MTL - Shipborne Special Forces-Chapter 624 Please pay attention to washing

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But wouldn't he not say it if he didn't say it to others?

Then Wang Chongbo glanced at Aole and then sneered.

"Oh, you know how sorry I am, okay, if you don't say that, I will speak for you!"

He said that Wang Chongbo looked at Wang Aiguo Road: "After you walked away like this, he didn't know what was going on, and he became obsessed with the invention of machinery."

"That's good, it can be considered to contribute to the army!" Wang Aiguo nodded, even more puzzled.

This is a good thing.

Wang Chongbo quickly sneered again: "The idea may be a good idea, but things are not necessarily good. After you leave, he is obsessed with the innovation of equipment and machinery."

"The sewers at our navy hotel seemed to be blocked two days ago. Then he told others that he could solve this problem. He made something similar to an air cannon to pass the sewers."

After listening to Wang Aoguo, he nodded again. This is not a problem. It feels that if he does, he will do something similar.

好 "Okay, stop talking nonsense, let's talk about the point, what's going on!"

重点 "The point is that his air cannon did not clear the sewer, and then he thought it might be because there was too much gas in the sewer, so he threw a match stick in it, and then ..."

He said that Wang Chongbo pointed to the side of the navy hotel.

At this time, Wang Aiguo discovered that the road not far from the Navy Hotel had been blocked, and many firefighters were urgently repairing the road there.

Wang Aiguo hesitated for a moment, and suddenly did not understand what was happening.

"You mean, he made this way!"

Wang Wang Aiguo looked at Ole with a look of amazement and said to Wang Chongbo.

At this moment, Aole finally couldn't help but said, "It makes sense to me, that's not to blame me. I thought I used an air cannon to break up the biogas inside, but I didn't expect that there was so much biogas blocked inside. A match went down, not only the sewer pipe, but even this road surface collapsed for me! "

After Wu Aole had finished speaking, Wang Aiguo was full of black money. This man was really reckless.

Wang Chongbo said at this moment: "I told you that if it wasn't because of the military and police family, they didn't bother you, otherwise you would be a terrorist attack!"

Wu Aole: "..."

"This is the case, I'm also out of good intentions, don't say that to me!"

Tong Aoer was crying and grieving.

He was really kind, but that's nothing, just like Wang Aiguo said, just in time, just in time.

Speaking of this, Wang Aiguo also knew what the situation was, so he shook his head and said to Wang Chongbo.

"Okay, things are over, anyway, someone has repaired it, so just bear with it for a few days, then, come back, wait for me, I'm going to take a bath, I'll go up and get my toiletries."

"Good!" Wang Chongbo and Aole nodded at the same time.

Uh ...

Wang Aiguo soon came down with his own toiletries, and the three of them went to the repair shop together.

Now all the water in the naval hotel is out of use. Everyone gets the water from the repair center.

Of course, someone else borrowed a faucet from the repair facility on the first floor of the building, but Wang Aiguo could go to Donghejian to borrow it.

The three of them appeared, and the captain didn't say anything. Even everyone was very polite and asked them to wash first.

Even in the building of the repair shop, the shower room is a large shower room.

Reason, Wang Aiguo was not very accustomed to this large bathhouse. After all, southerners did not have the habit of going to a large bathhouse. Most of them were shower rooms in their own homes.

But since joining the army, Wang Aiguo has gradually become accustomed to it, and is also used to walking around in the large bathhouse in a striped fashion, and even washing clothes by the way.

Soon, the three began to take a shower.

I was washing and washing, Wang Aiguo suddenly noticed that Aole suddenly squatted on the ground, as if washing clothes.

Okay, it's not a big deal to wash clothes, but Ole was a little weird.

Wang Aiguo felt a little strange when he saw Aole washing clothes there, because he clearly saw something strange in Aole's hands.

I looked carefully again, and Wang Aiguo suddenly discovered that Aole's hands were actually socks.

At this moment, Wang Aiguo was silent. You put on socks to wash clothes. Are these two things really suitable to be put together?

"Olle, can you wash your clothes like this? Are you afraid that the clothes will smell?"

After hearing Wang Aiguo's words, Aole looked up at Wang Aiguo in doubt.

"It might smell. I'll wash the socks first, and then put them on my hands!"

"How do you say this topic? I personally feel that this bacterium is unlikely to be completely cleaned. Besides, you said that you are not using laundry detergent, you are using shampoo. The residual bacteria may be more serious. Plus your foot ... "

"What's my foot? My feet are clean, and I have no athlete's foot!" Ole frowned, looking at Wang Aiguo with dissatisfaction.

At this time, Wang Chongbo, who was showering with body wash on his side, stretched his head and glanced at Aole deeply.

"No athlete's foot? Yeah, you are indeed athleteless, but you have Hong Kong feet!"

As soon as this word came out ~ ~ Aole stopped on the spot and jumped up loudly.

"Put your shit, who has Hong Kong feet, my feet are very clean. I have to wash my feet every night when I go to bed. I have to wash my feet before going to bed at noon. I wash them so many times every day How could I have Hong Kong feet! "

After Wu Aole had finished speaking, Wang Chongbo stopped hitting the shower gel, walked directly in front of Aole, and then solemnly said.

"Just make sense, people like us who have no athlete's foot and don't smell bad feet don't need to wash so many times. Isn't it because you know that your feet smell bad?"

After Wang Chongbo said Wang Aiguo silently gave him a praise in his heart, but why did he silently like it in his heart? Mainly because he felt that Wang Chongbo should not be Aole's opponent.

The result was not the same, the next moment Aole directly sent a monkey to steal the peach.

Then Wang Chongbo rolled in the bathroom, anxious.

"Human, to be honest is to pay the price!" Wang Aiguo looked at Wang Chongbo rolling on the ground and said with a sneer.

But then again, Wang Aiguo still feels that there is a problem with the way of washing clothes by Aole. You take shampoo to wash your socks in Hong Kong feet, and then you take the socks in Hong Kong feet to wash your clothes and even underwear. Do you really feel fit?

However, with Wang Chongbo's lesson learned, Wang Aiguo didn't say much, just turned his head and washed himself, anyway, this clothes was not what he wore.