MTL - Shipborne Special Forces-Chapter 632 Navy whistle (Unfortunately, I didn't return one year)

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But in fact Ning Cheng used basically all ordinary whistle, not naval whistle. The reason is also very simple, because this naval whistle is always lost.

Because the navy whistle looks good, there are always people who somehow want to steal it back as a memorial.

So after the Ningcheng frigate brigade lost more than a hundred naval whistle, the ship's leader decided to replace the navy whistle with an ordinary whistle. No one would ask for an ordinary penny for 5 cents.

When he saw the naval whistle in Dadong's pocket, Wang Aiguo was suddenly very excited, because this was also the first time he saw the naval whistle. In the past, he just heard that he had not seen the real thing.

"Squad leader, this whistle is very beautiful!" Wang Chongbo said excitedly as he looked at the navy whistle in Dadong's shirt pocket.

After listening to Wang Chongbo's words, Dadong took the navy whistle out of his pocket, put it on his hand, and shook it in front of everyone.

"It's a navy whistle, it's beautiful, pure steel! I tell you, this is not the best. There is a silver navy whistle in our naval warehouse, which looks exactly like this, but it is silver. This Things are the highest honor of the Navy. Only those who have made great contributions to the Navy can get such a silver naval whistle when they retire. "

"Oh!" Everyone was very excited when they heard it.

Maybe many people don't believe in a naval whistle, is it really so rare? In fact, it's so rare, this thing is rare anywhere, because the loss rate of this thing is really high.

Most people would rather take this whistle than lose money. Basically, the whistle just disappeared when they got it back.

After listening to Dadong's words, everyone came forward one by one and looked closely at the naval whistle.

After looking at it for a while, Cao Lei came forward and said excitedly: "Dadong squad leader, I heard that this naval whistle is different from the ordinary whistle, how is it different?"

After hearing Cao Lei's question, Dadong smiled.

"The naval whistle does have some differences from the ordinary whistle. The voice of the navy whistle is particularly long and relatively quiet. It's like this ..."

He said, Dadong held the naval whistle in his mouth.

Soon, everyone heard-hiss!

After the sound came out, everyone was stunned. This sound, everyone did not know what melodious it is, this sound is more like a hole in the ball.

After listening to the sound, everyone looked at Dadong tremblingly, did not understand what was happening.

Dadong was aggressive at the moment, because he didn't blow at all.

"Dadong squad leader's voice is not melodious!"

Da Dadong froze for a moment, then said: "I haven't blown yet!"

At this moment Wang Aiguo raised his hand in embarrassment.

"Sorry, I fart!"

Everyone: "..."

Looking at Wang Aiguo, Dadong's eyes were very complicated. Soon Dadong shook his head and said, "Fat, I really served you. Come on, you stay away from me."

He said that Dadong took two steps out, and after leaving Wang Aiguo two meters away, he put the navy whistle in his mouth again, and soon everyone heard a melodious whistle.

Listening to this voice, everyone suddenly felt very comfortable.

This is the navy whistle, this voice seems to calm people's hearts, just like the PLA soldiers, it can make others feel at ease.

After Biao finished blowing the naval whistle, Dadong took out an ordinary whistle to the crowd: "Of course, the ordinary whistle has the benefits of an ordinary whistle. For example, the ordinary whistle sounds at least louder."

"like this……"

He said that Dadong put the ordinary whistle near his mouth, and as a result, everyone heard a bang before he blew it.

This time, the sound was quite loud, making everyone think the same as why the balloon exploded.

Dadong was aggressive again, this time he still did not blow.

Dadong nodded for a moment, and then saw this time, Wang Aiguo raised his hand again, his face flushed: "I put a fart again!"


Uh ...

After returning from the new ship that evening, Wang Aiguo held another meeting of the supervision group.

课题 And the subject of this conference is ‘Do you get seasick? '

After listening to Wang Aiguo's words, Ole and others fell into deep silence.

虽然 Although these academies are navy, they have never been on a ship, and most people do not know whether they are seasick or not.

Here's the way to say it, many people think that seasickness will be tested in advance when it enters the navy, but Wang Aiguo told you that in fact this cannot be tested.

How to test it? Does it make everyone go on a roller coaster or a pirate ship, and in fact some people just take a roller coaster and a pirate ship without being stunned, but he will faint on board, and there are some magical people who stun the boat and do not stun the big ship. Well, he faints big boats but not small boats.

The reasoning is very troublesome.

So don't expect to say that the navy does not have seasickness, seasickness and the like. There is no way to test and judge.

However, today Wang Aiguo got a more magical answer here. When everyone was silent, Ole thought for a while and raised his hand.

"I don't think I should be seasick. The ship you are talking about is going up and down, but I think I should get used to it!"

As soon as I heard this, Wang Aiguo was happy. Xiongtai, where are you so big-hearted?

"Hehe ~ ~ Then I would like to ask, why?"

"Because I can ride horses, when I ride horses, horses are much better than boats!" Aoer said solemnly.

After Ole finished speaking, Wang Ai-guo was silent, huh, all the horses came out, but it seems a bit reasonable to say that, are n’t all horses going up and down, if Ole is really used to riding, it ’s not good enough. Really not seasick.

"Well, even if you are not seasick, then I will arrange for you to go to the deputy political commissar's room on the deck to sleep. How about you? What do you think?"

The King ’s patriotism issue came out again. The original four old acceptance teams looked at each other, and the last one looked at Wang Aiguo Road: "Leader, we are old, can we apply not to board?"

"No!" Wang Aiguo refused with a smile, polite and not elegant.

And the faces of the four old acceptance groups were dark at the time. You have a polite and elegant smile. I do n’t know why it looks sooooo!

I looked at the four old guys, and Wang Aiguo could see it. These four are purely soy sauce.

Don't talk about seasickness, and your health is not very good.

And after these 4 people spoke, Wang Aiguo looked at Wang Chongbo again.

These three remain unsolved.

The three of you look at me, I look at you, and after looking at each other for a while, Wang Chongbo took the lead to raise his hand: "I feel like I should be OK, although I can't ride a horse, but I feel my balance is still good. of!"