No, it seems to be a woman, that's fine too.

However, this guest is so good-looking, how could he have any thoughts about her.

I really don't blame the waiter for thinking too much, but Ye Jinghan's current state tends to be a little bewildered.

Fortunately, in the following service, the customer was fine, which reassured the waitress a lot.

After eating and paying the bill, Ye Jinghan went directly to the IFC downstairs.

In the evening, she was going to be a guest at Lin Tianwen's house, and she planned to spend a lot of money to clean herself up.

The afternoon sun was warm and pleasant.

Ye Jinghan sees everyone as amiable.

So a good mood can really affect a person's state at that time.

But soon after I entered the IFC, this good mood slowly disappeared.

"It's so expensive, but it's really beautiful."

Ye Jinghan was looking at dresses in Chanel's store, and seeing the price on the label, she felt that her wallet was hurting.

I can afford it, but I really don't want to.

While hesitating, her phone rang.

I took it out and saw that it was Gong Na calling.

"Hello, Nana."

"Jinghan, have you finished shooting your magazine?"

"The filming was finished in the morning, and I didn't expect it to be so fast."

"Then where are you now? I'm here to pick you up."

"I'm shopping in the IFC. Have you come? Where are you now?"

"I'm in the lobby of the Ritz-Carlton. Wait for me, I'll go find you."

"Well, well, I'm on Chanel's side."


Ye Jinghan put away the phone, looked at the cabinet lady next to her, gave up the dress in front of her, and turned to look at other clothes.

After waiting for about ten minutes, just when the cabinet sister was about to give up on her and serve other gods, Gong Na arrived.

Gong Na's appearance made all the cabinet sisters in the Chanel store shine.

A suit of high-end clothing, a six-carat diamond ring on the ring finger of the left hand, a Bulgari snake-shaped full-diamond bracelet on the right wrist, a watch on the left wrist, a necklace on the neck, and earrings on the earlobe, as if reminding these The well-informed cabinet sister has a big client.

"Jinghan." Gong Na looked around, as if she didn't see the eager eyes of the cabinet sister, she shouted at Ye Jinghan who was looking at the clothes.

When Ye Jinghan heard someone calling her, she put down the tag in her hand, turned around and saw that it was Gong Na, and happily responded, "Nana."

The two quickly walked a few steps towards each other, and then hugged each other happily.

Gong Na has no plans for anyone and treats everyone very well, which is why Yan Xueer looks at her.

Not knowing is the greatest danger.

"Jinghan, do you want to buy clothes?" Gong Na took Ye Jinghan's hand and asked happily,

"Aren't you going to visit your house? Don't dress up?" Ye Jinghan said with a smile.

"If I had known this, I would have brought some for you. There are too many new clothes at home, and I didn't have time to wear them, and we are about the same size, so you can definitely wear them." Gong Na said.

What this girl said was very simple.

Fortunately, Ye Jinghan understands Gong Na's character, and knows that she is not showing off, but also for her sake.

"Really? I'll go to your house to see your cloakroom that night." Ye Jinghan said with a smile.

"Okay. Let me tell you, there will be clothes sent by brands every season at home, plus high-end clothing, it's really too late to wear." Gong Na said.

"I'm so envious." Ye Jinghan said.

"Don't be envious, you can have it too." Gong Na leaned into Ye Jinghan's ear and whispered.

"I dare not think about it." Ye Jinghan waved her hand and said.

"You can think about it, think boldly." Gong Na said with a smile.

Her words made Ye Jinghan start to think wildly again, and with the fact that Lin Tianwen gave her a thumbs up at noon, she wondered if something really good was about to happen.

"I dare not." Ye Jinghan said duplicity.

"If you don't dare, don't dare. I'll give you advice on which clothes you like." Gong Na changed the subject.

"I saw a dress just now. I really like it, but it's too expensive. It costs more than 40,000 yuan." Ye Jinghan said.

"Really? Which skirt?" Gong Na asked.

"Here, just this black skirt." Ye Jinghan pointed to one side and said.

Gong Na pulled her to the front of the skirt, took it off, made a few gestures in front of Ye Jinghan, and found that it was really suitable.

"It's really pretty. But why is it sleeveless? Will it be cold in this weather?"

"It matches this small white suit. What do you think?" Ye Jinghan pointed to the other side of the clothes and asked.

"Okay. Try it." Gong Na said.

"Farewell, the two clothes cost 60,000." Ye Jinghan said in a low voice.

"I'll give it to you." Gong Na said.

Ye Jinghan froze for a moment, then said with a smile: "Nana, you are too kind, but we are just friends, and we haven't known each other for a long time."

"I'm sorry, Jinghan, I didn't consider your feelings." Gong Na also realized that she had said the wrong thing, and quickly apologized.

"It's okay. But I still have to thank you. Since I was a child, no one has wanted to give me such an expensive gift." Ye Jinghan said with a smile.

"It's not very expensive." Gong Na said lightly.

"Okay. Sure enough, our levels are different." Ye Jinghan said.

To Gong Na, 60,000 yuan was just a drizzle.

But for Ye Jinghan, it was equivalent to one-seventh of her annual income.

"Since you think it's expensive, I don't think it's okay not to buy it. You look good in your current outfit," Gong Na said.

Ye Jinghan looked in the mirror and found that she was really good-looking.

"It's great to save 60,000 yuan." She said with a smile.

"It's getting late, we can start now." Gong Na looked at the time and said.

"Nana, I want to go back to the hotel to get something." Ye Jinghan said.

"Then let's go."


Chanel's cabinet sister could only watch the big customer leave her shop just like that.

Gong Na accompanied Ye Jinghan back to the hotel room.

Ye Jinghan took a bag, packed some cosmetics, and said to Gong Na: "Now we can go."

Seeing her, Gong Na took the cosmetics. She wanted to remind her whether she should take a change of clothes, but then she thought, there are everything in the manor, so it's okay if you don't take them.

"Let's go, the car is waiting downstairs."

"Suddenly a little nervous." Ye Jinghan said with a smile.

"Don't be nervous~ I'm not taking you to Savage Valley." Gong Na said.


When the shuttle was parked on the docking platform of the manor, Ye Jinghan saw the scenery of the manor through the porthole, and could no longer close her mouth.

"Do you think it's beautiful?" Gong Na asked with a smile.

"It's so beautiful. I didn't know that I thought I came to the Royal Garden." Ye Jinghan said.

"Hahaha. Let's go down. You see, Xue'er is already waiting for us below." Gong Na pointed out the window and said.

Ye Jinghan looked around, and sure enough, she saw Yan Xueer's figure.

"Then let's go."

The two got off the shuttle, and Yan Xueer was standing pretty in the passage waiting for them.

"Jinghan, you are welcome to be our guest." She hugged Ye Jinghan and said.

"Thank you Cher."

The three of them were chatting in the living room, Lin Tianwen came to the living room from the study after receiving the servant's report.

"Jinghan, you are here. Welcome to be a guest." He said with a smile.

"Hello, Mr. Lin."

"Hello. If Jinghan has any needs, just ask."

"Thank you, Mr. Lin."

Lin Tianwen nodded to her and left the living room. As soon as he left, Xuan Xuan also came into the living room.

It was the first time she saw Ye Jinghan. After carefully looking at her, she smiled and said, "It's so beautiful."

"My sister is really beautiful." Ye Jinghan said.

"Oh, thank you." Xuan Xuan said with a smile.

Lin Tianwen, who was watching ornamental fish in the main hall, heard Xuan Xuan's voice, and returned to the living room.

"What a pretty girl, you can bear it." Seeing Lin Tianwen coming, Xuan Xuan stepped forward a few steps and whispered.

"There are tens of thousands of pretty girls, and I can't possibly want them all." Lin Tianwen said with a smile.

Xuan Xuan thought for a while, then nodded with a smile.

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