MTL - Shipborne Special Forces-Chapter 642 I have a mouthful of salt soda!

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After the leader of the detachment said Wang Aiguo was struck by lightning, what good news is this horse riding? This horse riding is the most terrifying news.

I looked at the leader of the detachment, and Wang Aiguo couldn't even say a word for a while, and the whole person was unlucky.

I saw that Wang Aiguo was shocked. The leader of the detachment was also a little embarrassed. Obviously, he also knew that the news was not good news, at least it was not good news for Wang Aiguo.

听 "Listen to me, this thing is ..."

Before the leader of the detachment finished, Wang Aiguo fainted on the ground and rolled his eyes.

Wang Aiguo has been stimulated too much these days. Now the captain of the detachment burst out with such a big news, and finally let Wang Aiguo's endurance reach the limit and passed out.

When Wang Aiguo opened his eyes, he was already in the infirmary's infirmary.

Looking at the white ceiling, Wang Aiguo thinks why he has been looking at the ceiling in the military medical system lately?

At this moment, however, he turned his head and saw the excited face of the detachment leader again.

Then Wang Aiguo decided to turn his head back on the spot. Don't look at this person when looking at the ceiling. This person's face is much uglier than the ceiling.

At this time, the leader of the detachment was not used to Wang's patriotism, and once again excitedly grabbed Wang's shoulders.

"Fat, you're finally awake! I tell you, I still have some news to tell you, and there is bad news for you!"

King Wang Aiguo raised his eyelids and looked at the detachment captain with unrelenting eyes.

After a short while, Wang Aiguo patted his thigh and said, "Anyway, the good news is bad news, so maybe you can say that the bad news is good news. Okay, then you say it."

"Uh, the bad news is this, because you want to be a flag bearer, and it is specified above. So, you have to start training recently. Of course, the most critical question is ... you want to wear the guard of honor. That ceremonial dress, you have to lose at least 40 pounds! "

After the leader of the detachment, Wang Aiguo rolled his eyes and fainted again. Oh, sure enough, the good news is bad news, and the bad news is certainly not good news, it will only be a bigger bad news.

Uh ...

After returning from the voyage, Wang Aiguo took a day off. On this day, Wang Aiguo had a comfy stay.

King Wang's patriotism is really what he wants to eat, what he wants to drink, and he is accompanied by the whole process.

The following people were accompanied by Shen Long, Ge Dongxue and Fa Ge. Followed by the captain, the political leadership of the East River Ship, and the chief of staff of the brigade, political leadership of the detachment, and so on.

Everyone was shocked when King Patriotic went out. No one had ever seen a non-commissioned officer on a trip. A group of officers escorted!

This navy hotel made everyone think that Wang Aiguo must be something big.

In fact, Wang Aiguo's origin is really big, but others don't know what he is. The only reason they stare at him is that you have to lose weight.

After learning about everyone's purpose, Wang Aiguo really had a feeling of death.

I just want to say a word, huh, huh, if you want to kill me, I will say straight, no need to bend corners!

Uh ...

爱 Wang Aiguo chose to go to the buffet at noon that day.

Suddenly, Wang Aiguo had a stomachache at this buffet. Because he ate here, there were four tables around him, and everyone stared at him.

Looking at the murderous eyes of Shen Long and others, Wang Aiguo was crying.

"So what do you guys say let me eat my life today and enjoy the last lunch, no, the last lunch and dinner. But can you not look at me like this, you look at me like this, let me have a kind of The feeling of being sent to the execution ground after this meal! "

After King Aiguo finished speaking, his brother frowned slightly, then nodded solemnly.

其实 "Actually, I really have the feeling that after you finish this meal, we will kill you soon!"

I heard that Wang Aiguo almost died on the spot.

At that time, Wang Aiguo swallowed the flesh in his mouth and looked at Fa brother helplessly, saying, "Are you so boring about Fa brother? Have you all been there for the recruits? All came to me, just to stare I practice physical fitness alone, do you have any problems? "

After hearing this, Fa brother waved his hand: "Thanks to your software, we no longer need our management over there. Everyone has a dedicated person to enter the computer for exams, internal affairs, tolerances, etc. Basically, automatic management is realized. In addition, the team has reassigned a few more captains, which can completely take over our work. You can rest assured! "

After listening to his brother's words, Wang Aiguo felt really tired.

This meal is really like a guillotine.

Speaking of guillotine, Wang Aiguo suddenly remembered a long joke.

It is said that during World War II, the best meal was actually not the United States, but Italy.

On the battlefield, in addition to their noodles, meat, vegetables, cheese sauce and dessert, of course, more importantly, they also drank red wine on the battlefield.

It is said that there was a prisoner of war captured by Italy. After eating the meal of the Italian army for the first time, tears shed. At that time, he thought that such a good meal would be a decapitated meal.

Results, huh, huh, every meal is the standard.

Well, let's not talk about this topic for the time being.

After eating the buffet, Wang Aiguo originally wanted to go shopping ~ ~ but found that the people behind him didn't mean to leave him at all.

As a result, Wang Aiguo was no longer shopping and decided to return directly to the Navy Building. He now lives in a single dormitory. Only this single dormitory can give him a moment of quiet.

I soon arrived on the second day. On the second day, Wang Aiguo wanted to go to Ole to arrange work.

In fact, it is not important to arrange work. What is important is that he needs to excuse him to lose physical training, otherwise the elder brother and others will definitely go to him to practice physical fitness.

However, Wang Aiguo completely underestimated the determination of the detachment leader. On the way Wang Aiguo went to find Aole, a group of people had blocked him.

Wang Aiguo looked at the crowd in front of him, and then he was aggressive.

卧 "What the **** are you blocking me for?"

王 While Wang Aiguo was talking excitedly, Ole took Wang Chongbo and others to come up.

Wang Aiguo stunned for a while, and saw that Olera opened a new letter of appointment.

"Now Wang Chongbo is appointed as the Deputy Leader of the Supervision Team to handle the business of the Supervision Team fully."

I looked at the letter of appointment, Wang Aiguo threatened on the spot. What was going on? Is this a bridge crossing the river?

Who else gave this order?

Wang Aiguo lingered for a long time, and took a closer look at the stamp on that person's name book, and found out, hehe, it really is Wang Weihua.

The king of patriots cried out on the spot, hehe, this grandpa really wanted to play him dead.