MTL - Shipborne Special Forces-Chapter 10 Accidents are always unexpected

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Bi Gangtian frowned twice, looked at Wang Aiguo with a disgusted expression, and said, "Cooperating with you is really my soldier. This brother, dare to ask where is Xianxiang?"

"S city," Wang Aiguo replied.

"Oh, is there no one in s? You can come in like this?"

After listening to Bi Gangtian's words, Wang Aiguo quickly pleaded: "Captain, it's not good for you to speak like this. After all, it was only 170 during my physical examination."

As a result, Wang Aiguo had just finished speaking, and there was an uproar at the scene, and everyone looked at him in horror. Standing at the back of Wang Aiguo, San Fat whispered, "When you're fat, bragging about picking fewer people, so many people are there."

Wang Wang Aiguo now has the feeling of strangling three fats, and said to himself, "Whatever is bragging, we are from a car. Although the physical examination is not together, but believe me a bit!"

As a result, Bi Gangtian suddenly realized, "You are talking about height?"

"It's weight." Wang Aiguo said silently.

"..." The scene was quiet.

After a short while, Bi Gangtian said again, "Then you are expensive now?"

King Wang Aiguo smiled a little bit and said, "Not expensive, only 220."

"Well, may I ask what brand of pig feed you are eating, I will buy some pigs for my family when I look back." Bi Gangtian said seriously.

King Patriotic: "..."

On the second day of the new barracks, Wang Aiguo passed through the blows again and again. Of course, Bi Gangtian was the hardest hit.

That night, Bi Gangtian called the three of Jia District to the office and pointed at Wang Aiguo's photo. "This is the soldier you are looking for? This person can drag the goods for ten seconds."

What Bi Gangtian said was an average speed of three kilometers. The assessment of three kilometers in the recruit barracks depends on the total score. In Wang Aiguo's current situation, the average time of a three-kilometer team for ten seconds does not seem to be a problem at all.

Of course, it's not just Bi Gangtian that has a headache now, Wang Aiguo himself has a headache too.

Because he hasn't forgotten the previous contract until now, his grandfather said that he would get at least one reward for each army.

The new barracks should also be counted as a unit, so how can he get outstanding soldiers or awards here? After all, whoever sees him now is the same as seeing a ghost.

I just thought about it like this, Wang Aiguo fell asleep.

Uh ...

一 大 In the early morning of the third day, Wang Aiguo and others just cleaned the sanitation, and a lot of big buses drove into the camp. Then, just like yesterday, a lot of people came down from the car with big bags.

Upon seeing the recruits, Bi Gangtian ran out of the building with a little excitement. Now that Wang Aiguo has been divided in, he has no choice but to continue to hope that a few more physically fit guys can come in to offset Wang Aiguo's hind legs.

As a result, Grandpa Bi was close to the crowd, and another middle-aged man in a white military uniform appeared next to Grandpa Bi.

When he saw Grandpa Bi, he sneered and said, "Ah, Old Bi, are you going to pull people?"

"You are all here, why can't I come?" Grandpa Bi said in a strange voice.

Seeing that these two people were not dealing with each other, Wang Aiguo asked Jia District, "Jia District, what's the situation?"

"What else is happening? Don't deal with 呗!" Jia Qu replied casually.

After a brief explanation, Wang Aiguo then knew what was happening. Next to co-author Grandpa Bi is the captain of the 11 team, and the team captain and Grandpa Bi have been in a class since they attended the military academy. I heard that when they went to the military academy, they did not deal with it. They were better than physical fitness, more professional, and better military quality.

Now both people are already captains, and it ’s boring to compare themselves. Then their new fun is to be better than the soldiers they bring.

There is an iron rule in the 12th team of Chenyang Recruit Battalion. It can be lost to any team, but it cannot be lost to the 11th team.

Uh ...

In the end, Bi Gangtian and the captain of the 11th team broke up. On the way back, Grandpa Bi saw Wang Aiguo at a glance, then walked in front of Wang Aiguo with a cold face and said, "Wang Aiguo, if you dare to drag your feet for three kilometers, I will kill you."

"Captain, strong twisted melon is not sweet." Wang Aiguo said a little bit embarrassed.

Bi Gangtian didn't say anything, just looked at the 11 team captains in the distance. It seemed to feel Bi Gangtian's gaze. The captain of the 11 team turned his head and looked at Bi Gangtian provocatively.

Immediately, Bi Gangtian snorted at Wang Aiguo, and said yin and yang strangely, "It's all right, you, I'll stare in person!" After finishing talking, Gang Tian turned to the building.

Suddenly, Wang Aiguo looked at the back of Bi Gangtian's departure and suddenly felt that he was too hasty to sign the contract. This unit seems a little different from what he imagined!

…… ..

The number of puppets has not yet arrived. After all, everyone comes from all over the world, and the arrival times are different.

In addition, no military uniform was issued, and everyone was still wearing their own casual clothes. I heard that this uniform must be sent to everyone before they arrive, so as to avoid the problem of incorrect numbers.

Because the number of people hasn't come together ~ ~ Everyone has not officially started training. Of course, everyone is happy.

But the face that Bi Gangtian appeared from time to time let Wang Aiguo be like a thorn in his back. He was just a bit fatter. Do n’t stare at him like this?

Fortunately, Bi Gangtian didn't do anything to Wang Aiguo, just stared at him occasionally, as if urging him to lose weight.

教导 On the third night, the trainer decided to show you a movie. After all, it is not a problem for everyone to brag in the bedroom every night.

When the movie was shown, Wang Aiguo looked at the projection cloth and suddenly felt familiar.

不会 The yellow color in this white will not be ...

King Wang's patriotic secret road is not good. After a few seconds, he saw a butt-sized hole in the projection cloth raised by the trainer.

"Specially, who is it? Who is so unethical? Cut a hole in the projection cloth!" The instructor growled angrily.

In the monstrous anger of the instructor, Wang Aiguo felt the chrysanthemum tight. He clenched his **** tightly and said, "Don't find me, don't find me, don't ever!"

的 The movie I watched tonight is the most amazing movie Wang Aiguo has seen since his birth, because 80% of the time the movie's actor is headless. No way, Wang Aiguo cut right in the center, so he just cut the head of the actor.

Uh ...

After a week of coming to Chenyang Recruit Barracks, the recruits were basically there. The miscellaneous work around Chenyang Recruit Barracks was basically done for everyone. In this period, although the amount of exercise was not particularly large, Wang Aiguo still felt that he had lost a lot of weight.

The biggest reason for this is that Bi Gangtian is a northerner. He likes to eat buns so much that everyone must accompany him to eat buns.